Eagle’s Glory

Seven, errands

In order to confirm the safety of his old lover as soon as possible, Edgar thought hard for a long time and finally came up with some ideas.

The first of these ideas is naturally to find a way to sneak back into the palace and take the opportunity to find out the news.

To achieve this goal, it is natural to rely on the power of his wife Alice.

Since being appreciated by Princess Teresa, Alice has been given various important responsibilities and has gradually become busier and busier. She goes home less and less and spends less time at home. Although Alice did not say it explicitly, she Degas could also clearly sense that Alice was deliberately alienating her father and son in order to avenge her betrayal and her father's contempt.

In this case, even the normal relationship between husband and wife will inevitably cool down, let alone having a son together.

However, no matter what, the two are still husband and wife, and Alice will always be Mrs. Treville. This cannot be changed. Reasonable and reasonable, if she has anything to ask for, Alice will consider it - of course, the premise is You also need to give a convincing reason.

But this didn't bother Edgar. After thinking for a while, he came up with a reasonable excuse.

The very next day, he took the initiative to go to the palace and asked to see his wife.

With Alice's popular position in the palace, no one could stop her, and the news was quickly reported to Alice.

At this time, Alice was helping Queen Theresa to prepare intensively for moving to the Palace of Fontainebleau. She was very busy. However, after hearing that her husband came to see her, she temporarily put down what she was doing. Met the husband.

On the one hand, as Edgar thought, Alice did still have some kindness in her heart; but on the other hand, more importantly, Alice was in a secret situation now, and she felt that she needed to perform a "harp" to the outside world. "Harmony".

Soon, Edgar was brought to Alice.

"Alice..." As soon as he saw his wife, Edgar hugged her affectionately as he always did. "I haven't been able to see you these past few days. I miss you so much."

In the past, Alice would have been intoxicated by such an intimate interaction with her husband, but now, when she thought about where her husband might have been fooling around just now, she instinctively felt a little uncomfortable.

So she put on a forced fake smile and pushed her husband away without leaving a trace, "Edgar, don't forget where we are now."

"Feel sorry,

I just can't help myself, I miss you so much. "Edgar's gentle expression expressed his longing for his wife.

"Okay, it's not like I won't go home." Alice rolled her eyes at her husband, and then immediately asked him, "Did you come all the way here just to say these embarrassing words?"

"Of course that's all!" Edgar continued to put on a charming smile, and then changed the subject, "Of course, there is also a little something, I hope you can help me."

Sure enough... Alice suddenly understood.

If it were before, Edgar's bright smile and gentle words would have fascinated her, but now, this kind of playboy trick can no longer make her excited, and even makes her feel... Somewhat boring.

Youdao is Alice, who has experienced the expansion of her horizons and got rid of the shackles of her family. Now, with the help of Teresa, she has stepped onto the stage of the highest power in the empire.

In the palace, she saw the emperor and important ministers coming and going every day, and saw the behavior of a group of people who controlled the country's power and money. She herself also grew up unknowingly, and her thoughts no longer existed. Confined to the family, more focus is placed on interest disputes.

Now, when Edgar showed her those tried-and-tested tricks, she was not only able to see through them at a glance, but she even found them a bit funny.

But even if it's funny, he's still his husband. This is an unchangeable reality.

So, Alice could only be patient and pretend to be interested, "What else is there?"

"Well, actually..." Edgar hesitated, and then finally said his purpose in embarrassment, "I want you to help me find a job..."

"Huh?" Upon hearing this, Alice couldn't help but widen her eyes.

It’s no wonder that she was so shocked. After all, after observing her after marriage, she already knew Edgar too well. He always pushed away things that he was not interested in, and hid whenever he could. There was no way he could shine on his own. She felt a little incredible that Edgar, who was like this, suddenly said seriously that he wanted to find a job in front of her.

After a moment, she recovered from the shock, and then she looked at her husband blankly, "What job do you want?"

Although Edgar has always been very thick-skinned, he still felt a little embarrassed and guilty when faced with his wife's disbelieving look.

Especially, he has other purposes.

However, he quickly put this guilty conscience aside.

"You also know that I don't have many other talents, but I have some talent in art. In addition, I was also invited to participate in the coronation ceremony as an audience that day, so... can you arrange for me to do the commemorative painting? What about the main creator? Alice, I believe you have witnessed my talent... I think I am qualified for this job."

Yes, this was the best excuse he could think of for himself.

As a historic moment for the restoration of the empire, His Majesty's coronation ceremony will inevitably be recorded emphatically, and portraits will be left as before, and it will not be just one or two pictures, but a series of works, which means that the palace needs to find a portrait A team of painters came to complete the project.

Moreover, these paintings cannot be completed in a short time, which means that if he gets such an opportunity, he will have a reason to stay in the palace, and then he can take the opportunity to inquire about the news.

Because it is so logical, Edgar is determined to win. He casts expectant eyes on his wife, hoping that she will do him a favor. With Alice's current status, as long as she speaks from Zhongguan, there is a high probability that he can achieve his wish. .

However, Alice was at a loss at this moment.

Logically speaking, it would certainly make her feel gratified that her husband could be somewhat motivated and want to do something serious. However, Edgar's long-term performance. But it made it difficult for her to trust her husband, and she was afraid that not only would he not be able to handle things well, but he would also bring trouble to herself and her family - just like when she visited His Majesty in Switzerland, she had made an appointment to go to the lake together the next day, but he was drunk. So drunk that you have to bite the bullet and clean up the mess.

The original disaster did not cause any bad effects, but the situation is very different now, because this is not as simple as hiring a painter to paint, this is a political task of the empire.

