Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-five, official leak

"If there is anything I can do to promote harmony and prosperity between our two countries, I would certainly be happy to do it, sir."

Teresa's promise made von Mayrhoffen instantly elated.

In the 19th century, diplomacy was actually a "private matter" in most cases. Whether a diplomat could succeed depended entirely on which high-ranking officials and nobles he could connect with, or simply become a "friend" of the king.

Metternich's greatest success was that he displayed his personal charm in Paris and became one of the most popular celebrities in Paris society. He then took the opportunity to broker the marriage between Emperor Napoleon and Princess Louisa, and finally finalized the marriage. , established his "status in the world."

And now, it is a great luck for him to be able to catch up with the Empress of the French Empire. If done correctly, it is equivalent to mastering a code that will allow him to rise to the top.

Of course, even if he knew this, he still had to be careful, because he knew that the French people now have strong nationalist sentiments, and they are most taboo about seeing their queen consorting with foreign countries, especially those who have been enemies of France for many years. Austria is even more emotionally sensitive. In order not to cause trouble to Queen Theresa, he must do things properly, which will benefit his motherland without causing embarrassment to Queen Theresa.

"Believe me, as long as you have this intention, there is nothing simpler in the world." The ambassador picked up the wine glass and took a sip excitedly, "Whether it is His Majesty the Emperor or His Highness Prince Metternich, We have absolutely no feelings of being enemies with France and the French people. They love peace and hope that the hard-won peace can be maintained. As long as you can make France friendly to us, then good neighborliness and friendship between us will be a matter of course! Austria I would never want to be an enemy of my own daughter..."

Although the ambassador's words were full of exaggerated diplomatic rhetoric, Teresa could feel the sincerity in them.

It is not because the emperor and prime minister are "good-hearted", but because objective conditions force Austria to love peace.

She comes from the Austrian royal family, and of course she knows Austria's weakness best. During the protracted Napoleonic War, Austria fought almost from beginning to end and suffered the greatest losses. The army was severely damaged and even annihilated many times in Italy and even on the mainland, and even the capital was destroyed. It fell twice, and the losses in manpower and material resources are still difficult to recover even today, 20 years later.

In order to rebuild the army again and again, the emperor had to keep raising taxes and borrowing debt, and he was saddled with astronomical debts. To this day, he is still gasping for debt and interest.

Under such circumstances, which monarch would still want to fight? No wonder the Austrians watched so calmly as the Bonapartes returned to the throne.

ancient glorious history,

As well as the current embarrassing situation, Austria has to find ways to maintain its "respect as a great power" while trying to get rid of its international obligations. It just wants to keep the empire's frame at the minimum cost.

Judging from the results, Prime Minister Metternich did a good job as a "pastor". Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Vienna Peace Conference, he turned and became the arbiter of Europe, achieving the balance of great powers in the new era, and the environment that Austria depends on for survival. , is a state of balance in which "big powers restrain each other." Once the balance is broken, no matter who breaks it, it will become a disaster that endangers the empire.

Teresa could not predict the subsequent history, so she did not know that Austria would later be in a desperate situation of "complete breakdown of balance". First, France took the lead in breaking the balance and took the initiative to go to war with Austria in 1859, and then in 1866, Prussia finally attacked with all its strength. Defeat the Austrian army, and in the end, the Russian Empire became its most terrifying enemy, even triggering a world war for the Balkans, and then the Russians completely destroyed the Austrian Imperial Army in 1916.

These three huge defeats came from different directions, but each time Austria could only bear a humiliating defeat. This old empire was indeed unable to withstand the impact of nationalist countries in the new era, and could only carefully maintain its airs. .

Even if she didn't know the history behind it, Teresa knew why the ambassador and Metternich behind him would try their best to get close to her, because they were too eager to maintain "balance."

The recent secret approach between France and Britain naturally aroused Metternich's high vigilance. He wanted to know what kind of insider trading these two countries had conducted.

