Eagle’s Glory

Six, there is no escape

"I said that's it!"

His father's stern scolding frightened Edgar as usual. His father's power in his heart has formed a subconscious awe since he was a child. Therefore, he trembled and could hardly stand still.

But even so, Edgar still did not obey this order.

"Dad, please forgive me...forgive me for not being able to obey this order. I want to work harder for this." He insisted on his will with an almost trembling voice, "No matter what, I want to see her again. Make sure she's okay and then help her get free if possible."

"Idiot...are you crazy?!" General Treville cursed again, his eyes could almost kill people. It was obvious that if it weren't for the fact that the person in front of him was his son, he would really take action. "How long are you going to trick us?"

"I won't harm you." Edgar shook his head slightly, "I will be careful not to implicate other people..."

"Is your guarantee of any value? How many reassuring things have you done so far?" The furious Marquis Treville mocked his son mercilessly, "This matter may involve His Majesty! You How is it possible to control what His Majesty thinks?”

"Your Majesty is also an ordinary person. Although he is somewhat unscrupulous, he does not have a cruel and bloodthirsty hobby, so I believe that he will not deliberately embarrass a lady. He must have other purposes... If he knows this purpose, Maybe I can buy her freedom by pleasing Your Majesty."

"Naive, ridiculous... do you think you have such ability?" the general asked.

"I don't know...but I think I have to try it." Edgar's face turned pale, but he still insisted on his opinion.

The Marquis of Treville stared at his son coldly, but Edgar did not dodge this time. Although he was full of fear, he still looked directly at his father.

His heart was still full of anger, but his son's rare courage made him feel that there was really a member of the Treville family standing in front of him.

Although his son is going against his will, and although he may do dangerous things, at this moment, he really has that indomitable will, just like his own son should have.

But at this time, just for a woman who has lost power... He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Why...why exactly?" He controlled his emotions,

Then he asked coldly, "Give me a reason. Don't tell me that you have a conscience."

"Probably because I have nowhere to hide." Edgar smiled bitterly.

"Huh?" The Marquis was puzzled.

"You love me and take care of me just because I am your only son and you cannot abandon me, not because I am of any use to you. Even Alice does not have to need me. Without me, she would not be able to survive now." Are you like a fish in water? Maybe my existence is just a burden to her, and my daughter Xia Lu... maybe she can become a happier child without me." At this point, Edgar He continued with a self-deprecating smile, "You see, although I am a profligate, I am also self-aware. I am not really needed by others, and I don't want to be needed. I hate taking responsibility. I try every means to evade responsibility. You and Alice tolerated me, But it is precisely because you tolerate me that I can hide in your shadow with peace of mind and enjoy my personal relaxed and comfortable life. I know that others will despise me and laugh at me, but I don’t care at all. I just want to continue pressing If you continue to live like this, even if all this is charity from your family!"

After saying this, he spread his hands helplessly, "But now, I can't escape. She is in trouble, and you also said that none of her relatives and friends want to help, and no one except me I can lend a helping hand to her. If I continue to abandon her, God knows what fate she will get! It would be fine if she has nothing to do with me, but she once loved me so much that she even sacrificed her life for me regardless of the cost. She gave birth to a son...so I don't want to abandon her at this time. Maybe this idea is really ridiculous, but that's how I think."

Facing his son's confession, Marquis Treville was speechless for a moment.

He did not expect that Edgar, a flashy libertine, would inadvertently establish such a deep relationship with Princess Kadiyang, and even have the idea of ​​​​depending on each other.

From his point of view, this was of course simply ridiculous, but when faced with the look in his son's eyes, he knew that his persuasion was useless. Unless he really confirmed the whereabouts of the princess and confirmed her safety, Ed Ka will never give up.

"You said that when there was no way to escape and you could not shirk responsibility, you chose to face your responsibility... But why didn't you do this for us? I am your father, Alice is your wife, why have you ever done this for us? What manliness have we shown?" he asked his son after a moment of silence.

But before Edgar could give an answer, he shook his head and sighed.

After this frank exchange, he himself was vaguely aware of the truth - when Edgar faced his father and wife, he always felt ashamed of himself. He just wanted to escape and believed that he was unable to bear their expectations. , only when facing Princess Kadiyang could he put aside the pressure and devote himself wholeheartedly to his personal relationship, so he could not forget the princess so much.

In the final analysis, Edgar is just the Edgar who pursues pleasure and evades responsibility, and cannot become the pillar of the Treville family. His occasional burst of masculinity was only left to irrelevant outsiders.

The disappointment extinguished the anger in his heart, and he didn't want to continue to lose his temper now, because it made no sense at all.

"You are now an adult, and I have no control over what you want to do, but I tell you as a father that our family has now reached a critical moment. The future status of the family depends on this. One or two years of hard work - these efforts have nothing to do with you, but come from Alice and I. At this point, I don't expect you to do anything to help us, but at least you can't bring disaster to us! You Do you understand, our great family has been in the south for hundreds of years, and then came to Paris with the Bourbon family to become courtiers, and prospered for three hundred years after that... This great family, its genealogy is gleaming Fai, you've learned those names since you were a kid!

