Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and thirty-one, coronation

Although he has been secretly engaged in activities to protect his son, Noirtier has never forgotten his own job.

With his unremitting efforts, Aigron finally got the "legal procedures" he had longed for.

In the referendum in November, the legal voters of the French country enthusiastically confirmed the referendum "inviting His Majesty the King of Rome to ascend the throne and become Emperor of the French Empire" with a disparity of 7 million to 150,000 votes. This also means that this The great drama finally came to an end and came to its due end.

So, on December 2, 1830, the day destined to belong to the Bonaparte family finally arrived.

On this day, the weather in Paris was very cold. The cold wind swept back and forth in the streets and alleys. There were even tiny snowflakes floating in the air, gently hitting the faces of pedestrians.

However, in the spacious Notre Dame Chapel, there is no chill from the outside world at all.

Guards in uniforms, imperial ministers in formal attire, and celebrities and dignitaries in all kinds of costumes were all gathered together at this moment, making this usually lonely church become bustling with people.

People's breath seemed to turn into white mist, floating between the dome and the walls, making this sacred hall even more ethereal.

Although each was whispering, everyone's expression was very serious, as if they were afraid that they would leave some regrettable record in this historical moment.

They are all waiting quietly for the arrival of the two protagonists today.

And where are these two protagonists now?

They were making final preparations for departure in the Tuileries Palace.

Under the watchful eyes of the attendants, Theresa arranged Aigron's clothes herself.

At this time, Aigron was wearing a custom-made uniform of the Knights of Fontainebleau.

He also wears a Grand Cross of Honor designed by himself, complete with ribbons, tassels and neck accessories, full of domineering aura.

Relatively speaking, Teresa's clothes were simpler. She wore earrings and necklaces, a white ceremonial robe and a silk satin cape inlaid with gold threads, which was not as heavy as Aiglon.

But don’t misunderstand, this is not the “final form” of the two of them. At the coronation ceremony in Notre Dame, Agron will wear the emperor’s gown, and Teresa will also wear a long skirt according to tradition. The queen's gown is not only luxuriously decorated, but also has a long skirt that is several meters long. Someone must be holding it from behind.

And when the time came, Alice, who was the confidant of Her Majesty Queen Aiglon, followed Theresa and held the skirt of Her Majesty the Queen's dress, thereby personally and closely participating in this historic moment—— As for Aiglon's personal maid Chanel, she participated in the event in an official capacity as the Knights' concierge and became a rare legend.

After confirming that her husband was properly dressed, Teresa looked at her husband carefully, her eyes full of doting and pride.

"Your Highness, it looks great."

"The same goes for you, my dear." Aigron, who was in a very good mood, responded to his wife in the same gentle tone, "Today we are worthy of this country, and maybe even more than that."


Although Agron himself can be called heroic, Teresa is also beautiful and dignified. She has become a mother of two children at the age of 20. She not only has the charm of youth, but also has the stability of a mother. The majesty and depth she had developed since childhood gave her the air of a queen as a matter of course.

Everyone believes that she will be a proud mother and a competent queen. Together with her husband, she will bring this ill-fated country onto a new track.

Soon, after everything was ready, at 10 a.m., with the roar of the salute, Agron and Teresa boarded the gorgeous carriage, and then set off from the Tuileries Palace towards the Notre Dame not far away. Enter the hospital.

In addition to a large number of guards, there were countless crowds on this short road. These crowds included Parisian citizens watching the excitement and Bonaparte family supporters who flocked to Paris from all over the country.

When the salute sounded and the carriage rumbled out of the palace gate into their sight, they waved and cheered enthusiastically to the carriage regardless of the low temperature and cold wind. They quickly gathered together with loud cheers of "Long live the Emperor!" Reverberating through the sky - just like it did 26 years ago.

The Aiglon couple in the carriage were also deeply touched by such warm cheers.

"What enthusiasm and loyalty! They shed their blood for our family without any regrets, and now they are unswervingly supporting me. We must meet their expectations..." Aigron whispered.

"The French people will see our efforts." Teresa grabbed her husband's hand and squeezed it gently to show her support for her husband.

"I hope our children and grandchildren can also walk into Notre Dame with the same cheers!" Aigron looked out the window at the exquisite building getting closer and closer, and then expressed his final emotion.

Because they wanted to enjoy the cheers of the people, the carriage moved very slowly. It did not arrive at the Archbishop's Palace next to the Notre Dame Chapel until nearly an hour later. The Agrons went in first to change clothes, and then officially entered the Notre Dame surrounded by people. .

Although time continues to pass, there is not much anxiety in the Notre Dame Church. Everyone is just waiting quietly.

Not long after, the door slowly opened, and then, this supreme couple appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, Aigron, according to the ancient ritual rules, wore a robe inlaid with gold and gems, and a crimson velvet cloak lined with mink. The only difference was that in the past, the cloaks of the crowned kings , embroidered with the fleur-de-lis pattern belonging to the royal family, but this time, the cloak has bee patterns.

This outfit is quite heavy. Even though Aigron is young and strong, he still feels a huge pressure on his shoulders. This seems to imply to him that you will not only bear power in the future, but also a mountain of pressure.

Teresa also put on a long dress, and several female officials behind her held the skirts for her and followed her.

Both the couple were adorned with a large number of ornaments, and the brilliance of these jewels made them stand out, enough to leave a deep impression on everyone.

