Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-four, sin?

"I still beg you, give me a little time, don't treat me like an insignificant child, let me have a good talk with you, okay? I beg you!"

Valentine's pleading, coupled with her outfit in a white dress, made her look even more pitiable. Anyone who still has a normal sense of compassion would not be able to help but feel pity.

poor child! Edmund couldn't help but sigh.

He actually already knew what the other person wanted to say.

"Well, if that's what you want, then of course I can accompany you." So, he stopped and nodded slightly.

Then, he changed the topic again, "But before that, I want to know how much your grandfather told you?"

Of course he had figured it out. If Valentine behaved like this, she must have gotten the news from her grandfather and knew that she intended to kill her father.

So the question that bothers him most now is, did Prosecutor Villefort know about the news?

Judging from his recent interaction with Villefort, he felt that Villefort was unaware, but he was not sure. After all, Villefort was so cunning and cunning, and he might be showing off his acting skills.

"My grandfather told me everything that happened that year, but don't worry, he didn't reveal a word to his father, and neither did I." Valentine answered honestly.

Although this may also be a lie, Edmund, who had been watching her, did not find any trace of lying. He did not believe that this young child could have such strong acting skills and could completely hide it from him, so for a moment I also let go of my hanging heart.

It seems that although the Marquis of Noirtier was eager to save his son, he still stuck to his bottom line and did not reveal the truth to his son. He only told his granddaughter.

He probably hoped to impress himself through his granddaughter's pleading... Edmund understood.

In fact, he is not afraid that Villefort knows all this at all. Anyway, now that the offensive and defensive momentum is reversed, what will happen even if Villefort knows? The worst thing is that the two sides will try their best to see who is more powerful; he just doesn't want to involve Villefort's family, after all, this is just a grudge between the two of them.

However, it seems that his plan is destined to fail.

"Actually... I think it would be better for you if you didn't know all this." He sighed softly, "As you can see, these things are filthy.

There are only dirty prisons and bloody hatreds. A child should not face these. You may not believe it, but I do plan to spend money and effort to take care of you when you grow up safely after killing your father, so that you can gain your own happiness. Unfortunately, God does not fulfill his wishes, but you still know. well……"

He is indeed a little frustrated. Although he hates his enemies with gritted teeth, he does not have any hatred for the younger generation. On the contrary, he does not want to interrupt their originally beautiful life because of his revenge, so he is willing to make amends.

It was for this reason that he adopted Eugenie and arranged a way out for Albert.

But now, he has backfired.

"I would rather face the world head-on than live in ignorance and ignorance." Valentine's eyes filled with tears. "Yes, I know that all these disasters are closely related to our family." , it was your father who made you endure so many disasters... Although I am young, I also know right and wrong. You have the right to avenge your father for all the injustice and pain you have suffered. Even killing him is in line with justice. All of this is The father has his own fault.

But even so, I still don't want to see this really happen... Although my father is a bad person, he is my father, the person who raised me from childhood to adulthood, and the closest relative who depended on me after my mother died. I don't want to see him die tragically, I...I want to save his life. You may think I'm selfish and shameless, but...but what can I do? He is my father, please forgive me..."

"It's okay, I forgive you." Edmund gently shook his finger, indicating that the other person should not blame himself too much, "What's wrong with a person wanting to save his father's life? I won't resent you, just as I don't Just like your grandfather who will resent you, you are all trying your best to save the lives of your loved ones. This is the most precious family relationship of mankind, and there is nothing to blame. It’s just that... I can’t promise you to let go of the hatred in the past, because , I also lost my close relatives in this disaster. Compared with the prison sentence I personally suffered, my father's death was more painful to me. After I was sent to the prison cell, he was at home in despair. Waiting for a miracle to happen, hoping that God would send his son back. He suffered from old age and illness, and finally died of hunger and cold... Although my father was not successful in his life, and he did not have the fame and wealth that your father had, but he was very important to me. My love is definitely no less than the love your father gave you. He took great pains to raise me. I was supposed to repay this kindness by taking care of him when I grew up. But in the end... because of Tanglar, because of Feier. Nan, because of your father, I will never be able to repay him, and I can’t even attend his funeral!"

The more Edmund spoke, the more pain he felt in his heart, so much so that the tone of his voice changed, his face became slightly distorted, and the look in his eyes became even colder.

This look would probably scare even an adult out of his wits, let alone a young child?

Facing such huge pressure at close range, Valentine's face suddenly turned pale, her breathing became difficult, her legs trembled and became weak, and she suddenly fell to the ground.

The way she fell also woke Edmund out of his hatred.

She is still just a child after all, why should I tell her this?

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said this to you." So, he bent slightly and pulled Valentine up from the floor. "Do you feel better?"

Feeling the power from the opponent's arm, Valentine finally regained her consciousness from the fear.

Facing the count's concerned eyes, she felt warmth on the one hand, but on the other hand, a sense of shame followed.

This sense of shame made her face turn red because she hated her cowardly performance just now, it was so embarrassing.

If you don't even have the courage to face him, how can you be qualified to say that you will be his wife? What qualifications do you have to resolve the feud between the two families?

For a moment, she fell into self-blame in her heart

"Valentine, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that she looked wrong, Edmund asked.

He couldn't continue to be so embarrassed, otherwise not only would he not be able to fulfill his and his grandfather's wishes, but he would also lose the best opportunity, and he would even be embarrassed to face the earl again in the future.

Thinking of this, Valentine regained her courage, then stubbornly raised her head and stared at the count who was close at hand.

