Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-six, uninvited guest

After quietly seeing off the Austrian ambassador, Teresa rearranged her makeup at the dressing table, then calmly left the dressing room and returned to the splendid hall, where her husband was already waiting. She did.

Although the two of them could be called an "old married couple", Agron was still distracted for a moment when he saw Teresa in her gorgeous clothes.

"My dear... all the queens in Europe at this moment are only qualified to stand behind you and hold up your skirts." Aigron took Teresa's hand, and then sincerely complimented Theresa. "I feel so lucky for my guests today. They have the opportunity to see you in a way they will never forget."

Faced with Aigron's slightly disgusting compliment, Teresa was naturally elated, "If you want to see it, can't you see it every day? I'm afraid you'll get tired of it~"

Although she looked like a graceful queen in front of the ambassador just now, when the couple faced each other, Teresa finally became her former self, even with a hint of coquettishness.

After all, she is not yet 20 years old.

"I'll never get tired of it." Aigron shook his head and answered seriously.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the splendid halls and dignitaries gathered around him, "What a grand scene this is, worthy of you and me. I hope to wait until our tenth and twentieth wedding anniversaries." We can also have such a scene during the Japanese celebrations, so that we can live up to our hard work."

Aigron's words made Teresa fascinated.

"Then, when we celebrate the tenth anniversary, the two of us must give each other a precious gift." A blush appeared on her cheeks, "By then we will definitely have a big family, and the children will also They will surround us and bless us.”

Facing his wife, whose eyes were wandering and filled with longing, Aigron couldn't help but start thinking.

Because the two of them were young when they got married, even on their tenth anniversary, they were still under 30 years old. It was the golden age of people at that time, and Teresa would be as beautiful as she is today.

After a moment, Aigron recovered his thoughts from the couple's teasing, "By the way, how was your conversation with Mr. von Mayrhofen?"

"I told him everything I should tell him." Teresa replied in a low voice. "As we expected, Metternich is indeed very concerned about this matter and has been trying his best to find out. Presumably, he got After my reply, he can finally sleep well..."

After saying that,

She winked at Aigron with her right eye again and put on a happy expression that said "the plan is clear".

"That's great." Aigron also breathed a sigh of relief.

Theresa's official leaks were naturally part of the initial diplomatic route after Aigron ascended the throne.

Winning the reconciliation between Britain and France is equivalent to getting a decisive "trump card" for him. After all, as long as the British do not take action against him, other countries have no ability or motivation to unite and try to use force to overthrow him.

But after getting the trump card, how to use this trump card is a new topic.

After secret discussions between Aiglon and Prince Talleyrand, they finally came to the conclusion that they would win over the Austrians and achieve a secret understanding between the three countries.

This is not a fantasy. In fact, at the first Vienna Peace Conference in 1814, Prince Talleyrand had already secretly colluded with Metternich and the British Foreign Secretary Viscount Castlereagh to target Russia. The Tsar was furious. These conspiracies once made the Tsar furious. It was only because Emperor Napoleon unexpectedly landed in France from Elba Island and returned to Paris that this secret plan was interrupted.

Although times have changed, more than ten years later, Prince Talleyrand once again stood in a familiar position. He naturally planned to return to his old ideas and continue to work for the European balance he once had.

Moreover, the Austrians also have the same expectations.

For the Austrians, France and Russia were equally vigilant and detestable enemies—one oppressing them from the west and the other from the east, and both harboring ambitions to dominate Europe.

However, after the Vienna Peace Conference in 1815, through a series of territorial transactions, Austria ceded all the territory bordering France, leaving the Netherlands (Belgium), Prussia and the Kingdom of Sardinia on the front line of defense against France, becoming Austria's de facto "buffer zone" was established, so the French pressure on Austria decreased. At least Metternich now no longer had to worry about the threat from France.

