Eagle’s Glory

Sixteen, reward

Current Location:16 Rewards16 Rewards

Chapter 960 16, Reward

Agnes, who was naked, was hugging him tightly at this time, still sleeping soundly.

Aigron looked out the window drowsily and found that it was already night.

At this time, he remembered that Agnes and her family should still be in the restaurant, eagerly waiting for him to go down for dinner!

Although in theory, it would be okay even if Aigron kept them waiting, but when he came to someone else's house for the first time, the whole family was waiting hungrily, while he was happily embracing his daughter... Even if this happened, Even with Aigron's thick skin, he would feel a little disgraced.

So, he dragged his still slightly tired body, and then patted the cheek of Agnes, who was still sleeping soundly.

"Well..." Agnes murmured unconsciously, but still refused to wake up.

Aigron had no choice but to put his head next to Agnes's ear and call softly. "Agnes, everyone is still waiting for us!"

At his call, Agnes finally opened her eyes in a daze.

She first looked at the person next to her pillow in confusion, then her scattered eyes refocused, and her memory and consciousness returned.


After regaining consciousness, Agnes obviously remembered her mother's words just now, so she suddenly trembled like a frightened cat.

She has now realized that her parents and brothers are sitting at the dining table waiting for her and His Majesty to go down to dine. They must be guessing how crazy she and His Majesty were to play to keep them away for so long.

When she thought of this, she was so ashamed that she almost shook her head.

Then she gave the culprit a hard look.

"It's all your fault!"

"How can you blame me... weren't you so devoted just now?" Aigron defended himself aggrievedly.

Of course Agnes was not in the mood to argue with Agron at the moment. She jumped out of bed in a hurry, not caring about cleaning up the messy traces on the bed, and rushed directly to the bathroom to clean up the traces left by her earlier sex.

After making sure her body was scrubbed clean, she took another skirt from the closet and put it on again, and then she felt at ease. While Aigron watched her hurried movements, he also wiped himself clean slowly, and then put on his clothes again.

At this time, Aigron was still immersed in the afterglow of just now, but he didn't know whether the plan had been successfully realized this time - but it didn't matter, even if he didn't "win the bid" this time, since Agnes was willing to leave an heir with him , there will be plenty of opportunities to come here as a "guest" in the future, and he will be able to achieve his goal after all.

The two of them quickly cleaned up again, but the fierce clouds and rain just now were bound to leave traces of love on their faces and bodies, but time was running out, and Agnes couldn't care so much. She didn't dare to let her parents It would be such a shame to keep waiting.

So, the two of them walked out of Agnes's boudoir, then walked down the stairs to the restaurant.

Sure enough, the Duke and Duchess and Agnes' brother were already sitting here waiting, but they did not show any impatience. On the contrary, when they saw the two of them, they all showed cheerful smiles.

"Look, how outstanding and well-matched they are!" the duchess exclaimed to her husband.

The Duke nodded in agreement.

Obviously, they did not think that their daughter's affair at home was disgraceful. Instead, they thought it was a good thing that they could be proud of.

However, even though none of the family members showed any signs of boredom or blame, Agnes still felt ashamed in her heart, so she sat silently in her usual seat, and Agron was naturally arranged to sit next to her. .

Compared to Agnes' shame and uneasiness, Agron seemed at ease.

In his opinion, he saved the duke's family from the crisis of bankruptcy, and allowed them to avoid the loss that was destined to happen due to the change of dynasties. He even granted others unimaginable honor and wealth. The "price" he paid was high enough. Yes, it is natural to receive their worship. I have never treated them badly, let alone "bullying others".

Not to mention the fact that their daughter is here in their home, even if they have other requests, don't they still have to agree?

Because of this mentality, he sat down carelessly, and then chatted and laughed casually with the Duke and Duchess.

Naturally, they talked about Aiglon's inspection of the railway station to be built in the morning.

As a lady, the lady naturally has no interest in trains and tracks. However, from Aigron's description, she learned that her daughter will have a special train in the future, and she can take the special train to travel around the railway line, and this She immediately became interested.

Although she was born into a noble family, when she was young, she was forced to flee abroad with her family because of the Great Revolution. Then she got married and had children in Italy. Her life was extremely embarrassing. It can be said that she did not enjoy life much throughout her youth. Although she was able to return to the country after the restoration of the Bourbon royal family and became a legitimate duchess and royal wife, the lost time was always irreversible and became a huge regret in her heart.

So when she heard that there was a magical device that could travel from one end of the country to the other in one day, without having to worry about bumps at all, her imagination immediately arose.

Although this special train was given to his daughter by his majesty, there should be no problem for her to get a chance to enjoy her daughter's glory. She can take the opportunity to visit the local customs and settle the regrets of the past - and this is definitely what other ladies want. The honor she has never had is enough for her to show her face in the upper class circles.

She became even more happy when she thought of this, and Aigron also took advantage of the situation to talk about what he had seen and heard when he and Agnes traveled around the country. The lady listened with interest, and even joked with her from time to time.

In this way, everyone chatted happily while eating. The atmosphere was gentle and harmonious, as if it was really a family gathering.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I heard from my husband that you plan to continue to come here as a guest in the future, right?" Just as she was getting excited, the Duchess seemed to think of something.

"Yes." Agron replied, "After all, I have to face everyone's eyes in the palace and have to be restrained. I feel much more relaxed when I come to your home to visit. In addition, Agnes also has her own Due to concerns, she cannot be too close to me in the palace..."

Agron's words were a bit straightforward, just saying "I can't do this or that with Agnes in the palace, I have to find a place privately."

