Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-seven, the picture is poor and the dagger can be seen

"You want a Christmas gift, of course I will be happy to give it to you, but I can't give it to Theresa without her permission."

Seeing that Aigron was so determined and showed no respect at all, Maria's brows couldn't help but frown slightly.

To be honest, she is also a Bavarian princess. What kind of gadgets have she not seen and used since she was a child? No matter how expensive a mere folding fan is, she will not take it seriously.

What she really paid attention to was that "it was Teresa's thing."

Because of those things in the past, in her heart, Teresa took away everything she deserved, so she had an almost unconcealable hostility and hatred towards Teresa. Because of this feeling of hatred, subconsciously she He also wanted to take away what Teresa had as revenge.

It was precisely because this folding fan was placed on Theresa's dressing table and was used by Theresa every day that she wanted to take it away to calm down the hatred in her heart.

Of course, these thoughts were not even thought through by her, they were just spurred by instinct.

But no matter what, receiving such a straightforward and unreserved rejection from Aiglon would naturally make Maria, who had been accustomed to bossing around since she was a child, unhappy.

"Forget it if you don't give it, how can I take it by force? Why put on such a face to scare people?" She retorted, and then threw the folding fan on the dressing table. "I'm not surprised yet."

Aiglon suddenly felt angry again.

Although he has only been the emperor for less than a month, he has been worshiped like a god by the people around him for several years. He has already developed the psychological habit of following his own words and others tremblingly to follow them. Now he can see that He would naturally be angry that Maria had the audacity to talk back to him.

However, anger was still anger, but the habit he had developed since childhood allowed him to control his emotions and just looked at the other person with gloomy eyes.

The reason why he didn't get angry was partly because he still needed Maria, and partly because she was exactly the same as the Sophie he remembered.

At this moment, Maria, wearing a long skirt and sitting in front of the dressing table, was almost exactly the same as his fond memories of Schönbrunn Palace.

Comparing the happiness at that time with the scene now, he instantly lost his temper.

"Actually, I happen to have something to tell you." He said softly.

"Just say it,

I'm listening. Maria nodded.

"I specially entertained the Austrian ambassador today and asked him to convey some important information to Metternich. I believe Metternich will be very happy about this. Next, I will secretly cooperate with Metternich to help him continue to implement his plan. foreign policy, and at the same time allow him to consolidate his position."

"I remember you were bullied badly by him, didn't you? Why have you put aside your past grudges now?" Maria asked in return.

"The past is always just the past, and I have always been a realist." Aigron shrugged, "Since I need him now, I can naturally forget those things in the past."

"It doesn't hurt to reopen old scores when necessary...?" Maria added with a smile.

"Of course." Aiglon replied matter-of-factly.

Then he changed the topic again, "I promised you before that I would try my best to improve the situation of Sophie and her daughter, and making good friends with Austria is a prerequisite for realizing all of this. So, from another perspective, I sold Metternich a favor just to give him more reason to do so..."

Upon hearing Aigron's words, Maria's attitude softened. It seemed that her twin sister had not been forgotten after all. This heartless thing was still making some efforts to make up for her ruthlessness back then.

When she thought about it, she couldn't help but hate the old emperor and Metternich.

"In that case, aren't you being blackmailed? These hateful Austrians are taking Sophie and her daughter as hostages, so you have to consider making friends with them."

"It's true that I was threatened, but they don't want to keep threatening me." Aigron answered confidently. "Sooner or later, they will ask for something from me! And at that time, it's time for everyone to negotiate terms."

He did not tell Maria clearly, but in his heart, his own power was naturally the first priority, and took far priority over other options. If one day he was really unavoidable to have a conflict with Austria, even if the other party Nasu Even if Fei mother and daughter came to threaten him, he would not frown - after all, he had already made the proper awareness when he left Sophie behind and fled.

However, since rescuing Sophie and her daughter does not conflict with his overall diplomatic strategy, of course he is willing to do it.

Seeing Aigron's confident look, Maria couldn't help but be infected, "Why do you think so?"

As soon as he talked about the field of "key politics" that he was familiar with, the young Aigron naturally became energetic. For a moment, he used Theresa's dressing table as a platform, and then lectured to Maria with great interest.

"Metternich has been Prime Minister for so many years. Everyone thinks that his position is rock solid, but in fact it is not! There are far more people who hate him than people who love him, and there are countless people who want to replace him. His biggest backer is My grandfather, the respectable old emperor—" Aigron mentioned his grandfather with a hint of irony, "and my grandfather has been the emperor for almost 40 years today. He has reached the end of his life and he cannot survive. A few years...and if he dies suddenly, Metternich will have to rely on God to bless himself during the transfer of power! If my prediction is correct, he should now prepare for the old emperor's death. .”

Due to long-term incest, the old emperor's eldest son, Crown Prince Ferdinand, suffered from severe epilepsy and was often unable to maintain normal consciousness; and his second son, Prince Franz Karl, Sophie's husband, also suffered from severe epilepsy. He has mediocre intelligence and lacks the ability to govern the country. What is even more worrying is that the crown prince is seriously ill and infertile. Sophie and her husband have been separated for a long time due to the breakdown of their relationship and have no legal heirs.

In other words, although the old emperor is still alive and can still control the situation, the succession crisis within the royal family has quietly emerged, and it can even be said to be imminent.

This is not to say that the royal family lacks heirs. On the contrary, the Habsburg family has flourishing branches. Even if the old emperor's line is completely extinct, there is no need to worry about having no heirs. Not to mention, Egeron's father-in-law, Archduke Karl, as Yudi is one of the potential heirs.

