Eagle’s Glory

Extra (31) Fighting in court

[Princess Keli returns to the orthodox world line in France and takes over extra chapters 10 and 20]

This was an ordinary day in August 1837.

The Palace of Fontainebleau, which has always been famous for its beautiful scenery, is now entering its most charming season. It has just emerged from the heat of midsummer, but it still retains the vitality of spring and summer, whether it is the garden or the shade of trees at this moment. They all exude the purest fragrance of nature; the gentle and beautiful Seine River also flows quietly by it, making it even more fresh and tranquil.

As one of the owners of this palace, Princess Christelle was sitting by the window of her bedroom, holding her chin in her hands, quietly looking at the sparkling Seine River in the distance.

Although the weather was pleasant today and the scenery was beautiful, she seemed to have other things on her mind at the moment and was not focusing on this stunning beauty.

Time flies, especially for children. Before she knew it, two full years had passed since she came here.

In the past two years, not only has her age changed from 8 to 10, but she has also completed a class transition from "an unknown girl in the forest" to a "princess of a country".

Although she did not adapt to the drastic changes in life at first, as time went by, she gradually got used to her own life and the new family and new friends around her.

However, in general, "family" and "friends" are as ambiguous to her as her own identity. She seems to have many brothers and sisters, but she never seems to be accepted by them into her life; There seemed to be many friends of the same age in the palace, but these friends seemed to be distant from her.

She was both the owner and the guest here. She was respected, but she seemed to be tacitly excluded by people. Although there were people everywhere around her, she still seemed to be living alone in the forest as before. .

The only thing that made her feel at ease was that she finally had a friend here who she could treat with sincerity - that was naturally her close playmate, Miss Charlotte de Treville.

Perhaps it was due to His Majesty the Emperor’s instructions,

Perhaps out of pity for Keli's awkward position, Xia Lu has indeed taken great care of Princess Kelistel since the two got married, and often stays with her to study and play with her.

It was precisely with Xia Lu's company that Kristel was able to integrate into the new life so smoothly and get fun in this life - and more importantly, hope for the future.

However, although Xia Lu has always shown a positive, strong and optimistic side in front of Kelly, the keen Kelistel can also detect that there is also a little haze hidden in Xia Lu's smile. She also has things to worry about.

In their normal interactions, the two children tacitly avoided talking about their respective troubles. Xia Lu never asked about Christel's mother, and Kellie would not ask about her family affairs. Although they are young, they have already understood a truth without any teacher - some worries are destined not to be confided in and can only be endured alone.

However, even if she can't solve her friends' problems, Keli still wants to do something for her friendship——

For example, prepare a 10th birthday gift for Xia Lu.

Although there is still a little time before that day, careful preparation is indeed required.

Not long ago, Princess Crystal celebrated her 10th birthday. Her father held a grand celebration banquet for her. The whole court was laughing and laughing. She also received many gifts at that time. Almost filling a room.

Although she doesn't care about being watched and admired in her heart, Kristel is very happy to share her "glorious moments" with her friends.

Therefore, during the celebration banquet, she specially arranged for Xia Lu to sit closest to her, and even asked Xia Lu to cut the huge birthday cake with her - if Xia Lu hadn't firmly refused, she would have even She also wanted to give some of the gifts she received to Xia Lu, but she couldn't use them all anyway.

And now, it's Xia Lu's birthday.

No matter how ignorant Crystal was of the world, she knew that her and Xia Lu's "official class" were different. No matter how favored Xia Lu was in front of her father, she would never be qualified to be celebrated by the entire palace like herself. .

Therefore, she could only find a way to gain more "light" for her best friend.

Because she grew up alone, Kristel was not good at or liked socializing. She even felt inexplicably nervous when talking to strangers, and she was usually taciturn.

So, this means that she has to do a lot of troublesome things, but it doesn't matter, as long as she can make her friend happy and repay her for her care and concern in the past two years, she will be satisfied.

While she was deep in thought, the door was gently opened by the attendant, and then, a short figure walked lightly into her bedroom.

Although her steps were very light and made no sound when she stepped on the carpet, the sensitive Kristel still noticed her arrival, and then she turned to face the guest who was invited by her.

"Funina, good afternoon."

What caught her eyes was a girl slightly younger than her in age and height.

This girl has the same smooth brown hair as Queen Teresa, and her delicate face makes her a beauty. She is wearing a fluffy skirt, and the hem of the skirt is decorated with star shapes made of various jewelry. It is both gorgeous and beautiful. It was full of majestic nobility, and even Crystal seemed a little plain compared to it.

This is her half-sister, Princess Funina, the eldest daughter of His Majesty the Emperor and Queen.

At this time, Her Royal Highness Princess Funina, who had been invited, was looking at Kristel with confusion and a sense of coldness and alienation.

Although Crystal and Fonina are indeed half-sisters, the relationship between them is not good - it can even be said to be bad.

However, this is understandable. On the one hand, Funina believed that she was a legitimate legitimate child and looked down upon the illegitimate daughter of unknown origin, Clarstel; on the other hand, she resented that her arrival had diluted her father's respect for her. Therefore, from the moment Kristel settled in the Palace of Fontainebleau, she had been deliberately alienating this "sister".

For Funina, she originally lived happily with her father, the emperor, and her mother, but one day a "sister" of unknown origin suddenly came to her. She enjoyed the title of princess in a grand way and was taken care of by her father in every possible way. She did not hold any grudge. That’s weird, right?

