Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-eight, incite

"So, isn't this about you? My dear Princess Maria."

Facing Aiglon's blurted response, Maria was slightly shocked at first, and then her eyebrows suddenly stood up, and an angry fire flashed in her eyes.

She had actually heard similar hints from Aigron before, but she rejected them without hesitation. As a result, Aigron stopped pretending and directly made his intentions clear, which naturally made her furious.

"Me?" She suppressed the anger in her heart and replaced it with a sarcastic and mean sneer, "Yes, you are really smart, find an opportunity to exchange Sophie and me, and swap her out to sleep with you Shuangfei, continue to maintain your depraved relationship, and then let me take her place and act humbly in front of that dog emperor as his daughter-in-law... This is great, it couldn't be better. If you are satisfied, she is also satisfied. The only problem is Just...why would I do such a stupid thing? Your Majesty, why should I let go of the relaxed and casual life I have now and run away to live like my sister’s life that is almost like house arrest?!”

Maria's angry questioning did not surprise Aigron, so he was prepared for it.

"Don't misunderstand me, I didn't mean to let you live such a hard life forever!" He shook his head with an innocent face and explained himself, "Your Highness Maria, what I envision is just to let you I would like to do you a favor and make a small sacrifice to temporarily replace Sophie. It doesn’t need to be too long. Two or three months is enough. During these two or three months, I will try to find a way to get her pregnant again, and then I will try again. Change you back, and you're done - you see, I just said that the best way for Sophie to improve her situation now is to give birth to a son. If she can create a fait accompli and give birth to a son, then by then The old emperor who understands the truth will acquiesce and in turn acknowledge Sophie for his contribution to continuing the emperor's heir. In this case, wouldn't all problems be solved? As long as he has a son in his hands, Sophie will be the future empress dowager. , no one dares to offend her anymore, and she can have all the rights and freedoms she deserves. Then what will you and I have to worry about? Everyone can live their own lives with peace of mind, right? "

As Aiglon spoke, he approached Maria without any trace, looked at her with firm eyes, and tried to incite her mind. "It is true that you need to make sacrifices for this, but is the sacrifice of two or three months really serious compared to the relationship between you and her fellow sisters? I am not you and cannot answer for you, but from you all the time Judging from your past behavior, you have no affection for her? Therefore, I sincerely request you to consider my proposal again."

Aiglon spoke passionately and with a pleading look on his face, but that was not exactly what he thought in his heart.

The first half is true. He wants to find a way to "replace" Sophie with Maria, and then the two of them can renew their relationship and get Sophie pregnant as soon as possible.

But how can two or three months be enough? Of course he wants to maintain this "degenerate relationship" for a long time,

Try to reunite with Sophie who is in your heart.

However, Aigron knew that when people do things, they have to do it bit by bit, and they can't give conditions that are unbearable to others all at once. He was eloquent just to let Maria take the first step and replace her in two or three months.

People's bottom lines can be broken slowly. As long as you induce her to take the first step, you will have the opportunity to drag her into the second step, and finally make her agree to the long-term exchange idea between the two sisters.

As long as Maria is impressed, then he can move on to the next step.

He can be said to be very familiar with this routine, because it was exactly this way that he finally fell in love with his aunt Sophie and formed a bad relationship between the two of them.

At this time, Maria did not see through Aigron's true plot. On the contrary, facing Aigron's sincere words, her original anger was temporarily extinguished, and she fell into deep thought.

Although she and Sophie often quarreled when they were young, as twin sisters who used to get along day and night, Maria, of course, always cared about Sophie. It was precisely for this reason that she blamed Aigron when Sophie was in trouble, and also went to Vienna to visit Sophie in person.

Now, facing the young man's questioning, she couldn't help but secretly fall into weighing.

If you can help your sister "make a comeback" at the cost of "temporarily replacing her for two or three months," then is this a good deal?

If you think about it literally, it seems... it is indeed a bit of a bargain.

