Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighty-four, addiction and sadness

184, addiction and trauma 184, addiction and trauma ←→:

The carefully planned event, with Agnes and Agron's full dedication, had an effect that exceeded Agron's original expectations. At the place where Joan of Arc was martyred, the two of them sang in harmony, pretending to be the dead saint. In name, concepts such as "faith" and "patriotism" were grafted onto the empire, and the Bonaparte family became the inheritors of the patriotic spirit.

Although this kind of ideological manipulation seems inconspicuous, it is also very important, because in a country that has bid farewell to a stable feudal system and has become capricious, to solve the problem of regime legitimacy, it is necessary to solve the problem of regime legitimacy. There must be a self-defeating logic of national construction.

After delivering his speech, the grand celebration was not over yet. Agron and Agnes came to the church together, and together with other believers who were invited to enter the church, they received the mass ceremony from the parish priest.

It was not until nightfall that this long but exciting celebration finally came to an end.

Surrounded by the guards, Aigron and Agnes rode back to their residence together. A large group of people were still immersed in today's solemn atmosphere and did not disperse for a long time. They surrounded Aigron and raised their voices. Various slogans were shouted to defend the Catholic faith and support the empire, and the cheers were endless.

It wasn't until the two of them returned to the apartment where they were staying that they finally had a chance to rest their tired bodies and minds.

"Ah..." Agnes lay directly on the recliner, then narrowed her eyes and let out a sigh of contentment, "I can finally lie down..."

Compared to Aiglon, she had to wear armor and carry the flag for most of the parade, so she was naturally more tired. It was only because of her tenacity that she did not lose her composure midway.

Of course, Agron sympathized with Agnes for the hard work she had put in for him, so he took the initiative to pick up the cup and poured Agnes a glass of ice-cold juice, then poured a glass for himself, and then lay down next to her as well, " Thank you for your hard work, Agnes... all these efforts were not in vain. Did you see it today? Even the Normans who were so indifferent to me were applauding and cheering for us in the end. At least for a while, they will support me. , and this is your contribution that cannot be erased."

"Okay, when it's just the two of us, don't engage in such long talks... Just leave the political issues to your advisers. I'm just doing what I should do." Agnes said affectionately He patted Aigron on the cheek, then picked up the cup and took a sip of the drink, "I don't want to hear you say this."

"Then, let me put it simply." Aiglon smiled and shrugged, "I love you, you are so beautiful today."

Then, he also took a big sip of the drink, but he did not drink it. Instead, he leaned in front of Agnes. Their lips touched each other, and then they sucked each other eagerly, "sharing" the rare leisure and time at this moment. peaceful.

Over this period of time, the two people have long been accustomed to being affectionate with each other, and there will always be interactions between lovers, but for Aiglon tonight, he seemed to have something else.

After ending the kiss, he asked Agnes again, "Today in the square, you seemed to be in a trance for a while... Was it because you stood at the place where she was martyred that you were touched?"

"Yes, but that's not entirely the case." Agnes nodded slightly, and then she answered in an uncertain tone, "I feel like I saw the girl...she was tied to the cross. , looking down at me. I confessed to her and asked her to forgive our sins and bless us to lead this country to peace and prosperity in the future. Judging from the last scene, maybe she did agree?"

Of course Aigron knew that this was an illusion created by the group atmosphere, but he didn't intend to ruin the scenery, so he smiled and said,

"Perhaps she has not only forgiven you, but even blessed you? You didn't know that at that time you were standing in the center of the square, and the golden light falling from the sky poured onto you from the clouds. Isn't that the Lord's blessing? Is this a blessing to you? How about we verify it?"

Agnes's face suddenly turned red. During this period of time, she had become increasingly unable to resist this young man - perhaps subconsciously, she also hoped to use this kind of joy to completely indulge and paralyze herself.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what you're thinking!" Before she completely fell, she suddenly gave Aigron a vicious look.

Then she raised her hand, squeezed Aigron's neck, and then whispered her threat, "If you call me the wrong name later, I will strangle you to death! I am not giving you Playing as someone’s replacement!”

Her words were both threatening and coquettish, and they also contained an unspeakable invitation... Aigron wanted to defend himself, but in the end he said nothing and instead showed his love with actions.

The night was long as usual.

Some people are indulging in joy, while others are depressed and sad. This is always the case in the world.

At this time, Prince Albrecht, who was far away in Paris, was troubled by everything he was facing.

Just two days ago, he received a letter from his parents from Austria. There was not much warmth in the letter. On the contrary, his father severely accused him of only eating, drinking and having fun after running to Paris, and he did not reveal anything about his sister to his parents. thing, and his father also threatened that if he does this again in the future, he will be shut down immediately when he returns to his country.

This letter naturally made the young prince feel aggrieved - he had wanted to report his sister's matter to his parents for a long time, but his sister insisted not to let him tell her, so how could he blame himself?

In addition to being aggrieved, he couldn't help but feel a little resentful of his sister's actions - I have already said that even if I don't report it, my parents will see it in the newspaper sooner or later. What's the point of covering your ears like this?

Of course, neither his parents nor his sister dared to complain, so he had no choice but to swallow the bitter pill honestly.

The more bitter he felt, the more resentful he became towards Miss Agnes. If it hadn't been for her, how could such a turmoil have happened in his family? How could my sister endure such grievance?

The prince could also feel the anger in Archduke Karl's words. It was obvious that his father was extremely dissatisfied with His Highness's abandonment of his wife and his mistress's practice of stealing the limelight. In the prince's view, she was just a plaything for the king's pleasure. She actually dared to be so high-profile, which made her sister lose face.

