Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and seventeen, wronged

217, grievance 217, grievance ←→:

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 217, Grief "Why, didn't you just say that you would fulfill my humble wish? Isn't this difficult for you?"

Maria's questioning put Aigron into a dilemma.

Although he doesn't have much contact with Maria, he now understands her temper. If he refuses, then today's efforts will be in vain, and the goodwill he tried to win over will be wasted. derogation.

But if she agrees, God knows what trouble she will cause.

He is not afraid that Agnes will suffer a loss. After all, Maria is a civilian now and cannot cause any trouble to Agnes in any way. But if there is any conflict and Maria's identity is known to the outside world, it will cause trouble. Big mess.

"You don't have to worry. I don't want to cause any trouble more than you do. Otherwise, I will not only embarrass myself, but also make my brother Wang furious. This will of course be harmful to me." It seemed like it was. Seeing what Aiglon was thinking, Maria smiled and defended herself, "I just want to see how elegant the gatherings of the upper class celebrities in Paris are. Of course, if I can see the true nature of your beloved concubine up close, That would be even more eye-opening!"

The more Maria said this, the more strange Aigron felt. After all, he had seen what Sophie looked like before.

But from another aspect, the two sisters are also a little different. Sophie really regards herself as her own heart and does not want to be shared by others, but Maria has no such intention.

Maybe she really just wanted to see the world to satisfy her curiosity?

Aiglon didn't think she really dared to cause trouble and cause headaches to the governments of both countries - no matter how willful she was, she knew that this was a price she couldn't bear.

So, after a moment of weighing, he finally nodded.

"Well, since you have mentioned this, I promise you... However, please keep a low profile and be careful. If any trouble occurs, it will be difficult for us to end it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Maria bowed her knees slightly, and then saluted Egron gracefully, "I promise you, there will be no trouble, only fun..."

After saying that, the two people said goodbye to each other politely, and Andre Davout, the captain of Egron's guard, finally walked quietly from the nearby crowd and returned to Egron's side to obey his orders.

Just now, he had been following the two of them from a distance, watching the whole process of them eating, drinking and having fun together, while he was wondering in his heart how far these two golden people had "progressed".

Of course, he also knew that this was not something he was qualified to ask about, so he wisely kept his mouth shut and respectfully waited for Aiglon's order.

And Aigron's eyes flickered a little, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, Aigron finally made up his mind.

"Andre, do you know what banquet Duke Nordlyon is hosting recently?"

This question was a bit unexpected, so Andre was stunned for a moment, but he quickly answered truthfully.

"Yes, Your Majesty, His Excellency the Duke is planning to hold a large banquet recently to entertain celebrities and distinguished guests, and I have also received their invitations——"

"I see... Agnes didn't tell me. I guess she didn't want to ask for any benefits for her family." Agron nodded, and he probably understood.

It was not that he couldn't understand why the Duke kept a high profile. After all, less than a year ago, the Duke almost went bankrupt due to the banking crisis. He was once abandoned by the upper class and no one cared about him; precisely because his prestige and self-esteem were both low. He suffered a serious setback, so now the Duke wants to make a grand show and declare to the upper class that his family has "restored strength".

Even "to the next level".

Banquets have always been an important way for nobles to show off their family status and communicate social relationships. This is completely understandable, and in a sense, it is also very good for Aigron.

"Then are you going to attend?" Aigron asked calmly.

"Your Majesty, I haven't decided yet." Andre replied, "After all, I am responsible for the security of the palace, and I cannot get away easily..."

"Your work is indeed very important, Andre, but there's nothing wrong with relaxing yourself occasionally." Aigron smiled, then patted Andre's shoulder affectionately, "Paris is very stable now, and it won't be for the time being." No bold person will dare to invade the palace, and you can enjoy some private time..."

Andre has been with Aigron for so long, so of course he understands what he really means.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will be there on time."

Eggron was very satisfied with Andre's simplicity and directness. He nodded slightly, and then changed the topic, "By the way, help me bring a guest in..."

"Who do you want me to take?" Andre was surprised.

Eggron just shrugged regretfully, "A troublesome person."

Seeing his expression, Andre finally understood. "You...asked me to take her there? Why?!"

Although he didn't say it explicitly, it was obvious that he found this a bit ridiculous.

"I don't know why, it's just that she asked me to do this." Aigron sighed, with a helpless look on his face, "Since I have agreed to her, there is no need to discuss this matter, so An Andre, I can only trouble you - on the one hand, you have to take her in and let her see the world; on the other hand, you have to make sure that she can settle down and not cause any trouble for us, do you understand?"

After knowing Aiglon's intention, Andre instantly became bitter. After all, he also knew how difficult Maria was. Even His Majesty could not deal with her, let alone himself.

But it is hard to disobey your orders. Now that he has received the order, he can only accept it helplessly. His Majesty's wishes cannot be violated.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will do my best." So, he nodded and accepted the order.

Then, under Andre's arrangement, the group quietly sneaked back into the palace. The "incognito travel" experience just now turned into dust forgotten by history, as if it had never happened - Of course, in reality, this won't be the last time.

While Aigron was giving instructions to Andre, in Duke Nordlyen's mansion, the venerable Duke was also having a heart-to-heart talk with his daughter in the study.

