Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-nine, conditions

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

As the coronation ceremony of Aiglon approaches, not only the protagonists in the ceremony (that is, the Aiglon couple) are busy with it, but the supporting characters who are destined to get some glory are also making careful preparations for it.

Being able to be eligible to attend the church of Notre Dame de Paris to witness the revival of the empire is enough for everyone to feel honored. Similarly, they are also afraid of losing their temper on this occasion and ruining their own future.

As a result, those imperial dignitaries and celebrities who were qualified to attend were urgently learning etiquette and ordering various jewelry to decorate their gorgeous clothes.

For a time, the price of jewelry in Paris almost doubled.

Even the Count of Monte Cristo, who was usually unwilling to be extravagant and wasteful, was not immune to this trend of following others.

At this time, he was standing in the middle of the hall of his mansion, facing the mirror, staring blankly at his appearance in a big dress.

He is now wearing a blue and white cloak. The shoulders of the cloak are decorated with the imperial eagle emblem braided in gold. On the chest, he wears the Medal of Honor he owns and various decorations. At this time, he Shining like a peacock proudly spreading its tail in front of people.

Under this kind of dress, Edmund, who was originally tall and majestic, now looks more luxurious and luxurious. Anyone who sees it can't help but believe that he is indeed a high-ranking and powerful man.

However, in the earl's own heart at this moment, there was a trace of imperceptible uneasiness.

He looked at himself in the mirror, dressed in fine clothes, and felt a little strange.

Is this really me? Am I dreaming?

Although he is now a real nobleman and has a very high social status, in Edmund's heart, there is still a little bit of the shadow of the past, or in other words, that little sailor from the province. I'm also a little worried that I won't be able to get on the stage.

"Sir, what are you thinking about?" Emily asked next to him, seeing Edmund in a daze.

"Ah, it's nothing." Edmund came back to his senses, and then asked Emily, "Does it fit me dressed like this?"

"It fits perfectly! I dare say that besides His Majesty, you are the person most worthy of this outfit." Emily smiled and gave a matter-of-fact answer.

Although her words must be exaggerated in order to please Edmund, she did not lie too unconscionably. After all, she was born in a noble family and had seen many such costumes since she was a child. There were not many people who could be like this. The earl was equally handsome and majestic, and much better than her two ex-husbands. There was a world of difference.

Moreover, because Edmund didn't know much about this kind of dress and etiquette issues, she took care of all these things by herself. She also found Edmund's outfit to be made by a well-known tailor, so it was reasonable. She couldn't even say bad.

After getting Emily's approval, Edmund's original guilty conscience gradually disappeared. As time went by, he became more and more accustomed to the identity that Prince Talleyrand packaged for him, and he felt at ease. In the presence of a real count.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

In terms of "configuration", he now indeed has everything that a count should have, including power, money and even a mistress. He has everything that the world envies, and these are all given to him by His Majesty.

Therefore, he must devote all his abilities and enthusiasm to His Majesty. He gently pinched the medal on his chest and secretly swore.

Just then, a servant came to announce that the Marquis Noirtier had come to visit.

Although he gnashed his teeth with hatred for Prosecutor Villefort,

But Edmund had great respect for this highly respected and meritorious Marquis, so he quickly asked someone to take him to the reception room, then changed back to his usual casual clothes and went to meet the Marquis.

"Mr. Marquis, what do you want from me?" Edmund asked after seeing the old man.

The Marquis of Noirtier did not directly express his intention, but smiled and looked at the luxurious furnishings around the room, "Edmond, this is really a good house. Did you get this from Danglars?" "

"Yes." Although he was a little confused by the Marquis's inexplicable question, Edmund nodded honestly. "At that time, Tanglar went bankrupt and absconded. Naturally, his property had to be used to pay off debts. Then at that time, I spent money to sell it. Bought it.”

"You were also secretly instigating the trend of Mr. Danglars' bankruptcy, right?" the Marquis asked again. "You said before that he is also an enemy of yours."

Although Edmund did all these things quite secretly, he did it through the Marquis of Treville and others, so it would be easy for the Marquis to find out these things as long as he was willing.

"Yes." So, Edmund admitted again.

"So how is he now? Is he dead?" the Marquis asked.

"I didn't kill him. Now he is locked up in an unknown place. After the number of years I want, if he is not dead yet, I will let him go free." Edmund hesitated, but was still honest. answered. "After all, although he committed the crime of instigation and was the cause of all disasters, after all... the other two people bear the greatest responsibility."

"So, you spared his life, but made him bankrupt and became a penniless pauper, and gave him the reputation of absconding with money... Not only that, you also took over his house, He even tolerated his wife and daughter, and completely took away everything he had built with his whole life. Just killing him must not be enough, right? Taking away everything from Tanglar, does it particularly satisfy your desire for revenge? ?" the Marquis of Noirtier suddenly asked.

The Marquis' sharp questioning made Edmund confused for a moment.

This feeling of being scrutinized made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Are you here to interrogate me? Well, I can tell you that I am indeed very satisfied with this." Then, Edmund's expression became serious and he answered forcefully, "I don't If he feels any guilt for this, he has brought all this upon himself."

However, facing Edmund's challenging look, the Marquis suddenly laughed.

"Edmund, don't be so nervous. I'm not here to accuse you. On the contrary, I think you did the right thing and did a great job! You took revenge like a man and did what you should do..."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

So why are you telling me this? Edmund wanted to ask the other person this question, but in the end he didn't ask. He just looked at the other person with doubtful eyes.

