Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-five, storm

"I am... I am very proud to be able to make my life so meaningful! And I have no complaints."

Of course, Edmund would not be happy when facing the "enthusiastic" Valentine. He only felt a headache.

The child in front of her seems to have fallen into a kind of self-obsession. She believes that only by sacrificing her to marry her can she eliminate the hatred of the past and at least stop herself from seeking revenge against her father Villefort.

She even regarded this as her own obligation and tried to fulfill this obligation with a noble sense of mission.

This is just crazy.

However, it is precisely because he is crazy that it is scary, because it seems that nothing he says can shake this little girl's determination.

Does the grudge of the previous generation really require a child to make such a sacrifice? What had she done wrong that she needed to spend her life trying to make up for?

Edmund asked himself, he never hated Valentine, nor did he want to harm her life.

"Kid, you are too young, you don't know what this means." He regained his composure from the shock and panic, and then sighed again, "Okay, don't worry about this anymore. , this is not a suffering you should bear, and I don’t need to use you to retaliate against your father. You will have a wonderful family...but it will definitely not be with me."

"Although I am indeed young, I feel that I know a lot of things. I may have read more books and learned more knowledge and grammar than many people in their lifetime. Don't underestimate me!" Valan Tina became anxious again when she heard this, and defended herself with wide eyes.

As if she felt that her mere words were unconvincing, she ran to the table next to her and took out her thick notes, "Look... these are all the notes I left while reading. I have accumulated so many Yes! Do you still think I am ignorant?"

Because the notebook was handed over, Edmund glanced at it casually. Although he didn't see clearly what was written, he could confirm that Valentine's handwriting was clear and beautiful, better than his.

This is not surprising. As the daughter of a prosecutor and a noble, the education Valentine received from an early age was definitely better than her own, and even far better than that of the vast majority of ordinary people. Don't forget that in this era, there is no obligation for state subsidies. Regarding education, the illiteracy rate among ordinary people is very high. She said that she "knows more" than many adults, which is not a blind boast.

"In addition to reading books, I have also read many documents and reference books written by my father, and I can also memorize many laws and fragments... So you see, I am by no means an ignorant child, I know a lot of things , and I can learn more,

As long as you give me time, I can give you advice like dad, share difficulties with you, and help you run the family... Isn't that great? Don't you believe I can do it? I beg you, give me a chance, I only need one chance, as long as you nod..."

Valentine's voice was sad and melodious, becoming more urgent as she spoke, as if she was a hawker on the verge of bankruptcy trying hard to sell his unsalable goods.

This situation made Edmund feel only a sense of sadness.

How could I push a child to this point?

This child is indeed as outstanding as she said. With her family background, education, and character, how limitless is her future? As long as she sits there, the top young talents can come to her and compete with her to win her heart; when she starts a family, she can give full play to her talents and let the man enjoy both family and career. Happiness... these are all things she can easily get.

However, fate forced her to put down her pride and self-esteem and beg in front of herself, just asking for a chance to become his wife... It was too humble and pitiful.

This shouldn't be her fate.

There was no secret joy in his heart, but pity and pain in his heart.

Although his hands are stained with blood, in essence, he is indeed a compassionate person, let alone facing such a smart and lovely child?

So he gently stretched out his hand and touched Valentine's forehead.

Valentine's self-promotion came to an abrupt end.

"Okay, stop talking, Miss Valentine, I believe you. Your performance today surprised me, and I even admired you a little, because when I was your age, I would never have been able to do what you are doing today. As long as you keep working hard, I'm sure you will become an admirable woman in the future.

It is precisely because of this that you deserve a better future. Your father allowed malice and filth to run rampant in the world, but you can spread kindness and light in the world! I am a man riddled with wounds. The first half of my life was ruined by injustice and prison. Although I escaped from prison with the help of fate and had the opportunity to take revenge, my lost youth and lost humanity will never be seen again. It's impossible to get it back. I'm a broken person. I'm not worthy of your kindness and light. Precisely because I have seen how noble light is and how easily it can be swallowed up by filth, I cherish light more and more. I cannot destroy you, so I must reject this proposal..."

Although his tone was soft, his hoarse voice had an infectious power, and coupled with the sad eyes at this moment, it was enough to show an admirable temperament.

"Well, that's it for now. I have to admit, it's been a surprising afternoon, but I'm glad I've been able to talk to you so much."

So, did it fail...?

Valentine's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

She had prepared carefully for so long and dressed herself up carefully, but in the end it had no effect at all. The count did not consider her proposal at all, nor did he even hesitate about it.

Is it because I am too young? Definitely, that's to be expected.

However, besides this reason, there must be other wishes, and Valentine was keenly aware of it from the count's melancholy and sadness.

"So, are you actually inferior to yourself?" She asked loudly and desperately, "Do you think that a young sailor from Marseille is not worthy of a young lady from Paris? Do you think that a traumatized prisoner is not qualified to obtain light and happiness? life, right?”

Before the count could respond, she shouted again, "But you are wrong, so wrong! You are the Count of Monte Cristo, His Majesty's confidant, and the most promising young man in this country right now! You are not A rotten corpse swallowed by mud is not a monster with incomplete humanity! Why do you need to feel inferior...?

