Eagle’s Glory

3. Class jump

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"Anyone who disobeys you will have to go into exile or live in seclusion. We will never be ambiguous."

Faced with Aiglon's request, Prince Talleyrand agreed wholeheartedly.

He is indeed unambiguous. Although he comes from a noble family, he has never been afraid of sacrificing people of his own class in exchange for personal gain.

When the Great Revolution was raging, he actively joined the Third Estate as a "revolutionary priest" and took the initiative to swear allegiance to the Republic. Although he was cursed and scolded by the royalists, he didn't take it seriously at all. .

Decades later, he faced almost the same situation again, and happily made the same choice, easily selling off a large group of nobles who might be related to him, just to get Aigron's money. Happy.

This will undoubtedly make those people hate him even more, but what about it?

All you can do is scold me, I will take care of myself as a good official.

In this way, as the beginning of the "Imperial New Deal", the reform of the House of Lords in Parliament was officially launched.

As Agron and Talleyrand expected, this move did not arouse shock and disgust in public opinion.

After all, as a country that has been baptized by the Great Revolution, the common people of France are not accustomed to those "reactionary aristocrats" who are above them, and they are even more unconvinced that they can have hereditary seats in the House of Lords. Therefore, when this measure was officially announced, it was absolutely unacceptable. Most people are indifferent to this, and many even applaud.

Not only is there no resistance in public opinion, but there is also little resistance in politics.

The most extreme and most trusted old nobles of the royal family who would refuse to swear allegiance to the empire and Aiglon have either followed the royal family into exile, or they have taken the initiative to live in seclusion in the face of the chaotic situation. It is impossible for them to oppose Aigron in the first place. decision.

Since these royalist "core elements" cannot stand up to stop it, other victims can only suffer in silence even if they have complaints, unable to form a joint force to fight against the empire.

After all, the Great Revolution of 1789 had severely damaged the ancient feudal system, and the economic and political foundations of the royal family and aristocrats had been extremely seriously damaged. Even though they were restored in 1815 with the help of foreign bayonets and carried out counterattacks, Revenge, but this is nothing more than a return to the past.

The newly emerged bourgeoisie and bureaucratic elites during the Revolution and Empire quietly took over the power that originally belonged to the aristocrats. They manipulated the exchanges, government departments, and the Bank of France, and controlled the entire country. power.

The turmoil of 1830 completely drove the Bourbon royal family out of France, which also meant that all counterattack efforts in the previous 15 years had failed. The times were ultimately irreversible, and Aigron had to be the one who adapts to the times.

He wants to establish the basis of his rule among the new elite group, which means ruthlessly excluding and abandoning some members of the original ruling group.

So this is also Aigron's political calculation. Having just come to power, he needs to find a way to establish his authority, but also does not want to cause a big mess, so he will inevitably attack the "dying" House of Lords - on the one hand, he will attack the royalists. The last remaining forces, on the one hand, allow them to make room to win over new members of the ruling group.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

It can be expected that after the oath-taking order was issued, the members of the House of Lords who were in exile, retired, and refused to take the oath lost their seats. This immediately meant that he had at least dozens of important "official vacancies", and he could rely on them to Ennoble anyone you like and then send him to the House of Peers - as English kings often did with the House of Lords throughout history.

A title of nobility plus a seat as a member of Parliament, even if it is a "House of Lords" in name only, many people will naturally flock to it. After all, after a person reaches the upper class of society, he will naturally hope to have some title to reflect his class status. , this is part of human nature.

He used his official titles to win over social elites, and these elites used their talents and resources to serve Aigron. This must be an extremely good deal.

The banker Jacques Beauvin was one of the first "lucky people" to enjoy this kind of bribery.

After hearing the news that he had been summoned by His Majesty, Bowang ended his work early, and then came to the Tuileries Palace with a flattered mood.

After a long wait, the attendant finally summoned him to come for an audience. He quickly followed the attendant into Aigron's interview room.

This was not the first time the two people had met, but at this moment, facing the young man with the supreme title, Bo Wang could not help but hold his breath and concentrate.

Although he has achieved unimaginable achievements in his life, he also knows that the young man in front of him now holds the power of life and death, which can easily make his life's hard work go to waste, and he must not offend him.

"Your Majesty!" He bowed deeply to Aiglon, "I am honored to be summoned by you."

"No need to be formal, Mr. Bowang." Aigron smiled and waved to the other person, gesturing for him to sit down on the sofa opposite him. "Is this your first time in the palace?"

"Yes and no, Your Majesty." Beauvin sat down first, and then replied softly, "When I first came to Paris, it was still the Republic, and I visited the palace; but since the restoration of the royal family, in the past fifteen years I have I’ve never been lucky enough to get such an opportunity——”

He used to be a senior employee of Poncena Bank, held a large amount of money in his hands, and had huge influence in the financial world. But even so, as a commoner, he still never got the opportunity to enter the palace, even if he had With such a brilliant resume, even if he married the daughter of a nobleman as his wife, he was not accepted into the court circle in the end and was just treated as a stinky businessman.

Perhaps Beauvain secretly defected to Aiglon and provided money and effort to support the Bonaparte family, and he had no idea of ​​"revenge on society".

"So, those immutable old antiques should have gone away long ago." Aigron sneered, "They will only judge a person with the narrowest vision, allowing outstanding talents to be ignored and buried, and making the entire country decay and decadence. …”

After scolding his political opponents, Agron, who was in a happy mood, changed the topic again, "Mr. Bowang, I called you here today because I want to tell you good news."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"What's the good news?" Bowang asked jokingly.

"You should have heard that I am currently promoting reforms in the House of Lords." Aigron did not answer immediately, but asked first.

