Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred, aftermath and confusion

At Prince Albrecht's insistence, although Agron was not happy, he had to allow his request to see Agnes.

After getting Agron's permission, the young prince did not waste any time and immediately resigned to Agron and went to summon Agnes, and the Agron couple finally stayed alone together.

"Teresa, thank you for defending me just now." After a moment of silence, Agron thanked his wife, "Actually, it was never my intention that things got to this point. The main reason why I allowed the newspaper to report it like that was It’s to win the hearts and minds of the people...Neither I nor Agnes herself meant to deliberately harm your face, I can guarantee this.”

"Okay, Your Highness, I know all this well. There is no need to continue talking about it now, so as not to make us continue to be unhappy." Theresa stared at her husband, her eyes looked very complicated, with resentment and blame, but also Full of love. "Since I allowed Miss Agnes to accompany you around the country on my behalf, I have already expected that something like this will happen, and I can bear it."

"Thank you for your generosity." Aigron didn't know how to respond, so he could only thank Theresa again.

"Would you be surprised if I said that I'm not actually that generous?" Teresa blinked, then asked back to Agron, "I just had to endure this step to maintain the relationship between the two of us. , If His Highness is willing to apologize to me by leaving Miss Agnes, I will be happier now, but will you do it?"

Teresa's sharp retort instantly shattered the warm and affectionate atmosphere that Aigron had managed to maintain. Precisely because this question hit home, he was unable to answer for a while, and the couple could only fall into a trap. In the awkward silence.

And this silence is actually an answer.

Theresa was not surprised at all, so her expression did not change at all.

"Yes, you are unwilling, you are reluctant, you think Miss Agnes can give you different pleasures... No problem, you are His Majesty, His Majesty is born to find a lover, all of this is so natural, so No one blames you, it seems that even I can't bear grudges! In this case, how can I bear grudges? It doesn't matter, I endure it, I am willing to endure it, because I married you, because I love you!"

Perhaps because there was no one else around but the couple, Teresa no longer pretended to be calm as before, her voice became louder and louder, and her expression lost its gentleness and became stern and sharp.

This stern expression reminded Agron of the last quarrel between the two of them. That day Teresa also changed her usual attitude and lost her temper. She even said some nasty words because she was so angry. Today It seemed like everything was happening again.

In order to avoid the past happening again, Agron could only endure Teresa's scolding while hugging her gently.

"Teresa... I'm sorry. If you want to scold me, you can scold me as much as you want, but you are weak now, so don't hurt yourself."

"I am the one who should say I'm sorry. Your Majesty is immune from blame. How can you apologize to the people around you?" Teresa smiled at her husband who was close at hand, but there was too much sarcasm and helplessness in this smile. "Besides, your plan this time was obviously a great success, and it received praise and cheers from the outside world. This is obviously a good thing, so why should you apologize?"

Looking at my wife’s smile,

Aigron was even more guilty and scared, so he could only hold his wife's hand tightly to comfort her.

Fortunately, after a brief outburst, Teresa's accumulated resentment seemed to finally be vented. She no longer ridiculed and scolded her, but weakly bent down and pressed her face against Agron's. On the back of the hand.

At this time, tears finally appeared in her eyes, completely showing her husband how weak she was at this moment.

"I really... feel a little uncomfortable, Your Highness. Why? Is there anything I haven't done enough? Why do I have to bear so much criticism and blame?"

In the final analysis, the reason why Teresa was so hit was, on the one hand, the affair between Agron and Agnes; on the other hand, it was the alienation and rejection of her by the French people. The cheers seemed to cast her aside.

What she couldn't let go of the most was this. Even though both of them were from Austria, she seemed to be treated as an outsider and excluded. If she just wanted to enjoy the title and honor of the queen, this would not be a problem originally, but what she really wants to do is to be loved by the people together with her husband and play the role of queen in the best possible way. Now faced with such a result, she will naturally Devastated.

"Teresa, after all, we have just come back. It is normal for the people to be indifferent to you." Aigron sighed, and then softly comforted Theresa, "But we are still very young, aren't we? We still have a lot of time to go. Do the right things, let us be loved by the people, and we will soon make them forget that you are the Austrian princess... Of course, these things cannot be delayed. When you recover, we will do it! You can run the entire The country’s charity is to help the poor and help the orphans and widows. It will definitely be effortless to impress them with your kindness and virtue, believe me!”

Of course, Teresa also knew that what Agron said was true, but her mood was too bad now, so her emotions exploded. What she wanted was not empty comfort, but her husband's company, and she could only hold these hands. , she felt that she was fearless and omnipotent.

The couple had been apart for so long, and she missed him so much.

So she leaned tightly on this hand, and then silently felt the body temperature coming from it. This time she was finally not alone.

"Don't make it so difficult for me in the future." After a long time, she finally spoke again, "No matter what big thing you want to do, you have to take me with you. I never want to see you and other women in the limelight again. ! There is no reason why dad is so angry. Even if you are His Majesty, you have to consider our mood, right? "

Agron knew that Teresa and Archduke Carl had already been very "tolerant" in their request. They chose to turn a blind eye to his affair, and only asked that such public and high-profile behavior "not be repeated in the future." Based on the Archduke and his wife's long-standing attitude toward Compared with his love and support, this request is even a bit humble.

"I will personally apologize to my father-in-law." He nodded immediately and made a promise to his wife, "As for you... Teresa, if anything like this happens in the future, you will be the only one who appears in public. And I will never let anyone attack you, I will do what I say!”

Although such a verbal promise did not seem to be very binding, Teresa still seemed to feel much more at ease. She nodded gently, and then made her final request to Agron, "Don't leave me yet, I'm too tired." Come... take a rest with me, Your Highness."

