Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-nine, an old story

Although Maria tried to struggle, how could her strength be compared to Aiglon, who had been exercising all year round? Soon, her hands were firmly held by Aigron, and the two people looked at each other.

Maria was naturally very angry. Although she had always been rebellious, the situation at this moment was beyond her control, and she naturally fell into panic.

What is he going to do to me?

Now this is his territory, he can do whatever he wants, and there are only two of us here. If he really has evil intentions, he seems to have no way to resist.

She was angry and ashamed, but unable to resist. In the end, she could only glare at Aigron bitterly and make a helpless protest.

"Your Majesty, you are the king of a country, but you are here to bully a lady and do such an inappropriate thing. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Bullying you? No,... I respect and love you because you are the twin sister of the person I respect most, and I will never bully you." Aigron shook his head, and then continued to look at the other person sincerely, "I just ...I'm just begging you to consider my proposal. I know that you will bear certain risks and even pay a small price for this. This is all my fault, and I admit it! I will do my best to compensate you, Whatever compensation you want, as long as I can give it, I will give it!"

Facing Aigron's burning gaze, Maria, who was originally panicked, gradually calmed down.

She could tell that the promise was indeed serious.

Moreover, with this young man's current status, the things he can "give" must be frightening. He can give him any precious treasures with a wave of his hand.

It's a pity... Maria never paid attention to those things.

What she really cares about is something else.

"You are willing to pay the price!" She sneered, adding her usual sarcasm, "It's just that in life, it's best not to make promises you can't afford. Even if you are the emperor, you are not omnipotent. of."

"Although I am not omnipotent, there are very few things in the world that I cannot do!" Aigron replied with a proud look on his face.

"Then, in exchange, if I ask you to divorce Queen Theresa, just like your father divorced Queen Josephine, will you be willing to do it?" Maria asked in return.

"Uh..." Aigron was speechless.

What a joke! How can this be.

How could Teresa's identity be compared to that of the powerless Josephine? If she really does this, it will be the greatest humiliation to the Habsburg family, even more humiliating than killing her. If she does this, the relationship between the two countries will no longer be able to be maintained. .

Besides, Teresa has always cherished him so much, married him despite all difficulties and obstacles, and followed him all the way to where she is today. How could he do such a thing?

"Yeah, let me tell you, you can't do it." Seeing Aigron's suddenly gloomy expression, Maria continued to sneer, "Since you can't do it, then don't use empty words to deceive people."

"Why are you so hostile to Teresa?" Aigron tried to ease the atmosphere. "As far as I know, she has never interacted with you."

Ever since they first met in Bavaria, Maria had been full of malice towards Theresa, and even ridiculed and slandered her in person, which made Theresa very angry. Although Maria has always been sarcastic, she is definitely more cruel to Teresa than ordinary people.

"She really has nothing to do with me, but she has a lot to do with my sister, right?" Maria asked, "If it weren't for her, maybe things wouldn't have reached this point. She took away my sister. I want you to abandon her as revenge, isn't it natural?"

Aiglon was furious for a moment.

Although he wanted to get angry now, he had someone to ask for at this moment, so he could only suppress his anger and persuade the other party with good words again.

"Your Highness Maria, I admit that I really can't do this. You can understand it completely even if I don't tell you the specific reasons, because for those of us, our lives don't just belong to ourselves. And I don't think you need to be so hateful. Teresa, after all, it was me who made the choice back then, and even Teresa herself almost became a victim..."

Maria was already mentally prepared for Aigron's reply, so she just sneered and stopped worrying about it.

Of course she knew that this was impossible. The king of a country would divorce his wife as soon as he came to power, and his wife had no fault of hers and even gave birth to an heir. It would be crazy to do this.

The reason why she said this was just to ask for a high price and take revenge on Aiglon for being rude just now.

"Yes, you always have various considerations. You must act according to your interests. As for other people, they are just pawns in your eyes. They can be sacrificed when necessary. You can pick them up again when you think about it! You have harmed my sister. In the current situation, I now think of showing kindness to save her, but it turned out to be such a ridiculous idea! He is really cold, selfish, arrogant, mean and shameless!"

Every time Maria said something, Aigron's face became uglier. This was not because the other party slandered him, but because the other party pointed to the point and it was difficult to refute.

Seeing that Aigron was about to reach his emotional bottom line and become furious, Maria suddenly changed the subject again. "But even if you are such a person, what can you do? Alas, my poor sister, she loves your talent so much. She has repeatedly mentioned in her letters that chatting, creating and traveling with you, then You are the only bright spot in her boring life as a princess. Even I, after meeting you, have to admit that you are the most outstanding one among the princes and grandchildren I have ever seen. It is no wonder that she has fallen to this point. , I have never regretted it..."

At this point, Maria sighed again, "To tell you the truth, the reason why she mentioned you repeatedly in her letters was because she had a secret plan. She hoped to propose to the emperor a plan to facilitate our cooperation in the near future. Marriage, let you marry the Bavarian royal family..."

"What?" Aigron was so shocked that he couldn't speak. "is this real?"

"Do you think I would be so bored as to joke about this kind of thing? I keep those letters at home. If you want to read them, they can be sent to you from Bavaria as evidence in the future." Maria replied.

"No...I don't believe it. Although it's surprising, I think it's not absurd." Aigron replied quickly.

After Maria told the truth, now he wanted to pass.

Why did Maria always have such an ambiguous attitude towards herself, and why did she have such deep hostility towards Teresa?

When the two sisters were communicating in private, I'm afraid she had secretly imagined herself becoming the daughter-in-law of the Bonaparte family, but... it ended up like this.