"Yes, I did hear a little bit about it." Bowang nodded honestly.

As a successful banker, he certainly understands the importance of politics, so he has been observing political trends through various channels. Naturally, Aigron's attack on the House of Lords after he came to power could not escape his eyes.

Compared with those royalists who were heartbroken, he was happy to see the results, and even felt a sense of schadenfreude - those old antiques who looked down on him at the beginning are now suffering disasters one by one, which is enough to satisfy his stubborn desire for revenge.

"When this country is in dire straits, we need to unite as one more than ever. However, some short-sighted people refuse to be loyal to the country! This is absolutely intolerable." Although Aigron's tone was calm, he still With a hint of chilling murderous intent, "So, they should get the punishment they deserve, and I will not hesitate to abolish their seats in the House of Lords and any hereditary rights to these seats."

"I completely agree with your opinion, Your Majesty." Bowang nodded with deep understanding. "For those who are ignorant of current affairs, we should use thunderous means so that no one will misunderstand your authority."

"Those who refuse to take the oath will be removed, which will inevitably create a large number of vacancies in the seats in the House of Lords. Therefore - Mr. Bowen, I need to let a group of prestigious social sages fill the vacancies..." Aigron looked at it. Bowang said slowly. "And Mr. Bowang, I think you are a leader among the sages of society, and you should be among the first batch of knights. I wonder if you are so interested in accepting this gift?"

With Bowang's intelligence, he certainly understood that His Majesty was indicating that he wanted to ennoble himself as a noble and be included in the House of Nobles.

His heart suddenly felt hot.

Am I, Jacques Beauvain, a once penniless poor boy, now going to become a noble lord?

In his life, after thirty years of hard work, through repeated investments and adventures, he was finally qualified to enter and leave the palace, and was on an equal footing with those who once looked down on him?

Although he was vaguely mentally prepared, he still felt a little light under his feet at this moment, as if he had taken too much snuff.

Even a calm man like him can't help but feel dizzy at this moment in time because he has achieved a milestone in his life.

But he was still Bowang, an extremely pragmatic banker, and he quickly calmed down.

This is just what you deserve, and you can still get more...

"Your Majesty, I don't know who would refuse such a grace from you, but I certainly won't." He replied calmly, "However, I think that I have little knowledge and insufficient reputation, so I am afraid that I will not be able to bear the heavy responsibility you have given me... "

"Since there are only two of us here, there is no need for you to make such a meaningless gesture of humility, sir." Faced with the other party's cliché, Aigron just smiled, "Since you can run a large bank in an orderly manner, then in In my opinion, you are definitely qualified to serve as a member of the House of Lords, or even more than enough - after all, before, most of its members could not even calculate their own property accounts..."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Agron treated Bowang so favorably not only because he hoped to use his social influence, but also to reward him for his merit.

Before, Beauvain took the initiative to get closer to his agent, the Count of Monte Cristo, and tried his best to provide him with a large amount of funds and social resources. After Aiglon returned to France, he also secretly lent millions of francs to Aiglon, which was regarded as helping Aigron. Long solved the urgent problem.

In terms of merit, although he never fired a shot for Aigron, he was more helpful than many people with outstanding military exploits.

Therefore, in order to show that he "will repay kindness" and establish an image of keeping his word, Aigron knighted Bowen as soon as he came to power. He might as well have a more dazzling title to improve his social status.

"Your Majesty, since you believe in me so much, I will accept your grace with great honor. Thank you for your regard for me. I will do my best to serve you in the future, whether in my bank or in the House of Lords. ." Since Aigron said so, Bowang naturally stopped pretending to be humble and agreed directly.

"Very good." Aigron smiled with satisfaction. "Then, starting from tomorrow, you will be Mr. Baron de Beauvin, or you can change your surname if you like."

In this era, there are many cases where common people have become nobles. Some people hate their original earthy surnames, so they buy a piece of land somewhere and use the place where the land is located as their surname. Become De·XXX and completely get rid of the original class, so Aigron has this question.

"No, it's not necessary, Your Majesty. I think the title Baron de Beauvin is quite good." Beauvin made his decision without hesitation. "The more I use the surname Beauvin, the more I can remind myself that I am How hard you have worked to get to where you are now and get all this.”

"Well, it's Baron de Beauvain. The edict to ennoble you will be sent to your home tomorrow." Aiglon was as good as his words, and then he spread his hands with some regret, "Unfortunately, sir, in order to avoid unnecessary public opinion , so I can only make you a baron, but as long as you continue to serve the state in the future, then I will also make due rewards. I think you can become Count de Beauvin or Marquis de Beauvin. Things between..."

"In this regard, I am very satisfied, Your Majesty." Bowang bowed, "The grace you bestowed upon me is enough for me to boast to my descendants, so let my title end here."

For him, a low-level baron title in itself is not very valuable. What is important is that he has since entered the ranks of "nobles" and is enough to enter the palace. This is enough.

Of course it is good to have a noble title, it will facilitate his career, but he does not care that much about the level of the noble title.

To him, what was the difference between a baron and a count, or even a prince? If you hold the scepter of money, then even the emperor of a country will be polite to you. On the contrary, if you lose the ability to manage money, then even if you have the title of prince, you will be nothing more than a waste that no one cares about.

On the other hand, if he holds a title that is too high, he will inevitably attract more attention from the outside world. On the contrary, many operations that cannot be seen in the light will be exposed, which is not cost-effective for him.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Bowang knew that his rise in social class had reached a place where he was satisfied.

The colorful social world is just an insignificant embellishment in life, and his journey is still on the ledger.


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