Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and thirty, retreat

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"If you have the slightest hesitation...then please consider my words carefully. I am not suggesting you, I am begging you."

Facing the old man's pleading, Edmund opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't speak.

He did have "a tiny bit of hesitation."

But this hesitation does not come from coveting Valentine's family background and wealth, but from pity for the old-timers.

I recall that the Marquis, as a member of the National Assembly, fought in the Great Revolution and remained calm when faced with the pursuit of the Montagnards. How heroic he was. However, he did not expect that in his old age, he would have to bow down and beg himself like this.

He tried his best to save Villefort's life. As a person, he must be morally wrong, but as a father, it is reasonable.

It was precisely because of his respect and pity for this old man that Edmund found that he could not say anything decisive.

"You... what you said today was too unexpected. I was not prepared for anything. I... I have no way to give you an answer." After a long time, he finally replied with a dry voice. "We are not emotionally stable right now. Let's talk about this issue later."

"I understand." The Marquis nodded slowly. "Well, we will talk about it at the right time in the future. Anyway, the three-year agreement has not expired yet, and we still have time."

Although his expression was solemn, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. After all, although the Earl's first reaction was to be furious, he did not categorically reject him in the end. This meant that there was some wavering in his heart. Regardless of this, What is the reason for this wavering? Anyway, it at least shows that his will is not unshakable.

The price he gave was sincere enough. He almost gave up everything in exchange for his son's life. No matter how stubborn his revenge was, he had reason to be satisfied.

[In the original work, after prosecutor Villefort was disgraced, he witnessed the tragic scene of his second wife committing suicide with their son, and then suffered a mental breakdown and went crazy. The Count of Monte Cristo did not kill the other party after satisfying his desire for revenge, and even I still doubt myself, "Am I going too far in revenge?" The Earl is indeed a good person...]

He knew that now he was in a dilemma. He neither wanted to act like a coward and prevent the count from carrying out reasonable revenge; nor did he want his son to really die in revenge, so the conditions he was proposing now were already his. This is the best solution that can be found in the current predicament.

This cannot even be regarded as sacrificing Valentine. After all, if she really marries the earl in the future, there will be no fault in this marriage except for the larger age gap.

He has always been a persistent and determined person, and he will stick to it no matter what he sets his sights on. Back then, he had the courage to oppose Robespierre in the National Assembly, and now he naturally has the necessary courage to secretly solve the dilemma before him.

Everything depends on human effort. As long as you are willing to invest enough money, nothing is impossible.

After finishing speaking, he stood up, bowed slightly to the Earl politely, and then quietly walked out of the study. However, the Earl seemed to be still immersed in shock and continued to stay in the study to meditate.

However, the Marquis did not leave the mansion that originally belonged to Danglars immediately after bidding farewell to the Earl, but quietly walked to Emily.

"Ma'am, could you spare some time for me?" he asked politely.

Although Emily had been able to get along well in Parisian social circles in the past, she still felt obviously guilty and short of breath when facing this famous old nobleman. In addition, the Marquis now held a high position of power, so how could she dare to refuse? So he nodded quickly.

"Where are you talking? If you need anything, just ask me."

So, the two of them walked to the balcony together.

This mansion is carefully designed. From the balcony, you can have a panoramic view of the small garden next to it from an excellent angle. At this time, the cold wind is blowing on the balcony.

Camellias and daffodils were in full bloom in the garden, so colorful and beautiful.

In the past, because the earl deliberately dismissed the servants, resulting in a shortage of manpower to maintain the mansion, the garden was somewhat dilapidated. However, after the King of Rome came to Beijing and the overall situation was decided, Emily no longer had any scruples and recruited the necessary manpower again. In a few months Over time, the mansion has regained its vitality and is even more prominent than before.

"You are very lucky. Is this a blessing in disguise?" Facing the small garden downstairs, the Marquis of Noirtier said softly, "You got rid of Danglars, who was good for nothing except a little money, and turned around and got a handsome man. , the pet of the outstanding Count of Monte Cristo, even without moving the house..."

Emily's brows suddenly jumped.

By any standard, this is exposing one's shortcomings in person and clearly offending oneself.

The polite smile on her face suddenly disappeared, and she glared at the Marquis.

"I don't quite understand what you mean, sir."

"Isn't it clear what I mean?" The Marquis of Noirtier sneered, "Ms. Emily, as far as I know, you have been seeking to become the Countess of Monte Cristo. I once asked my son to complete the annulment procedure for you and get rid of the annoying title of Mrs. Tanglar..."

"What does this have to do with you!" Seeing that the other party continued to expose her shortcomings, Emily became furious and scolded the other party loudly.

"So, you don't deny what I said?" Facing Emily's anger, the Marquis not only did not flinch, but continued to ask.

Emily blushed, and if she wasn't afraid of the other person's status, she might have slapped him away.

"Marquis, after all, you come from a noble family. I thought you at least knew what etiquette is, but I didn't expect you to be so rude and rude! Don't you feel shameful that you said such mean and mean words to a weak woman? !" Emily glared at the other party angrily, and her words, by the standards of Parisian social circles, were almost abusive.

"Okay, I don't think we need to talk any more. I wish you a good mood." After saying that, she lifted her skirt and saluted, preparing to bid farewell to this hateful old thing.

"No, you misunderstood. I am just respecting you, madam." However, just when Emily was about to leave, the Marquis spoke coldly, "Compared to the false polite words, cold words Caution is true respect. I have seen too many unlucky men die because of women in my life. A few provocations in the romantic field, or a few pleadings to deliberately show weakness, have killed many talented people! Therefore, I have absolutely no contempt for such a graceful upper-class lady like you. On the contrary, I have too much awe..."