In fact, Metternich did not care about Belgium, because at the Vienna Peace Conference in 1815, Metternich took the initiative to allow the Netherlands to annex Belgium and handed over the Rhineland to Prussia. He had actually given up his influence on northwest Europe.

He did this because Habsburg had had enough of the three hundred years of war with France. This was an unbearable burden, so he instead wanted to let the Netherlands and Prussia, which had taken the Rhineland, act as a defense against France. The first-line sentry (also serving as a sentinel was the Kingdom of Sardinia, which took Genoa).

Metternich was only worried that after Belgium was cut off, there would be an unbridgeable gap in the encirclement network in the northeastern corner of France, so he became anxious and angry about it, hoping to continue to maintain the European balance he had worked so hard to manage.

After all, although the Austrians have voluntarily given up their once richest territory and the former Holy Roman Empire, as a European power, it cannot be willing to give up the image of a great power. It needs a "big power image" ”, so it hopes not to be absent from major events.

Of course, when Austria presents the image of a great power to the outside world, it is often not to intimidate foreign countries, because foreign monarchs know that it cannot fight against itself. It is to intimidate the country. To be precise, it is to intimidate those who harbor feelings for the empire at all times. The heterodox Hungarians, Italians, Czechs, Croats... and other dominated ethnic groups.

Only by letting each nation know that the emperor is still powerful and the empire is still indestructible, will they accept the rule of the empire with peace of mind.

Diplomacy is domestic affairs, and this is especially true for Austria.

The Egglunds, who grew up in Austria since childhood, are well aware of these secret obsessions. They know both Austria's weakness and Austria's needs, and they will use this need to achieve their goals.

Because of the tacit understanding, Queen Theresa chatted and laughed with the ambassador while dining, which made the other ambassadors secretly envious, but they had nothing to do. After all, it was natural for the queen's home country to receive preferential treatment.

Soon, the banquet comes to an end, and after a short break, there will be a grand dance.

When the attendants removed the table and cutlery, Teresa smiled lightly at the ambassador, and then spoke in a low voice.

"Mr. von Mayrhofen, could you please move a little and chat with me for a few more words before the ball starts? I miss my parents, so I want to ask them how they are doing."

Von Mayrhofen was a little confused at first, because Queen Theresa had actually asked these questions at the dinner table just now. If she didn't have amnesia, there was really no need to ask them again.

But soon, from Theresa's sparkling eyes, he immediately felt what Her Majesty the Queen meant.

She wants to tell me something secret!

Ambassador von Mayrhofen suddenly became energetic.

Whatever he said, he just told the queen that she was the daughter of Austria, but he didn't expect it to take effect so quickly.

At this time, his heart was beating wildly, but his many years of experience in the industry kept his expression calm at all.

"I am at your disposal at any time, Your Majesty." He replied respectfully.

"Then the female officer next to me will take you to my dressing room later. Please wait a moment." Queen Theresa left a charming smile and left first.

The ambassador has been a diplomat for so many years and has visited the palaces of various countries. Naturally, he is used to seeing beautiful women. Of course, he will not lose his mind because of this. However, he still secretly lamented that the most beautiful flowers in his country are in the palace of France after all. bloomed.

Then, the ambassador walked quietly to the corner of the hall, and soon, just as Theresa promised, a female officer walked up to him and gave a slight signal.

The ambassador immediately followed her out of the hall, walked a few steps along the corridor, and then entered a room.

As soon as he entered the door, the ambassador immediately smelled the smell of various makeup and perfume. This was naturally the dressing room of Her Majesty the Queen.

At this moment, Her Majesty the Queen was sitting in front of the beautifully decorated dressing table, looking at the Ambassador with a smile on her face.

"Sir, it is true that this is not a good place to talk, but we shouldn't be too picky at this time, don't you think?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen." The ambassador bowed and did not show any inappropriate expression. "From my experience, big things always happen in unexpected places."

"Yes, something big is about to happen, and I, as an Austrian, also hope that Austria can know as soon as possible." Theresa nodded.