The crowd automatically lined up on both sides to make way for the couple. Then, under the gaze of everyone, the couple slowly walked forward, all the way to the steps of the altar - Cardinal Fish, Aiglon's great-uncle, who was in charge of the coronation ceremony, was also waiting there at the moment.

Aigron walked forward step by step. The eyes from both sides were focused on him, but he turned a deaf ear.

After all, I got what I wanted - even though it cost me a lot.

Is it all worth it? Of course, totally worth it.

Looking back at the past, just a few years ago, that young man who grew up alone in Schonbrunn Palace, that sinister and resentful young man, how many times had he cursed all the disasters that fate had brought to him, how many times had he secretly sworn To get back everything you have lost.

Finally, through his hard work and the chance of fate, he finally seized the opportunity that belonged to him, walked to Notre Dame, and reached the top of power.

Some people will curse him, and some will bless him, but it doesn't matter. In this life, he never wants to rely on others. He only believes in himself. The evaluation of others is not important to him. He only lives for his own creed.

At this time, the vast chapel was completely silent. Everyone was watching the young couple walking slowly towards the crown in silence. They also had mixed feelings.

The one standing closest to the altar is Aiglon's grandmother, Queen Letizia. She will witness her grandson's coronation and will also resolve the last regret of her life.

In 1804, because her second son Napoleon and her third son Lucien had a falling out, she sided with Lucien and chose to be angry with Emperor Napoleon. Therefore, she stayed in Rome and did not attend the emperor's coronation ceremony. Later, the emperor ordered the painter to force the painting when painting. He painted his mother next to him to witness his coronation.

With the passage of time and the tragic ending on St. Helena Island, the former family grudges have faded away, leaving only the regret and regret of eternal separation. She regretted and sighed countless times. I should spend more time with this poor son.

In order not to experience this regret again, Letizia rushed all the way from Rome to Paris, regardless of her old age and frailty, just to witness her grandson put on the crown that originally belonged to him.

The regrets of the last time will be put to rest this time, and the shortcomings of the last time will be made up for this time. She firmly believes that with the help of Teresa, Agron will follow God's teachings and not repeat the same mistakes. It is to pass down this crown to future generations safely.

Under the old man's gaze, the Agrons finally walked under the altar and walked to her side.

In front of this outstanding young couple, Letizia faced not so much the majesty of the royal family, but more of a sense of closeness connected by blood. She was already dying, and perhaps she would have to be blinded soon. God's call to go to heaven - but this is not important, her bones and blood will continue through the continuation of her descendants, she will always be praised by future generations, this is enough.

Joy and sadness, pride and regret, excitement and sorrow... Lots of thoughts came to mind, leaving this devout and family-oriented old lady to stay.

The old man was moved to tears. I couldn't help but touch the cross hanging on my chest, and then murmured to myself.

"My son, may you rest in peace!"

Aigron didn't notice the old man's tears. At this time, his eyes were already focused on the crown in the gold plate.

The country has now been offered to him on a platter, and all he needs to do is take it with his own hands.

Yes... it's very soon, very soon, only the last few formalities are needed... He suppressed the turmoil and anxiety in his heart and faced his uncle Cardinal Fish in a solemn manner.

And the cardinal was as excited as he was at this moment.

As a clergyman, he has no descendants, so he has already regarded his sister's children as his own descendants, and has already shared the same fate with the Bonaparte family. He rose to great heights when Emperor Napoleon became powerful, and he also served as a member of the Bonaparte family. After the empire was destroyed, he was looked down upon. For him, all this was a passing thing. The only thing he cared about was whether these children could stand up again in the quagmire of fate and create the miracle that his nephew had done.

And to his delight, his nephew actually did it.

This child's victory is his victory, and he is truly proud of the child.

When Aigron walked up to him, he suppressed his inner excitement, but his voice still trembled a little.

"My child, I will bless you."

After saying this, he applied three layers of holy oil to Aigron's forehead and hands.

For Aigron, who likes cleanliness, this sticky feeling on his head is certainly uncomfortable, but since it is a necessary ritual "procedure", he can endure it - just like Emperor Napoleon back then.

Under the gaze of everyone, the cardinal patiently said mass for Aiglon, praying for God's blessing for him, and also hoped that God would bless the country that regards him as king.

When the blessing prayer was finished, the cardinal simply hugged his nephew, and then shouted the classic "Long live the Emperor, may he live forever!"

The old man was so short of energy that even if he summoned all his strength, his shout would be weak, but it was enough.

Aiglon picked up the crown from the gold plate next to the cardinal, and then gently put it on himself.

This ceremony was unprecedented and was created by Emperor Napoleon himself. 26 years later, his successors followed this rule - in their eyes, this was a matter of course, because the crown was not given by God. But they took it into their own hands.

If there are no accidents, after his descendants ascend the throne, they will follow the way of their ancestors and wear crowns for themselves - this will become the family's strictest historical tradition.

Just after he put on the crown, everyone cheered to congratulate the birth of the new monarch of France.

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the Empire!"

Following the previously established procedure, everyone shouted the same cheering slogan.

The loud shouts echoed in Notre Dame for a long time, even making Aigron's ears hurt.

However, this will not affect his mood, because... this is the effect he wants.

He looked at his wife beside him.

At this time, Teresa knelt down in front of him just like his loyal servant. Of course, she was not a servant, but was waiting for another ritual process.

Aiglon picked up another crown from the side of the gold plate. This was the crown belonging to the queen.

Then, he bent slightly and gently placed the crown on Theresa's head.

The empire was born at this moment.

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