Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and two, Jianfeng

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"However, I promise you, I will never hurt you."

Agnes's words not only did not reassure Albrecht, but instead angered the young prince even more.

Although her words came from the bottom of her heart, they sounded like a clear provocation to the prince.

During this period of time, he did find out from various channels that Agnes was very skilled and that many of her subordinates were defeated. However, he felt that these French people like to attract bees and butterflies, so they deliberately let go in order to please the beauty. He simply did not I don't believe how powerful a weak female prostitute can be.

Now that he was irritated, he could no longer calm down. Since Agnes had agreed to his challenge, he no longer had any scruples.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. If you find it difficult to resist, you can admit defeat at any time." He also raised his head and spoke harshly.

Then, he opened the door, then found an attendant and asked him to bring two swords.

This sudden request frightened the attendant half to death. How could he dare to agree? He quickly ran to find his supervisor to report the situation.

The news was reported layer by layer and soon reached Alice's ears. She hurriedly dropped what she was doing and ran to the prince and her sister.

She naturally judged that her sister and the prince had a big quarrel, and after the two sides were at loggerheads, they simply decided to fight in a duel - this was very traditional in the upper class society, and it was also in line with Agnes' usual behavior. style.

But... after all, he is His Highness the Prince, the Queen's brother, and a guest of France! If Agnes was really injured or even killed, how could Agnes bear the responsibility?

So when she saw her sister, she hurriedly dissuaded her.

"Agnes, don't be willful! Just admit your mistake to His Highness the Prince. Why do you have to make such a fuss?!"

"I have fully admitted my mistake...I haven't said anything back." Agnes defended her sister helplessly, "His Royal Highness insisted on discussing with me, and I agreed to him after I couldn't refuse."

"Madam, you don't have to blame Miss Agnes." Albrecht also came to Agnes' rescue. "This is all my own request, and I can assure you that this is just a normal discussion. It is different from what happened before. It’s irrelevant, I just want to witness with my own eyes how interesting the news that the French are talking about is...that’s all.”

As if he was still worried that Alice would be worried, he continued to assure Alice, "We had a pleasant conversation just now. I am very satisfied with Miss Agnes's statement. She also promised to write a letter to my father in person to apologize. So for me, this matter is over. As long as she keeps her promise, I will not come to trouble her again, let alone you."

After listening to the prince's explanation, Alice finally relaxed.

What she was most worried about didn't happen after all, and the matter seemed to be resolved.

But now a new trouble has given her a headache - should she satisfy the wishes of these two wayward children?

Subconsciously, she didn't think her sister would lose at all. She was worried that Agnes failed to control it well and hurt the prince, which would lead to disastrous consequences.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"Your Highness, I feel that you have the responsibilities of a member of the royal family after all, so it is not appropriate to take risks. Besides, if you make a mistake, how can we bear the responsibility?" She tried to persuade the prince.

But the more he was persuaded, the more stubborn the young man naturally became, "Madam, as a royal family, it has been my duty to charge into battle since I was a child. How can I be afraid of danger? If I raise a challenge myself and then shrink back,

That would make me a laughing stock! Besides, our family is all reasonable. Even if something goes wrong, my father will never cause trouble for you! "

Now that the prince has reached this point, Alice feels that she can no longer persuade him.

Then she looked at Agnes again.

At this time, Agnes was looking at her eagerly, as if waiting for her to make up her mind.

But how could Agnes hide her thoughts from Alice?

She could easily feel the eagerness to try from her sister.

Alice didn't quite understand why her sister was acting like this suddenly, but she already understood it - and her sister couldn't persuade her anymore.

"Then please let me report it to your majesties... and see if they allow it."

In desperation, she could only play the banner of the two majesties.

"No!" Albrecht was not happy when he heard this. He knew his sister's character. Once he knew about it, her sister would definitely not agree and would scold him, so he absolutely could not wait for her to ask her for permission.

"Madam, just think that we are having some fun in our free time. Isn't the competition between knights our tradition for thousands of years? Since your sister is regarded as a member of the knights, she can also play the role of the saint. , then I believe she can share the same honor with us..."

Alice, of course, sneered at this "honor". She originally wanted to ignore the prince's words and report it directly, but just as she was about to turn around, her sleeve was grabbed by her sister.

"Sister! We've already reached this point, do you want to embarrass me again?"

Agnes came close to Alice, and then whispered to her in her ear, "Although we are inferior to others, we are not slaves after all, right? Do you want me to be despised and have to kneel down and obey? I can apologize. , because I did do something wrong, but do you want to deprive me of my last remaining pride... You know, I will not bully and provoke others, but I must not retreat when faced with challenges, let alone I'm hiding under His Majesty's protection! If you move out to stop us, you're trampling on my dignity, and others can justifiably look down on me!"

Alice was stunned by her sister's question.

She didn't expect that her sister would take the so-called "knight's honor" so seriously.

Rather, facing this situation, this is her only remaining pride and self-esteem.

Therefore, unless the prince himself retreats, it is impossible for her to retreat.

So, the next question is, should I satisfy my sister's childish wish?

This was completely stupid from any point of view, but precisely because it was so childish, Alice couldn't bear to refuse her sister's willful request.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

She has always had the best relationship with Agnes among her younger siblings, and she had greatly hurt her sister's heart due to the arrest of Bianca before, and she still felt guilty at this time.

So even though she knew that this was a stupid fight of temper, after a brief hesitation, she still nodded lightly in the face of her sister's expectant eyes.

Then let's be stupid together with you.