Crystal was also well aware of her hostility towards her sister, so she also took the initiative to stay away from Fonina. Normally, the two of them maintained a sense of distance.

For Crystal, she couldn't help but feel a little inferiority complex when facing Fonina - after all, she was a real princess who was kept by her parents as a treasure. Being favored by thousands of people, she has never experienced any loneliness or suffering since she was a child. She is favored by the stars and enjoys everyone's attention and compliments.

Under normal circumstances, Kristel would rather hide from this sister as far away as possible, let alone actively invite her to her place.

However, today was different. For the sake of her best friend, she was willing to ask for trouble.

"Good afternoon, Kelistel." Facing Kellie's greetings, Funina just responded coldly, "What do you want from me?"

"I...I have something I want to discuss with you." Faced with her sister's attitude of refusing to accept anyone from thousands of miles away, Kristel hesitated, but she still mustered up the courage to speak out.

"Oh? I don't know what we need to discuss." Funina tilted her head slightly, then curled her lips and laughed sarcastically, "If you want my help in any way, just say so. Come out, I’ll think about it if I’m in a good mood~”

Crystal's heart twitched slightly. Funina didn't have any respect for her sister. Although she had known this for a long time, she still felt uncomfortable when the other party showed it unabashedly. .

Fortunately, she had already prepared herself mentally, so she didn't take it seriously.

"Well, I do want you to do me a favor."

"Well, I'll just say it~" Funina nodded without any surprise, "Then what do you want me to do for you? Let's talk about it first. I didn't say yes, I just thought about it."

"It will be my friend Xia Lu's birthday in a while, so I want to hold a celebration for her... If you are free, I would like to invite you to attend. As for the gifts, you don't need to prepare them, I will help you Prepared." Keli spoke her thoughts softly.

Fonina was slightly surprised by the request made by Crystal.

However, she immediately shook her head.

"Aren't you willing? Why?" Kristel was a little disappointed and then asked the other party.

According to her past personality, if she was treated like this by others, she would definitely give up immediately, but she was unwilling to give up at this moment - after all, Funina was the real eldest princess in the palace, and if she didn't give Xia Lu this face If so, then your efforts are doomed to fail from the beginning, and others will definitely not join in the fun.

"It has nothing to do with whether I am willing or not." Faced with Clarstel's questioning, Fonina replied angrily, "What? Are you just friends? She and I are also friends. If we want to celebrate her If it’s my birthday, why should I use your name? Not to mention, I need you to help me prepare a gift... Ridiculous."

Her sister's rudeness did not anger Keli, but rather relieved her, because Funina's statement made it much easier to realize her idea.

"So you also want to congratulate her on her birthday. That's great. Now we stand together!"

"Who is standing with you?" Funina asked her impatiently, "I don't have such a ostentatious hobby like you..."

This is simply an accusation out of thin air. Keli asked herself, in terms of personality, among her brothers and sisters, who is as good as Funina?

Then she immediately realized that her father must have celebrated her so grandly on her birthday before, which aroused her jealousy.

"I was just specially celebrated by my father because I turned 10 years old... When you turn 10 years old, you will definitely be more dazzling than me, because you have your mother by your side, and you don't have to worry if she is here. What?" She defended herself quietly.

Rather than arguing, it is better to point out a fact, which is mixed with a lot of sadness.

"I know it without you having to tell me." Facing the suddenly sad Kristel, Funina raised her head proudly, but in the end she did not say anything more hurtful.

So, after the two sisters were silent for a moment, Funina shook her head seemingly nonchalantly, "Okay... If this is what you want to say, then I already know. I will celebrate it for her then, and I will also give her a gift." It will be prepared for her, and my brother will be there... She will have a lot of things, but it is not because of you, not at all! Understand, not at all!"

Crystal wanted to laugh, but facing her sister's jealous eyes, she still held back her laughter and nodded lightly.

Anyway, to her, as long as she can achieve this goal, it doesn't matter how she gets it...

The important thing is that her efforts to secure a grand celebration for Xia Lu were not in vain.

"Is there anything else?" Funina asked her again.

"No more." Crystal shook her head, "Thank you..."

"I don't need your thanks, because I haven't done anything for you! And I won't do anything for you. This is just something I do for my friends!" Funina emphasized her position seriously, Although it doesn't seem to make any sense.

"Yeah, I know." Kristel nodded.

"Hmph!" Seeing that she had completely overwhelmed this annoying "sister" in terms of momentum, Fonina seemed to be finally satisfied. She gently lifted the corner of her skirt, then turned around and walked out of Clarstel's house with brisk steps. Room.

After Fonina left, Kristel looked at the scenery outside the window again.

At this time, she felt both joy and emotion that was not for her age.

Two years of life in the palace taught her a lot. She has gradually learned to read words and emotions, learned to hear the undertones behind those beautiful words, and learned how to survive in the splendid palace - maybe this is growing up.

In fact, she can also understand why this sister dislikes her so much, but none of this is her choice. Since fate has brought her here, no matter what, she can only live here quietly, and Trying to create her own life here.

There must be a lot of sorrow and pain, but there must also be a lot of hope and happiness, because there is a father who loves me and friends who take care of me.

And she is now trying her best to create happiness for herself and the people around her.

This is the way to survive that she found for herself.

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