Emily was too lazy to listen to this bad old man's nonsense, so she turned around and wanted to leave.

"Please stay." Although the Marquis said please, his tone was unquestionable, "If you dare to leave my sight now, then I can guarantee that you will regret it for the rest of your life. I can do it. So. , for your own good, please stop and listen to me."

Although she was carrying the old man on her back, Emily seemed to feel his cold gaze, shuddered unconsciously, and her steps stopped subconsciously.

"What on earth do you want to say?!" She was forced to turn around again, and then asked the other party angrily.

The Marquis of Noirtier's current face is old but solemn, completely different from the way he looked when he was begging in front of the count just now.

"What I want to say is very simple. You cannot become the Countess of Monte Cristo. This is certain. This is not my opinion alone. This is the opinion of the two Your Majesty - they will not want to see their closest confidants. An important minister of the country, marrying a wife who has had two husbands and has a dubious reputation is tantamount to becoming a laughing stock of the empire and the court, so they will never accept it, do you understand?"

Emily's face suddenly lost all color and became extremely pale.

In fact, she knew these words very well, but after all, she still held some luck in her heart. During this period, she was also trying her best to "whitewash" herself. Not only did she use Prosecutor Villefort to wash away "Tangrallf" The title of "person" also deliberately breaks away from those things in the past. Now she can simply be described as "virtuous and chaste".

However, no matter how hard she tried, the past could not be changed. Even if she tried her best, she could not make a clean break with her past self. She would still have to pay the price for her original indulgence and joy.

"Even so, what does that have to do with you?" Emily suppressed the grief in her heart, and then asked the other party in a trembling voice, "Does it make you happy to see my jokes?"

"It didn't matter in the past, but it matters a lot now." The Marquis said arrogantly, "Because our family has reserved the title of Countess of Monte Cristo and we must grab it."

"Who? Who do you want him to marry?" Emily asked quickly.

"Valentine." The Marquis replied matter-of-factly.

Like the Earl just now, Emily was shocked and speechless for a moment. Her first reaction was that it was a little funny, but facing the serious-looking Marquis, she couldn't laugh at all.

"Why...? Valentine is still so young, why do you want to make such a plan? I admit that the count is indeed an excellent marriage partner, but you don't need to pay such a high price to win over him, right? Paris is here There will be many young talents of her age in the future..."

"Of course I have my reasons, but I don't need to tell you. In short, you don't need to know anything else except what I told you-" The Marquis interrupted Emily, "Madam, now I have told you my plan, and I hope you can help me realize my wish."

"...Bah!" Emily couldn't help laughing, and then spat, "Why should I help you? Who do you want to marry your granddaughter to? What does it have to do with me?"

"Do you think you have any choice?" The Marquis still said coldly, "I have already said that your majesties will never allow him to marry you. You are destined not to become a countess. So relatively speaking, Valentine You are still young now, and you still have several years to prepare for your own future, and at least save enough capital for you to settle down in the future - I can help you with this."

"Don't think I care about your money, you rude old guy!" Emily was furious and shouted back, "You treated me like this just now, but now you still want me to help you ? Don’t even think about it...! If Valentine has the ability to be a countess, then she can do it herself. Do you want me to give her a few lessons on how to charm men? "

By the standards of the social world, her words were considered a curse. It was obvious that Emily was so angry at the moment that she couldn't care less about her grace.

However, Emily will eventually have to bear the retribution from the past.

The enraged Marquis no longer tried to cover up.

"You're a licentious social butterfly. Sure enough, no matter how much you pretend, you'll never be able to get rid of that lascivious habit! Well, then I'll teach you a lesson so that you never forget who you are talking to!"

The old Marquis widened his eyes, and then looked sternly at the beautiful lady in front of him, "If I know correctly, you should have had an affair with my son back then, making your first husband so angry that you were secretly angry. You gave birth to an illegitimate child...you are really good, most of the ladies in Paris don't have as much fun as you, do you have to be proud of this?"

It's over...it's all over.

When the Marquis mentioned the most secret weakness in Emily's heart, Emily, who was originally furious, suddenly lost all her strength and could no longer resist the opponent's momentum.

Where on earth did he know all this? Did you know it from Villefort? Or did you find out by yourself?

It's not important, it's not important anymore, what's important is that he knows.

This is the third time that Alice, Villefort, and the Marquis of Noirtier have been threatened with the same thing. However, every time Emily is unable to resist because this method is too fatal - especially when she hopes While staying with the earl.

How much price do you have to pay for your original debt?

Emily's heart felt like a knife, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

She raised her head and stared at the Marquis with hatred.

"You speak so righteously, so I'm not the only one who has committed crimes. Isn't it the same with your son? Speaking of which, he is also your grandson. It must be very uncomfortable for you to die at birth... Hahahaha... "

Faced with the sight of Emily who was completely broken and looking crazy, the Marquis turned a deaf ear. He had seen so many big scenes, how could he be afraid of a woman.

If it was in the past, he would still have scruples because he was afraid that Villefort would be ruined, but now he doesn't care, so how could Emily threaten him in turn?

"I have made the stakes clear to you. If you listen to me, you will have a lot of time to stay with him and make some capital for yourself. Maybe I will be happy and allow you to stay in this mansion and continue. Be your mistress; if you are dishonest... I will make you lose everything in an instant, I can do whatever I can."

"You don't dare to talk to me like that, no matter what your level." Seeing that Emily was speechless, the Marquis of Noirtier sneered contemptuously, and turned and left without bothering to continue to scare Emily.

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