Eagle’s Glory

Seventeen, exchange conditions

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

The Glory of Young Eagle text volume 17, exchange conditions "You are right, I can't keep her locked up for a long time, it is time to solve it as soon as possible."

The Duke was naturally overjoyed when he heard that Aiglon finally relented.

In fact, he doesn't care at all whether Princess Kadiyan lives or dies. The main thing is that he is the executor of Aigron's kidnapping of the princess. He has to be involved. Once the matter is exposed, his reputation in the circle will be ruined, which is unbearable for him. price.

Therefore, he naturally hopes that the matter will be understood as soon as possible. It does not matter whether the princess is exiled or released.

However, Aiglon's idea is much more complicated.

He hesitated, wondering whether he should tell the Duke the inside story.

After thinking for a moment, he felt that since this matter was handled by the Duke and related to the Duke himself, it was best to prepare him mentally and listen to his ideas.

So, he spoke again.

"Do you know why I would go out of my way to kidnap this seemingly harmless woman?"

The Duke had always been puzzled by this question, so he honestly shook his head in denial.

"I don't know, Your Majesty, can you explain it to me?"

"I arrested her, not for her, but for her child, to be precise...her illegitimate child." Aigron said calmly.

"What?" The Duke was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered the rumors that the princess had been having an affair with Edgar.

"Could it be that...this illegitimate child is Edgar's?"

"That's right." Aigron nodded in confirmation.

Before the Duke could calm down from this unexpected news, Aigron continued to throw shock bombs, "Originally, I didn't care about such an affair, let alone an illegitimate child, but... the changes in the situation now, let me I have to make some arrangements.”

Then, he told the still shocked Duke about Marquis Treville's plan to "legalize illegitimate children and indirectly inherit the family business."

The Duke was naturally more and more shocked as he heard this, and as the shock slowly subsided, justifiable anger emerged in his heart. His originally thin and pale face now looked even more white as tissue paper, but his eyes were flashing with anger.

"This beast! How shameless!" Then, he became so angry that he no longer cared about his manners and cursed loudly.

He was not angry that his son-in-law had an illegitimate child outside the family, but that his in-laws actually had the idea of ​​using an illegitimate child to inherit the family business. This was undoubtedly humiliating his daughter, and furthermore, it would also make him lose face. Light.

Although he had always had a bad relationship with Treville and his son over the years because of his opposition to his daughter's marriage, and basically had no contact at all, he was still furious at this insult.

"Now you should understand why I want to control the princess, right?" Compared to the Duke's anger, Aigron was calm, "She has a special status. She is the wife of the former dynasty. Maybe she doesn't care about politics, but her My husband is still in exile with the puppet king of Bourbon and is my political enemy! If someone knows these secrets by then, it will inevitably become an excuse to attack the Treville family and even me. This scandal cannot be spread, so the princess must Stay at home.”

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"That is to say, Your Majesty... have you approved General Treville's plan?" From Aigron's words, the Duke was keenly aware of Aigron's position.

Faced with the Duke's rhetorical question, Aigron was rarely embarrassed for a moment, but after a moment, he still told the truth to the other party. "Yes, although this is indeed unreasonable,

But General Treville begged me hard, and with his long-standing loyalty to me and his achievements, I still couldn’t bear to refuse him..."

Seeing Aiglon being so frank, the Duke had nothing to say.

Also, given General Treville's meritorious service of following the Bonaparte family for many years, it would be difficult for Your Majesty to refuse if he really begged.

After the initial shock and anger passed, the Duke gradually calmed down. After all, although his talent was mediocre, he had been used to seeing big storms after living for so many years. He had witnessed no matter how shocking things happened. Compared to this time On the contrary, it is not a big deal.

After careful calculation, he had no dealings with the Treville family and had never coveted the Treville family's property. Therefore, even if this plan did succeed, he actually had nothing to lose - the only one who suffered from it. It's just his daughter Alice, and he and Alice have been strangers for a long time, so he doesn't particularly care.

But even so, he still had an extra layer of hatred for the Treville father and son. This family deceived his daughter and treated her like this. He remembered this hatred.

Seeing that the Duke still looked aggrieved, Aigron couldn't help but worry that he would do something drastic, so he specifically warned him. "This matter is not a trivial matter. Considering the reputation of your two families, the situation must be controllable. Therefore, you must not reveal it to Alice and Agnes, lest they do anything drastic and wait until the right time. It’s not too late for them to know.”

"Okay, Your Majesty, I won't tell you." Although he was extremely reluctant, the Duke also knew that such a thing could not be made public, so he could only accept it with hatred.

"So, now you should understand my difficulty, right?" Aigron smiled bitterly, and then asked the Duke, "Sir, can you provide me with any advice?"

The Duke naturally had a confused look on his face. He had never been a person who could adapt to circumstances, so he was naturally even more at a loss now.

However, since this is His Majesty's will, he can only use his few brains and rack his brains to think of countermeasures for His Majesty.

"Your Majesty, since you are unwilling to release the princess, and it is inconvenient to continue to imprison her secretly, you might as well let her make a public statement to draw a line between herself and her husband, and express her support for the empire. As a reward, but also as a legal detention For her reasons, you can assign her to return to her manor to continue living in seclusion and accept surveillance in disguise..." After a moment, he came up with an idea, "As long as she publicly issues a signed statement, then the Puppet King will naturally also She will be very angry, and maybe her husband will take the initiative to draw a clear line with her. Then she will be alone, and no one will pay attention to her anymore, and naturally no one will care about whether she has an illegitimate child."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"It makes sense." Aigron thought the same, but quickly raised his doubts. "But would she make such a statement?"

