Eagle’s Glory

4. The threshold of the times

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

After getting a tangible "reward" from Aiglon, the stone in Bowang's heart has finally fallen to the ground.

From the beginning, he had no loyalty to the Bonaparte family (or any other royal family). The reason why he spent so much effort to sponsor the Bonaparte family was naturally just for political speculation.

At the moment, the speculation is considered successful. He spent millions of francs and countless energy to help the King of Rome sit on the throne. However, there are many ungrateful people in this world, and he is not sure who the other party will be in this situation. Either he will really repay himself, or he will just put himself aside and pretend that nothing happened.

If it is the latter, then of course he will not ask for trouble and ask for rewards from Aiglon. He will only keep his hatred in his heart, and then wait for the opportunity, waiting for the next opportunity for political speculation, and then use his own Money to complete a hearty revenge.

Fortunately, none of these things happened, and he was rewarded as soon as possible.

The title of baronet plus a seat in the House of Lords was enough even for his critical eyes.

Bowang's ambition and vanity have been satisfied at the same time. He has now become a "pillar" of the empire, and naturally has the motivation to safeguard the empire while safeguarding his own interests.

Of course, this is not the end of Bowang’s ambitions.

He wants to become the president of the Bank of France, formally control the country's financial lifeline, and use the scepter made from the money printing machine to direct the entire country's economy. Just as Aiglon regards the crown of France as his end, he also wants to become a financial The leader of the family.

This is no longer even about benefiting individuals, but about realizing "personal ambitions" and leaving an indelible mark on history.

"Mr. Bowen, since you are satisfied with the gift I gave you, it seems to me that our previous transaction has been settled in both directions - you spent a large sum of money, and I allowed you to enter the circle of nobles and parliament. Palace." While Bowang was still immersed in joy, Aigron spoke again, "However, I firmly believe that this is not the end of our cooperation, on the contrary, I think this is a new beginning of our cooperation! No Wrong, I used cooperation. Although I have become the emperor now, I can order you to do some things, but I think that for talented people, there is no way to bring out their talents by relying on orders. I need their cooperation. Cooperation requires them to sincerely contribute their talents to me to achieve a common goal...So, Mr. Bowang, let's continue to cooperate-"

"Your Majesty, what do you need me to do? Just tell me." Bowang replied quickly.

"I have heard some of your ideas from the Count of Monte Cristo before." Aiglon said unhurriedly.

Sure enough! Bowang suddenly understood.

Previously, he told his friend the Count of Monte Cristo a lot of his ideas about the national railway company (mainly from a financial perspective). When he said this, he naturally wanted to convey his words to His Majesty through the earl, His Majesty's favorite.

Judging from the current situation, the count did live up to his expectations, really passed on the message, and really aroused His Majesty's interest.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"Yes, Your Majesty, I did express some personal opinions on the information I heard." Bowang replied cautiously, "Because the information I know is limited, the opinions I expressed may not be correct. If I am wrong, What, please laugh at it——"

"No, on the contrary, I think your ideas are quite reasonable." Aigron replied decisively, "Not only is it far-sighted, but it is also meticulous and full of thoughtful consideration of the current situation... Considering that the information you did receive is limited,

Then your ideas are even more valuable. "

After giving the other party a high hat, Aigron continued, "As you have analyzed, I do hope to promote our country's railway industry as soon as possible and do my best, which will greatly promote our country's economic and industrial development. The establishment of a state-owned railway company is the first step. I think you should be very clear that the cost of building railways is extremely huge. It is completely impossible to meet its needs by relying on government investment alone, and the risks are too great. Therefore, starting from meeting the financial needs and From the perspective of risk sharing, a huge amount of private financing is necessary, and this is your area of ​​expertise. Mr. Bowang, I need you to try your best to issue bonds for the next state-owned railway company, and the lower the interest, the better... "

Bowang has been engaged in the banking industry for decades. He is well aware of the mentality of customers who want and want more - they want huge amounts, low interest rates, and fast financing. They can't wait to just kick it in. On earth and in heaven, reality is not that easy.