But Russia is different. Through a series of wars, the Principality of Moscow expanded crazily like an inflated hot air balloon, expanding its territory in all directions. By defeating the power of Napoleon, the Tsar swallowed the entire Poland in one breath. At the same time, he pressed hard from the Turks, ceded Crimea and Bessarabia, and had already reached the Danube River Basin.

Now Austria and Russia have a long border, and they feel the pressure of "a thorn on their backs" almost all the time.

Moreover, anyone with a normal IQ knows that the Tsar also has extremely hungry ambitions, and will definitely not be smaller than Emperor Napoleon back then.

Therefore, forming gangs to jointly curb Russia's further expansion immediately became Austria's top priority. This was true in 1814, and it naturally remained the same in 1830.

As long as Aigron does not show obvious hostility to Austria, as a big country that does not border on Austria, he does not pose a threat like the Tsar in the eyes of Austria.

Because he knew this, Eggron deliberately asked Theresa to leak the secret to Austria, in order to show that the pro-Austria faction in his court was "indestructible" and would never take the initiative to become an enemy of Austria.

Metternich was so sophisticated that he would naturally see this clearly.

Moreover, based on Aigron's understanding of him, he will never miss such an opportunity. He will take the initiative to stand up and support the British and French nation-building initiatives against Belgium in order to gain "face" from the big country.

After that, as long as he used his old relationship with Theresa, he could continue to maintain the friendship with Austria, and then continue to divide the Holy Alliance, making it secretly exist in name only.

Dividing opponents and defeating them one by one is the only way to victory. Facing all enemies single-handedly is tragic, but the outcome can only be a reckless death. Egron naturally knows this.

During the brief conversation between the couple, they had reached a tacit understanding, and then, under the attention of everyone, they walked to the center of the hall together.

After being cleaned up by the attendants, the hall is now very empty, and the musicians are all ready, just waiting for His Majesty and his wife to dance.

Balls are naturally indispensable for large-scale banquets. It is natural for ladies to compete for beauty for this moment. It is also indispensable for prodigal men to pursue beauty. It is the core of social interaction in this era, and this time is naturally no exception.

As Aigron and Teresa faced each other, holding hands, they recalled that night at Schönbrunn Palace. At that time, how much attention and blessings had the gloomy young prince and the ignorant girl princess received? How could they have imagined that in a few years they would become the masters of a big country?

While looking at each other for a moment, Teresa suddenly laughed.

"Teresa, why are you laughing?" Aigron asked softly.

"I'm laughing at myself, Your Highness." Teresa replied, "If I could travel through time, it would be nice to tell a few words to me at that time."

She didn't say when 'that time' was, but Aiglon knew it completely.

"What do you want to say?" he asked jokingly.

"Silly girl, run!" Teresa replied deliberately.

In fact, of course she didn't think so. What she wanted to say was, 'We must hold on to him! ’, it’s just that she wanted to tease her husband.

"Then I won't let you run away." Of course, Aigron didn't take Teresa's words seriously. Instead, he laughed out loud and hugged Teresa's slender waist from behind.

The musicians immediately started playing music. After the couple took the lead in dancing, pairs of dancing partners also walked into the empty hall and danced together. Because the women are all wearing fluffy long skirts, when they move or rotate, they look like flowers of various colors blooming under the chandelier. The glitz and luxury of the palace and the illusion and ecstasy of the world are fully displayed at this moment. Nothing left.

In this way, amidst the melodious music, Aigron and Teresa danced without anyone else, almost without interruption, and did not stop until late at night.

At this time, this grand palace banquet also came to an end.

With the chiming of the clock, a new day has arrived.

"Merry Christmas, Theresa." Agron bowed to Theresa leisurely.

"Merry Christmas, Your Highness!" Theresa's physical strength was naturally far inferior to that of Agron, so due to some excessive exercise, her face turned red and she was breathing uncontrollably, but even so, she still looked very excited.

She stood up on tiptoes and kissed her husband intimately under the gaze of everyone. And this act of love naturally received applause and cheers from the audience, and it also brought a perfect end to this grand event.

