Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and eight, stand by and watch

"I will keep your kindness in mind, and my children and I will definitely repay you in the future."

Princess Augusta's promise is undoubtedly sincere. Under Aiglon's deliberate win over, the Beauharnais family has now "rejoined the team" and is close to him again.

And this is also the effect he wants to see. He puts Prince Eugene's son in his court and his daughter as the Queen of Belgium. Then even if it is for the benefit of the family, the new queen will inevitably adopt a pro-French approach. position, become his partner, and help him promote economic ties between the two countries - this close connection will be crucial in the future era of industrialization, because Belgium is the first stop for the export of the British Industrial Revolution.

"Madam, you don't need to mind too much. After all, the kinship between our two families can be said to be one. The interests of the Bonaparte family are closely related to the Beauharnais family, and vice versa, so I Helping you is equivalent to helping yourself. I hope that we will remain close and help each other in the future... Maybe one day, the descendants of the two royal families can also get married to show our unity to the world."

"I am looking forward to this day even more than you!" Princess August nodded happily.

Now, Aigron already has a son, Francois, and there will be more children in the future. Although he does not care about noble blood, from a political interest point of view, he needs to make political marriages for his children, and the marriage partner is The royal families of various European countries, and correspondingly, the future royal family of Belgium are naturally also considered.

At this time, Princess Augusta finally remembered that crucial question——

"Your Majesty, can you tell me who the current candidate for king is that Britain and France prefer? Of course, if you feel that you still need to keep it a secret, just pretend that I haven't said it."

Aigron smiled slightly. Since he had already told her this, why should he continue to keep it a secret? It's better to go to the bottom once.

"No problem, let me tell you that during the negotiations between our two countries, we agreed that the candidate for the new king should come from a royal family with a long history, but not from a country that is too powerful to avoid unnecessary disputes. At the same time, It must be soft in body, able to bridge the antagonistic emotions of various ethnic groups in the country, and adapt to the different political and cultural needs of surrounding countries... After careful selection, we agreed to let a member of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family be the king. .

To be specific, it is Prince Ferdinand of this royal family. "

[In the original historical line, after Britain and France reached a tacit understanding, they finally decided to appoint Prince Leopold of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family as king. He was originally the husband of the British Charlotte (who died in childbirth). He had a close relationship with the British royal family and was already in his forties at this time.

After deciding that he should be the king, the Duke of Orleans, who had successfully usurped the throne, married his eldest daughter Louise to become the queen. Princess Louise was 18 years old at this time.

This time, Aiglon negotiated with Britain. The process generally followed the original negotiation route, but the king was selected as Prince Ferdinand of the same family, who was Leopold's cousin. Prince Dinan was born in 1816, about the same age as Théodlande de Beauharnais, who was born in 1814.

It is worth mentioning that in the original historical line, Prince Ferdinand married Queen Maria II of Portugal in 1836 and became the regent of Portugal for a time.

However, no one could predict this marriage at this time, so becoming the king of Belgium was a stroke of luck, and the inheritance of the two kings would naturally change accordingly. 】

After learning about Aigron's plan, Princess Augusta let go of her last worry.

As a princess of Bavaria, she is of course familiar with the genealogy of the German princes. She knows that although the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family has a small territory and weak power, they are descendants of the ancient Wetting family among the German princes, and their family background is quite prominent; , marrying her youngest daughter to the future king who is only 14 years old. In her opinion, this marriage is simply perfect.

However, she soon became a little worried.

"Prince Ferdinand and his daughter are still so young. Once they become king and queen, they may not be able to control the complicated domestic situation. Will Britain and France be relieved?" she asked cautiously.

"Of course, we all know that it is difficult for the young king and queen to face such a turbulent situation, so before that, the elders of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family will represent the king to coordinate the situation. , and the British and French ambassadors will serve as advisors to provide necessary help and guidance to the young king and his wife until they come of age and are able to run the country on their own."

Although Aiglon spoke in a secretive way, it was obvious that the so-called "elder of the family" was just a cover. The British would use their ambassadors to influence the king behind the scenes, and France would not be far behind and would also use the queen to carry out corresponding " "Guidance", the two neighboring powers will unceremoniously interfere in Belgium's internal affairs in various ways; however, at this time, both countries have the motivation to stabilize the new country as soon as possible. When the two countries join forces, No one can stop their dreams from coming true.

After hearing that her daughter would receive the secret support of the two major powers, Britain and France, Princess Augusta breathed a sigh of relief, and her last worry disappeared.

"This plan is very suitable. I completely agree. I will tell my daughter to always listen to the opinions of your two countries, maintain the stability of this small country, and lead her people to prosperity."

"I believe that this can be easily done for her, because she is the daughter of you and Prince Eugène. She must have combined your advantages. These advantages will make her a queen that everyone praises, and will also To be forever remembered in the history books of her country..." Aigron complimented the other party with a smile.

The compliment made her mother happy, and her gratitude to Agron was also

Because of her gratitude, Princess Augusta is now very pleased with Aiglon and hopes to repay her adopted brother's generosity in any way.

"I really don't know how to repay you, Your Majesty... You have given me so many favors, but I don't have anything valuable enough to deserve a gift in return." She couldn't help but sigh, "How much more could I do? It would be nice to help you a little so I can feel a little less guilty.”