The Duke looked at his daughter with a smile on his face. The atmosphere between father and daughter was as harmonious as before, but it was subtly different from the past. Compared with the past, the Duke looked at his daughter with a little less fondness. Indulging and indulgent, a little more fearful and flattering.

For the Duke, this daughter he loved since childhood is no longer just a child. She is an incarnation of the highest power and the hope of his family for future generations. She is more like an idol that must be enshrined on the shrine. , instead of being the child who can be caressed and scolded at will.

"Agnes, have you informed His Majesty of the banquet?" the Duke asked in a good voice.

"No, I didn't tell him." Agnes replied honestly.

"What? Didn't I tell you that I was going to invite him? What, you forgot?" The Duke's expression suddenly changed, and then he asked his daughter anxiously, "There will be many important people coming to this banquet. If His Majesty attends, then It will definitely bring supreme glory to our family, and it will also let people know that we now have His Majesty as our backstage. This is so important, how can we forget it?!"

"I haven't forgotten, I just don't want to trouble Your Majesty." Agnes shook her head, and then replied softly to her father, "Dad, now...is there anyone who doesn't know what happened between me and Your Majesty? Why bother?" Seize every opportunity to show it to the outside world? Do you really want others to keep talking about your daughter as someone else's lover?

Besides, because of what happened before, I have already made Princess Teresa unhappy. If I invite Her Majesty home again this time, what should Her Majesty think of it? Even I thought this was too much... So, I thought about it and didn't tell His Majesty. "

The Duke found it somewhat difficult to understand his daughter's remarks.

What's wrong with being His Majesty's lover? It was so good, so many people wanted it, so how could he feel embarrassed? It would be better to say that he is proud of it.

As for Princess Theresa, it is true that it will make her unhappy, but so what?

Seeing her father's disapproving look, Agnes knew that her father didn't take her two reasons to heart.

She felt angry for a while, but she didn't know how to argue with her father. In the end, she simply widened her eyes and shouted categorically to her father.

"I don't care what you think, but I won't tell him anyway. I don't want to be seen as someone who is so pushy and doesn't know how to restrain himself... Your Majesty will not attend. As for the rest, you can do whatever you want!"

Faced with his daughter's unkindness, the Duke naturally felt a little angry, but he couldn't turn against his daughter and scold her, so after a while, he had no choice but to collect his emotions and put on a kind smile again. .

"Okay, okay, Agnes, since you insist so much, I won't invite Your Majesty. However, at least you should attend... This is dad's bottom line, so you shouldn't be unable to agree, right?"

Faced with her father's flattery, Agnes naturally softened her heart. Since she had refuted her father's favor on one aspect, she was also willing to make some concessions on the other.

"Okay, Dad, I'll be there..."

"That's great, daughter...thank you." The Duke finally felt relieved.

Then, he hugged his little daughter affectionately and said, "Agnes, you are daddy's pride. Dad will count on you in the future... When the guests come over next time, you have to entertain them well."

"I know." Agnes nodded slightly.

Inadvertently, she discovered that she had become the most influential person in the family. Her parents and brothers, who could have given orders to her, now seemed to be respectful in front of her, and they were affectionate and flattering. Everyone looked up to her. ——Agnes certainly knows what this is for.

She has become the head of the family. Although this is a position she never wanted, the shackles have naturally been put on her body, making it difficult for her to break free and unable to escape.

All this made people feel heavy. After all, she didn't want to mess with the world, but she found that this seemed to be something she couldn't escape -

Her father needed her to hold up the scene, to show off the family's "strength" to the outside world, and to rebuild the lost prestige, and she could only cooperate, because the bond of blood was something she could not let go.

Since the family is in need, no matter how much she doesn't like welcoming people and sending them off, she can only go ahead and do it.

Agnes was definitely not the only one who had to bite the bullet. In fact, Andre Davout felt that he had an even bigger headache.

In order to help Aigron contact, he had contacted Maria several times before, and he felt that the other party was indeed an extremely difficult person. But now, this "difficulty" has increased several times.

Because, His Majesty ordered him to find a way to bring her into Duke Nordlyon's banquet to see the world.

The command is so simple, but not so easy.

First of all, in such a crowded place, not just anyone can sneak in. Under what name should he bring Maria in?

As a female dependent? This is not okay.

Not to mention that the outside world knows that he is a bachelor, and suddenly there is a "female family" around, the outside world will definitely be shocked and guess the identity of the other party; on the other hand, he is watching His Majesty's ambiguous relationship with her, and he How dare you call yourself the other party’s male companion?

After thinking about it, he couldn't think of any good way to get the best of both worlds.

Because he felt embarrassed, he took the initiative to ask Maria to see what she could do.

"Sir, I didn't know anything about France before, and I didn't have many friends. Logically speaking, this is a problem you should solve -" Maria replied with a smile.

This mocking smile made Andre even more unhappy, but he couldn't say it out loud, so he had to curse her in his mind for causing trouble for himself.

Invisibly, he felt that this girl might not be so easily surrendered by His Majesty in the future.

However, he was well aware of his master's style, and deeply admired his "romantic achievements" all the time, so he placed great confidence in Agron - even people like Miss Agnes were taken into his hands. , a mere Princess Maria with little ability, isn’t she already at her fingertips?

Of course, after racking his brains, he finally came up with a makeshift solution——

"Then, please feel aggrieved and be my cousin for the time being, okay? Our family is in another province, and no one will see through this lie in a short time..."

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