The ambassador's creed accelerated even more. He was now convinced that Queen Theresa was preparing to reveal something very important to him, so she was so solemn about it - whether this was her personal arbitrary decision or the couple had negotiated it. The result is unknown.

The sound insulation of the dressing room is very good, so you can't hear the noise in the hall at all. This strange silence actually increases the seriousness and tension in Da Shi's heart.

"Okay, we don't have much time, so there is no need to waste on those red tapes. Let me tell you straight. I believe that Prince Metternich has also been thinking hard about what I am going to say next..." Teresa's tone suddenly became firm from the soft tone just now, "If I didn't predict wrong, you should have heard about it. Before my husband ascended the throne, he sent a delegation to discuss with the British. Belgium’s problem…”

The ambassador was startled by Teresa's frankness, but honesty is always a good thing, so he simply admitted, "We did hear a little about it, but we don't know the details yet."

"Then, let me tell you the details now -" Theresa immediately took up the topic, and then continued calmly, "To tell you the truth, with the support of Prince Talleyrand and the Duke of Wellington , now that the two countries have reached a tacit understanding, the Belgian people will get rid of the unfair treatment in 1815, free themselves from the rule of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and then become an independent kingdom."

Although there had been speculation about this, the ambassador was still shocked when Queen Theresa directly confirmed it.

The British, who had been the main force in the resistance against France for more than 20 years and the mainstay of the Vienna Peace Conference, now turned around without any obstacles to cooperate with France and modify the original arrangements of the Vienna Peace Conference... Such a gorgeous turn could only be done by the British. Gotta come out!

"Everyone said that Prince Metternich acted according to the prevailing circumstances, but when he met Captain Anglian, he had no choice but to surrender." After a moment of silence, the ambassador gave a helpless reply with a wry smile.

Although this decision was shocking, the ambassador knew that Austria's so-called "response" was actually to accept all this and do nothing.

After all, for Metternich, Belgium becoming an independent kingdom did not break the system he had painstakingly established. On the contrary, it may be an opportunity to make the system smoother. When he abandoned Belgium on his own initiative, he naturally never thought about going back. It was just a thankless and foolish act.

Moreover, if Britain and France really reach a tacit agreement, what can Austria do even if it is unwilling?

After a moment of silence, the ambassador spoke again.

"Perhaps this is indeed a happy outcome, and Prince Metternich will also approve of it. But...since it is going to become an independent kingdom, who will the king be?"

"The result currently agreed upon by both parties is Prince Ferdinand of the royal family of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Of course, he is still young, but youth also means that he has unlimited possibilities. He will receive the best guidance to ensure that he becomes a A beloved king. And Saxe-Coburg-Gotha has accepted this arrangement, and they are willing to accept the crown and the obligations it represents... So, what do you think of this?"

Facing Teresa's probing gaze, the ambassador subconsciously licked his dry lips.

"I...I cannot express my personal opinion here, Your Majesty the Queen. I will convey the news to Prince Metternich, and he will make his judgment, but I believe that he will accept it happily."

"I think so. No one is more peace-loving than him." Teresa nodded, as if she really believed her words. "If he wants to, he can put forward an initiative and even lead the agenda, and the Austrians can also participate in guaranteeing Belgium...Prince Metternich is someone we have always been indispensable for and will continue to be."

Then she looked at the clock next to her.

The ambassador naturally understood the hint without waiting for her to speak.

"It's getting late, Your Majesty, I shouldn't waste your precious time anymore..." He bowed and saluted Theresa again, "On behalf of Austria, I thank you. Your Majesty, you will always be the most respected person in Austria." Proud daughter."

Then, he quietly walked out of the dressing room, and then quietly returned to the hall under the leadership of the female officer.

After he left, Theresa stood up calmly.

Yes, she is indeed leaking secrets, but this is an official leak from the couple. She needs to become a pro-Austria representative, and Prince Metternich is destined not to miss this "grand event."

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