Agnes was embarrassed and speechless, and could only lower her head and continue eating.

But for the madam, this is excellent news - she is not afraid of any loss of face. What she is more afraid of is that her daughter will be estranged from His Majesty and will no longer be able to maintain a lover's relationship. Therefore, she felt very relieved to hear that Agron wanted to maintain this relationship with Agnes.

"Of course I welcome you as a guest, Your Majesty, this is your home." Madam looked at Aiglon slightly nervously, as if there was something in her words, "However, I heard that the palace seems to be moving to Maple Mountain soon. Did you go to Danbailu? If you go there, I'm afraid you won't be able to come here often anymore..."

Although she spoke cryptically, Aigron understood what she really meant.

She was afraid that after "moving to the palace", Aiglon and Agnes would not be able to come home often, and they would not be able to mess around in the palace, so the relationship would become cold.

"To be precise, we will move to Fontainebleau after the New Year. Of course Agnes will follow me there and continue her work. But moving to Fontainebleau does not mean that I really give up. capital, I will still come to Paris from time to time, and there will still be many opportunities to visit you, madam -" Agron smiled and replied, "In addition, maybe Agnes didn't tell you, I promised her before, I want to give her a remote and quiet manor. After arriving in Fontainebleau, I will find such a residence for her nearby..."

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Agnes never told me..." The Duchess was surprised at first, and then overjoyed, smiling so much that her eyes almost completely narrowed, "That's Great, Your Majesty, it is indeed not good for the child to live at home all the time when she grows up. It is time for her to have her own place. She can just come back and visit us when she has time."

She was so happy, of course, not just because Agnes got another big gift, but because it meant that they would still have their own love nest even when they arrived in Fontainebleau, and she didn't have to worry about her daughter being left out.

Although my daughter is not destined to become a queen, with the great favor she has received, except for the title of "Queen", everything seems to have been obtained... Why should I be dissatisfied with such great luck? ?

Because she was extremely happy, she looked at Agnes with a smile, her eyes full of relief and encouragement.

"Agnes, look how much His Majesty cherishes you. He has given you so many things. Even I feel envious! You must serve His Majesty well in the future and do your best to serve His Majesty. Never Go against His Majesty's will, or your mother won't be able to spare you! Of course, it would be better if you could give birth to children as soon as possible... I'm getting older, and I've long wanted to experience the feeling of having a grandchild."

"Mom!" Agnes was extremely humiliated by her mother's explicit instigation, but in fact it was difficult for her to refute her mother's words, so she could only protest helplessly.

However, facing her mother's warning smile, she quickly became discouraged and could only lower her head to eat again. "You can also ask your brother to work hard! Besides, you already have a granddaughter named Xia Lu, right...?"

Current location: 16 rewards 16 rewards (2/2)

But it's different..." Madam chuckled, "How can Edgar be qualified to compete with His Majesty? "

Like her husband, the wife was also extremely dissatisfied with the marriage partner chosen by her eldest daughter, so she also took the initiative to cut off contact with her daughter and son-in-law. Naturally, she did not like Xia Lu as her granddaughter; although now because of Alice's rapid rise, the relationship between the two families The relationship began to loosen slowly, but the lady still disliked Edgar in every possible way - she even secretly thought that if Alice had not been married, it would be easier to get her than Agnes. His Majesty's favor, and Alice's talents are much higher than Agnes, which is enough to make her family even more powerful.

Of course, she couldn't show these thoughts in front of her daughter and His Majesty.

At the moment, what Madam hopes most is for her daughter to get pregnant and give birth to a child as soon as possible. In this way, even if she falls out of favor due to old age and beauty, the recognized illegitimate child can still rely on His Majesty's favor to become a powerful figure in the empire, and then protect his family. Like the Duke of Vendôme and the Duke of Mann back then.

In this way, under the attentive hospitality of the Duke and Duchess, Aigron enjoyed a sumptuous dinner, and it was a feast for both the guest and the host.

And he also used practical actions to assure the Duke and Duchess that Agnes would never be left out and fall out of favor. She would have a place by his side for a long time, so the Duke's family would be able to maintain their family in the future.

After the dinner banquet dispersed, Aigron did not say goodbye immediately, but called the Duke to stand in front of him alone.

"Your Majesty, do you have any other orders?" the Duke asked cautiously.

"Is there any news about Princess Kadiyang?" Aigron asked in a low voice.

"I heard the report. It seems that someone is investigating her whereabouts, but it seems that no one has verified her whereabouts yet, Your Majesty." The Duke looked embarrassed, but still returned to him truthfully.

Seeing Aigron's silence, the Duke boldly spoke to Aigron, "Your Majesty, we have been imprisoning her for a long time now. It seems inappropriate to keep her like this for a long time... After all, she was once a noble lady."

No wonder he was so nervous.

Because if the news of the princess's kidnapping really spreads, His Majesty may not care, but he will be embarrassed and may even cause an uproar in the circle of the old aristocracy. Many people are originally concerned about him joining the Bonaparte family. Opinion, if he exposes the kidnapping of the princess, his reputation will become infamous.

Therefore, he cared more about the outcome of this matter than Aigron. He wished that Aigron would release the princess earlier and let this matter be completely settled before it fermented.

After all, there is no airtight wall in the world. The longer time passes, the greater the risk of being exposed. Someone is investigating now, and God knows what will happen in a while.

Under the Duke's nervous gaze, Aigron fell into deep thought.

It is true that he has not thought clearly about how to deal with this matter, but it does not seem appropriate to delay it for a long time.

"You're right, I can't keep her locked up for a long time, it's time to solve it as soon as possible." No pop-ups, timely updates!

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