Eagle’s Glory

Eighteen, Guards

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Although Aigron seemed to have rejected Duke Nordlyon's proposal, this did not extinguish the Duke's idea of ​​promoting an affair between Alice and His Majesty.

For him, this was not just a momentary impulse filled with righteous indignation, but also a profit calculation that pushed the boat along.

After this incident, he was filled with disgust and hatred towards Treville and his son, so naturally he never thought of leaving any face to them.

However, the Duke also knew that everything must be done strategically. Since this matter cannot be accomplished overnight, it can only be done slowly, so he also put his own thoughts in mind and prepared to find a favorable opportunity.

After telling everything to the Duke, Aigron told him a few more words, and then he bid farewell to the Duke.

The Duke's family came out to see him off, and Agnes naturally stood at the front to say her final farewell to Agron.

"Agnes, see you tomorrow." Agron hugged Agnes affectionately again, and then said goodbye to her.

According to Teresa's compromise, Agnes can only be on duty as a security guard during the day, so she naturally does not need to follow Agron back now.

"See you tomorrow, Your Majesty." Perhaps it was because she was finally satisfied after being depressed for many days, Agnes still had some spring in her face, and her eyes looking at Agron also showed a little more reluctance.

Just a moment ago, the two of them were so affectionate, and they were enjoying themselves as one family when having dinner with their family. But in the blink of an eye, she could only watch her lover leave, and her heart was naturally full of reluctance and helplessness.

But she also knew that she could only get so much at most, so this helplessness did not turn into unwillingness, and she silently accepted it all.

In fact, after you get used to it, all this is not so difficult to accept. There are so many people who envy you, and your parents are also proud of you. What else is there to be dissatisfied about? She said to herself silently again.

"Your Majesty, please be careful along the way and pay attention to safety." She whispered in Aigron's ear and warned him gently, "Also, after you go back, please take care of Her Majesty the Queen's emotions - she will definitely not be happy."

"I know, don't worry, I'll handle it all myself." Aiglon replied.

Then, as if on purpose, he gently rubbed Agnes's belly, "You should also take care of yourself..."

Agnes was a little shy, but did not refute.

So, Aiglon turned around and got into the carriage, and then galloped towards the palace.

She didn't know whether she and His Majesty were lucky enough to get the "gift" promised by Aigron for their efforts this time, but she had indeed been aroused by Aigron's desire to become a mother. She looked forward to having a child, even if it was an illegitimate child. It doesn't matter, she can devote all her love and hope to let her and His Majesty's child grow up healthily and have a beautiful life.

Facing the distant carriage, she gently rubbed her belly, and then watched her lover disappear into the shadows of the distant street.

After returning to the palace, Aigron followed his usual pace of life and came to Teresa's palace to spend the night with his wife.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Teresa acted as if her husband had just been visiting and performing official duties today and had not come back until now. Perhaps, for her, since she chose to "semi-accept" Agnes, she didn't bother to pay attention to what happened outside the palace. If she continued to quarrel, it would do nothing except cause another disturbance. It won't change anything, so it's better not to know anything.

The couple talked and chatted as usual,

After teasing the child for a while, they went to bed together. The most noble couple in the empire were still as harmonious as ever.


On the next day, according to the previously determined schedule, Marshal Soult, the Minister of War, came to the palace at the summons of Aigron.

Although Aigron's schedule was very tight, as a marshal and an important minister, he would naturally receive preferential treatment, so he was quickly brought to Aigron without a long wait.

"Your Majesty!" Although the marshal has always been arrogant, the status of king and minister has been determined at this time, so when he saw Aigron, the old marshal still bowed with great respect to pay tribute to his new master.

"Good morning, Your Excellency Marshal, I am very pleased to see you so energetic." Aigron also respected the Marshal and nodded to him.

After a brief greeting, Aigron told the marshal the purpose of summoning him today.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, the palace relocation work is almost ready and is expected to be officially launched after the New Year, so you may need to go to Fontainebleau to see me sometimes in the future."