"If you want to help me, it's easy. Just don't take Princess Maria with you when you go back, and don't make these things public—" Aigron said coldly.

His response immediately stunned Princess Augusta. She covered her mouth and looked at Aigron in disbelief.

Although Aiglon said it calmly, this undoubtedly meant that he was prepared to leave Maria alone and secretly.

What to do if you stay?

This is not difficult to guess. Considering the "famous" romantic deeds of this adopted brother, who never forgets to take his mistress with him even when he is out on patrol, the purpose of his request becomes obvious.

However, this... this was still beyond her imagination.

Even if you are going to become the emperor, you shouldn't act like this, right? No matter how unworthy she is, she is still his sister, the princess of Bavaria, and he has no right to dominate her.

"Your Majesty...!" She couldn't help but exclaimed.

As if to cover up her gaffe, she hurriedly clarified her thoughts, and then tried hard to persuade Agron to give up this crazy idea, "Although my sister is somewhat beautiful, she is just a spoiled, arrogant person since she was a child. She's just a willful child. She has a sharp personality and likes to be sarcastic. She doesn't know how to be considerate of others and has no talent. She really doesn't deserve to be cared about by you... You'd better stop spending any time on her."

If Maria knew that she was so belittled by her sister, she would definitely be so angry that she would curse...Aigron snickered inwardly.

"You are right, but I'm afraid you misunderstood me." Aiglon shrugged pretending to be innocent, "I'm not saying that I intend to force her to stay here, but when I was talking to Princess Maria just now, I found that she I like this place very much, and even want to linger a little bit. As a hospitable host, of course I should do my best to entertain the guests, so I was thinking, if she doesn’t want to go back then, please help me. convenient……"

Although Aigron's rhetoric was not very clever, he still fooled Princess Augusta.

After all, she didn't have a close relationship with Aiglon. In her eyes, this young man was a warm and generous man with a noble nature, and he was a great benefactor to her family. Even if he had some romantic deeds, they were just innocuous details, so naturally Just tend to believe him.

So, she gradually got rid of the shock just now and began to think carefully about Aigron's conditions.

Although it seems a bit abrupt, Aiglon's request is not that shocking. After all, there are many foreign princes and nobles who come to Paris and linger in Paris. For example, in Russia, many princes and nobles bought luxury houses in Paris under pseudonyms and lived here. Live a life of spending money and having fun.

And Augusta did see Maria running around here during this period, and she seemed to be lingering.

So, she gradually came to believe that this was indeed what Maria meant.

If Aigron forced Maria to stay, that would be a shocking kidnapping; but if Maria wanted to secretly stay in Paris and continue playing, that would be another matter.

Although this was not appropriate, considering Aiglon's kindness to her, she could indeed turn a blind eye - she didn't have deep feelings for this sister anyway, as long as she didn't make things worse. The dignity of one's own family, nothing else matters.

On one side is the great benefactor and the future supporter of the children; on the other side is the half-sister who is careless and emotionless. It is clear at a glance which one is more important.

"If...if she wants to stay here, I can't make it easier for her." So, after a moment of hesitation, she finally gave the answer Aiglon wanted. "After I go back, I will also help her say a few nice words in front of Brother Wang to cover it up. However, my ability is limited after all. She'd better not make any shocking news here, otherwise my Brother Wang will never forgive her——"

"She is just a guest who comes here because of her reputation. How could she cause any trouble?" Aigron smiled disapprovingly.

Then, he thanked the other party again, "Madam, thank you for your accommodation. I can assure you that she will return here as happy as you!"

Princess Augusta was not a fool. From various clues, she also smelled something unusual.

Although I don’t know what happened, there must be something fishy in Maria and Aigron’s various weird behaviors.

However, she was too lazy to study it carefully.

After all, this is a private matter between adults. Even if something really happens to them, as long as it is between you and me, what does it have to do with you? If you can't even take care of your own children, how can you have the time to take care of other people's private affairs.

"Your Majesty, my sister has always been rebellious and difficult to control, so no matter what inappropriate things she does next, please be sure not to let her identity be publicized, so as not to bring shame to my family..."

She reiterated that this was her bottom line.

Aigron naturally agreed to this, and the two of them reached a tacit understanding tacitly.

Next, Princess Augusta used her greatest enthusiasm to entertain her adopted brother for a meal, and the two parties ended today's visit with a happy conversation.

After everything was over, Aigron said goodbye to his adopted sister-in-law and prepared to return to the palace.

When leaving, Egeron specially called his guard captain Andre Davout to his side.

"Andre, there's something I need you to do for me."

"Your Majesty, please do as you please." Andre replied immediately.

"Actually, Princess Maria also secretly came here with this family. Of course she used a pseudonym and the identity of the cook." Eggron told Andre everything.

Andre was immediately shocked and dumbfounded. "Your Majesty...this..."

He had also met Maria in Milan, so he naturally knew who Aigron was referring to, but he did not expect that this rebellious princess could actually do such appalling things.

However, many years of experience told him that he should not ask too many questions about things that should not be asked, so no matter how shocked and doubtful he was, he could only lower his head and obey orders.

And Aigron was also very satisfied with his attitude.

"Next, you contact her for me and prepare an itinerary for me. Andre, she is an indispensable chess piece for me. You let your people keep an eye on her and don't let her escape! But don't Let her find out."

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