Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and seven, the spring reciprocates

"If you shake your head, then I'll just pretend that I didn't say anything about it——"

Although Maria said it calmly, judging from her expression, she would definitely not be happy if Aigron rejected her wish.

Logically speaking, the status gap between Aigron and Maria is already very large. There is no need for him to accommodate the other party. It doesn't matter if she is unhappy. But the situation is different now. Regarding Sophie's issue, Aigron now has a request. For her, so to some extent, I have to accommodate her.

Besides, she had done herself a favor and it was appropriate to give something in return.

"Don't say that -" After making up his mind, Aigron stopped Maria and then sincerely made a promise to her, "Your Highness, you and I have a close friendship, and we are both relatives of Your Highness Sophie. It is my duty to entertain you as warmly as I can... Since you wish to visit Paris in an unofficial way, I am more than happy to accompany you."

Seeing that Aiglon agreed to her request so readily, Maria looked very happy, and a smile appeared on her face again.

"Okay, then we've decided - please make arrangements as soon as possible, time waits for no one."

For Aigron, even if he is "patrolling incognito", he will never be wandering around alone. He will definitely be accompanied by an entourage responsible for security, and this needs to be arranged secretly.

His guard captain Andre Davout is naturally the most suitable candidate. On the one hand, Andre is loyal and reliable and will do his best to protect himself; on the other hand, he is familiar with the things around him and will not make a fuss about Maria's identity, let alone Talking nonsense will have a negative impact.

After the two people reached a tacit understanding, he changed the subject at the right time, "How is your brother Wang doing lately?"

"Him? He's not the same as before. He's as messy as ever." Maria didn't seem to have any respect for her brother, but she curled her lips slightly, "However, he is very fond of you, and he is also very happy to see you. If we can regain the throne, we would not be allowed to come here."

Like Princess Augusta, King Ludwig is Maria's half-brother. In addition, there is a lot of age difference, so although they are brothers and sisters in name, they do not have much brother-sister relationship at all. For the king Said she was just a little girl with a weird temper and a headache.

But Aigron is different. Although Aigron is not related to His Majesty the King, Aigron got a Greek crown for the king's son, Prince Otto, which is equivalent to giving the Wittelsbach family the gift of hundreds of years. The biggest territorial gain, this kind of kindness is rare in the world. Accordingly, Aigron is closer to the king than a real brother.

Therefore, if you want to ask who is more important in the king's heart, Aiglon or Maria, the answer is simply obvious.

For Aigron, the importance of King Ludwig is self-evident. He has made it clear before that he must maintain the division of Germany, so it is inevitable to divide the princes of the German states. The Wittelsbach family is not only powerful and important, but has also played the role of attracting foreign troops many times in history. Guan's role as a "traitor", who successively joined forces with Louis XIII, Louis XV and Napoleon to fight against the Holy Roman Emperor. They did not have much German nationalism in their hearts and only wanted to maintain the interests of their own family and their own kingdom. .

If there really was a "Grand Alliance of Reactionary Monarchs" throughout Europe, Emperor Napoleon would have been besieged and strangled long ago. It was precisely because the feudal monarchs of various countries had their own agendas and always wanted to watch from the sidelines. Consumption with France, and even went to serve as a vassal of Emperor Napoleon for his own benefit, so Napoleon was able to defeat each powerful opponent one by one.

Just as the two were chatting happily, Princess Augusta, who was notified by her two sons, also rushed over.

When she just heard her son say that Aunt Maria secretly ran away to get close to the King of Rome, she felt bad. She was afraid that this eccentric sister would offend the King of Rome and his wife like last time and harm herself.

However, when she came to the room, she found that the atmosphere between the two people was not as tense as she had feared. On the contrary, they seemed to be having a pleasant conversation, which finally made her feel relieved.

"Maria!" She scolded her sister with a straight face, "How can you meet His Majesty in such an unbecoming manner?"

Facing the stern eldest sister, although Maria was not afraid, she still had to give him some face, so she lowered her head slightly, but the joking smile on her face did not subside.

"But, Your Highness, there is no Princess Maria here now, there is only a cook - what kind of decency can a cook have?"

"You..." Faced with her sister's sophistry, Princess Augusta almost laughed angrily. However, she had no good way to control her sister, so she could only spread her hands helplessly, "Maria, I will bring you here." It means that I have to take responsibility for this. I have no control over what you want to do after you return to China, but here, I ask you not to cause me any trouble. Now we are in a foreign country, and your willful behavior will not only hurt yourself. , it will also make me and your nephews suffer."

"I know, so I won't cause you any trouble, don't worry~" Maria shrugged. "I just said hello to His Majesty the King of Rome. As his guest, I should pay tribute to him, right?"

Then, she seemed a little uninterested, lifted up her skirt and bowed to salute her sister and Aiglon, then stood up and left without looking back before the two of them responded.

However, Aigron was keenly aware that at a certain moment, her eyes fell on him, and then her nonchalant expression became a little more dignified, and she winked at him with her right eye.

Obviously, this is a hint that he must remember his promise and not break it.

Aigron knew it well, so he nodded gently.

Just like that, Maria left quietly, leaving only Aiglon and his adopted sister-in-law in the room.

"This sister is really annoying!" Princess Augusta sighed helplessly, and then complained to Agron with a wry smile, "Obviously she is already in her twenties, but she still has nothing to do with a teenager. Like a child, he does things based on his own whims without considering the consequences. It’s really shameful. Your Majesty, I’m sorry for making you laugh.”

Agron completely agreed with Princess Augusta's evaluation, but he still defended Maria.

"Although Her Royal Highness Maria did jump a bit, it is still innocent."

