Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-three, God’s arrangement

After the birth of Princess Funina, officials also held a large number of celebrations in Paris.

Although the birth of a princess is not as sensational as that of a prince, the citizens of Paris still talk about this happy event. After all, this is the first time that the Count of Chambord has been born in the Paris Palace after ten years since the birth of the Count of Chambord in 1820. The born child.

For the Aigrons, the children they gave birth to in Paris also invisibly shortened the distance between them and the people - after all, people had witnessed the Bonaparte family re-opening its branches in Paris, and they would naturally have a psychological connection with them. Accept the reality that this family has returned to its peak.

Before the child was born, Prince Talleyrand suggested to Aiglon that since the country's situation is now becoming more stable, he should slightly change the previous policy of severe suppression and grant appropriate amnesty to a group of political prisoners on the grounds of the birth of a prince or princess. This is to reflect the atmosphere of "nationwide celebration" and prepare for the official enthronement.

Prince Talleyrand is worldly and well aware of the importance of "public opinion enthusiasm". Taking advantage of the opportunity of the princess's birth, public opinion will inevitably be more inclined to support Aigron, so it is best to strike while the iron is hot and complete all the procedures at the moment when public opinion is at its highest. .

As a result, Aigron adopted Talleyrand's opinion, announced an amnesty during the joyful celebration, and lifted some of the "dangerous people" who were forcibly imprisoned.

In this joyful and peaceful atmosphere, preparations for the enthronement ceremony of His Majesty the King of Rome immediately began.

This opportunity was an open secret - the government put up lights and decorations everywhere in Paris, and mobilized troops to set up sentries throughout the streets, with almost no explanation; and after six months of getting along, the citizens of Paris gradually got used to it. The reality of the Roman royal couple coming to France.

A part of the people who miss the empire and love the Bonaparte family are excited and excitedly waiting for what is about to happen; a larger part of the people are indifferent to this and just watch indifferently and continue to rush about life. They don't care who sits on the throne. As long as they can get safety and work; only a very small number of people, out of their ultra-republican or ultra-royalist stance, will be sad about this, but even if they are unwilling, they will not face the iron fist of the provisional government. I have no choice but to sit back and watch this happen.

After all, after the turmoil at the beginning of the year, France will not lose anything more. Everything is just acknowledgment of the fait accompli, and naturally there will be no resistance or turmoil.

Preparations were being carried out in an orderly manner, and the people who had to attend the celebration slowly gathered in Paris.

In addition to the high-ranking officials, marshals and generals who are destined to become the upper-class elite of the empire, these people also include the royal relatives of Aigron who are related to each other.

The most highly respected and important among them are Aigron's grandmother, the Queen Mother Letizia, and Letizia's younger brother, Aigron's uncle, Cardinal Fish.

The siblings came from Rome. After arriving in Paris, Aigron wrote a letter to his grandmother in Rome to announce the good news, and invited her to come to Paris as soon as possible to attend his coronation ceremony.

Because both siblings were old, they took a while to prepare before slowly setting off on the road. Then, under the escort of soldiers, they rushed to Paris.

In order to welcome their grandmother, Aiglon and Teresa, who had just given birth, specially held the most grand welcome ceremony to welcome the oldest and most respected grandmother in the Bonaparte family.

Returning to the Tuileries Palace after many years of absence, the old man was not dazzled by the grandeur and wealth here. On the contrary, she only felt uneasy.

This old woman, who was born and raised on the island of Corsica, finally became the Queen Mother of France due to the whims of fate, and then watched it all disappear like a mirror in the mirror. Now she no longer cares about these luxury and Wealth only hopes that his grandson can be safe and not suffer the reincarnation of fate again.

Surrounded by honor guards and courtiers, Aigron finally met his long-lost grandmother.

As soon as he saw Letizia, he walked forward excitedly, and then hugged the old woman tightly, "Grandma, look, I didn't talk big to you when I was in Rome, right? We really did it ! Everything here belongs to us again~"

"Hahahaha..." Looking at her excited and lively grandson, Letizia couldn't help laughing. Although this grandson seemed to the outside world to be an unscrupulous careerist, in front of her grandmother, he would always be just a child.

She gently stroked the back of Aigron's head with her wrinkled hands, "Yes, my grandson, you did it, and I am extremely proud of you. However, since God has given you such a Many things, you must remember to fear God, obey God’s will, and never act willfully..."

Then, the old man continued to nag and admonish Aiglon.

In the view of the devout Letizia, the reason why Emperor Napoleon ended up like this was because he disobeyed God and acted willfully, which resulted in the punishment of fate, especially the collapse of the Roman Church and the armed imprisonment of the Pope. It was a treasonous act, so she was afraid that Aigron would make the same mistake again, so she immediately warned him after seeing Aigron.

Faced with the old man's nagging, Agron was not easy to refute, so he could only say yes with a smile. Then, Letizia walked up to Teresa, hugged her tightly, and kissed her. her cheeks.

"Good boy! I heard on the way that you gave birth to another child?"

"Yes, grandma." Teresa nodded lightly, "Thanks to God's blessing, I successfully gave birth to a healthy daughter a few days ago..."

"Thank you so much for your hard work." Letizia looked at her grandson-in-law with a kind face, "His grandfather and I gave birth to 13 children in total and raised 8 of them. I created and protected a big family. , this is what I am most proud of in my life, and I sincerely hope you can be happier than me."

Teresa blushed instantly.

"With so many people like you...it's still a bit difficult." Then she replied in a low voice. "But I will try my best, grandma!"

Seeing Teresa's squirming look, Letizia laughed again, "I almost forgot that you are still a child now! I hope that everything goes smoothly and happily for you in the future."

