Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and sixteen, humble wish

216, humble wish 216, humble wish:,,,,,,,,, latest website: ishuquge

In a high-end restaurant, Aiglon and Maria were dining leisurely. At this moment, they were no longer princes and nobles, but just ordinary diners. They could throw away those lingering shackles and enjoy the city. The best of everything.

While eating, the two of them chatted casually. Perhaps because they enjoyed the meal so much, Maria was much more easygoing now than before, although she was still tainted with that unpleasant tone when she spoke. She is sarcastic, but no longer as harsh and harsh as before. Instead, it has become her distinctive personal characteristic.

Aiglon also wanted to get closer to her, so he deliberately catered to her on various topics, intentionally or unintentionally pleasing her - perhaps because of his experience with Sophie, he did it more smoothly than he expected. , easily made Maria laugh and made the lunch more harmonious.

Although Maria only tasted every dish, she was finally full after eating several dishes, so the lunch finally came to an end, and after the dessert was served to the table, she smiled. He looked at Aiglon.

"I'm sorry, sir, I've cost you money."

"It's my pleasure, ma'am." Aigron replied with the same smile, "Only if I let you have fun, I will fulfill my obligation. Besides, strictly speaking, the person who pays the bill today is not me, but Casino, isn’t it?”

"Until now, I am still amazed at your good luck just now." Maria couldn't help but sigh again when Aigron mentioned what had just happened. "The world is full of inequalities. Maybe God really loves some people in particular." Only people will generously pour the best things into them without any hesitation..."

"Then you are also one of 'them'." Aigron pointed out the fact sternly. "You have received many things since you were born that others dare not even think about."

"It makes sense for you to say that. I should sincerely thank God for the fate he has given me..." Maria nodded lightly at first, and then suddenly smiled bitterly, "But I have too many regrets and unwillingness. Maybe this It’s just that I’m not greedy enough…”

"With my character, if I really have any regrets and unwillingness to fate, then instead of sighing, it is better to stand up and fight with fate. Maybe I will lose everything if I lose, but at least I can stop myself from feeling sorry for myself. At least I have tried hard. Yes." Aiglon replied.

After hearing Aigron's words, Maria's eyes suddenly became sharp, but soon they dimmed again and turned into the confusion they had just now.

"Fight? Of course you can, but not everyone is like you... Getting rid of fate and changing everything is only the privilege of a few people after all. Don't most people still have to let their fate be at the mercy of their fate? My sister is a princess and The future queen, but how is she doing now? What can she change?"

When he heard her mention Sophie again, Aigron didn't know how to respond.

"Of course she can change, and as long as we work hard, there will always be a way." After a moment, Aigron replied firmly. "Everything is human-made, right? As long as we work together, I believe we can create miracles."

Of course, Maria would be confused about Aigron's confidence and certainty, but after witnessing this young man's experiences in the past few years, and witnessing the little "miracle" he just performed on the roulette wheel in front of her, she was convinced This kind of confidence also has a little more understanding and recognition.

But she naturally has no confidence in herself.

"You are indeed outstanding, more powerful than any prince and grandson I have ever seen, so I admire you very much for being able to reach this point today. But what about me...? Who am I? Although you seem to have a superficial respect for me. Respectfully, respectfully,

But that was just because of my sister’s face, and I knew it very well.

Yes, I do have noble blood and title, but in the final analysis, what can I do? My power is not as good as the followers around Brother Wang. No one will listen to my orders. Helping Sophie convey the message to you is my limit. Other than that, I can't do anything else. You may think too highly of me. …”

With Maria's normal character, it is a bit incredible to say such words full of loneliness and unwillingness.

So from another perspective, this was also the first time that she really took off her usual arrogance in front of Aigron, revealing the depression and confusion in her heart.

Of course you can help me, and I simply can't do it without you - Aiglon replied in his heart.

However, the time had not yet come, so he did not tell everything, but continued to compliment the other party.

"You underestimate yourself too much. You have a beauty that is unmatched by others. You also have a wit that can match your beauty. You also have the responsibility and courage to stand up for your sister. You have so many things at the same time that are far beyond ordinary people. , how can you be so self-deprecating about yourself? Maybe you can't help me with many things, but when it comes to Sophie, you can definitely help me, I have no doubt about it."

"Hahahaha..." Facing Aigron's deliberate compliment, Maria couldn't help laughing happily even though she knew it must be exaggerated. "You are really good at making people happy, I almost took it seriously. "

"I am very serious, Your Highness Maria, please be confident. Don't forget that you are Sophie's twin sister. You can definitely do anything she can do." Aigron continued to hint and encourage the other party, "She was the unrivaled mistress of Schonbrunn Palace. She commanded everything around her with ease and made everyone feel in awe. Even I once crawled at her feet. What a dazzling grace she had! I believe that this kind of You must have style, although you haven’t received such courtesy yet, but one day you will be able to taste all of it.”

Maria didn't know the actual meaning of what Aigron said, and just thought it was an exaggerated compliment.

But it was this kind of compliment that touched her heartstrings inadvertently.

Isn't that what she longs for?

Admiration for my sister and jealousy for my sister are actually the same thing - since my sister is qualified to enjoy all that, she should also be qualified, right?

However, all this seems to be just a frivolous delusion now, and even she thinks it is purely a joke.

"If such a day comes, then I have to thank you very much." So, after a brief moment of imagination, she returned to reality and thanked Aiglon calmly.