This great family has withstood repeated turbulences in the court, and even the Great Revolution did not destroy it... My brother and I once worked hard to revive it, and now, my brother has to temporarily go into exile abroad. This glorious family The family lineage falls on us. You can evade responsibility, but you can't destroy it! This family does not belong to you, nor to me, we are part of it, and it is all of us! We will all die, but the Treville family and its glorious history will continue... I will use my remaining life to protect this family. If you destroy my plan and destroy the hope of our family, then you It's killing me, and it's even worse than killing me with your own hands. Tell me, Edgar, would you kill your father? "

Facing his father's questioning, tears quietly flowed from the corners of Edgar's eyes.

No matter how flashy and arrogant the nobles are, they are always proud of their family names. Edgar is also the same after all. He has been reciting the family genealogy and his famous ancestors at the request of his father since he was a child. Although he evaded the obligation to revive the family, he, like the Marquis of Treville, was never willing to see the family decline and fall into dust - even if it was inevitable that he would end up in this situation, it would never happen while he was still alive. of this generation.

"Dad, I'm sorry that I can't help you, but you can trust me on this. I also love this family, and I won't let it fall into danger. If I get into any trouble, , I will bear it alone and will never drag you down. Even if I escape incognito, I will not let the name Treville be tarnished!"

Seeing his son's assurance, Marquis Treville finally felt relieved.

Although the father knew that his son was useless, Edgar's intelligence was not a problem, and he was actually quite smart. He knew how to weigh the pros and cons.

"Then you go do your thing and play your role as a knight." He smiled bitterly and finally had no choice but to indulge his son's willfulness. "Speaking of which, we do owe her a debt. She helped you back then. I won’t say it after so many times, but at least...she can be considered the mother of my grandson, and it’s a favor for us to do her a little favor."


Edgar was sensitive to his father's remarks.

There is no doubt that this must refer to the illegitimate child between him and the princess.

Logically speaking, it was just an illegitimate child. Although he did have a deep affection for the princess, he never thought about letting this disgraceful illegitimate child become a member of the Treville family.

His father told him about this alternative plan before. Although he didn't agree with it, he didn't dare to question his father.

Now it seems that his father has not given up on this idea during this time. He and Alice have not given birth to a son for a long time. He is afraid that he will not have enough time to cultivate a new family heir, so he simply makes an idea of ​​​​the illegitimate son. On the body.

Now, according to Edgar's knowledge, his father and his uncle worked secretly to rewrite the child's family tree and turn him into the child of a distant relative of the Treville family - that is to say, he already possesses the virtue of virtue. -The surname Treville.

According to the Marquis's idea, if he and Alice still achieve nothing after a while, then he will no longer wait anxiously, but will officially start to cultivate this illegitimate child who has not yet been known to the world as his heir.

Of course, he would not disclose the child's identity to the public, but would privately transfer all the property and resources to the name of the illegitimate child, and then carefully teach and support him to become the new generation of the Treville family in a "curved" way. hope.

Since his father insisted so much, Edgar naturally had no way to object - besides, this was originally a problem caused by his failure to fulfill his family obligations.

But what should Alice do then?

It is conceivable that if the Marquis' plan is really realized, then Alice will not only be ostracized within the family, but also almost lose her dignity. With her self-esteem, I am afraid she will never allow herself to be humiliated like this. As you can imagine, you won’t be able to swallow your anger.

It would be fine if Alice was still the housewife who stayed at home before, but Alice is no longer what she used to be. She is favored by the two majesties and has become an important member of the court. If she really wants to have a big fight with the Marquis , I still don’t know who is more powerful...

"Dad, we'd better not irritate Alice now. If anything happens, the consequences will be unpredictable..." So he persuaded his father in a low voice.

"Do you think I want to do this? You're not living up to expectations!" The Marquis glared at his son with hatred, "If you don't want the family to be in trouble, then you should reconcile with her quickly and give me a grandson." Ah! If it weren’t for your incompetence, would I be willing to let an illegitimate child enter the house?!”

Facing his father's scolding, Edgar instinctively cowered again.

Of course he can feel that Alice is disheartened towards him, and he also knows that all this is his responsibility, but he needs to change his previous lifestyle, cut off his personal relationship with the princess, and become a family heir with a glorious name. , he really can't do it and doesn't want to do it.

So faced with the looming shadow, but in the end I habitually chose to escape.

On the contrary, Alice is so powerful, she will always find a way, and she doesn't need me to worry so much. Finally, he thought irresponsibly.

As soon as he saw his son's appearance, the Marquis of Treville immediately knew what he was thinking.

Although he had already known that this would be the result, he would still be a little disappointed after all.

"You are only a man when you are with your lover!"

After sighing bitterly, he didn't want to say anything more to his son, so he turned around and left his son's bedroom.

After his father left, Edgar fell into deep thought alone.

Undoubtedly, although he is eager to save the princess now, he also knows the importance and he knows that he must not drag the family down anymore.

Therefore, he cannot act rashly, but should first understand the situation before proceeding.

Why does Your Majesty want to embarrass a princess who is no longer powerful? What exactly does he want to do? And, where is the princess now? We need to find out these things clearly before talking about them.

However, since his father has chosen to let things go, he can only find a way now.

He needs to enter the palace first and gather information from His Majesty's side.

And this requires Alice's help.

Is there any way that Alice can help her stay in the court while concealing her true intentions?

He thought hard and then finally conceived a plan.

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