But the problem is that the person who made this request to him is His Majesty himself. This is a "national task", so no matter what, he must hand in an answer sheet that satisfies His Majesty as much as possible. Only in this way can he make "achievement" step by step. ”, and was finally recognized by the political and financial circles, becoming the highly anticipated candidate for president of the Bank of France.

Therefore, he did not complain about Aigron's unrealistic ideas. Instead, he held his head high and made a promise to Aigron in a sure manner, "Your Majesty, I have been waiting to serve the country since I entered the industry. If you give me such an important task, of course I will not let you down... I am willing to use all the resources of our bank to underwrite bonds to raise funds for you, and if necessary, we will use our principal. No matter what. Just give me some time..."

At this point, Bowang paused, obviously silently calculating the capital he could raise in the short term, "I can first subscribe for 20 million to 25 million bonds for you, and then I will underwrite it myself." , so you don’t have to wait for fund raising, what do you think?”

There is no doubt that this is an extremely huge amount of money, even enough to arm a small army. Aigron just took out a little carrot and squeezed out a huge amount of funds of 20 to 30 million (of course, in fact, depositors their money), which of course made him extremely happy.

However, for the huge construction investment, just such a small amount of money is not enough, and Aiglon cannot be satisfied here.

If one Bowang is not enough, he can find several more Bowang. Anyway, in the original history, during this period, many bankers were ennobled as nobles to reward their "contributions" to the country.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Aiglon can also follow suit and make a few more bankers nobles. On the one hand, he can win over these social elites and tie them to the black ship of the empire; on the other hand, he can also use his fame to stimulate them and encourage them to compete with each other as much as possible. The land extracts money for his own use. Anyway, for him, titles and honors are things that have no cost at all, and he can give them out as much as he wants.

Of course, there are risks in doing so - as time goes by, the social status and strength of financiers will rise rapidly, eventually affecting the power of the entire country, turning France into the well-known "usury empire" in the future. Doctrine", but that is far away in the future. Aigron can only focus on solving the current problems now, and solve the future problems later.

Besides, it is better to be controlled by a group of ambitious bankers than by a group of short-sighted and extremely conservative land aristocrats. The restoration dynasty relying on these people was overthrown in just fifteen years, and Guo Zuo was not as good as the subsequent regime. .

"Well, I'll leave it to you, Mr. Bowang." Aigron nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he stood up and took the initiative to extend his hand to Bowang, "Although I am very confident, I am not blindly arrogant. I know that I am leading the country on the right path, but how to go, I I must rely on professional talents to assist me. I can’t be king alone. I don’t need to be a soldier, a teacher or a banker, but I need to use their skills and let them stand in the right position to serve the country. ——Mr. Bowang, I am already familiar with your talents. I believe that you will be able to live up to my expectations in the future and create greater achievements for the country; similarly, as long as you achieve this, then no matter what reward you want, , I will give it to you generously..."

Is this a promise that I can climb to that position? Bowang's heart felt hot.

Of course he would not misunderstand the naked power and interests hidden under those high-sounding clichés.

His many years of career have made him accustomed to all kinds of human tragedies, so he no longer believes in shallow emotions and only believes in the cold principle of "interests."

Now, he felt that the "Empire's" bid for him had successfully impressed him.

He will try his best to raise funds for His Majesty's grand plan in the future. Whether it is tens of millions or hundreds of millions, he will spend all his money to buy it. Of course, this is not just giving money away in vain. He believes in his own vision. I believe that I will be able to make a lot of money from these investments, and take the opportunity to take my bank to a higher level and become a very important giant throughout Europe.

Although he is cautious by nature, he has never been afraid to gamble as long as the profit is suitable, and now, this gamble has reached a point where he is willing to devote himself wholeheartedly.

