Eagle’s Glory

Fifteen, fun

"Don't forget, sometimes I won't welcome you as a guest!"

Sometimes it's not welcome... Such precise yet vague words made Aigron laugh.

But this was good. He liked to watch Agnes being dragged into the water step by step while still trying to maintain her reserve and her own sense of morality. It was indeed very interesting.

"Oh, of course." He nodded immediately, "In the palace, I am His Majesty and you are the ministers, but in your home, you are the undoubted master. You don't have to welcome anyone into your home. So if If you want me to be shut out, I will never break in, but I believe you won't be willing to do so."

"Huh, you can't tell. If you really piss me off one day, I'll make you look good!" She replied coquettishly.

Although she bared her teeth and claws, she no longer had the slightest intimidation in front of Aigron at this moment. Aigron didn't say a word, but caressed and kissed her affectionately.

Gradually, Agnes also gradually entered the state, her cheeks were flushed, and her whole body was hot. Fortunately, the carriage finally stopped at this time, so there was no unfortunate incident of a gunshot on the road.

When the carriage stopped, Agnes was shocked to realize that she had arrived at the door of her home. She quickly came to her senses and tried hard to tidy up her scattered clothes and hair. Only after she was sure that there was nothing abnormal about her body, did she hold Agron's hand. Get out of the carriage with him, and then walk from the courtyard of the home to the mansion.

At this time, the Duke's family, who had already been notified, including the Duke himself who had returned with Aigron, were already standing at the front steps of the mansion, respectfully welcoming their Lord's arrival.

When Aigron and Agnes walked in front of them, the whole family bowed and saluted Aigron.

"Your Majesty! Welcome to my humble home!"

Because the two of them were holding hands, Agnes was also facing her parents saluting in such a respectful manner. Of course she felt a little uncomfortable, but around Agron, she knew she couldn't lose her composure, so she had to pretend to be okay. I did not see it,

Accepted it all silently.

Because the Duke's family had taken refuge with Aiglon when they took refuge before, and lived with Aiglon at the Palace of Fontainebleau for a period of time, so Aigron was quite familiar with this family, so he did not follow any red tape. Instead, he greeted everyone cordially.

Then he took the Duchess's right hand and kissed the back of her hand gently. "Madam, I'm sorry that I came here unexpectedly and caused you extra trouble; however, you don't need to worry too much about etiquette. After all, I am here as a guest today, and you only need to entertain me in a simple way. Enough."

"It's an honor for our whole family that you can come. How could I feel troublesome?" The Duchess replied with a smile, "Your Majesty, I just hope you don't think we are simple and shabby."

"A home that can raise Agnes cannot be simple and shabby." Agron smiled, "In fact, I came here today specifically to see the traces of Agnes' life since she was a child. Agnes and I It is indeed a pity that we met Si too late."

In front of Agnes's parents, Agron pretended to be Agnes's lover, as if he was being brought to meet the parents, but in fact, everyone knew that he was a married man.

It's a bit embarrassing to talk about it in detail, but the truth is that as long as I am not embarrassed, no one will be embarrassed. Everyone tacitly avoids all unpleasant things and focuses on making His Majesty happy.

Although Agnes had already tidied up her clothes at this moment, how could the lingering spring on her face and body be hidden from her parents who had come from this experience? Of course they could see that something must have happened in the carriage on the way.

But even if they saw it, no one would care--they would even be secretly happy about it.

The more favored the daughter is, the more secure the future of the family will be. This kind of cold and shrewd calculation is enough to overcome any embarrassment.

In this way, surrounded by Agnes' family members, Agron walked into the mansion and officially became a visiting guest.

The Duke and Duchess knew that His Majesty actually only cared about Agnes in their home, so they were very sensible and did not bother His Majesty by making too much noise. Instead, they took the initiative to keep a low profile and let their daughter act as the host.

However, Aigron was quite interested. He looked around, admiring the furnishings and portraits around him.

So Agnes's brother Sebastian acted as a volunteer commentator.

As Agnes' brother and heir to the Duke, like his father, he is also extremely lucky and proud of his sister's "honor". Moreover, because he is younger, his career ambitions are much stronger than his father's. He knows very well that Only His Majesty would give him a bright future, so he showed himself more diligently in front of His Majesty, and eloquently introduced to Aiglon the portraits of his family ancestors hanging on the wall, as well as the collections accumulated over the years.

Eggron listened with great interest and asked some questions from time to time. For Sebastian, this was the opportunity he dreamed of. He kept explaining to Eggron, taking the opportunity to show off his eloquence and clever.

Several people were walking and talking, and unknowingly arrived at the second floor.

"Where is Agnes's room?" Agron asked proactively at this time.

And this question is tantamount to implying that others can withdraw.

"Your Majesty, let me take you there." At this time, Agnes, who had been silent, spoke.

"Your Majesty, let me ask you to prepare dinner. I believe it will be so sumptuous that you won't want to leave... When you are hungry, Agnes will take you to the restaurant, and we will wait for you there..." Duke The lady smiled slightly, then knelt down to salute Aigron, and then went downstairs with her husband and son.

They knew that they had to leave time for the lovers to be alone, and the last thing they could do now was disturb His Majesty's pleasure.

After they went downstairs, Agnes held Agron's hand again, "Your Majesty, please come with me——"

The two walked along the corridor for a short distance, and then Agnes opened a door directly and walked in with Agron.

As soon as he walked in, Aigron smelled a strange smell.

There is indeed the scent of powder and perfume that is often found in girls' boudoirs, but there seems to be something mixed in it.

It didn't take long for Aigron to recognize the source of the smells.

Because, in front of him is a wide bookshelf. Although it is a bookshelf, except for a few books that are full of scenes, it is filled with various weapon racks and clamps, and there are many weapons stacked on these things. .