Yes, you do have a past that is difficult to face, but who in this world doesn’t? Even if you are in the sludge of prison, you are much nobler than many people, at least better than my father, right? "

In fact, Edmund himself knows this. So far, he has met too many high-ranking figures. Although there are indeed powerful characters who awe him, there are also mediocre and incompetent people. Yes, there are many examples of bad guys who appear to be sanctimonious but do all kinds of evil in private.

Compared to them, the little sailor from Marseille could actually be proud of his own moral character.

"Thank you for speaking so highly of me. To be honest, I'm quite happy." He smiled lightly and walked to the door again.

This time, he was mentally prepared. Even if Valentine stopped her, he would forcefully break through the door and end this embarrassing conversation.

But of course Valentine was unwilling to let him go. Her weak body burst out with courage again, and she rushed towards the count, trying to hold his hand just like before.

Edmund, who was tall and burly, certainly didn't care about her strength. He remained still, letting the little girl pull him, and then opened the door.

With a creak, the light of the wall lamp penetrated into Edmund's eyes again.

Is it finally over...? Edmund just breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately frowned again.

Because Valentine was not resigned to her failure, after the door was opened, she still did not let go. She hugged Edmund and tried to pull Edmund back into the room.

Of course, this kind of effort will not succeed, but if this unseemly appearance is seen by others, it will definitely affect her own reputation.

Wait, does she still care about being seen by others? Edmund suddenly shivered.

If someone sees it now, he will be in trouble!

If the outside world believed that he molested Prosecutor Villefort's daughter at his house, how big of a disturbance would this cause? !

Oh no.

When he thought of this, his originally flabby muscles tightened instantly, and then he looked back at the little girl who was still hugging him.

"Let go, Miss Valentine, don't make things difficult for me anymore..." He tried his best to persuade the child.

"Don't let me go!" Valentine replied stubbornly, "I won't let you leave like this! Even if you don't agree, I just ask you to give me... just give me a word! Just say you will consider it. , look at my future performance, okay...?"

As she begged, Edmund had tried to break away from her, but the alert Valentine, showing astonishing courage, refused to be shaken off by him.

Originally, Edmund had many ways to break away from this young child as long as he was willing to exert force, but he was unable to do anything ruthless for fear of hurting this delicate little lady.

Seeing time passing by and knowing that he could no longer delay, Edmund finally had to be cruel.

"Sorry, I'm offended." He used his hand as a knife, then swung it lightly and hit Valentine's neck.

Valentine's eyes widened for a moment, then she fainted unwillingly.

After she fainted, her arm naturally let go, and Edmund was finally able to free himself from it.

However, in order to prevent Valentine from falling, he immediately grabbed Valentine and was about to put her into the room before leaving.

However, the voices and noises upstairs finally alarmed the people downstairs. Along with the footsteps, several figures appeared at the corner of the stairs.

Edmund suddenly felt a little panicked. After all, if someone really discovered it, how should he explain this scene?

She was holding a young child in her arms. She had fainted and had bruises on her neck... People might easily think of something unsightly.

But at this critical moment, a thin figure suddenly appeared at the corner of the stairs.

"Stop." He shouted to stop the people coming upstairs.

"Dad? What's wrong with you? Why was there a noise just now?"

Then the voice of Prosecutor Villefort came from the stairs.

"It's nothing. I drank some wine, my steps were unsteady, and I almost fell." The old man responded, and then gave orders to his son and others, "Okay, I feel a little uncomfortable and want to sleep. You guys Don’t bother me, go down and continue drinking your wedding bar!”

"Okay, Dad." Prosecutor Villefort obviously did not doubt his father's words, but obeyed his father's will.

"By the way, have you seen Valentine? And Mr. Count of Monte Cristo seems to have disappeared suddenly." He suddenly asked casually.

"Valentine was waiting for me just now. As for the Count, I don't know. He is probably in the bathroom, or on the balcony enjoying the air to sober up." The Marquis replied casually. "Okay, go down and don't bother me again!"

Villefort had always been quite afraid of his father and didn't want to say more to him, so he took the others down.

After hearing all this, Edmund secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he did not fall into that terrible situation.

But soon, he became alert again, because he instinctively sensed that this mess was not over yet.

Sure enough, after blasting away his son and others, the Marquis of Noirtier quickly walked over from the corner of the stairs.

He quickly noticed his unconscious granddaughter and the bruises on her neck, but also confirmed that she had no other injuries.

"My poor granddaughter..." He sighed sadly, then took his granddaughter from Edmund's hand, and then carefully placed her on the bed in the house.

"Is this your plan?" Edmund watched all this with cold eyes. After confirming that Valentine had been put away, he coldly asked the old man in front of him, "You let a child act as a shield to trap me. Yi then came to threaten me?"

"Do you think I can be considered to have done everything possible? Count of Monte Cristo?" the Marquis of Noirtier responded coldly, "Yes, it was indeed me who told Valentine everything and asked her to You cooperated with my plan, but what Valentine said to you, and the fact that the two of you just got into trouble, are beyond my control! To be honest, I am also surprised that a child... a child can actually do this Come this far! She is really a good child and deserves to be my granddaughter!"

The Marquis of Noirtier looked at the unconscious child, his eyes full of appreciation, but also extremely sad.

"Because of this, I cannot accept her reputation being ruined. She must be married as a flawless bride."

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