Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and ninety-nine, back to Beijing

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 199, Returning to Beijing Full of joy, Count Alexander Walewski returned to the embassy after hastily bidding farewell to Palmerston.

As soon as he returned to the embassy, ​​he wrote a detailed note, reenacting the conversation between himself and Mr. Palmerston and inserting his own opinions between paragraphs.

He then handed the record to the head of the delegation, Duke Bassano, for review. After the Duke reviewed and revised the record, the record was turned into a memorandum, which was then sent back to Paris through special diplomatic channels for Talleyrand. Reviewed by the Prince and His Majesty the King of Rome.

Like the previous memos, this memorandum will be sealed later and then hidden deep in the filing cabinet of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, becoming a forgotten wave in the long history.

However, the waves set off by these humble documents will be powerful enough to change the map of Europe.

Just as Alexander was writing his own record with enthusiasm, his "brother" finally ended his nationwide tour and returned to Paris.

Just like the last time he entered the city, the government held a grand welcome ceremony for His Majesty the King of Rome, and Aiglon also waved to the onlookers with full enthusiasm, demonstrating his conquest of the entire country.

In the midst of this grand procession, the long-traveled team slowly returned to the Tuileries Palace along the streets of Paris.

Prince Talleyrand, Marshal Soult and others were already waiting here. After seeing Aiglon, they all congratulated the King of Rome on the successful conclusion of the parade.

According to the scheduled plan, national parliamentary elections will be held soon. This legal parliament will decide the next state system of the country. After the parliament passes the resolution, a referendum will be held immediately to confirm the legitimacy of the state system. .

During this tour, Aigron tried his best to get closer to the people and improve his popularity. His efforts were effective. People cheered for him everywhere he passed, even in areas that tended to favor the Bourbon royal family. He also adopted a "friendly and neutral" attitude towards him.

And this means that in the next parliamentary election, he will get an absolute majority to support him in the parliament. It is only natural for this parliament to recommend him as emperor.

However, at this time, Aigron's mind was not on dealing with these old men. After a few words with them, he hurried to Teresa's palace.

It had been too long since he had seen his wife. It was impossible not to miss her.

Moreover, the recent incident with Agnes has aroused the anger of his father-in-law. He needs to be more considerate to Teresa to prevent the conflict from continuing to ferment.

Under the guidance of the attendant, he came to Theresa's suite. At this time, Theresa was sitting on a chair to rest, and she was not alone. Next to her sat her brother Prince Albrecht. The two siblings are waiting for him here together.

After seeing Aiglon, Theresa stopped talking to her brother, then looked at her husband and showed a soft smile.

"Your Highness, you are back."

Perhaps because she was left alone in Paris to deal with matters, Teresa looked haggard and paler than usual, and her belly was already much higher than when he had just left Paris, and she looked close to being "ripe." "It's time."

Of course, there was another reason why she looked haggard.

"Yes, I'm back." Seeing Theresa's appearance, Aigron couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt in his heart, so he walked quickly to Theresa, and then carefully hugged her, "Dear Yes, I miss you very much."

Teresa stared closely at her husband, who was close at hand, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly leave again.

Although during this period of time, she had countless resentments against Aiglon, but when she saw her husband again and was stared at by his eyes again, most of the resentment and anger in her heart quietly disappeared. .

Even though she knew that his words might not be sincere, the three years of coexistence between the couple and the countless warm memories made Teresa indulge in the warmth and love at the moment.

"I will only miss you more than you do." She replied softly.

Then, she held her husband tightly and said, "Your Highness, from now on, you are not allowed to leave me for so long! Otherwise, I don't know if I can bear it next time!"

Aigron's fingers were a little painful from Theresa's pinching. He also knew in his heart that his wife was silently protesting against what he had done. He could only nod with a wry smile and agreed to Theresa's request.

"Definitely, I will never be separated from you for so long... We will always be together, rule this country, and enjoy the love of everyone."

Then, he gently helped Theresa sit up again, and then turned his attention to Albrecht, who had been silent next to him.

"Albert, long time no see! It looks like you have grown up."

Albrecht stood up quickly, bowed slightly, and saluted his brother-in-law whom he had not seen for many years. "Long time no see, Your Majesty."

He had been watching the interaction between his sister and brother-in-law just now, and he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Before Aiglon and Teresa got engaged, he had visited Archduke Karl's manor several times, and naturally had many contacts with the young prince.

In the prince's memory, his brother-in-law was suave and had extraordinary swordsmanship. He could almost be said to be his childhood idol. After escaping from Vienna, his actions proved that he was not mistaken.

Although he inevitably had some complaints against his brother-in-law because of those things recently, when he looked at Aigron face to face, the respect he had for his brother-in-law when he was young took over his mind again.

At the moment, the King of Rome is unstoppable and is about to become the Emperor of France, and his sister will also become the Queen. Everything seems so brilliant, even beyond his expectations when he was a child.

How perfect would everything be if that didn't happen? He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"You don't need to be so respectful to me." Aigron waved his hand, and then sat down, "We have known each other since we were children, and we are now a family, so why should we be so accommodating? Royal etiquette in front of outsiders. Forget it during the performance, we can be more casual in private."

After receiving encouragement from Aigron, Albrecht finally cheered up, and then chatted with his sister and brother-in-law. He also told some interesting things that happened at home after the two of them left, making the two of them laugh from time to time.