It was just Aigron's seductive encouragement that had planted a seed in her heart. Although it was still inconspicuous now, maybe soon the seed would take root and sprout, and eventually grow into a tree of miracles.

Aigron is not in a hurry. After all, this kind of thing has to be done step by step. Judging from the current situation, he has found a glimmer of hope.

The two of them finished their lunch happily, and then Aigron ran to pay the bill.

When I looked at the bill, it turned out to be more than 400 francs in total, which was equivalent to several months' salary of an ordinary person. Although the restaurant is of a higher grade and it is normal for it to be more expensive, ordinary diners can't spend so much money for a full meal. It was only because Aiglon ordered meals beyond the needs of ordinary people in order to make Maria happy, and also included expensive wine, that the bill seemed so shocking.

However, compared to the 720 francs he unexpectedly won in the casino just now, this amount of money was nothing. Aigron took out his wallet to pay the bill nonchalantly, and then left the restaurant with Maria.

And next, he wanted to give up the initiative to Maria.

"Miss Maria, are you enjoying your time? Where else do you want to go next?"

"Forget it, that's it for today. Thank you for hosting me so politely, Franz." Maria replied to him with a smile on her face, "After all, you are a busy person and you can spare a few hours from your busy schedule. Time comes to meet me and satisfy my willful requests. This is already a great favor. Now I should stop due to emotion and reason. After all, there must be many people waiting for you..."

"It's really touching that you can be so reasonable." Hearing that she had enjoyed herself so much today, Aigron felt as if he was being pardoned. "But to be honest, I'm not just catering to you. For me, Paris is It is also a strange city, and I feel very happy to be able to experience and taste my capital with you occasionally like today... I hope we can still have a good visit in this private way in the future."

Aiglon's words are somewhat true. He is usually stared at by countless eyes. Although this can indeed satisfy his vanity, over time he will naturally become a little tired. Now he can have the opportunity to It's really interesting to wander around Paris as an "ordinary young man" and experience fun that you can't usually experience.

So he was looking forward to having similar experiences in the future.

"Since you said that, I feel a little better. In the future, when you are free, I will inevitably bother you a few more times." Maria looked at Aigron with a calm smile, and then suddenly changed the subject, "But , we will talk about the future matters later, I hope you can do me a small favor now, do you think that is okay?"

"Please tell me -" Aiglon nodded immediately, "I will do it as long as I can."

"I've been wandering around Paris these days, and I'm very satisfied with the customs and customs here, but I still have a little regret. I inevitably feel like I don't have enough experience..." Maria frowned slightly, seeming to sigh. .

"What regret?" Aigron asked.

"I came here as an ordinary cook next to my sister. Although my humble status allowed me to avoid most boring red tape and ubiquitous surveillance, it helped me experience so much fun, but on the contrary I came here to say that it has also brought me some inconvenience - that is, I can't participate in the activities of those upper-class people. Everyone knows that noble banquets and salons are also an integral part of Paris culture. If you don't have the opportunity to experience this part If so, wouldn’t that be a great pity? So if possible, I hope you can provide me with some convenience..."

Aiglon originally thought that Maria would pose another problem for him, but he was relieved after hearing this.

"Entering the upper class circle" is a difficult problem that has troubled many people for a lifetime, but for him now, it is simply a piece of cake. Not to mention himself, his younger brother and even younger brother's younger brother are also in the eyes of others. What kind of living room can't you enter as a distinguished guest?

"This kind of thing is all my responsibility!" So he accepted the request casually, "Which salon do you want to go to to see fresh food? Just tell Andre directly. He will definitely be able to do it. You solved it——"

"With your words, I feel relieved..." Maria nodded with a smile, "Just recently, I heard that a well-known nobleman was planning to hold a banquet for celebrities and distinguished guests, and I wanted to go see something new. , experience it.”

"Who is this famous noble?" Aigron asked casually.

At this time, the Bourbon royal family and a group of princes and nobles attached to the Bourbon royal family have fled France; the Duke of Orleans and his family have also been exiled out of the country. Aiglon does not think that there is any noble family worthy of becoming a princess. Maria, use these words to describe.

If even Maria was in awe, this made Aiglon feel offended - such an awesome person was not allowed to exist in Paris!

"I heard it's Duke Nordlyen--" Maria's smile was a little playful. "Now, I am afraid that the whole of Europe has heard of this lord's name. Do you think this Duke is from a prestigious family?"

Aigron's originally competitive spirit suddenly shriveled up like a popped balloon, and his face became embarrassed.

He finally realized that Maria was teasing him for making his lover's name famous in Europe.

But, how can he refute? All this was originally done by him.

"Don't be joking..." After a moment, he could only reply with a dry smile.

"I'm not kidding..." Seeing how wonderful Aigron was, Maria covered her mouth and snickered. "The Duke is indeed preparing to host a banquet for guests recently to show off his current position of power, and I do want to go over and see what's new. Can you give me such an opportunity?"

Facing Maria's expectant eyes, Aigron hesitated.

Logically speaking, this is indeed just a simple effort on his part. He can let Maria easily slip into the venue with a fake identity, and no one will notice.

But, wouldn't this cause problems?

That's Agnes' home...

"Why, didn't you just say that you would fulfill my humble wish? Isn't this difficult for you?" Maria asked softly with a smile.

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