Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-two, newborn

Maria, who was still frightened, refused to give in at all, but her actual actions proved that she was by no means unscrupulous - in the second half of this grand banquet, she basically stopped being active, let alone taking the initiative. Instead of flirting with Agnes, he played the role of a spectator in a low-key manner, watching everything around him with cold eyes.

At midnight, she quietly left with Andre. Although Agnes noticed her escape, she did not stop her. Although she was full of doubts, today was the highlight moment of the family after all. Since the other party was barely " "Guest", then she can't be too difficult out of etiquette.

In this way, due to Andre Davout's strong stop, the storm disappeared without a trace. Of course, the two people left a deep impression on each other, and this impression will become one of them in the future. the main tone of the relationship.

However, although letting the two of them meet seems to have hidden dangers, for Aiglon, he still has too many important things to deal with at the moment, and this small disturbance is not worth his energy.

Among these important things, the first and most important thing is that his wife, Princess Theresa, has given birth.

As Theresa approached her due date, the Tuileries Palace became increasingly busy. A large group of medical staff and maids surrounded Theresa, ready to deliver the baby to the future Queen.

Finally, when Teresa felt the expected severe pain in her abdomen, the long-awaited day finally arrived, so the entire team around her was mobilized, and all the preparations made in advance were carried out. Once put into action.

Aigron himself couldn't help with this kind of thing. He could only stay outside the delivery room and wait for the birth of his second legal child.

Of course, he was not the only one waiting outside. The Tuileries Palace now gathered the top figures in the French power pyramid, including Prince Talleyrand, Marshal Soult, Marquis of Noirtier, Trey General Weir, as well as Aigron's cousins... each of the famous figures, after receiving the news that Princess Theresa was in labor, also rushed over one after another, gathered around Aigron, and waited for the newborn. 's birth.

In the old dynasty, it was a historical tradition for the nobles to watch the queen give birth. On the one hand, the nobles were often related to the king and hoped to express their "expectations" for the continuation of the royal family in this way; on the other hand, it was also to confirm Make a public witness of the gender of the newborn and whether it survives (by the way, to ensure that the girl will not be changed into a boy and affect the succession of the throne).

When these princes or princesses are born, they are picked up by the midwife and displayed to the big people who are watching before they are wiped clean.

For most people,

This kind of bloody shock is not a pleasant experience, and for the queens, the miserable and shameful appearance during childbirth and childbirth will be watched by everyone, which will also bring huge psychological pressure.

In 1778, the beheaded Queen Marie-Antoinette was preparing to give birth to her and King Louis XVI's first child. However, under the watchers of a large group of aristocratic ladies, she was inexperienced and nervous. She fell into difficult labor and even fainted several times.

King Louis XVI, who cherished his wife, could not bear his wife to endure such pain, so he ordered the crowd of onlookers to be dispersed so that his wife could give birth alone in a ventilated room, and eventually gave birth to their eldest daughter, Princess Marie-Thérèse.

After this battle, the queen no longer "enjoyed" the treatment of being watched by everyone during her next few births. Although King Louis XVI was too mediocre in his ability to govern, he had nothing to say to his wife - not only did he break the relationship after getting married, The tradition of the king openly finding his mistress was abolished, as was the tradition of watching the queen give birth.

Next, the king of France became Emperor Napoleon. His first wife, Josephine, had lost her fertility after marrying him. Only then did his second wife give birth to the heir he longed for - Aigron. myself.

As a qualified husband, although he loved feudalism and nobility, he also scorned the ancient tradition of "watching the queen's birth". When Aiglon was born in 1811, he specifically ordered that only Emperor Napoleon's mother Lai Only Tizia, the housekeeper's wife, and several of the queen's close female companions and maids could stay in the queen's room to help deliver the baby, while all other princes, ministers, marshals and generals had to wait in the audience hall nearby.

And what about the emperor himself? He hid in his study. He was used to seeing corpses everywhere, but now he could only be alone, anxiously hoping that God would give him a son and that the mother and son would be safe. Apart from him, every Frenchman who hoped that the empire would continue for a long time also had the same expectation.

God did respond to his expectations. On that day, it was in this Tuileries Palace that a newborn baby was born. According to tradition, when the monarch's child is born, a gun salute will be played - 21 times for girls and 100 times for boys. After the gender of the child is confirmed, the salutes are fired one after another, and everyone celebrates in the end. Celebrating the birth of the Crown Prince.

Since then, nearly 20 years have passed, and many things have not changed. The father waiting for the child's birth is named Bonaparte, and the mother who gave birth to the child is from the Habsburg family. History seems to be repeating itself, but there are subtle differences. Different - unlike Emperor Napoleon who was eager for a boy to inherit the family business, now Aiglon and Theresa already have a son, and Francois is also in good health, so Aigron doesn't care whether the child is a boy or not. Female, other people present did not have that sense of longing,

But no matter what, this will still be the first child born in Paris after 20 years by the Bonaparte family, which has great symbolic significance.

Because of the precedent of Emperor Napoleon, Aigron followed suit and ordered that no idlers come to the midwifery room to watch. Except for the necessary personnel, everyone else waited in the hall outside like him.

And then, all that was left for Aigron to do was to wait and look forward to it.

Time passed minute by minute, one hour, two hours, and three hours... Although several heavy doors blocked the sound of the delivery room, Aigron always felt like he could hear the faint screams of pain.

He knew it was just his psychology, but he still couldn't help but worry.

