Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and nine, reconcile with the past

In the afterglow of sunset, the Count of Monte Cristo passed through many checkpoints and entered the Tuileries Palace again.

He has been here many times before, but this time it is slightly different. He is not meeting Princess Theresa or Prince Talleyrand, but meeting his real master.

He did not wait long, and soon came to Aiglon under the guidance of his attendants.

After a few months, he finally met this young man again. Edmond Dantès couldn't help but feel filled with joy - in his heart, in addition to being a lord who must be loyal to, Aigron also had a friendship like a close friend. .

"Your Majesty! I sincerely congratulate you on returning with great honor and successfully completing your tour!" He solemnly saluted Aigron.

"Thank you, Edmund. I also congratulate you on your promotion." Aigron smiled and nodded to the other party. "During this period, Theresa and Talleyrand mentioned you many times in their letters. They are all quite satisfied with your performance."

"This is what I should do, Your Majesty!" Edmund shouted back.

After the brief polite words between the monarch and his ministers ended, Aigron quickly got to the point.

"I heard that Marshal Marmont has bowed his head and confessed?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Edmund had already known His Majesty's purpose of summoning him before he came, so he had already made preparations. "Before, I interrogated Marshal Marmont and some people related to his past crimes. , found out Marshal Marmont’s treason, and after interrogation, Marshal Marmont confessed.”

After finishing speaking, he presented the report he carefully compiled to Aiglon.

Of course Aigron was very interested in this, so he took the report and read it carefully.

In this report, Marshal Marmont simply admitted that in 1814, under the pressure of the Allied forces, he secretly contacted the Allied forces to request an armistice and finally led the army to surrender. He also mentioned many times that his most important His assistant was Fernand, the adjutant beside him back then.

As soon as he saw Fernan's name appearing frequently in this report, Aigron immediately understood.

"It's a fitting way to avenge a private vendetta, isn't it?" He closed the report and handed it back to Edmund again. "Well done, Edmund."

Although Aiglon's words sounded like compliments, under his gaze, Edmond Dantès couldn't help but shudder, because he seemed to hear some dissatisfaction from these words.

"I'm sorry... Your Majesty, I did mix some personal grudges into the investigation." He was frightened and carefully defended himself to Agron, "But I can guarantee that most of the things in this report are true. Even if it is a slight exaggeration, Marshal Marmont's crime is irrefutable. Even if we convict him of treason, no one can cry out for him."

"Don't be so nervous, Edmund, I don't think there is anything wrong with this report." Aigron smiled and shook his head, indicating that the other party could relax, "For us now, it is important to liquidate the past, but we must also unite the overall situation. Since Fernan is dead, it would be a good thing for him to bear so much responsibility, at least no one will cry out for him."

Seeing that His Majesty recognized his private "operation" so easily, Edmund couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But at the same time,

He was also secretly shocked - Prosecutor Villefort was actually able to make a judgment before he could, and he was also able to take advantage of the situation to gain political benefits. This skill was really impressive. No wonder he was able to get along like a fish in water in Paris for so many years.

And Aigron happened to have some doubts about this.

"By the way, Edmund, you shouldn't be able to do this kind of work alone. Who did you find as a consultant?"

"It was Prosecutor Villefort who gave me the idea, Your Majesty." Since it was at this point, Edmund would naturally not hide anything anymore. "He seems to have a great sense of crisis about his future, so He wanted to find a patron for himself, so he was trying to please me, and it was he who inspired me to do this."

Aiglon was a little surprised at first, and then couldn't help laughing.

"You have really found a good advisor! Before, I was worried that you would be fooled when you first entered the officialdom, but now I am relieved. He is a good guide and can teach you what you need to learn... …Haters are often our best teachers, and this time is no different.”

Facing Aigron's compliment, Edmund also had mixed feelings.

Although he and Prosecutor Villefort have a deep hatred, he cannot deny the prosecutor's personal ability. Next, he will slowly integrate himself into the empire's huge and complex bureaucratic machine, and the prosecutor will inevitably He would become an important advisor to him, something he himself could not deny.

But, after the next cooperation, will my hatred still be so pure, and will my revenge still be so determined?

He couldn't answer this question himself.

But no matter what, at least for now, he can still take away the reputation and life of this enemy without hesitation.

While he was still immersed in his personal thoughts, Aigron had a new problem.

"I heard Marmont wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Edmund quickly replied, "Although he has been in prison, he still seems to regard him as a marshal. He is extremely unruly and rude. You can ignore this shameless person. , the judge will naturally give him the sentence he deserves."

"No, Edmund, since no one has deprived him of his title of marshal now, then he can naturally regard himself as a marshal, and he is qualified to maintain his last dignity." To Edmund's expectation, Aigron agreed. This unreasonable request, "Please make arrangements, I'm going to see Marshal Marmont."

Edmund was stunned for a moment. He was a little confused as to why Aiglon wasted his energy on this worthless drowned dog.

But since it was His Majesty's order, he had no room to refute, so he bowed his head and obeyed the order, and then left.

After he left, Aigron also had mixed feelings in his heart.

Now the court was about to begin, and the outcome was already certain - Marshal Marmont was destined to be found guilty and bear the infamy he deserved.

He did not sympathize with Marmont's fate because he felt it was deserved.

But before that, he wanted to meet privately with this "elder" who had a deep connection with him, just to settle the scars of history.


In the heavily guarded Ile de la Cité prison, Marshal Marmont looked at the rising sun outside his cell window, calmly finished his simple breakfast, and then waited for the precious rest time of the day to arrive.