"Then you promise me not to mess around...don't hurt him, otherwise I won't be able to deal with the aftermath for you. Also, you must let me watch on the spot!"

"I understand, sister, believe me!" Seeing her sister making concessions for herself, Agnes suddenly showed a bright smile.

After agreeing to her sister, Alice started to think about how to solve the problem as best as possible.

First of all, it was impossible to conceal it. The two majesties would know it sooner or later, so she could only delay the news temporarily and wait until the competition between the two of them was over before reporting it to the superiors. She would find an excuse for herself that "it was too late to stop it", so as not to face the meeting later. A reproach to both Your Majesties.

However, she had to find a suitable place for these two people - but this was easy. She was responsible for various affairs at Princess Teresa's side and was very familiar with the palace. Finding a spacious room was a piece of cake.

As for the weapons, it took a lot of thought. She didn't dare to give these two people two deadly weapons, so she had to find weapons that were less likely to kill people.

This was not easy, but Alice had interacted with various people in the palace during this period, and had also carefully made friends with several confidants. It was not difficult to find some suitable weapons.

In the short gap, she quickly thought about various factors and then made a decision.

"Come with me, don't stay here and continue to attract attention!" Then, she no longer hesitated, and then led the two people to a rather spacious hall.

Then, she asked the two people to wait here, and then she found someone to get the weapons.

Undoubtedly, this was still risky, but she believed that her sister could control the situation.

Not long after, she returned, holding two unedged swords in her hands, and handed them to the two wayward children.

"Time is urgent, you can compete under my witness, how about I be the referee?" She looked at the prince, and then asked, "Your Highness, although I am Agnes's sister, please believe in my impartiality. "

"Madam, I have no doubt about this." Albrecht bowed to Alice and expressed his gratitude to her.

Then, under Alice's gaze, the two young men picked up a sword.

Albrecht held the sword and then made a starting stance.

After all, the years of practice were not in vain. After he picked up the sword, he also assumed a decent posture, like a cheetah ready to attack.

His eyes focused on Agnes, and he soon entered a state of concentration.

But at this time, he suddenly discovered that after picking up the sword, Agnes swept away the respectful look in front of him before, and her eyes suddenly became sharp. Although her body was only slightly adjusted, she immediately felt murderous.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

She must have killed someone with her own hands!

A flash of realization flashed in the prince's mind, and then he suddenly got excited.

It seems that the rumors may not be all false...she must indeed be somewhat capable.

However, since the matter has reached this point, and it is a challenge raised by himself, he has absolutely no reason to back down, so he also forcibly tightens his spirits, hoping to prevent himself from falling behind.

Alice in the corner was watching everything in front of her. Of course she was worried, but she was not worried about her sister's safety. She had never doubted her sister's victory - she was worried about any accidents.

But now that we have reached this point, why should we hesitate?

Alas, then let me be as willful as you want! May God bless you and me.

She hesitated, then softly shouted to start.

After this brief sound, everything returned to silence.

The prince and Agnes moved slightly in unison, looking for an opportunity to take action.

And just when the prince was about to take action, he suddenly found that the girl opposite him took the initiative to swing her sword and stabbed at him diagonally.

So fast!

The sword's edge made the prince feel nervous. He quickly stepped back and raised his sword to parry.

In the midst of the crisp chirping, the prince felt that his hands were numb from the shock. He did not expect that the slender girl's explosive power was so amazing.

Miscalculations one after another soon caused him to lose his rhythm, his steps were chaotic, and his originally superb swordsmanship was also in disarray. The sword's light was like lightning, dazzling people's eyes. In just a few breaths, the prince found himself with the sword pointed at his throat.

He even felt that his slightly erect Adam's apple had touched the tip of the sword.

Everything stopped, and the sword in the prince's hand fell limply to the ground.

I...I lost? Lost like this?

The prince felt incredible.

Being defeated by someone, especially by a girl, and especially being defeated so easily by a girl, the huge sense of shame made it difficult for him to accept this reality for a while, and he felt that his mind was completely blank.

He was originally in high spirits but suffered a rapid defeat. The humiliation brought about by this gap made him almost lose his ability to think.

At this time, the sword that was originally pressed against his throat moved back a few inches, and then the girl waved slightly.


This gentle call could not match her murderous eyes, and it also made the prince feel an unprecedented sense of fear in his heart.

In addition to fear, there is also an unprecedented "novelty".

It was indeed different, completely different from the ladies and ladies he had seen in the palace.

He suddenly seemed to understand why his brother-in-law missed her so much.

But now is not the time to think about this.

He knew he had lost, but he was unwilling to do so. His sense of shame and innate pride made him unwilling to simply admit defeat. He wanted to continue fighting and stand in front of his opponent like a man.

So, he bent down and picked up the sword, then raised his head again, facing the girl in front of him.

"Come again!"

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

With a clear but sharp cry, Agnes took steps again and stabbed her opponent with her sword.

The prince worked hard to resist his opponent. This time he no longer dared to despise his opponent. His honor and dignity were hanging by a thread, and he had to find a way to protect it——

However, this effort failed after a short period of resistance.

He once again had the sword at his throat.

Once again… again…

Tears slowly fell from the prince's eyes, but he was unaware of it. He wanted to win, he wanted to prove his dignity, even if he failed again and again, he still had to fight for his dignity...

"Stop it, Agnes, that's enough!" Alice's call finally ended it all.

What she was most worried about didn't happen, and her sister was indeed under control... It should be over now and it was up to her to deal with the aftermath.

But even though she was worried, a smile could not help but appear on her lips.

Agnes, that’s great…so proud of you sister.


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