So, she did not agree immediately, but used her blue eyes to seriously examine Edgar in front of her.

"Alice, what's wrong with you?" Edgar felt a little uncomfortable when she looked at him.

"Edgar, tell me, why do you have such thoughts? This is not your normal character at all." Alice asked calmly, "I want to know the reason."

So in your eyes, it's so weird that I want to do something... Edgar smiled bitterly in his heart.

What left him speechless the most was that this suspicion still meant that he had not been wronged.

Fortunately, faced with this embarrassing problem. He had already prepared his words.

"Hey... Okay, I'll let you see." Edgar sighed half-seriously, and then with a slumped face, he told his reason, "You must also know that dad will be transferred to the hospital soon. I went to far away North Africa. Before leaving, he couldn't trust me and insisted that I run some errands for His Majesty. Therefore, in the face of Dad's urging, I had no choice but to obey..."

After hearing Edgar's explanation, Alice's brows relaxed a little. After all, this was a logical situation.

However, this made her even more uneasy, "Edgar, although I am indeed favored by your two majesties now, it is not because of my special talents, but because I can show honesty and diligence in front of them. I can complete every task assigned by them with the greatest enthusiasm... In other words, my so-called power is obtained through hard work. My position is not reliable. The favor I get may be lost one afternoon. I will disappear suddenly, and behind my back there are many pairs of eyes staring at me with jealous eyes, ready to drive me out and replace me at any time..."

"Isn't that what the palace is like?" Edgar shrugged, "This is why I don't like to work in camps. I always have to walk on thin ice."

Edgar's light answer made Alice so angry that her eyes almost went dark.

Do you think I like the feeling of walking on thin ice? If it weren't for you being so useless, if it weren't for your father's contempt and oppression, why would I need to live such a fearful life! She roared in her mind.

However, fortunately, her experience in the palace during this period had further honed her ability to control her emotions, so even though she was clearly irritated by her husband, she eventually maintained a superficial calm.

"Yes, all of this is a personal choice. I chose this path myself and of course I have to bear the consequences myself. So I am not complaining to you, but telling you that my position is not strong and I cannot Leave a stain on your resume. If I recommend you and you fail to do your job well, then not only will you be punished, but I will also have to bear the due responsibility..."

As if she was afraid that her husband still didn't understand enough, she tried her best to continue explaining to Edgar.

"This is not just a few paintings. This is a very important task. It can never be fooled casually. It is not even enough to just achieve 'qualification'. It must be outstanding for future generations to admire, just like the last time. Just like the coronation painting of the emperor... Once you fail to give a satisfactory performance, people will first question you, and then they will question me. Edgar, I hope you can understand the importance of this matter, and then talk to me Tell me whether you can do it or not.”

Facing his wife's serious eyes, Edgar instinctively hesitated.

After all, he also came from a noble family and was somewhat politically sensitive. Of course, he also knew that what Alice said was right.

However, he also believes that even if he has ulterior motives. He must be able to complete this work without causing trouble and implicate his wife.

The talent of painting is one of the few things he has confidence in himself.

So, after a brief hesitation, he finally nodded and confirmed his opinion again.

"Alice, I know this, but please believe me. This is the only one where my talent is recognized by others. Aren't you a witness yourself? Of course I dare not say that I am the best painter in the country now. , let alone say that I can compare with the great painter Jacques David, but even so, I still firmly believe that if I have this opportunity, if I can use all my talents, I will definitely be able to create something that will impress Your Majesty and Works that satisfy the world will at least not make them question you... I hope you can give me some confidence that I can do it!"

Edgar's words were loud and powerful. After all, painting is indeed his greatest pride and confidence, and this confidence has indeed infected Alice.

If he was really qualified for this job, it would be considered a mark in Qingshi's history... Besides, it was rare that he was willing to do something serious, and she really didn't want to dampen his enthusiasm.

Although the husband and wife are inevitably estranged, why doesn't she keep a glimmer of hope in her heart, hoping that her husband will return from his lost ways and resume a happy family life?

Now that all the gloom has dissipated, it may be time to rebuild the shattered life, and this may be a good start.

Alice gradually wavered in the silence. She had always been smart and rational, but she would eventually have an emotional side.

"Then you have to work harder. After all, this is very hard work. You can't play during this period. Can you bear it?" So, she asked softly, which also meant that she had agreed.

"Of course. In fact, I have long been tired of going to clubs from time to time. It is harmful to my life." Edgar immediately assured, "Alice, if possible, I can even I’m locked in a small room in the palace, and I won’t go out until I come up with a satisfactory creation!”

The husband and wife both knew what it meant to go to a club, but they just couldn't make it clear.

"It's not so hard, and it's not like going to jail." Alice couldn't help but laugh, "It's just that you may have to stay in the palace for a while from time to time."

"Isn't it great? We can see each other from time to time, and I can take care of Xia Lu with my own hands." Edgar replied affectionately, "Alice, I owe Xia Lu a lot, wouldn't it be nice to use my companionship to make up for it now? ?”

Since joining the palace, Alice has been keeping her daughter with her, not only for the convenience of taking care of her, but also to allow her to establish relationships with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and other second-generation emperors from an early age and build her future network of relationships, but from another perspective On the one hand, Xia Lu naturally spends less time with her family.

Now, Edgar has moved out of his daughter, which hits the softest place in Alice's heart.

She was so moved that she sighed softly.

"It would be great if you had thought so earlier! However, it is not too late now. Edgar, it is really time for you to learn how to become the heir of a family..."

"I'll learn." Edgar replied with a smile. "Thank you for giving me the chance, honey."

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