However, this young man's idea was too shocking, so she still didn't believe it for a while and found it difficult to make a judgment.

"Hmph, things in the world are not that simple. Is it true that you can replace the prince and concubine of Austria if you want, and you can manipulate the emperor of Austria if you want? What a beautiful thought you have!" She endured Can't help but refute.

coming! Aigron suddenly became energetic.

Although Maria was clearly refusing, this refusal was based on "feasibility", which meant that she was really persuaded.

He was not mistaken.

Maria did have a bold character, and was as arrogant and arrogant as Sophie, so when faced with such a shocking proposal, she did not flinch like most purdah ladies, nor did she feel any moral disgust. Instead, she Consider it based on “feasibility”.

"I admit that this is indeed not easy, and there is absolutely no room for mistakes, so this requires a long time of preparation." Aigron nodded and honestly admitted the other party's doubts, "Fortunately, we have time, don't we? We don't There is no need to rush for a moment, as my position becomes more stable and I accumulate strength, I will be able to find a breakthrough and get this done!"

Although she still had doubts in her heart, Maria felt somewhat convincing from Aigron's confident expression.

After all, this young man's experiences in the past few years illustrate his ability to create miracles more than anything else.

Yes, if he has always been able to do shocking things, then it is not impossible to do one more.

Maria thought for a moment, then suddenly an idea came to her mind and she called out a name.

"Metternich! So you are wooing him!"

Aigron laughed. He was very happy that Maria was actually a little alert and sensed the key to the plan from the tone of his words just now.

"Yes, I want to rely on his help."

"This is impossible! How could he do such a thing! This is ridiculous!" Maria retorted and questioned subconsciously at first.

But soon, Maria hesitated again.

Because Metternich was also a "deviant" person in essence.

It was he who, against all opinions and the face of the Habsburg family, took the initiative to betray his princess to Emperor Napoleon, just to give Austria a chance to breathe, and also created the young man in front of him;

So, if the conditions were right, why wouldn't he secretly betray his princess? For the sake of his own power and the interests of Austria, what is there that he cannot and dare not do?

Metternich was the Prime Minister of Austria and had been in power for many years. If he was willing to help, then such a shocking thing would be somewhat feasible.

Although these two people have old grudges, they are both profit-seeking people who are willing to do anything as long as necessary. How can they take their old grudges to heart?

In an instant, Maria, who figured out all the links involved, couldn't help but look at Aiglon with horrified eyes, and couldn't tell whether it was admiration or fear.

Facing Maria's awe-filled eyes, Aigron couldn't help but feel secretly proud.

Yes, this is indeed his plan. He knows that Metternich's position is wavering and Austria is also in danger, so he will take various measures to "persuade" Metternich to act according to his own strategy.

For Metternich, it was the most beneficial thing for him personally to pass down the throne in the old emperor's line, so that he would not have the risk of being kicked away by the princes; and with his own secret help, he faced Naturally, he is more able to deal with internal and external crises, which is enough to maintain his power and prestige for a long time.

It is true that he cannot convince Metternich yet, but it just takes a little time. Metternich, who is in internal and external difficulties, will bow to him for help sooner or later, and then the "exchange" plan can be implemented smoothly.

Of course, all this must be based on Maria's consent to the plan. Otherwise, all Maria had to do was say a few leaky words in Austria, and everything would fall apart in an instant.

Precisely because Maria is so crucial, Aigron can only adopt gentle methods towards Maria and try his best to coax her into participating in this plan.

He had also considered simply deceiving Maria and then directly replacing Sophie with her pregnant woman to solve the problem "once and for all."

But this idea was quickly rejected by him.

Because even if Maria was deceived by him into cooperating, Sophie would never accept it. How could someone as arrogant as her want someone else's child to take away her own child's throne? Not even twin sisters.

Therefore, this son can only be the result of his and Sophie's renewed relationship. Only their son, Clestel's biological brother, is qualified to sit on the throne of Austria - all of Aiglon. All plans must be prepared around this premise.