A few years ago, after Agron fled Austria, the traumatized Teresa went to Rome to see Letizia. While confiding her pain to the old woman, she firmly stated that she still wanted to fulfill her engagement, and this One side also left a deep impression on Letizia.

She was extremely fond of this princess who was both polite and loyal, and she was even more sympathetic to her plight. So after meeting Aigron later, she scolded her unscrupulous grandson and strongly demanded that Aiglon Continue to fulfill the engagement.

In a sense, Agron later remarried Theresa, and the opinion of Letizia's grandmother was also an important boost.

Because of this, Teresa was extremely respectful and affectionate towards Letizia. Historically, Queen Louisa, who also came from the Habsburg family, had a cold relationship with Letizia, but this time, the new Habsburg Princess Busburg has become Letizia's next self-certified self.

While Letizia and Teresa were exchanging greetings, the palace attendants brought up the two noble children.

Francois was now over two years old. With the help of his attendants, he walked to his great-grandmother. Princess Fonina, who had just given birth a few days ago, was placed in swaddling clothes and shown to Letizia. before.

Seeing the two young children, Letizia's eyes were instantly hooked. She reached out her hand and gently stroked the cheeks of the two children, while Francois looked at the children in front of him curiously. elder.

Although he was told that this was his great-grandmother, since he had never met Letizia, of course he felt strange to him at a young age.

"As a great-grandmother, I have really neglected my duty! I was not present when the two children were born..." Facing her great-grandson's curious eyes, Letizia's eyes were sore and she almost shed tears.

"It's not your fault, it's fate. No one can do anything about it." Teresa quickly comforted the old man beside her, "But it will be fine in the future, grandma. You can see them grow up healthily at any time, and you can also witness the other children. ’s birth.”

"I'm already old, who knows how long I can stay in this world?" Letizia wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, then bent her knees to be parallel to Francois, and then kissed his cheek, "How cute. My child, I hope that his life will be smooth and complete, and he will not have to endure what his grandfather and father endured! May the Almighty God bless you, my child!"

Although Aiglon is not her eldest grandson, and François and Fonina are not her eldest great-grandchildren (the Lucien branch of Rome already has one), for Letizia, This line of descendants is more significant than the descendants of other children.

After all, as a parent in a family with many children, you will inevitably have preferences, and everyone, including Letizia herself, knows very well that their family can ascend to the rank of a royal family and be known and admired by the world. It's just because of the second son and his descendants.

In this case, she certainly valued Aiglon and Francois more than other descendants.

"Your Highness and I will ensure that this child has a safe life. We will eliminate all difficulties and obstacles that should be eliminated for him. As the heir of His Majesty and I, he will take over all the businesses we have created without worries... Don't worry, Grandma." Teresa assured her grandmother with a sense of natural certainty.

"Well, I believe you can do it, Teresa." Letizia nodded, "Although fate is always capricious, you two have this ability. As long as you can follow God's instructions devoutly, don't Don’t make enemies everywhere if you are arrogant, God will let your blood continue in this country...I firmly believe so."

Although Teresa didn't agree with the old lady's superstitious statement, she also came from a devout Catholic family, so she also had a basic fear of God, so she politely changed the subject and stayed with her. The old lady caressed the child and talked about interesting things about Paris and Rome.


While Letizia and Teresa were chatting happily, Agron also came together with his great-uncle, Cardinal Fish, Letizia's brother.

Compared to their common conversation, the topics that Aigron talked about with his old uncle were much more important.

"What's the situation in Rome now, uncle?" Aigron asked the cardinal. "Can His Majesty the Pope come over to support me?"

"I'm afraid I can't, Your Majesty." Cardinal Fish shook his head slightly, "The situation in Rome is a mess now. I'm afraid no one will be able to invite the Pope."

"Is the price not enough?" Aigron didn't believe that there would be a few steadfast priests in Rome, so he lowered his voice and continued to his uncle, "If that's the case, I can pay more. As long as he comes to support me, the price is easy to negotiate."

Faced with Aigron's "devout faith", Cardinal Fish was a little dumbfounded.

Then, he also lowered his voice and whispered to Aiglon, "This is not about money anymore, Your Majesty..."

Then he explained to Aiglon the situation in Rome today.

Last year, in 1829, Pope Leo XII, who had accepted a large bribe from Aigron and also cooperated happily with Aigron, died suddenly. Various factions in Rome fought fiercely around the papacy. Some time later, after a secret electoral council, Cardinal Saverio Castiglioni was elected pope with the title Pius VIII.

However, the fierce disputes during the election continued even after the new pope took office, and the pope fell into a dire situation.

For more than a year, Pope Pius VIII has been working hard to bridge the disputes between various factions, and has spent a lot of experience on this. He is already an old man nearly 70 years old, and he feels even more stressed when facing this kind of pressure. Powerless.

So, not surprisingly, he fell ill recently. In other words, even if he wanted to rush to Paris to crown Aigron against all odds, objective conditions would not allow it.

"Your Majesty, I heard that he may have been poisoned and won't live long." Cardinal Fish whispered another unconfirmed gossip to Agron.

[At the end of 1830, Pius VIII, who had been pope for a year and a half, died. Later, an autopsy revealed that he had been poisoned. 】

Pope Leo XII, who received his own money, unfortunately passed away last year; his successor, Pius VIII, was also dying due to the power struggle within the church. He looked like he was going to see God at any time, and Agron couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded.

However, the Pope has to change twice in just over a year. The Roman Church itself is not worried, so what reason does it have to worry?

"Then I can only help you..." After a brief sigh, Aigron immediately faced the reality. "In a sense, isn't this great? You presided over my baptism back then, and now you have presided over my real coming-of-age ceremony... God has His own plan."

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