"Rather than being innocent, it's better to say that she has no taboos and doesn't take anyone seriously." Augusta answered sharply, "Oh, because no one has placed any expectations on her since she was a child. Without expectations, there is naturally no control. No one asked her to do a good job for the country in the future and become a role model for the court. In short, everyone just let her be happy and let her do whatever she wanted. Over time, she developed a character like her... To be honest, my brother-in-law is... I’m very worried about her.”

Not placing any expectations, in other words, not investing any resources, and not being taken seriously by anyone, Aigron understood something in his heart.

Maria has the title of princess, but no actual power, and no one is thinking about her future. The prince is polite on the surface but also very distant. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that she has become what she is now. .

However, Agron is not a psychiatrist, and he is not good at solving other people's mental illnesses. He still has a lot of problems to deal with, some of which are closely related to his adopted sister-in-law.

"Your Highness, there are only two of us at the moment. I happen to have one more thing to discuss with you. Do you think it's okay?" Aigron asked the other party solemnly.

Although she didn't know what happened, Princess Augusta had already sensed something unusual from Aigron's expression, so she quickly calmed down, and then nodded lightly, "Just say it. ,His Majesty."

"If I remember correctly, you still have a daughter to be married, right?" Aigron asked.

Princess Augusta was stunned for a moment, and then she understood immediately.

Then she beamed with joy and nodded heavily. "Yes, I still have an unmarried daughter, who is now 16 years old."

Of course she is not a fool. On the contrary, she has experienced many ups and downs and is familiar with the ways of the world. She knows that Aigron will not be bored enough to ask around. Since she is asking, she is planning to propose a marriage to her daughter.

As a mother, of course she doesn't mind this at all.

For the nobles of this era, marriage and love are basically unrelated things. When large families marry, they all consider each other's family background, power and property. As for the personality and hobbies of the marriage partner, it doesn't matter at all. Not important - as for love, you can slowly cultivate it between yourself and others after marriage, and it will have no impact anyway.

Therefore, for the nobles, it is a rare "grace" if they can get married by the king.

From Princess Augusta's reaction, Agron could tell that she would definitely cooperate with his plan.

Prince Eugène and Princess Augusta had a total of 4 daughters who grew up. Now in 1830, the 3 eldest daughters have been married.

Only the youngest daughter, Theoderlande de Beauharnais, who was born in 1814, was left to be born.

According to the original history, Miss Theoderland married the Duke of Urlacher, the nephew of the King of Württemberg, in 1841, and died in 1857.

But in this changed history, she seems to have a better "choice".

For Princess Augusta, being able to ask the French Emperor to come forward to find a marriage for her daughter is obviously the best result - after all, judging from the importance Aiglon attaches to her husband and sons, he found a match for his daughter. The destination will definitely not be bad, it must be some well-known prince or noble.

So the mother looked at Aigron with expectant eyes, waiting for him to reveal the answer.

However, at this critical moment, Aigron was secretive. He looked at his sister-in-law solemnly, and then warned her in a low voice. "Your Highness, what I am going to tell you next is a very confidential matter. In fact, it involves the situation in the entire Europe, so I hope you will keep it secret after listening to it. Can you do it?"

Princess Augusta suddenly became nervous.

However, after all, she was a person who had been with Prince Eugene for 20 years and was used to the world, so she quickly calmed down after a moment of nervousness. "Your Majesty, just say it. I have never in my life made anyone feel sorry for my mistake."

Aigron had great trust in this sister-in-law, so after the other party made a promise, he immediately revealed the answer.

"I have been negotiating with the British now, hoping to reach a tacit understanding with them on the issue of Belgium's independent establishment, and the report currently sent from London makes me feel very optimistic about this. In other words, it is possible that in a short period of time, Belgium will It will become a new kingdom.

As a kingdom, of course it needs a king and a queen. I made a concession to the British. They chose the king. In exchange, I asked me to decide who becomes the queen-"

Aigron stopped here, because everything had been said without saying anything.

Although Aigron said it calmly, for Princess Augusta, it was like thunder.

How does it feel when a person buys a lottery ticket while passing by a street vendor, and suddenly wins the jackpot?

That's how she feels now.

She originally came to Aigron just to solve the problem of the future for her two sons, but she didn't expect that not only was this problem easily solved, but she also got a bigger surprise.

Her little daughter could become a queen.

In order to allow her children to maintain their class, Princess Augusta tried every means to marry them into various princely families. The eldest daughter married the Crown Prince of Sweden, and the third daughter married the Emperor of Brazil. Although the daughters all became queens, But upon closer inspection, it's a bit embarrassing.

After the Napoleonic Wars, the king of Sweden was no longer the ancient Holstein-Gottep family, but the former French Marshal Bernadotte family. Because he became king too late, it was difficult to integrate into the ancient aristocratic circle; The emperor of the Brazilian Empire was even more infamous. He couldn't find a suitable partner among the old princes, so he settled for his daughter.

But this time the situation was different. Her adopted brother actually made his daughter a legitimate queen.

And with the backing of France's strength, it is obvious that her daughter will never suffer any injustice.

She looked at the young man in front of her, and her eyes filled with tears of emotion.

People often say that kings are often ungrateful, but this sworn brother seems to be different. He actually treats himself and his late husband's children so kindly, which shows that his late husband did not misjudge the person.

It is true that he must have his own political considerations, but no matter what, this kindness must be kept in mind.

"I am at your mercy, Your Majesty!" She bowed slightly and saluted the young man solemnly, not even bothering to ask who her daughter's future husband would be. "I will keep your kindness in my heart, and my children and I will definitely love you in the future. The spring repays the favor."

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