However, although it seemed that the atmosphere between the three people was intimate, chatting and laughing, there seemed to be an insurmountable gap that was unknowingly bypassed by all three of them.

However, this topic cannot be avoided after all.

After Archduke Carl heard about Agnes, he was furious because of the grievances suffered by his daughter, and wrote a letter in his own hand asking to pay attention to the impact of public opinion. Although this letter was suppressed by Theresa and was not delivered to Agnes, Agron was Of course I did.

On the one hand, as the initiator, he himself caused this turmoil, and he was in a position to be at fault; but on the other hand, for Aigron, this was both criticizing his approach and interfering with his Internal affairs, which would never please him.

Similarly, for the prince, whether it was his father's fate or his personal thoughts, he wanted to persuade his brother-in-law not to continue to hurt his sister's heart.

So, after talking for a while, Prince Albrecht finally made up his mind, and then asked casually.

"Your Majesty, are your entourage also back?"

As soon as this question came out, the originally harmonious atmosphere among the three people suddenly became serious. Theresa's face changed slightly, and she quickly signaled her brother with her eyes not to continue talking.

"Of course." Aigron nodded calmly, "Now that I'm back, of course my followers will come back too."

"So, is Miss Agnes back too?" the prince asked in a low voice.

"Abbott!" Teresa frowned slightly, trying to stop her brother, but the prince still did not give up. Instead, he looked at Aiglon, waiting for his reply.

"Yes, she is back too." Aigron confirmed again.

"After the newspaper bombardment, now I have heard her name very well, and my curiosity has been aroused... Since she has always been by your and my sister's side, can you let me take a look? Why don't you look at her to satisfy your curiosity?" the prince asked again.

Although he was polite on the surface, naturally everyone could see what he was insisting on.

The prince and Alice secretly discussed how to resolve this crisis. Alice promised to make her sister apologize in person, and now he is here to fulfill this promise.

"We have traveled so far, and we are all so tired, let's take a rest first." Aiglon smiled slightly, "Besides, Albert, you should know that the main responsibility for the matter lies with me. If If you want to find someone to blame, then I'm right in front of you now, so why bother looking for something far away?"

"You are in a position where I cannot criticize you for anything. I cannot criticize you." The prince shook his head gently, "Your Majesty, I don't want to cause trouble for you. Please believe that there is no such thing in the world." No one wishes you a happy life more than our family, and our family will bless you with sincere good intentions, whether before or in the future. As you can see, we just hope to be treated with the most basic respect... My father and mother are anxious for a consolation, and I implore you to grant it to us."

Faced with Albrecht's neither humble nor arrogant response, Aigron's expression couldn't help but become more solemn.

It seems that Archduke Karl, who was deeply humiliated, insisted on getting an apology for the sake of his family's face.

But he also saved face for himself, so he just asked Agnes to apologize.

Is this too much to ask for? Of course, it was not too much. Aigron knew that based on what he had done, the Grand Duke was actually very polite.

But even so, Aigron was still very unhappy. Because of his early experiences, he hated being forced by others. He was used to giving orders to others rather than being given orders.

Fortunately, judging from Teresa's performance, this was not a joint effort between Teresa and her brother to force her into a palace, but more of the prince's own persistence.

After a moment of silence, Aigron sighed softly.

"Abbott, I'm sorry. I know very well that I have offended the Grand Duke and his wife, and I will always remember the care and help they once gave me. Because of my previous mistakes, I should give an explanation both emotionally and rationally - but Agnie Miss Si is not that kind of evil person, and she should not bear the blame beyond the limit. If you want to see her, of course you can, but I hope nothing unpleasant will happen. After all, from the beginning, it all happened. I did it myself……"

Seeing that his brother-in-law was still saying good things to his lover at this time, Abbott felt quite helpless.

Among the members of the royal family, having a lover is not a big deal. Some romantic guys even have more than one or two, but it would be degrading to let the wife lose face because of her enthusiasm for her lover.

"Don't worry about this. The education I received will make me respect every lady. I won't embarrass her too much. I just want to get my father the respect he deserves..." He faced Aigron. Guarantees were made.

Then, he changed the topic again, "In addition, Your Majesty. My sister is about to give birth recently. She is in a very unstable period both mentally and physically. She needs your company and comfort. In fact, she has been That's it. It's just gritting your teeth and enduring it. Now that you are back, please take good care of her. No one in the world can replace your position in her heart, not even my father and I. This One thing should be completely clear to you.”

"I know. So I will keep guarding her from now on. Our second child will be born under the watchful eyes of his parents and amid the celebration bells ringing throughout Paris!"

At this time, Aigron could no longer argue. He could only lower his head and admit the fact.

Under the table, he gently took Teresa's hand and conveyed his apology for the moment.

Teresa looked at her husband, then shook her head slightly, indicating that everything before had passed and there was no need to worry about it anymore.

"My dear, this is our first child born in France. It's time to celebrate. Albert, you must also attend."

Prince Albrecht was preparing to attend Aiglon's coronation ceremony, but before that, he certainly didn't mind attending the baptism of his second nephew and witnessing the birth of the next generation.

Although he still had unfulfilled intentions, he did not dare to say more in front of his sister now. He knew that for her, the more important thing was to maintain the life of the couple. After all, his father's anger could not replace the next few decades. Two of them share the company.

Forget it, let this storm end like this...

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