Although this is not the first time Theresa has gone through the test of childbirth, and she has already had some experience, but in this era where the mortality rate of pregnant women has been high for a long time, even if she is a queen or princess, every time she gives birth, It is a huge test and danger may occur at any time.

The anxious waiting made him change from his usual composure, and he paced anxiously on the thick carpet. Of course, others could see how anxious he was at this moment, so no one dared to offend His Majesty by saying anything, so there was a burst of excitement in the hall. The time was silent.

He could only console himself that no news was good news.

After an unknown amount of time, the door was opened.

Then, the loud cry of the baby resounded throughout the entire hall, and the cry was like pebbles thrown into a pond, instantly making the originally silent hall boil. People either whispered or subconsciously rushed to the door. Get ready to see what happens.

Aigron didn't bother to pay attention to the excited crowd. He ran straight away and rushed into the delivery room. The strong bloody smell of the potion inside made him lose consciousness for a moment.

And next, he saw Teresa lying on the bed, and his personal maid Chanel was holding a baby in her arms, and then looked at him with a delighted smile.

"Your Majesty, congratulations, you are a princess."

"Is it a girl? Okay." Aigron nodded, and then accepted the reality with a calm attitude. It was not very important to him anyway.

He took the child from Chanel's arms, and the baby was still crying loudly, showing no restraint because of his father.

Because the baby was just born, the baby is still a wrinkled ball, stained with various liquids, and it doesn't look very good-looking. However, Agron firmly believes that since this is his and Teresa's daughter, she will have a bright future. She will be a beautiful and lovely princess.

Then, he held the baby and came to Theresa's side. Although Theresa was weak at this time, she didn't seem to be seriously injured. She looked at her husband and daughter feebly, but her face looked pale. smile.

"Your Highness..." she called out softly.

"Teresa, you've worked hard." Aigron leaned down, kissed his wife's sweaty forehead, and then looked at her with eyes full of love, "Go and have a good rest."

Teresa's eyes moved slightly and looked at the healthy baby girl she had given birth to, and then her eyes shone with pride and joy.

Before her engagement, she had made a great wish to her mother. After marrying His Highness, she would follow the example of her great-grandmother, the great Queen Theresa, and do her best to help His Highness flourish.

At that time, she imagined living in seclusion in Austria with His Highness, and then using marriage to expand the Bonaparte family. But what happened next was so bizarre that her little plan changed beyond recognition.

But even so, she still has to fulfill her obligation to leave more crystallization for herself and her loved ones in the world, so that this great surname can be passed down for a long time.

This is also the transmission of love.

"We will have more children in the future..." Despite all the sadness before, at this moment, she was exhausted and had no time to think about it. She was immersed in the happiness of having another child. Then he fell asleep in contentment.

"Thank you for your luck, little one." After coaxing Teresa to sleep, with a joking smile, Agron smiled and nodded the baby's forehead, and then he walked out of the delivery room with his newborn daughter. .

Soon, the strutting Aigron and Chanel returned to the hall. After seeing the child in his arms, people wanted to step forward to take a look.

"Everyone, I want to bring you good news... I just got a daughter." Aigron directly revealed the answer to people. "Teresa is doing well and is resting. Now, please celebrate me! Today I am a happy father."

When they heard that it was a daughter, the crowd's reaction was obviously a little disappointing, but more of a relief - after all, after such a long wait, most people were exhausted physically and mentally and just wanted to end it as soon as possible. Now that they heard that the mother and son Naturally, there is nothing to worry about when it comes to peace.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Soon, someone congratulated Aigron, and finally it turned into a surging voice of congratulations, even covering the baby's cry.

And Aigron was also full of a happy smile, walking around the hall with his newborn daughter, sharing his joy with everyone present.

At this time, after the gender of the baby was confirmed, the palace's salute also began to roar, and stopped after 21 blasts, announcing to the outside world that a princess had been born in the palace.

Since the Great Revolution, the French monarchy seems to have fallen into a "thin population" dilemma. King Charles X has only one only grandson, and Napoleon III has only one crown prince (of course, both families have illegitimate children).

From this perspective, Aiglon changed everything. He also had the same idea as Theresa, hoping to create a prosperous family and prosper in this country for a long time.

Amid everyone's congratulations, Aigron walked up to Prince Talleyrand. The old Prince Talleyrand was obviously a little tired. He just glanced at the baby casually, and then said congratulations to Aiglon calmly.

"Your Majesty, congratulations on the birth of your precious daughter."

Speaking of this, he suddenly felt a little emotional again, ""It was here that I saw you born 20 years ago. Time is so ruthless. I still clearly remember what happened that day. Those rooms and stairs are all there." Here, 20 years have passed..."

As an old man and a purely political animal, Prince Talleyrand has seen too many separations between life and death, so the birth of a newborn will not bring any touch to him - if it is a prince, he may still appear. For political considerations, she looked at her a little more. She was just a princess, and she really didn't deserve his attention.

Moreover, as an old man, all he has left is lamenting the passage of time.

"If you can hold on, you can witness it a few more times in the future." Aigron said with a smile.

"So, Your Majesty, have you thought of a name for Your Highness the Princess?" Prince Talleyrand asked jokingly.

Aiglon looked at the child in his arms again.

To be honest, before Teresa gave birth, he had already thought of several names, both male and female, but he had never decided on one.

But now, he seemed to have received some enlightenment, which blessed his soul.

"Then let her be called Funina - I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of this name, and I quite like it."

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