"Now that you have captured her, are you still afraid that she won't agree? She has no choice." The Duke laughed sarcastically, "Besides, you can give her her freedom, even a limited freedom; you can also He acquiesced in allowing her to interact with her lover; he could even acquiesce in allowing her illegitimate son to quietly become the real heir of the Treville family... What else could she be dissatisfied with such a great favor? Isn't it natural to give a corresponding reward? "

When Aigron thought about it, he felt more and more justified. It can be seen that no matter how mediocre people are, they have their use sometimes, as long as they are used at the right time.

If things evolve in this direction, then the situation will always be under control. A princess who publicly declares her allegiance will benefit him politically, while the Treville family will not only save their face, but will always be under his control, which is the best of both worlds.

Of course, there are no benefits that can be obtained out of thin air in the world. Someone will gain and someone will suffer. In such an unspoken exchange, Mrs. Alice will become the biggest victim. She has obviously done nothing wrong. But she will lose most of what should have belonged to her.

Having known Alice for so long and having some kind of friendship, Aigron naturally had a little more sympathy for Alice's experiences.

"We will deal with the princess's matter as soon as possible, but we can take General Treville's plan step by step... After all, Mrs. Alice is the legal wife of the Treville family." So Aigron took the initiative to comfort the Duke. , "Sir, the general himself has promised me that if Mrs. Alice and Edgar have a son in the short term, then his plan will be automatically cancelled, and he will be happy to let a legal heir inherit everything he has - If that were the case, we would have saved ourselves a lot of trouble.”

"No need, Your Majesty! Just let that bitch leave all his belongings to his scoundrel grandson. This will be just right. My daughter and I won't care about his rags!" The Duke suddenly answered Egger loudly. Long.

"What... do you mean?" Aigron was a little confused by the Duke's reaction.

"Your Majesty, since Alice is not willing to give birth to another child in their family, then I think we should respect her idea. She has been despised and humiliated enough. There is no need for her to have to compromise. She has no debt. They owe her nothing, but they owe her!" Perhaps because of his excessive anger, the Duke's voice was trembling, and his lips were trembling violently, "I did not agree to this marriage from the beginning, but you see the result , I read it absolutely right! That boy Edgar was wild and neglectful, and now he actually wants to use an illegitimate child to seize the family property that she worked so hard to support. How shameless and vicious! I have seen through them, so I let her The two of them, father and son, can amuse themselves with the mud, she will only live a better life without them!"

After cursing for a while, the Duke finally calmed down a little, and then looked at Aigron with a sad and pleading expression.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"Your Majesty, you are sympathizing with Alice, but I know my daughter. She may seem weak, but she is very strong in her bones. Even I can't hold her back when she is stubborn... She doesn't need any sympathy, she can withstand all blows. As long as there is a place in the world, she can survive tenaciously. Therefore, I only ask you to take good care of her in the future and leave this place for her. Besides you, no one can Granted this kind of protection... Nothing she loses will be as good as what she can get from you. And you will also get a lot from her..."

"Huh? You..." Aigron was so surprised by the Duke's words that he didn't know how to respond.

With his intelligence, he could certainly hear that there was some kind of overtone in the Duke's words.

"Don't be ridiculous, we are talking seriously."

"Do you think I'm joking? No...I'm not joking at all." The Duke shook his head and expressed his meaning firmly, "Since the father and son treated her like this, she has no reason to continue to be loyal to her. They are gone, aren't they? She can give up those damn family fortunes, and that old Treville can give them to whoever he wants, but accordingly, Alice can also have her own freedom! Don't you think that this is Is this fair?! Her sacrifice, her pain, and her all-time forbearance, couldn’t we get this for her?!”

The Duke, who was already very angry with Treville and his son, was now even more angry because of the insult suffered by his daughter. He was eager to take revenge on Treville and his son, the more ruthless the better.

Moreover, he and his wife had long regretted that Alice married too early and lost the opportunity to get close to His Majesty. But now after hearing the news, he had no more scruples and had more motivations.

For him, anyway, his daughter already had a close relationship with the prodigal prince, and it was well known throughout Europe that if one daughter was given away, two daughters would also be given away, so what's the big deal? Maybe it can give your family more future protection.

The more the Duke thought about it, the more reasonable it became, so in his excitement, he threw out this deeply hidden idea.

If General Treville wanted his illegitimate son to inherit the family business, he would have to admit Alice's freedom. In his opinion, this was completely fair and reasonable, and no one owed anyone anything.

However, the Duke said it lightly, but Aigron fell into shock.

Although he usually admired Alice's ability and character when he was in contact with Alice, and he had never thought about it, but when he thought that she was the daughter-in-law of the Treville family and Agnes' beloved sister, , and he took no action.

Although he is a dissolute prince, he also knows how to make trade-offs and does not want to cause trouble beyond his control just for a little personal affair.

But now, the Duke's words had shaken his original thoughts in another aspect.

To be fair, this "exchange condition", although shady, does seem to be relatively fair and reasonable.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Moreover, with this father as a cover, things may not be as difficult as imagined.

But, do you really want to do this? Is this really reasonable? What if Agnes knew and got mad about it? When thinking of these questions, Aigron couldn't help but hesitate again.

"Now, let's not think about this." After a moment, he finally responded.

Although the Duke was not very good at other things, he had already developed his ability to observe people's emotions. From the young man's expression, he could see how weak this kind of 'rejection' was.

He also knew what His Majesty was worried about.

Then let Alice solve her own troubles - he thought to himself.

As one of the victims, he knew how deep his daughter's stubborn desire for revenge was.

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