Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-four, diligent and prepared

After finishing their brief conversation with His Excellency the Prime Minister, the Aiglons, led by their attendants, went to the audience hall in the palace.

At this time, most of the guests had already rushed over to gather together, and they were all eagerly awaiting the arrival of the couple who had just put on the crown.

Agron and Teresa have participated in many celebrations before, but these were basically for people from all walks of life in the country, and tonight's Christmas Eve celebration is for this young couple who have been on the throne for less than a month. Officially debuted on the European stage.

Although some countries still did not send envoys due to various reasons, the ambassadors of all countries that have restored diplomatic relations with the empire have been cordially invited by the palace, and they will naturally attend with pleasure. On the one hand, they will give face to the host country, and on the other hand, they will On the other hand, we should also use this to spy on the reality of the new emperor.

According to ancient tradition, these foreign envoys were treated very well and stayed in a special area in the hall, with a good view and close access to the emperor and his wife.

Quietly, the Agrons walked to the gate, and the guards standing at the gate raised their guns and saluted the dressed-up young couple.

Then, the two guards, one on each side, grabbed the golden door handle and gently pulled it on both sides. The door gradually opened, and the couple was focused by everyone in the hall.

"His Majesty the Emperor and Queen are here!"

Then, the ceremonial officials of the palace loudly announced the arrival of the supreme ruler of the empire.

The brilliant candlelight, the scorching sight and the hot wind blowing towards their faces swept over the young couple in an instant.

If an ordinary person were to suddenly face such a scene of gorgeous clothes and jewels, they would probably be stunned for a moment, but both Agron and Teresa were used to seeing it in the Austrian court when they were young. The emperor's pomp, therefore, was not touched by the scene at this moment - it was an innate part of their lives.

But this time, they are the real protagonists. They have a powerful and resource-rich country in their hands. Its strength even exceeds the country where they grew up. In other words, their current power exceeds what they once feared. old emperor.

Moreover, compared to the aging Emperor Franz, they still have too much youth to enjoy.

At this time, they all had that formulaic calm smile on their faces, and then they walked hand in hand on the carpet with gentle steps, although their eyes moved with the steps and fell on everyone's eyes. On the body, but actually there is no one around.

Following their footsteps,

Melodious music also sounded - and this was a treatment that only the couple could enjoy.

When he was in the Austrian court, His Majesty the Emperor wanted to play "God Save Our Emperor Franz" when attending a ceremony. But when it came to the couple, it was naturally impossible to use this music; and "Marseillaise", which was said to kill the tyrant, was obviously inappropriate, and even more so They could not use the national anthem "The Return of the Prince of France to Paris" used during the Bourbon Restoration, so they used the national anthem "The Expedition" from the Empire period as their national anthem.

Therefore, when the couple attended, the melody of "Expedition Song" also resounded throughout the hall. Many people in the hall had experienced the imperial era, especially those foreign envoys who had returned home after many years. After hearing this piece of music played again in the palace in Paris, they naturally had mixed feelings.

Obviously, the empire of the Bonaparte family had brought them too much shock and panic. Now that they see the heir of this family standing on the throne again, they will naturally have a lot of hidden worries and wariness.

However, diplomats were usually realists and rarely sentimental, so their attention quickly turned away from the memories of the old empire and refocused on the young emperor and his wife.

Because of their young age and fresh appearance, the couple was deeply loved by the people at this time. In the eyes of diplomats who paid special attention to appearance and demeanor, the young couple also had an equally lovable appearance. After all, who doesn't like to be with a handsome man? What about dealing with beauties?

Amidst the sound of music and the attention of everyone, the Agrons walked to the center of the hall, where the giant chandelier bloomed above their heads, which also caused a bright brilliance to gather on them.

As the host, Egeron was naturally responsible for the opening remarks, so after he came to the center, he began his brief speech.

"Dear guests! I am very grateful to you for taking the time to come and add splendor to my celebration. Today is not only a day for our family reunion, but also a day full of expectations and reconciliation. Today there is no dispute or pain, only joy. Hope! I ask everyone to forget all the disputes and unhappiness of the past year, enjoy the last happy time of this year with peace of mind, and welcome the arrival of the new year!"

After saying these polite words, Aigron changed the topic and his tone became emotional, "I think everyone knows that it is not easy for me to be able to stand here as the master like today. Thank you Almighty God Grant me such luck and honor, and..."

Having said this, Agron took Teresa's hand and faced the people present together, "And the wife who gave me such a perfect wife! She is noble yet humble, decisive yet alert, beautiful but also... She has extraordinary talents... I think there is no more perfect wife than her in the world. What is even more perfect is that she also gave me two children and the family I dreamed of. Because of this, I Only then can I enjoy the warmth of family on this Christmas Eve. I can't express my gratitude to her in words..."

Although Aigron's words were a bit exaggerated and deliberately meant to please Teresa, they were more or less sincere.

Along the way, Teresa stayed by his side without any regrets, sharing the joys and sorrows and "starting a business" together. It also made him, who had a broken family since childhood, feel the warmth of the family. To say that he was not grateful at all , that's impossible - it's just that his gratitude will sometimes be defeated by the passion of the prodigal prince.

From another perspective, it is precisely because of the existence of Queen Theresa that countries are much less disgusted and wary of Aigron. After all, the queen from the Habsburg family will make " The "heretic" Bonaparte family seems more pleasing to the eye.

Aigron is also well aware of this diplomatic value, so tonight he took the opportunity of Christmas Eve to praise his wife in public.

Teresa was surprised at first, and then moved.