"No... I'm fine! I... I was just a little, a little unsteady on my feet just now..."

This kind of ridiculous and brave words instantly broke away the serious atmosphere just now, and almost made Edmund amused.

In fact, he did not despise Valentine at all because of this. On the contrary, he thought Valentine was even better than his original impression.

After all, as a child under ten years old, even if she is prepared in advance, it is difficult for her to say such a large series of fluent and logical words. This shows that Valentine's education since she was a child is indeed very rigorous, and her personal qualities are He must be very good, at least better than other children he has seen.

However, his views on Valentine were entirely based on the elders' evaluation of the younger ones, and were not mixed with any thoughts on men and women.

"You don't need to feel guilty for your performance. In fact, being able to stand in front of me and face those terrible old things is enough to show your courage. Not being afraid is a kind of courage, but being afraid You still have the courage to face it, which is also a kind of courage worthy of praise. You have done a good job..." He nodded slightly as a compliment to the other party.

"Then my performance is enough for you to change your mind?" Valentine asked with a hint of hope.

"Unfortunately, no." Edmund answered honestly, "Miss Valentine, the only thing I can promise is that no matter what I do, it will only be for him. You don't need to worry about yourself. So what’s the danger.”

"How can it be possible to only target him? He is my father... If he dies, do you think I can remain indifferent?" Valentine became anxious upon hearing this.

"This is indeed a good question, and I am speechless." Edmund sighed, "Then you can come to me for revenge, in any way. To be honest, if I had succeeded in my revenge , it’s not that I can’t accept the ending of being killed by your revenge, but now my life belongs to His Majesty, and since he needs to use me, I can’t easily squander my life... So, I will probably try my best to resist. "

"Ah, so is this what the world of men is like? Killing here and there, life and death? Even I have to follow you and stain my hands with blood... What is the meaning of all this? Mr. Earl, let's not talk about me. I can't kill you, even if I can, will I feel happy if I kill you? Impossible, I will only regret for this sin for the rest of my life... Instead of letting hatred be passed down from generation to generation, can't we find something Is there a better way?"

When he heard "a better way", Edmund's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately had a premonition of what the child in front of him wanted to say.

But before he could stop her, Valentine had already puffed up her chest, which actually had no bulge at all, and then mustered up the courage to speak.

"My grandfather told you that he wanted me to marry you when I grow up. Not long ago, after he told me the truth, he also asked me for my opinion, and I...I..."

"Valentina!" Edmund couldn't stand hearing it anymore and wanted to stop him.

But Valentine still took a deep breath, and then said resolutely about the life she chose, "I told Grandpa, if I can resolve the hatred between the two families and get you the compensation you deserve, Then I happily accept this fate, and even be happy to be your wife - yes, Mr. Count, I want to marry you..."


Edmund's eyes suddenly darkened. This absurd idea was actually passed to the child's mind through the Marquis of Noirtier, and it seemed that she had no resistance to it.

This is just crazy!

"Sorry, I think it's best not to discuss this topic." He just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible to avoid facing such an embarrassing topic.

"Please don't go, please!" Seeing that he wanted to leave, Valentine became anxious, and she begged the count again.

Because she was so anxious that she lost her mind and forgot the so-called manners, she raised her hands high and tightly grasped the count's right hand that was about to hold the doorknob, and then her whole body hung on this hand.

So, Edmund was shocked to find that he could even feel the violent heartbeat with his hand through the white skirt.

It may be an uncontrollable excitement, but to the count, it seems to be more terrifying than the light of swords and shadows.

"God, what kind of sin have I committed!" He couldn't help but exclaimed, and withdrew his hand as if he was electrocuted. Then he stepped back and bumped into a chair, which finally prevented him from falling.

"Please don't go... just listen to what I have to say, it's the last bit!" Valentine blushed with anxiety, and then begged Edmund. "Don't think that I just said it casually, and don't doubt my determination. This is not a child's talk, but a decision I made after careful consideration. Yes, I want to be your wife, and I am more willing to be than anyone else. Your wife, this is not only to save your father's life, nor to atone for your sins, but to use happiness to melt away all the misfortunes you have experienced. I... I can do this. I only ask you to give me I'll give you a chance. If you're dissatisfied with what I've done wrong, it's not too late for you to seek revenge, right?"

Valentine's words became more and more absurd as she spoke, but they were too scary to be treated as children's words. She did have such determination, stubbornness and seriousness.

But the more serious she was, the more Edmund felt his scalp numb, and even felt like his head was going to explode.

What on earth am I doing? Will I go to hell for this? Or should I say that I have already fallen into hell? There was a ringing in his ears, and he didn't know how to respond to this child who said seriously that he wanted to become his wife.

"Don't be like this, Valentine." Finally, he could only sigh. "This won't work."

"Why?" Valentine asked, "Am I not good-looking? I can learn how to dress myself up! I know I'm not as good-looking as Lady Alice, but I can learn... no matter how you like to dress up or what style you want. , I can learn it, as long as you give me a chance, I can do it... I'm still so young, I have a lot of time to learn, don't I?"

"That's not the problem!" Edmund couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead. "You don't need to sacrifice yourself, this has nothing to do with you."

"Maybe this is a sacrifice in your opinion." Valentine smiled slightly. She was obviously much shorter than Edmund, but at this moment she seemed to be able to stand side by side, "But in my opinion, for dad, for you , for myself, this is what I have to do... To be able to make my life so meaningful, I... I am very proud! And I have no complaints."

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