After laughing for a moment, the Marquis tightened his face again, and then sighed softly.

"I just discovered that you don't have to kill your enemy."

The air froze instantly, and Edmund seemed to finally realize the other party's true intention.

As an old-timer himself, he was happy to give the Marquis face in other matters, but in this matter alone, he could not make concessions.

"Inquisitor Villefort and Danglars are different. I don't need to explain it to you in detail. You should know the difference." So he replied in a low voice.

"I know the difference, but I know even more that hatred is not just vented through death, it is the same for you and me."

"Didn't you say before that you wouldn't interfere in this matter?" Seeing the old man say this, Edmund finally lost his temper, and glared at the other person forcefully, "Okay, I understand, after all, we are father and son, you can't really It’s okay to turn a blind eye to your son, and I won’t blame you. But I have to tell you that I don’t want to compromise on this matter… You are also a man, so I don’t need to explain anything more!”

If it weren't for his great respect for the Marquis, he might have scolded him and left.

Edmund's reaction was not beyond the Marquis' expectations. In fact, he had been mentally prepared for it.

Therefore, he was not moved at all, but laughed softly.

"Yes, Edmund, you are right, he made you lose everything, so he should lose the same or even more...and I am here for this. Count, both of us They are busy people, and they are straightforward and don’t like to play tricks, so I won’t beat around the bush... Let me ask you, what do you think of Valentine?”

This sudden question made Edmund stunned for a moment.

To be honest, he did know Valentine. When he accused the Duke of Orleans, he placed the Villeforts and his daughter here for safety. In other words, Valentine had stayed here for a period of time. Although they didn't interact much for a while, it was enough for him to establish a preliminary impression of the child.

"He is a good boy, humble and studious, with a kind personality." So he patiently answered the Marquis's question.

He suspected that the other party mentioned Valentine at this time to play the emotional card, so that he could not bear to attack the father of the child, so he continued, "It is true that I hope that everything will go well for her as you do, and she will not have to suffer. Life is full of ups and downs, so if she needs my help in the future, I will do my best to help.”

"No, Edmund, that's not what I meant." The Marquis shook his head slightly, and then continued, "I mean, do you think Valentine is suitable to be your wife?"

For the first moment, Edmund thought he was hallucinating.

After confirming that he had heard correctly, he suddenly felt angry and even felt that his personality had been insulted.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"How could I have even thought about this? She's still a child!"

"Then, as her grandfather, I hope you will think about this issue." Facing the angry Earl, the Marquis was as calm as ice, "The beautiful qualities she possesses, and the things she is destined to inherit from me. Is the property worthy of you, Lord Count of Monte Cristo? To tell you the truth, I have decided that Villefort may have other children, but the inheritance I have accumulated throughout my life will be given to her and her husband as a dowry. .”

Although this was a very strange conversation, the cold calmness of the Marquis Noirtier infected Edmund and forced him to calm down.

In terms of objective conditions, she is indeed worthy. No matter how evil prosecutor Villefort is in private, but on the surface, Valentine is a queen of a noble family with an innocent family background, and the Marquis of Noirtier has made another Given her decision to give her inheritance, Valentine will definitely become one of the most popular girls to be married in Paris when she grows up...

But that's not something Edmund needs to think about.

"This is not a question of deservingness, she is still a child..." Edmund hissed in reply, "How can you bear to trade with your own granddaughter?"

"Marriage is a transaction. This is how our ancestors have been here for generations." The Marquis replied calmly.

However, although he seemed calm, he could still faintly hear some sadness. Apparently the Marquis didn't feel so good, "The child will always grow up, and she will be able to get married in a few years. So, I feel sorry for her." Is there anything wrong with thinking about the future? Besides, isn't the Count of Monte Cristo the hottest bachelor in Paris right now? To be fair, Edmund, if any elder can find a son-in-law like you for his daughter, he is Is he committing a crime? Is he doing something bad? Surely not? He will only get the envy of others——"

Edmund felt his mouth was dry. He was not good at debating in the first place, and he easily lost when facing the Marquis who had been in the political arena for many years.

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, what the Marquis said seems to be right.

But the whole thing is still ridiculous.

"Is this your condition to marry your granddaughter to me in exchange for me not killing Prosecutor Villefort?" After a moment, he finally came to his senses, and then asked the other party feebly, "You have to pay such a price?" The price?"

"Isn't it understandable to pay some price in order to save your son's life?" Marquis Noirtier asked with a wry smile, "And... this is not the only bargaining chip I proposed - Villefort retired from the legal profession. His future is ruined and he remains anonymous, and this unjust case will be made public and he will bear the price of public opinion. Is this enough? Since you can not kill Danglars, then prosecutor Villefort, who has lost his reputation and has to pay for his daughter, is it right? Can't you be more tolerant?"

Faced with the Marquis' questioning, Edmund still had not recovered from the shock. His thoughts were so confused that he did not know how to reply to the Marquis.

Are you satisfied with your reputation and reputation, and the loss of both your life and property?

If you are not satisfied with such conditions, you can only kill him with your own hands. But will killing him with your own hands really bring you so much happiness?

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

he does not know.

But he at least knew one thing. What he was facing now was not a highly respected Marquis, but a father who would do anything to save his son's life.

Did he really want to plunge this father into endless despair?

"Edmond, this is just a suggestion. You can ignore it and continue with your plan. I said before that I won't interfere, so I won't interfere." The Marquis of Noirtier patted him gently. His shoulder, "But if you have the slightest hesitation...then please consider my words carefully. I am not suggesting you, I am begging you."

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