Although she was furious at Aiglon's constant philandering and neglect, deep down in her heart, she could not forget her love for her husband no matter what, so she repeatedly forgave him and tolerated his aggressive offenses.

In her heart, as in the past, she has always been looking forward to two people growing old together, and passing away suddenly surrounded by the big family they gave birth to, and spending this life together. In order to realize this wish, no matter how much it costs, no matter what No matter how much hardship she suffered, she was willing to endure it.

Being a mere queen is just a burden that she has to carry for the sake of love. But since she has already carried it, she will naturally strive to carry it on perfectly, and she will work with her husband in an attitude that is not inferior to that of any queen in history. Achieve glorious governance.

Now, it's just the beginning.

So, she nodded slightly, smiled and thanked her husband, and this heartwarming scene also fell in the eyes of everyone.

Although everyone knew about the previous incident involving Miss Agnes, at this moment, no one doubted the relationship between the Emperor and the Queen. At least the authority of Her Majesty the Queen would never be shaken - this This is also what Aiglon showed publicly.

So, after Aigron's speech, people applauded to pay respect to the couple.

And the celebration began.

The courtiers, headed by Prime Minister Prince Talleyrand, stepped forward one by one to pay tribute to the Aiglons.

Although Prince Talleyrand was limping and wearing a fluffy dress, so he walked in front like a penguin swaying from side to side, the people present were well-trained in social interaction, and they only had decent smiles on their faces. The whole room burst into laughter because of this - but the snickering was unavoidable.

Other ministers, also wearing embroidered gowns, paid tribute to His Majesty the Emperor and Queen.

Next came the diplomatic envoys, and then the celebrities from all walks of life, and the Agrons acted as smiling salespeople, speaking briefly to everyone.

After the formal interviews and greetings were over, the grand banquet was naturally indispensable. Under the guidance of the attendants, the hungry guests were arranged to the dining table one after another, and then they were served a variety of exquisite dishes and snacks, as well as fine wines collected by the palace. , served one after another in an endless stream for them to feast on.

The seats for the banquet have naturally been arranged long ago.

Sharing the same long dining table with the two His Majesty are Prime Minister Prince Talleyrand and Foreign Minister Duke Bassano, while the others at the table are ambassadors from various countries - although they are all from different countries, they are very different from each other. Being able to communicate fluently in French is the last glory of the French era in Europe.

Who could have imagined that in its original history, less than half a century later, French, which was originally regarded as the lingua franca of the nobility, would sadly step down from its altar? This is something Aiglon must avoid.

The person who was placed in the seat closest to Queen Theresa was the Austrian Ambassador.

Because of her background in the Habsburg royal family, Queen Theresa was more suitable to receive the Austrians than he himself was. Agron was also happy to let Theresa and the Austrian ambassador reminisce about the past, understand her homesickness, and at the same time further consolidate himself. Friendly relations with Austria.

This Austrian ambassador was also an acquaintance of Agron and Teresa.

He was Mr. Alfred von Mayrhofen, the diplomat who was ordered to visit Greece when the couple was in Greece.

Previously, he followed Prince Metternich's confidants to Istanbul to take up a post, and had several contacts with the Aiglons, which was considered to have left a little friendship.

As the Agrons came all the way to Paris, Prince Metternich transferred him from Istanbul to France as ambassador based on the principle of "making the best use of everything".

No matter from any aspect, this is undoubtedly a "promotion". Prince Metternich wanted to take advantage of the old friendship between the two parties. In other words, the Eggrons also became Alfred von -The "morning star" of Mayrhofen's official career.

The great figures in history are like stars with huge mass. Even if they sit still, they will change the trajectories of other planets or comets due to their huge gravity. The official career of Mr. Ambassador is a typical example of this—— Similarly, if it had not been for Emperor Napoleon, the unknown Metternich would not have risen to prominence so easily and become the Austrian Emperor's most trusted foreign minister and prime minister in one fell swoop.

After the ambassador took office, he naturally tried to establish a relationship with the Aiglons.

He originally had a relationship with the French ambassador to Turkey, Count Telewin, but after the ambassador was transferred back to his country and then suddenly "died of a sudden illness," he had to give up this hope and had to find another way.

And today is naturally an excellent opportunity.

He was invited to the palace and placed next to Queen Theresa's seat. It was obvious that this was giving him "preferential treatment."

"Your Majesty the Queen." After taking the opportunity to dine, Alfred von Mayrhofen looked at Theresa next to him with a flattering smile. "You are more radiant than before. As His Majesty said, there is no woman in the world who can combine nobility, beauty and talent at the same time like you..."

Teresa would feel intoxicated when Agron said the same thing, but when the ambassador said it, Teresa only found it boring.

So, she just smiled indifferently, and then replied softly, "You are very flattering, Mr. Ambassador. There is no shortage of women in the courts of various countries who make me feel eclipsed."

"I can assure you that I am not exaggerating." The ambassador quickly shook his head seriously, "In fact, there has never been an Austrian princess as influential and powerful as you. You are in the most important position. , you can achieve harmony and prosperity between the two countries in just one thought, and your family will be proud of you..."

Although Teresa didn't care about such flattery, the ambassador's words still aroused some resonance in her heart.

Yes, why doesn’t she want to achieve harmony and prosperity between the two countries?

However, she is now the wife of the Bonaparte family, the queen of France, and the mother of the crown prince. Reality has determined what she must choose first.

Moreover, she also knew why the ambassador and Metternich behind him were so attentive to her.

"If there is anything I can do to promote harmony and prosperity between our two countries, I would certainly be happy to do it, sir."

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