"Now do you understand why I hate Princess Theresa so much?" Maria looked at Aiglon, and then asked, "Your Majesty, tell me, do I have any reason to hate her?"

"I...I think there is a reason." Aiglon wanted to argue, but in the end he nodded.

But he quickly defended Teresa, "But this is actually not Teresa's fault. First, she didn't know these things at all, and naturally she didn't think about ruining the marriage; second, when we The marriage was determined by my mother and His Majesty the Emperor, and it is not something she can decide..."

"But judging from the results, she got everything after all and we sisters became the victims, didn't we?" Maria asked with a sneer, "One of us is under house arrest and the other has no one to care about. All of this is thanks to her. …”

In fact, Aigron felt that Maria's hatred was a bit unfair to Theresa, but now he could not defend Theresa.

"That was the beginning, but now that things have reached this point, it will not help to dwell on it anymore." In the end, he could only reluctantly comfort Maria, "Your Highness, even if Sophie's vision does not come true, you are still in your prime. Have the best future..."

"What kind of bright future can be compared with the Queen of France? Tell me? You can't let me convert to Orthodox Christianity and marry the Tsar, right?" Maria smiled sarcastically. "Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be blessed."

Aigron was speechless.

Seeing that Aiglon stopped talking, Maria felt even more confused.

In the past few years, she had been aggrieved by the failure of Sophie's operation. The more famous and successful Aigron became, the more unwilling and angry she felt in her heart. When she heard that Aigron had returned After Paris was about to become the emperor, this dissatisfaction and anger reached its peak - because in her opinion, she should be the one to ascend the throne with this young man.

It was precisely because she was unconvinced and unwilling that she came to France privately and did so many things.

Today in the palace, she saw Aigron and Teresa dancing with her own eyes, enjoying the admiration of everyone as the emperor and empress, which made her stimulated mentality even more unbalanced.

Because of this, she sneaked into the queen's dressing room to vent her hatred.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness..." After a moment of silence, Aigron apologized softly, "I didn't know about these things before, Sophie didn't tell me."

"Of course she won't say it. She's not in a hurry at all. She still wants to play with you for a few more years and wait until she can't hold it off any longer before proposing a marriage! She's stalling for time and having fun, but the result is not what she is now. What's the end?" When she mentioned this matter, Maria was so angry that she couldn't help but mock her sister.

At this time, Aigron also remembered that after the marriage with Theresa was put on the agenda, Sophie became anxious and wanted to stop it. It was then that she revealed a little bit and told herself about the Princess of Bavaria. It was a pity that , all I was thinking about at the time was how to escape, and didn't pay attention to this matter at all.

Who could have imagined that there are so many hidden secrets in this?

Now, times have changed, and no matter what the situation was at the beginning, the status quo cannot be changed. As mentioned before, it is impossible for him to abandon Teresa, and it is impossible to bring this marriage to the table again.

"Although... although many things cannot be changed, at least we can make up for the regrets we have now, right?" After calming down, Aigron decided to bring the topic back, "No matter what Sophie did wrong in the first place , but we should still find ways to save her now - don't you hope that she can regain her freedom and make a comeback?"

Perhaps because she had just said everything out and vented her stress, Maria's demeanor seemed much more calm, and even the sharp and mean expression she had always had softened a bit.

"Tell me, if Teresa hadn't interfered with her, would you have married me? Even if I was six years older than you?" After a moment of silence, Maria suddenly asked again.

This is not necessarily true, because it all needs to be considered comprehensively. I married Teresa not just because of marriage, but because she is indeed the most suitable wife for me. As for you, it is not necessarily the case -

Of course, Aigron would not be stupid enough to say these words on this occasion.

"Yes, if Sophie wishes," he replied softly but decisively.

Although this answer was not loud, it seemed to give Maria great comfort.

"Ah... Then I feel much better. I just lost to luck..." She sighed and lightly shrugged, "There are so many unlucky guys in the world, and I am not the least of them." Bar."

No wonder she was so addicted to casinos before. It turned out that there was this factor. She was unwilling to accept that her "luck" was so bad. Aigron recalled the previous interaction between the two of them and figured out one more thing.

"You don't have to be so discouraged. You are still young and have too much time to make up for your luck." Aigron comforted the other person again.

"Humph..." Maria rolled her eyes at him.

Then, she turned her attention to the hands that the two people were still holding tightly.

"Based on what you did to me, I should indeed be angry with you, but considering that you are kind to my sister now, I will forgive you. Let me think about your plan carefully. Anyway, you still have Don’t be in a hurry, I still have time to think about it—"

"Of course, I'm waiting for your answer!" Aigron replied quickly.

He had never thought that he could fool Maria into doing anything with just a few words. As long as he could persuade her a little and make her tempted, that would be enough.

After learning everything Maria said, Aigron found that his chances of convincing her were even greater.

He believed that if she tried harder, she would do it.

"Good night, Your Majesty." Maria bowed slightly and said goodbye to him.

"See you later." Aigron nodded.

Aigron, who was immersed in his thoughts and emotions, did not notice that something seemed to be missing from the dressing table.


After a while, Maria walked out of the dressing room.

Andre, who was guarding the door, glanced at her, only to find that Maria seemed a little disheveled.

In other words, just now, in Her Majesty the Queen's dressing room, the two of them secretly did something that cannot be seen in the light.

Even after following His Majesty for many years, he still couldn't help but be horrified by His Majesty's absurdity and boldness——

This must be too much fun... He couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Although he was complaining in his heart, he remained serious on the surface and did not even dare to look at Maria again for fear of making himself angry.

Little did he know that Maria had deliberately messed it up, just to make him dare not look directly at himself and the things in his hands.

Because at this time, she secretly took something that belonged to Teresa.

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