Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and three, understand

The Glory of the Young Eagle text volume 203, understand that when the news that "Prince Albrecht and Miss Agnes agreed to compete" reached the ears of Agron and Teresa, the couple who had just calmed down suddenly became turbulent again. .

The so-called brother-sister connection. After hearing the news, Teresa, who knew Agnes was very powerful, almost fainted. Then she rushed to see her brother regardless of her physical inconvenience. Agron was also shocked and helped him. He went there with his wife.

When they arrived at the scene, they only saw an impressive scene——

Agnes stood calmly holding the unedged sword, while the young prince knelt on one knee on the carpet, seemingly weeping silently.

"Abbott! Abbott!" Seeing this scene, Teresa was so frightened that she almost lost her mind. She called her brother's name and moved towards him with difficulty.

Compared to the flustered Theresa, Agron was relatively calm. He immediately carefully observed the environment at this time.

Although Albrecht looked pitifully defeated, there was no blood on his body, and judging from the weapon in Agnes's hand, they were indeed just "pointing it out" and not making an agreement after a conflict. duel.

After confirming that his brother-in-law's life was not in danger, most of the tension in Aigron's heart disappeared, and then he noticed Alice standing in the corner.

Aegron probably understood what happened, so he winked at Alice, and then helped Theresa to Prince Albrecht's side.

With Aiglon's help, she helped her brother up, and then Teresa looked at her brother with tears in her eyes.

"Abbott, are you okay?"

Under his sister's concerned gaze, the young prince finally regained his consciousness.

But even at this time, he still found it difficult to accept the reality.

The humiliating defeat wiped away all his previous pride. He never imagined that in the hands of his brother-in-law's mistress, he would be as vulnerable as a child, completely unable to fight back.

He had the sword pointed at his throat again and again. It was obvious that even if it was just a blunt instrument in her hand, Agnes could still easily take his life if she had the intention.

I lost.

"I'm fine,

elder sister. "After a long period of confusion, Prince Albrecht lowered his head and looked at his sister. "I...I'm just a little sad. "

After the prince spoke, Teresa, who was originally helpless, finally regained some sense. Then her eyes wandered around her brother's body, and finally confirmed that there were no wounds on his body.

"What's going on?!" Then, she asked her brother eagerly.

...The young prince felt so ashamed at this moment that he even wished he could immediately shut himself into a small dark room with no one and lick his wounds silently. But facing his sister's tears, of course he could not escape. He could only I was able to bite the bullet and briefly explain the situation to my sister.

"I just had a conversation with Miss Agnes, and then on a whim, I challenged her - and then we had a competition. As you can see, it was a pure competition, not Anything else involved..."

Teresa finally understood all this, and then she glanced at Agnes with a complicated expression.

"You are not a child anymore, why do you do such boring things?!" She then asked her brother again.

"..." The prince was speechless for a moment. In fact, he himself didn't know how to explain it to his sister.

And now he was in no mood to explain anything. In fact, it was extremely difficult for him to even speak.

"I'm sorry." He apologized to his sister with a slumped face, "I've embarrassed you..."

Although it was embarrassing to lose, and although he didn't want to say a word at the moment, in order to avoid misunderstanding his sister, he still defended Agnes, "Please don't blame her, she was passive in accepting the challenge, it was me who insisted on asking her to She challenged her to try her skills, but she declined several times before agreeing. I lost, but I lost in an upright manner. Please don't punish her for this, otherwise it will ruin my reputation."

The prince's words immediately made Teresa have mixed feelings.

On the one hand, she was naturally very unhappy that her brother had been beaten up by Fatty, but on the other hand, judging from his performance, even if he lost so miserably, he was still upright, which showed that there was still a bright future for him.

So she also sighed, "As long as you're okay... Abbott, thank God you're okay. You've done enough for me. I'm very grateful to you. You don't have to worry about my next affairs. Just be good." Enjoy your journey…”

While the two siblings were having a conversation, Aigron walked quietly to Alice's side.

"Your Majesty... I'm sorry, because of my incompetence, such a disgraceful thing happened..." Alice solemnly apologized to Aiglon.

"Why didn't you stop this stupid thing? Why didn't you tell us in advance?" Aigron made a gesture and then asked the other party.

"His Royal Highness the Prince insisted on challenging Agnes on a whim, and Agnes was also aroused and insisted on accepting the challenge. In the end, the two of them got into trouble. I tried my best to stop it, but I was soft-spoken. In the end, That’s what happened.” Alice apologized to Agron repeatedly, “Your Majesty, please forgive Agnes for her rashness!”

Aigron looked at the surrounding situation, then at the people present, and finally sighed.

"Since there were no casualties, I can certainly forgive this recklessness."

In this situation, of course he could only forgive, no matter which side he was punished for, it seemed unjustifiable.

Fortunately, although they were messing around, they still had a certain bottom line and no uncontrollable consequences occurred.

Although the scene seemed ugly, in terms of the result, no one was injured, and people present would not spread the word, so no one's reputation would be damaged, and everything was still within control.

He had caused the incident himself. Since the trouble had reached this point, he could only deal with the aftermath himself.

"Be careful around you, I don't want this to happen again!" After a moment, he reminded Alice emphatically.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Alice secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from His Majesty's attitude, she knew that nothing would happen to her and her sister this time, and this farce was finally over.

"Take Agnes to rest, and I will take care of the rest." Agron asked Alice again.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Alice bowed again and obeyed the order.

Just as she was about to carry out the order, Aigron suddenly asked her again.

"Did you secretly cheer for Agnes? Are you proud of her victory?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." After being stunned for a moment, Alice nodded without hesitation, "Please forgive me for this little selfishness."

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