"Your Majesty, Fontainebleau also holds many beautiful memories for me. I am happy to go back there often." The marshal replied respectfully.

Marshal Soult didn't care much about Aigron's plan to "move the palace" to Fontainebleau, but considering that after the move, the Emperor's time in Paris will inevitably be reduced. Correspondingly, the imperial government and The Paris city government will assume more responsibilities, and he will have more independence from the War Department, so from this aspect, he is happy to see it happen.

Aiglon knew the marshal's little plan, but his little plan was bound to come to nothing...

Fontainebleau is about 60 kilometers away from the Royal Palace in Paris, which is farther than Versailles from Paris. It is indeed a relatively long distance by the standards of this era. It is inevitable that the capital will feel beyond its reach; but Aiglon Plans had already been made secretly. While the Paris-Orléans railway was being built, a branch line was also built near Fontainebleau to connect the centers of the two empires.

It is expected that by that time, it will only take him an hour or two to take a special train from near the palace to the Paris train station, and the special train can be on call at any time, rain or shine. If there is something that needs him to deal with urgently, he and his entourage will be there in an instant. You can rush to the capital, and you won't encounter the problem of being "out of reach" at all.

The development of technology will eventually make many problems disappear naturally.

However, there was no need for him to inform Marshal Soult about the construction of the railway. He could just give him a surprise when the time came.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"When I move the palace, I hope to hold a grand celebration, and in this celebration, there must be a military parade." Aigron continued to tell the other party about his plan, "Your Excellency Marshal, the newly established Guards will You are the protagonist of this military parade, and you will be the host of the military parade. I hope that you can form the backbone of the Guards as soon as possible to participate in the military parade... Time is short, so please work hard for this. "

"I understand, Your Majesty."

Although he was a little surprised by Aigron's idea, since Aigron made it so clear, Marshal Soult could not shirk it and could only agree.

At the beginning of his return, Egeron reached a tacit agreement with the provisional government, and took control of the army with the help of Marshal Soult, and allowed him to preside over the purge within the army, cleaning out those staunch royalists who opposed Egeron, and eradicating them by the way. As a result, a large number of officers and soldiers were forced to retire.

However, with Aiglon officially ascending to the throne, the "military purge" that lasted for several months has also come to an end. On the one hand, the Bourbon royal family has been rebellious in recent years and has no die-hard followers. It only needs to identify a small number of A handful of staunch royalists can be expelled from the army; on the other hand, Aigron does not want to create a situation of panic among the people and the morale of the army due to long-term purges. He needs to create a stable atmosphere.

As a result, during this period, the purges within the army gradually came to an end, and instead, "rebuilding the Guards" became the new top priority of the Minister of War.

For Aigron, this has even become a matter of life and death.

The word "Guard" has too special meaning for the empire. Emperor Napoleon specially formed such an elite force, which became famous under his command and became a model for European countries to follow when they carried out military reforms.

By 1815, the restored Bourbon royal family naturally hated this elite armed force created by Emperor Napoleon, and issued an order to disband it.

However, the prestige of the Guards has not been annihilated. Since then, as people's nostalgia for Napoleon and the glorious era of the Empire has gradually deepened, the reputation of the Guards has been frequently mentioned again.

Now that the empire has been restored and Aigron has returned to the throne, as the emperor's successor, it is natural that he rebuild the Guards as the elite force of the empire.

Moreover, from a practical point of view, as Aigron's rule gradually enters the track, he will also need to be responsible for both palace security and the guard of the national armed forces.

Since 1789, the citizens of Paris seemed to have completely "enlightened", and the number of rebellions had become extremely frequent. Even during the great revolution that overthrew the royal family, the masses were not idle, and launched riots such as the Mu Yue, Guo Yue and Portuguese Moon riots. Waiting for a series of turmoil.