Then, amid congratulations to each other, the guests dispersed in batches according to the pre-arranged order, and Teresa was ready to go back to the bedroom to rest. Aigron still has some things to deal with, so he has to spend a little more time.

"Your Highness, please rest early." Although Teresa looked tired, she still said goodbye to her husband seriously.

After Theresa left, Aigron also walked out of the hall, which was gradually becoming deserted. Then he walked along the corridor to the door of a room, and then pushed the door open and entered.

Like Ambassador von Mayrhofen just now, he smelled the scent of perfume and powder as soon as he entered the door. This was also the scent he was often used to on Theresa.

His eyes moved slowly and finally landed in front of the dressing table.

Just now, Teresa made an official leak to the ambassador here, but at this time, in the seat that belonged only to Her Majesty the Queen, there was a lady wearing a long skirt sitting.

Teresa, who had gone to rest, never expected that after the banquet, there would be an uninvited guest in her dressing room without fear.

She would never have imagined that this woman would have a face that she least wanted to see.

"Long time no see, Your Highness Maria." Aigron greeted the other party softly, "Merry Christmas."

Before the banquet, Maria told Aiglon through Andre, who was responsible for contacting her, hoping to be allowed to participate in this grand event of the palace and "see the world."

Although Aigron was shocked by this request, after weighing it, he agreed to the request.

And this task was handed over to Andre.

For others, it is difficult to bring a person into the palace without anyone noticing, but for Aigron's guard captain, it is just a matter of effort.

However, Agron didn't expect that it wasn't enough for him to witness his couple's grand event from all directions, Maria actually sneaked into Teresa's dressing room.

Fortunately, Andre, who had been monitoring her, dealt with it in time and no trouble was caused.

But for Maria, Andre didn't know what to do, so he had to report to Aigron and let him solve it himself.

In fact, Aigron didn't understand why she did this, but he found that Maria, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, seemed to have a strange look on her face.

"Merry Christmas, Your Majesty." Maria also greeted Agron.

Although she looked calm and calm on the surface, at this moment her heart was in turmoil.

Just now, as one of the inconspicuous guests, she witnessed the dance of His Majesty the Emperor and the Queen. Although it was an extremely beautiful performance, she felt an indescribable discomfort in her heart.

So, after the show, she sneaked in again, into the dressing room that belonged only to Queen Theresa.

The French like to make everything luxurious, so the dressing room furnishings here are naturally the same, with exquisite decorations everywhere and countless jewelry.

In fact... this place was originally supposed to be mine. When she thought of this, Maria felt an uncontrollable hatred for Teresa in her heart.

"Did you enjoy yourself today?" Aigron asked cautiously.

"It's quite fun, but I'm afraid it's not as fun as you and Queen Theresa." Maria replied with a chuckle. "I saw your wonderful performance, and I have to say it is so enviable."

"You're very grateful." Although Aigron was modest in his mouth, he was also somewhat complacent in his heart.

"Since today is Christmas, as a Christmas tradition, can you give me a gift?" Maria asked suddenly.

"What do you want?" Aigron asked.

For him, sending a gift is certainly a small thing.

"Can you give it to me..." Maria's gaze shifted to the dressing table.

Aigron took a closer look and found that it was a folding fan for women, with an ivory handle inlaid with pearls.

Although it was very beautiful and expensive, it was just a plaything. The only important thing was that it belonged to Theresa.

"I'm afraid not..." Aigron shook his head, "That's Theresa's thing. What if she finds out that it's missing tomorrow?"

"It's just a folding fan, a trivial gadget. How can His Majesty, the Emperor, be so stingy?" Maria asked with a smile. "You can just throw it away when the time comes, right? Her Majesty the Queen won't care about such things anyway."

"I said no, that means no!" Aigron was a little impatient, so he raised his voice and replied in a tone that could not be refused. "You want a Christmas gift, of course I will be happy to give it to you, but I can't give it to Theresa without her permission."

Eggron knew that it was one thing to have some fun secretly, but it was another thing to cause trouble for himself.

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