The Habsburg family does not have to worry about having no successors, but Prince Metternich does have to worry, because although he is deeply favored by the emperor, he has a very poor relationship with the royal princes. It can be said that if he once takes the throne "Transfer of lineage" is tantamount to catastrophe for him.

Although it is not a fatal disaster, is losing power not a kind of death?

Because of this, Aigron is not afraid of Metternich threatening him at all. As long as he is given time, after he has stabilized the domestic order and consolidated his rule, there are a hundred ways to cause trouble for Metternich even if he does not start a war. Once the old emperor is conquered, Summon, then the anxious Metternich will definitely be unlucky.

Therefore, time is on Aigron's side, and he can control the opponent in turn.

"In other words, do you think that soon, Metternich will come to ask you to support him to consolidate his power?" After listening to Aigron's explanation, Maria finally understood the connection. "So, now you're going to make excuses with him and maintain a good relationship?"

"Yes, when both of us want something from each other, then we can seriously discuss the deal." Aigron nodded, "When the time is right, I will negotiate good terms with him and let him gradually grow up. Send Clestel to France so that we can be reunited as father and daughter, and you can also come and see this little niece then."

Maria thought about it and felt that Aigron's words were indeed reasonable, so she nodded.

"If this is the case, I think my sister will be very, very happy. Although she has suffered so much, as long as her daughter can have a way out, she can finally find comfort. But... she was already alone in Vienna. If I lose my daughter who is by my side again, I am afraid I will be even more lonely and painful. Alas, this is fate, who told her as a princess that she must get married? "

Eggron hesitated for a moment, and then carefully observed Maria's expression at this moment.

Obviously, seeing Sophie's situation at this time, she also felt a little sad about hurting others.

"If you want to improve Sophie's situation, I have an excellent way." So, he was ready to show his trump card and make suggestions to Maria.

"What can be done?" Maria asked.

"If she gives birth to a son as soon as possible, all the difficulties will be solved. In the heart of the old emperor, she will change from a disgusting daughter-in-law who was relegated to another book, to a hero who continues her own lineage. Is there really anyone? Are you willing to give the throne to your brothers? Maybe there are such people, but my grandfather definitely does not have such kindness. I understand him very well, after all, I grew up around him."

"Everyone knows this method, but how can it be so easy to implement?" Aigron's words made Maria dumbfounded. "For so many years, the couple has had nothing to do, and after what happened to you, she and her husband's family completely fell out. She is not willing to live with her husband at all. How can she get a son like this? Are you going to persuade her to reconcile with her husband? , find a way to please him and give birth to a son, and then from then on, you can peacefully take care of your husband and raise your children, waiting to become your Majesty the Empress Dowager in a few years?"


Aigron slammed the dressing table, causing the heavy cabinet to shake.

Then he glared at Maria, so angry that the veins in his neck thickened.

There was no doubt that what Maria was saying was actually a "right argument", but he didn't want to hear this kind of argument at all.

Facing his look that was so fierce and murderous, Maria was so frightened that her face turned pale for a moment.

"...You...what are you going to do? Did I...did I say something wrong?"

Aigron took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself down.

"I'm sorry, I just... I just couldn't control my emotions for the moment. Please forgive me."

Advise Sophie to seek reconciliation between husband and wife in order to improve her situation?

What a joke, Aiglon couldn't do such a thing anyway, he didn't even want to think about it.

Although it was clearly him who gave his uncle a gorgeous green crown, and Prince Franz Karl was a pure victim, Aigron never felt guilty. On the contrary, when he thought of Sophie swallowing her anger and marrying the prince for profit, Reconciled, he will have an uncontrollable anger.

And the jealousy he felt at this moment also fell into Maria's eyes, and she finally understood.

The panic just now gradually faded away, replaced by a helpless sigh.

"If you are so unwilling to see her fall into the arms of others, why did you abandon her in the first place?" So, she sighed quietly. "If you had stayed in Austria, wouldn't you be able to live in both places now?"

"What do you know! Did I have a choice at that time?!" Aigron responded loudly.

Then, he raised his hand and pointed at himself, "I...if I am not the emperor, what else can I be? What's the point of my life? Duke Lechstadt...this is just taking away all my enemies. They just gave me a title like a beggar. Instead of appeasing me, it actually made me a clown who was dependent on others!

No...Only when I become the emperor, do I have the right to think about other things. I know I'm sorry for Sophie, but I have to do it. When I left, I felt the same when I heard her cursing and begging. It's like cutting with a knife, but this is what I have to do! Now, I did it, didn’t I? I am qualified to say to myself at that time, young man, you did a great job, you did not let your ruthlessness become a joke, you made all these sacrifices worthwhile... Now, it is time to find ways to make up for the sacrifices, You have this ability. "

Facing Aigron's heartfelt monologue, Maria was a little confused.

He lets go but is unwilling to let go, what a greedy person he is.

However, considering this person's consistent behavior, it is indeed understandable.

"Then what else can you do? If you don't want to see them get married, how can she give birth to an emperor's grandson as heir?" She sighed.

"Aren't you still here with me?" Aigron sneered, "I am his grandson and his only male grandchild. Doesn't my son deserve to be his heir?"

Maria's eyes widened, as if she didn't understand what he was saying. "The Emperor...how could the Emperor allow you to do this?!"

"If he doesn't allow it, why don't I just do it?" Aigron continued to sneer, "When he didn't allow me to escape, didn't I just run away?"

Facing Aigron's ridicule, Maria was shocked and speechless for a moment.

"Then what are you going to do? Sophie is not some idle person who can be taken away by you at will. Besides..."

"So, isn't this about you? My dear Princess Maria." Aigron interrupted Maria with a smile.

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