After saying that, she narrowed her eyes and enjoyed the calmness between husband and wife after a long separation. In her opinion, everything was finally back on track. She also hoped more than anyone else that the previous storm would become a thing of the past and be buried in the In the torrent of time.

For the sake of two people's companionship for decades to come, she will forget it.

But now, she was too tired. The torment of waiting for her husband to return when she was alone, and the outburst of joy and resentment after seeing her husband, made her who was about to give birth drain all the remaining strength in her body. In the unconscious murmur, She leaned greedily on Aegron's hand and fell asleep quietly.


Just when the quarrel between the Agrons turned into calm, Prince Albrecht's attendants led him to Miss Agnes, whom he had been curious about for a long time.

Agnes came back with Aigron, and she also became the center of attention at the welcome ceremony. However, the fatigue caused by the long journey made her indifferent to enjoying the attention of the outside world.

In addition to the fatigue accumulated during the journey, the "sense of loss" was like a tarsal maggot, sucking up all the remaining energy and emotions in her body.

During the tour, she enjoyed the cheers of celebrities and people from all over the world, and received countless valuable gifts. Even if she was not greedy for fame, wealth, and wealth, this unprecedented experience was still enough to break down any girl's defenses and plunge her into a trap. When I was in a daze, I felt like I really became a queen.

And along the way, Aigron's gentleness and consideration for her made her enjoy happiness that she had never imagined.

But now, when she returns to Paris, everything she once owned disappeared in an instant, because these things should not have belonged to her in the first place, and she only experienced them temporarily due to accidental luck.

Now that the dream has awakened, she is no longer a princess, but more like a villain.

Of course she had known all this for a long time and had always felt guilty towards Princess Teresa, but when she truly experienced this psychological gap, she still had to be filled with a sense of loss in a short period of time.

Of course, even though her whole body was exhausted, she still faithfully performed her duties - she put on her uniform again, accompanied Her Majesty the Queen's palace, and continued to loyally protect her two masters.

However, she soon received news that Her Majesty's brother Prince Albrecht was going to summon her.

——He came to challenge me. Agnes certainly understood this.

However, she didn't feel much grievance or anger.

In her opinion, she has enjoyed too many things along the way that were not originally hers, and isn't it natural to pay some price for them?

Compared with the punishment from God that you are destined to receive after your death, what is this little blame?

She just didn't expect that His Highness the Prince was so impatient that he was going to attack her right after he came back.

Did His Majesty allow him?

It must be allowed, otherwise as an Austrian prince, how could he be so casual in the palace... Agnes thought to herself.

And this also shows that His Majesty also suffered the same blame in front of Teresa and her brother just now.

Although she knew that this was "just what she deserved," at this moment Agnes couldn't help but have the illusion that she was sharing weal and woe with His Majesty.

Now that we have reached this point, two people should bear it together.

Therefore, she did not make any excuses, and came directly to the prince under the guidance of the attendant.

The young prince finally met the legendary Miss Agnes for the first time.

Although Agnes was not in a high mood at this time, against the backdrop of the uniform designed by Agron himself, Agnes, who was tall and unpainted, still looked so outstanding with her heroic yet feminine temperament. .

It's really different...

The prince had been in the palace since he was a child, and of course he was used to seeing young and beautiful aristocratic ladies. But even so, when he saw Agnes for the first time, he still felt that unique temperament.

For a moment, he suddenly seemed to understand why his brother-in-law, who always had his eyes on the top, took her as his mistress and showed it to the whole country in such a high-profile way - the princes were used to the alluring ways of the palace ladies. Combination punches, so the ones that are different are especially valuable?

Wait, what are you thinking? You are here to question her on behalf of your father!

The prince suddenly shuddered and regained consciousness.

"Nice to meet you, Your Highness." After meeting Prince Albrecht, Agnes bowed respectfully to the prince, "I'm here to apologize to you."

"Miss Agnes de Nordlien, I'm sorry that I met you in this way." After being stunned for a moment, the young prince finally calmed down, and then turned to the other party with a straight face, "I I think you should know how much trouble everything you and my brother-in-law have done has caused my sister and our family, right?"

"Yes, I know, and I feel very guilty and uneasy about it..." Agnes replied honestly, "I don't know if you believe it, but from the beginning, I never thought about becoming famous for this. , what good does this do to me? Will it make me look good if everyone knows that I am someone else's mistress...? Maybe some people will be proud of this, but it will definitely not be me.

Therefore, if I had a choice, I would prefer to keep a low profile than anyone else, but... His Majesty doesn't think so. His Majesty hopes that I will help him win the hearts and minds of the people. I am his servant, and I cannot disobey this order. Moreover, His Majesty's political needs are obviously more important than my personal honor and disgrace, so after weighing the balance, I agreed to him. His request and cooperation with all his subsequent actions also resulted in consequences that I did not want to see. I am very sorry for this! "

After finishing speaking, Agnes took another deep breath, then raised her head and looked at the prince with determination in her eyes, "Of course, when I tell you this, I am not trying to excuse myself. I did commit a crime. I have committed the crime of transgression, and I am willing to take due responsibility for it. If the Grand Duke needs to apologize, I can immediately write a letter of apology to him."

...Albrecht listened quietly, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond.

In his previous guess, Miss Agnes should be charming and cunning, a typical French scheming young lady, but what he saw now was completely different.

Although she looks beautiful, she is not delicate, nor does she have the sophistication and cunningness of being good at romance. Instead, she looks humble and simple.

Is this the high-end acting skills of a Parisian woman, or is she really not that bad at heart?

He was confused.

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