The most diverse types are swords, including slender stabbing swords, short blades, daggers, and broad-faced two-handed swords. Obviously this is Agnes's private collection.

And the smell he just smelled was actually the smell of powder mixed with metal.

Although this picture is impactful, it seems to be extremely suitable for Agnes's personality and hobbies, so Agron immediately accepted it all after a brief shock.

"It is indeed you! Agnes, this is your collection."

"Yes, it's not so much a collection as it is the souvenirs I collected. They are not valuable things." Agnes answered Agron truthfully.

At this time, Aigron noticed that Agnes looked a little nervous, as if she was struggling with something.

"What's the matter, Agnes? What's bothering you?"

Agnes hesitated for a moment, then decided to tell the truth to Agron.

"Your Majesty, I don't think I should deceive you... Many of the antiques you just saw are fake and just for show; the portraits were also painted by someone after we returned to China in 1815. During the revolution, our family was displaced. Most of the collections were either confiscated or sold long ago to make ends meet, and were already completely consumed. Later, when my father returned to China and became a duke, he secretly acquired these items to show off... Actually, I don't think so. What's wrong? Anyway, what's the difference whether those messy things were from hundreds of years ago or modern? But I don't think I can deceive you, so..."

"Fool, do you think I can't see it? Don't forget where I grew up. I have seen too many precious treasures. I can tell at a glance whether they are good things or not -" Aigron said softly. He pinched Agnes's cheek to stop her from exposing her family scandal, "But, since your father and brother are so enthusiastic, why should I speak out and pour cold water on everyone?"

Agnes was stunned.

She was moved again. It turned out that His Majesty knew everything, but he still listened to her brother's explanation without making any complaints.

He gave his family too much face...

"Okay, let's not talk about these disappointing things. Who cares about those antiques?" Aigron smiled again, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, your family will have genuine goods in the future, and no one will care if they are thrown on the ground. .”

Then, he took Agnes's hand and walked into the bedroom, and then walked to the dressing table.

Compared with the simplicity and sharpness of the rest of the room, the dressing table looks jeweled - this is because the precious jewelry Agnes received, those gemstone necklaces, diamond rings and pearl earrings, were all laid aside casually. On the grid of the dressing table, they are stubbornly exuding a charming brilliance, seeming to protest the new owner's disregard for themselves.

"Agnes... It's an advantage that you don't like to show off, but occasionally you should use them to decorate yourself, otherwise, wouldn't it be like letting them gather dust in vain?" Agron said to Agnes with a smile, " Those craftsmen worked hard to make them so beautiful, just to make them shine for you.”

"But, I usually have to be on duty as a guard. If I dress up in a fancy way, it will inevitably attract criticism..." Agnes argued in a low voice.

Of course, her main reason was that she didn't want to be ostentatious in front of Theresa, because these gifts should have been Theresa's.

"Now, there are only two of us here. I want you to dress up for me, can you?" Aigron asked, "I don't ask for much, just a little bit."

At this point, of course Agnes would not refuse, so she nodded slightly.

So, Aigron pulled her to the seat in front of the dressing table, and then gently put a gem necklace on her slender neck. The sapphire pendant at the bottom of the necklace slid across her chest, making her skin whiter and whiter. .

Then, Aigron, who was in high spirits, picked up the eyebrow pencil next to him.

"How much does this thing cost? Is it 79 francs a piece?" he asked.

"Such a small thing doesn't need to be so expensive!" Agnes protested with a smile, "You can buy good quality goods for only a few francs on the market, only a dozen francs at most... "

"You are still too frugal. Things in the palace are too expensive..." Agron sighed, then picked up the eyebrow pencil and gently placed it on Agnes's eyebrows.

Agnes, on the other hand, closed her eyes obediently and allowed Agron to do what he did to her face.

This girl, who is usually strong and proud, is as gentle and obedient as an ordinary girl in love at this moment. If the identity of the young man were not a little embarrassing, what a beautiful love scene would this be?

After a while, Agron stopped, and Agnes opened her eyes again.

Agron is not a professional makeup artist, he just does it casually, just to add fun to the boudoir.

However, under his hands, Agnes, who originally did not wear any makeup, now became a bit more charming.

Agnes looked at herself in the mirror, she was bright and beautiful, the gem pendant on her chest was shining brightly, her eyes were a little complicated.

But overall, she's happy now.

However, no matter how happy she felt, she would not take the initiative to ask for anything, but would wait for the young man's further actions - she would rather make herself appear to be "following orders", which would make her feel a lot less guilty.

Her waiting didn't need to last long.

Seeing such a beautiful girl in front of him, Aigron couldn't bear it anymore. He lowered his head and kissed her heavily.

The two kissed passionately again, and this time, nothing could disturb them.

The familiar stimulating feeling surged in Agnes's body. The love she had just stirred up on the road was once again aroused. Now she no longer thinks about anything that bothers her. She just wants to be with him and get something. Vent freely, just like before.

"Agnes... I want to give you a child..." In between kisses, Agron said his decision again in an unclear voice.

And Agnes suddenly covered his mouth.

"Don't sound like you're giving me a gift. If you really have a child, it will be your child!" She glared at Aiglon, and then retorted angrily.

"Haha...hahahaha." Aiglon laughed, "Yes, that's right! This is ours...ours."

After saying that, he was so excited that he no longer cared about anything, took off the necklace he had just put on, and then pushed Agnes down on the bed in her boudoir.

"Keep your voice down..." Agnes made her last weak protest, "Don't let the people below hear you."

"In Paris, if I say I can't hear it, I just can't hear it!" Aigron retorted arrogantly.

Then, he couldn't hold it any longer and leaned down, and the two of them gradually entered a state of complete selflessness...

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