In addition, his father also ordered the prince in the letter to remind the young lady to restrain herself, so the prince couldn't wait to make her understand his "duty".

However, this doesn't look as easy as imagined.

After living in Paris, he has been paying attention to news from all walks of life, and naturally learned the big news of Agron's assassination at the first time. According to newspaper reports, during this assassination operation, the Agnes He also made a big splash, seriously injuring an assassin and saving him.

The newspapers that were already boasting about Agnes, after this incident, did not hesitate to use all kinds of flattering words to praise the girl's "merit", as if she single-handedly saved the country.

Such overwhelming praise naturally made the prince feel even more uncomfortable.

However, no matter how unhappy he felt, he could not ignore or obliterate this achievement.

Although he is extremely dissatisfied with his brother-in-law's actions at the moment, overall he still admires his brother-in-law who has created such a great career at a young age. Moreover, if his brother-in-law encounters any accident and makes his sister a widow, then everything will be over. .

He even suspected that his sister, who loved her husband deeply, could not accept the bad news that her husband had abandoned her, and she might have a mental breakdown.

So, from any perspective, he should be grateful to Miss Agnes for her heroic rescue.

Thanking the "haters" is an extremely unpleasant thing at any time, and it also makes the inexperienced prince feel like he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Stay out of it? That sister is so pitiful. She is isolated and helpless in a foreign country. She and her parents are her last support. If she is indifferent to her humiliation, how should she deal with herself? Therefore, he couldn't pretend that nothing happened - not to mention that his father had given him an order.

But how should I intervene, so that the young lady would understand that what I had done had crossed the line, without appearing to be ungrateful?

After all, he was still too young and had very little life experience. His noble background could not provide him with any guidance or help on this issue, so no matter how hard he thought about it, he felt overwhelmed and unable to do what he wanted.

In desperation, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and write a letter to his father. In the letter, he apologized to his father in the most sincere manner. He did not mention anything about his sister's order not to reveal the information, but promised that he would obey the order. act. Then, he briefly relayed some recent events to his parents, implying that he was also in some trouble.

He knew that his father would not be happy after receiving this letter, but what could be done?

His brother-in-law had once again plunged the whole family into embarrassment and anxiety, and this time he didn't even have any excuse, it was just for his own pleasure.

How perfect things would have been without this! He couldn't help but lament the impermanence of fate - he thought he had survived all the storms, but he didn't expect that there was another storm waiting for him. Even his stubborn sister would probably be saddened by it.

The heavy psychological burden made him feel a little uninterested, and naturally he couldn't find the interest to visit various famous buildings in Paris. He usually stayed at home and only visited his sister in the Tuileries Palace every few days, and Trey Sha also seemed to welcome visits from her relatives very much, and would receive him as soon as possible every time to relieve her mental pressure.

After writing his reply to his father, he went to visit Theresa again.

Compared to the meeting two days ago, Teresa seemed to be in a worse state of mind. The previous incident of Aigron's assassination put a lot of mental pressure on her, which naturally affected her state.

But fortunately, Chanel was by her side to take good care of her, and finally no accidents happened to her.

"I received a letter from my father, sister." After meeting Theresa, Prince Albrecht bravely reported the bad news to her. "As I expected, he already knew about it, and he also wrote it in the letter. He scolded me for not reporting the information and told me that he would punish me when I got back."

Although she had long expected that her father would know these things, when the dust settled, Teresa couldn't help but feel a little sad, "It was me who added trouble to him again..."

"The person who caused him trouble was not you, but someone else." Albrecht shook his head, "You are the victim instead."

Her brother's comfort finally cheered up Teresa a little.

"Then what else did father say?"

"Father was furious with that young lady, thinking that she was shameless and ruined your family. She also committed the crime of transgression, running around to show off, making people ignore you as the future queen...and I also agree with father. point of view." The prince replied softly.

"This is not necessarily something she did intentionally. It's just that she has a special status and easily attracted the attention of the outside world." Teresa couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "Besides, those French people have always liked her more, who What if I come from a family they don't welcome? But it doesn't matter. I still have too much time to change people's opinions. They will forget that I am an Austrian, just like they forgot that the Emperor is Italian. "

Prince Albrecht was a little dissatisfied with his sister's answer, "Maybe you can do it in the future, but now? In any case, she has received untimely attention, and this is actually an offense to your status. Maybe she didn't do it on purpose, but that's the objective fact. So my father wanted me to warn her and let her understand that she was in an immoral position and should pay attention to her words and deeds."

"Don't do this!" Teresa frowned when she heard this, and then shook her head decisively, rejecting her father's kindness. "I know my father feels sorry for me, but we can't do this! If we do this, others will just They would think that for some fame, I went to borrow my father's power to scare and threaten a woman who threatened me. In the eyes of the French, this is more embarrassing than anything else... No, we absolutely cannot do this! What's more..."

At this point, Teresa sighed again, "What's more, she has made such great achievements recently. I should thank her for all reasons, instead of running to scold her. This is too ridiculous. ”

The prince knew that his sister was right, but it was hard for him to swallow this breath. "What should we do? Do we really have to turn a blind eye? Dad will never allow it... How can I explain to dad?"

Teresa looked at her brother who was anxious for her and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I know you have good intentions, but as I said, this matter is only a matter between His Highness and I, and only we can handle it... If you insist on giving an explanation to your father, I suggest you go find Mrs. Alice. , it is better to convey father’s opinions to her than to reprimand Miss Agnes in person.”

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