At this time, Maria didn't know that Aigron had so many plans in his mind. In fact, just the information she had learned had a huge impact on her spirit, so much so that her whole body was trembling.

Although she was frightened, she actually felt a faint sense of excitement deep in her heart.

She is just a little-known marginal princess in Bavaria. She was born to the king's stepmother. She has no close relationship with the king's brother. She is unmarried and no one cares about her. She has no personal fief wealth or any political influence. Although she is usually domineering, everyone just She was only tolerated for the sake of the royal family, but no one took her seriously, and no one believed she could do anything extraordinary.

She even admits this to herself - even though she rages and complains about it, she knows it won't help.

However, one night, in this splendid dressing room, someone invited her to do something big. This thing was shocking and deviant, but the more so, the more exciting it was for her and the more it could compensate her. Years of loss and resentment.

All she has to do is to act as the person she is most familiar with within two or three months... Is it really impossible?

Maria...Maria, calm down!

Under the impulsive passion, Maria finally regained some sense.

She took a deep breath, then narrowed her eyes and stared at the young man in front of her.

This man was six years younger than her, but he had amazing intelligence and mobility. He was dangerous and arrogant. He once deceived his sister into all kinds of things, and finally left her in the miserable and miserable situation she is in now.

Will he become the next victim?

She shuddered again.

"You are really good at playing with people's hearts, Your Majesty." Then she sneered, "In a few words, you incited me to go through fire and water for you. Your plan looks good, but what if it fails? Have you ever thought about it? What price do I have to pay?”

"Yes, I admit that this is very dangerous, obviously." Aiglon nodded calmly, "But I believe you can do it, because you are the twin sister of Her Highness Sophie, and you have all her wisdom and courage! Ordinary people cannot You can do whatever you dare to do, I firmly believe so, because I have seen Sophie’s style with my own eyes..."

"Where did you see me? In her boudoir?" Maria asked with a sneer. "If she is so smart, how could she be coaxed so easily by you that she ends up like this?"

This taunt left Aiglon speechless for a moment.

Huh, is there anything else about her that I haven’t seen yet? You are exactly the same, so rounding it off means that you have already been read by me. Why are you so proud of me? Aigron taunted in his mind.

Although he was sarcastic in his heart, of course he remained calm on the surface and instead looked sad.

"Liar? Maybe it's deception in your eyes, but in my opinion, this is just two frustrated people who are living in a foreign land due to fate, hugging each other for warmth. I am called a prince, but I am actually a prisoner, and she is called a princess, but she never I have never felt the joy of marriage, so we comforted each other, she took care of me, and I contributed my talents to her; at that time, I felt angry and disgusted with everything around me, except for her... I loved her madly , since you have written so many letters with her, can't you see it? Do you really think this is deception? Was half of our original happiness false? If...if it wasn't because of loving her, Why would I conceive such a crazy and dangerous plan! Am I just doing it to have fun for myself?!"

Faced with the young man's hoarse questions, it was Maria's turn to be speechless.

Because she knew it was all true.

After subduing the opponent's momentum, Aigron suddenly covered his face. "I'm sorry, Your Highness Maria, I may have really scared you, but I really miss her. I can't let her go. I want to see her and make up for my mistakes. For this, I am willing to pay many, many prices. ! I beg you, please think about it for a moment..."

As he spoke, he grabbed Maria's sleeve, then bent his knees and looked at Maria expectantly.

The young men and ladies in Schonbrunn Palace seemed to have come back to life from their memories at this moment, and they were so similar to before!

"I'm not Sophie! Don't use her tactics against me!" Facing Aiglon who was so close, Maria felt clearly nervous and uncomfortable, and tried to withdraw her hand in a panic.

Humph, of course you are not Sophie, you are not even as good as Sophie. Aigron said heartily.

From Maria's unfamiliar and sensitive reaction, he had already judged that Maria must be inexperienced.

This is... great.

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