Although he was not used to the life of losing his freedom at first, as time passed, he gradually got used to the rhythm of life in the prison cell.

In this place where the sun is invisible and the news is isolated, the power he once held in his hands has disappeared, and the followers who once surrounded him have also dispersed. Although he has the title of marshal for nothing, he has fallen into disgrace and has become the leader of everyone. A drowned dog that can be stepped on.

Originally, he was still a little bit reluctant to let go, but after being severely beaten by the Count of Monte Cristo during the interrogation that day, he finally faced the reality and chose to bow his head in front of fate and greet himself with an attitude of resignation. The twilight years of life.

Just as he finished his breakfast and was about to go out to the small courtyard under the guidance of the jailer as usual, he found that several jailers had arrived this time, and they looked serious and motioned for him to follow them out of the cell.

Are you going to interrogate me again? A thought flashed through Marshal Marmont's mind.

But he doesn't care. Now he has resigned himself to fate. He doesn't care how others want to manipulate him.

He obediently followed the jailer to the interrogation room where he had been several times before. As expected, the Count of Monte Cristo who had interrogated him before was waiting here.

However, at this time, he had no time to pay attention to the "insignificant" Earl. His eyes fell on the young man behind the Earl.

An indescribable excitement suddenly surged in Marmont's heart, and his already slumped body instantly straightened up.

His lips trembled slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he found that he could not say anything.

Facing the young man's cold and slightly mocking eyes, the sudden surge of passion suddenly faded away.

Yeah, what else can I say? Right now, he is just a prisoner. Whether he lives or dies can only depend on the other person's thoughts. What's the use of saying more? It can only become fodder for the other party's ridicule.

As a result, a pale smile appeared on his lips, and then he bowed slightly to the young man. "Your Majesty, I'm sorry that I didn't know about your arrival in advance, so I couldn't make proper preparations. I hope you don't mind."

Aigron waved his hand impatiently, on the one hand to express that he didn't mind, and on the other hand, to signal those who were not involved to get out quickly.

So, in a blink of an eye, they were the only two people left in the room.

"Marshal Marmont, I heard how many times you requested to see me? Do you have anything to say to me?" Then, Aiglon asked calmly.

In Aiglon's name, Marshal Marmont noticed that his title was still retained, and he also deduced from this that this young man did not want to kill himself.

He relaxed slightly, then forced himself to cheer up and responded to the young man's question.

"Your Majesty, I congratulate you on getting what you wanted."

"Many people have congratulated me for this. If you ask me to make a special trip just to say this, I'm afraid it won't make me happy." Aiglon replied coldly.

Facing Aiglon's indifference and sarcasm, Marshal Marmont was not surprised, and now he would no longer feel angry. He just smiled bitterly.

"Your Majesty, then, when you come to see me, I'm afraid you won't just see the ugly appearance of this old guy like me? I believe that although you are young and vigorous, you will not be so boring. If you want to torture me, you have a lot more to do. Good idea."

"It seems that such a long life in prison is not without help for you. At least it has taught you the humility and magnanimity you deserve." Aigron sneered and mocked the other party sharply, "I know, Marshal Marmont , even if you use the most sincere confession attitude in your confession, it is impossible for you to admit that you are guilty in your heart, because people like you will take everything for granted-"

"Then Your Majesty, if one day you are caught by your political opponents, will you think that you have done something wrong? Will you repent from the bottom of your heart?" Marshal Marmont did not deny Aigron's words, but asked instead Aigron, "What is the meaning of good and evil on our stage? Yes, I did betray His Majesty the late Emperor, but didn't he do the same thing? He trampled on a republic and I betrayed an empire. What's the difference? I've committed murder, arson, and every crime in the world, but hasn't he done the same thing?

Maybe you think I'm blaming him, but that's not the case. I never felt it was his crime. He did a great job, it was awesome! His every step was covered in blood, but so what? This road leads to the throne, so it is the cleanest! For him, there is always only one crime, and that is failure. Other than that, there is no law in the world that can punish... It is the same for me. When I gain power, no one will take my betrayal seriously, and they will smile. The world gathered around me to please me, but I failed, then I deserve to be a sinner through the ages, don't I? "

Regarding Marshal Marmont's endless self-defense, Aigron did not comment.

It's hard to convince someone, and it's completely impossible to convince someone like Marmont (or himself).

For such ambitious and arrogant extreme egoists, it is simply ridiculous to talk about moral condemnation.

He didn't come to see Marmont to condemn him morally - he had harsher weapons to condemn the old guy.

He was coming to terms with the past.

In the past, Aiglon was once a down-and-out prince who was full of resentment but powerless to do anything. On that day, he met Marshal Marmont, accepted the Marshal's mercy, and became even more furious.

But now, he has changed everything, and he has transcended this anger.

Now, he was not facing Marshal Marmont so much as he was facing the mirror of fate. From this mirror, he was seeing his own reflection, the gloomy and angry young man, the one who once wanted to be burned to death. The young people of the world are facing themselves at this moment.

I am free... This feeling is really wonderful.

"Marshal Marmont, your play is over, and I can tell you your ending in advance. Maybe this will make you feel better-" Facing Marshal Marmont, Aiglon said softly that he had prepared it in advance. "You will be found guilty and deported from the country. However, as an exceptional clemency, your family and personal property will be deported with you. I wish you good luck in the future..." …”

After finishing speaking, he extended his hand to the marshal with a downward gaze. "This is the last time we meet in our lives. Before death takes you away, you will have a lot of time to savor your life and try to learn to be a leisurely old man who has lost his power but has his family by his side. The one who betrayed you For humans, this is an unimaginable happiness!”

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