Later, it was even more "splendid". Big news would be made almost every few years. Barricades continued to emerge in Paris, so that France would have turmoil to change its dynasty every ten or twenty years. It was not until 1871 that the Provisional Government of Versailles finally ended this period of turmoil at the bloody cost of brutally killing tens of thousands of rebels.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Under such circumstances, if any French ruler and emperor did not have a private army that was absolutely loyal to him, he would not be able to survive, let alone pass the throne to the next generation.

So naturally, the formation of the Guards has become the focus of Aigron's attention since before he ascended the throne.

In the past, when the emperor formed the Guards, he selected elite soldiers from each branch of the army. Now it is naturally similar. Aigron asked the Ministry of War to select elite soldiers from each garrison, and then prepared to break them up and reorganize them. Finally, he formed the Guards he wanted.

In the original historical line, Napoleon III, who proclaimed himself emperor in 1852, the first thing he did after coming to power was to mobilize the elite of the entire army to form his Guards.

By 1855, only three years later, he had formed an infantry division (2 grenadiers and 2 light cavalry regiments), a cavalry brigade (1 cuirassier regiment and 1 cuirassier regiment). The New Guards, composed of a hussars regiment), a chasseur battalion and five artillery companies, has a strength of more than 20,000.

Later, the establishment of the New Guards continued to expand, exceeding more than 40,000 people.

This new Guards became his tool to intimidate Paris and other ambitious people, and also made him the longest-ruling monarch in France since Louis XVI - but unfortunately this was ultimately ruined in the smoke of the Franco-Prussian War. everything.

In order to maintain his rule, Egeron naturally has to do the same thing, and he can do it much more legitimately than Napoleon III.

As the most natural heir to the Bonaparte family, he also has the status of a royal family, so he does not have to worry about his prestige. There is a huge network of relationships that he can naturally use.

In this newly formed Guards, he will place a large number of cronies and young family members as officers to ensure his absolute control over the Guards.

Under the guidance of this policy, Prince Eugene's sons, the two "nephews" brought by Princess Augusta to defect to him, will be placed by him as low-level officers in the Guards. Even those who just came to defect to him will be His half-brother William, who is only 10 years old, will be trained by him to become a Guards officer in a few years, responsible for the security of the palace.

In order to reflect the importance he attached to the Guards, he decided to make himself the commander-in-chief of the Guards. As for the deputy commander (and actual manager of daily affairs), he let his loyal captain of the guard, Lepanto Marquis Andre Davout took over, which was also a legitimate appointment.

For Aigron, the personal safety of his family comes first, and only by ensuring his own personal safety can he have the luxury and qualifications to realize his governing philosophy.

Obviously, soldiers were hastily drawn from various armies and then dispersed and reorganized. No matter how elite these candidates were, they would not be able to have qualified combat effectiveness in the short term. However, Aigron didn't care about this. Anyway, now he and The people in the country are still in the "honeymoon period", and he has a lot of time to nourish his imperial guards and slowly turn them into the elite of the army.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

In fact, Aigron didn't care that much about the military parade after moving to the palace, but he was going to use this as a reason to urge Soult to speed up the formation of the Guards, and also let Soult understand that he was not responsible for this matter. Any concessions may be made.

Marshal Soult was naturally a little unhappy about this. After all, Aigron wanted to form his independent armed forces under his nose, and he also recruited the most elite soldiers, which was tantamount to poaching his heart.

But now that the situation is like this, he can't come up with any reasonable excuse to object.

Moreover, Aiglon still maintains respect for him. He can still exercise power within the army, but he cannot control the palace.

This division of interests is completely acceptable to him.

"Your Majesty, the time you gave is rather hasty, but I promise you that at least there will be thousands of good boys to accept your review." So, after hesitating for a moment, he bowed and saluted Aigron. "I promise you, they are the absolute best soldiers."

"You are accepting our inspection, Your Majesty Marshal." Aigron replied with a smile. "They'll cheer you on too."

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