Perhaps his passion was inspired by Aigron. Bowang, who was usually introverted and low-key, now had bright eyes and kept talking out a lot of his ideas in front of Aigron, such as how to split the debt, how to issue and underwrite bonds, How to reserve financing and reserves for state-owned railways... involves almost all aspects.

Aigron listened quietly to the banker's "sermon", and only occasionally raised a few supplementary opinions and questions - after all, he was not a professional. On these professional issues, the more he spoke, the more he would get better. Show timidity.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

While listening, he was also sighing secretly in his heart.

The reason why he believes that he is "on the right path" is just because he has an impression of the times that is one step ahead of others. History has proven what is right. He only needs to follow the script and point out the path that should be taken. In a sense, it is the same as There is no difference between wizards who have received "apocalypse"; however, people like Bowang, in the fog of history, relied on their keen eyesight and amazing courage to truly glimpse the door of the times, and learned by themselves without any teacher. I found the path I should take on my own.

There is no doubt that there must be some mistakes in his theory, but if you are ahead of the times, there will inevitably be some mistakes. As long as you slowly revise them in the subsequent implementation, the key is that he can stand in the front row of the trend of the times, and he is destined to do so. He can definitely ride the wave and climb to the top.

It is precisely because of the efforts of these people that mankind has changed the face of the entire society at an alarming rate during this threshold period of industrialization - the European continent (especially Western Europe) is covered with railroad tracks, and almost every town All are connected by railways; ships connect trade routes all over the world, exchanging goods around the world; there is even a telegraph network that stretches tens of thousands of kilometers. And all these "miracles" that were unimaginable by the predecessors were all accomplished by a group of mortals in a short period of time. Completed within decades.

There are always experts in this world... Aigron sighed in his heart again.

However, he is not a person who is jealous of talents. His recognition of Bowang's talents only further proves that he has a "sharp eye" and has discovered such talents for his empire.

Obviously, in this "pre-industrial" era where science and mathematics have been highly developed, there must still be a variety of elite talents lurking. These people are waiting to be discovered and used by him, and turned into his assistance. Help him consolidate his rule and fulfill the promise he made to his people - to lead the country into an era of unprecedented prosperity.

With these emotions, Aigron finished listening to Bowang's explanation.

"Mr. Bowang, everything you said is very good and has benefited me a lot. I hope you can write a detailed memorandum after you go back to enumerate and improve the points you said. These can be used as a reference for the government - —”

"I'll write it when I get back, Your Majesty." Seeing that his talent was so recognized by His Majesty, Bo Wang was naturally very happy and immediately agreed.

At the same time, Bowang also knew that it was time for him to say goodbye.

To be honest, this interview lasted longer than most people, which is considered a rare honor.

So, he stood up and prepared to salute Aigron and say goodbye.

At the end, Aiglon had one more thing to tell him.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that the scheduled general manager is Duke Nordlian. You can communicate with him in advance. This will also facilitate your future cooperation."

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Even though he had already gotten the news, a trace of disdain still flashed in Bowang's eyes.

This Duke is simply a mediocre and confused guy. He just made a little trick at the beginning and almost bankrupted the other party. If the Duke hadn't sent his daughter to His Majesty's bed, she wouldn't be able to cool down by now. .

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Bowang never had any good impression of such aloof and incompetent people.

However, the current situation is stronger than people. In this country, mistresses are the core fighting force. Since Miss Agnes is so favored, the Duke's backing is also extremely strong, and he can only cooperate with the Duke in the future.

Fortunately, although the Duke is mediocre, he still has some self-awareness. At least he will not fool around and he will not be affected in any way.

"You know, and I know, the Duke's talent is mediocre, but that doesn't matter. Appointing him as general manager is just based on his social reputation. We always need someone with a little flair... There are also professionals who are really responsible for handling things. Talents, if you know any talents in this field, you can also recommend them to the Duke." Aigron saw what the other person was thinking, so he said with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Bowang responded and bowed before leaving.

As he walked, he was thinking about what gift he should give to the lady.


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