Eagle’s Glory

Forty-six, sincerely

The Glory of the Young Eagle text volume 46, heart-to-heart "Speaking of this, I would like to ask, has the Marquis of Noirtier shown his cards to you?"\u003c/br\u003e This question made the originally high-spirited Count of Monte Cristo suddenly become confused. I was exhausted. \u003c/br\u003eBecause this matter is exactly what he has been worrying about recently. \u003c/br\u003e "It seems that the showdown has been made..." Seeing Edmund's expression, Eggron immediately guessed it, "Besides, you still seem to be troubled by this." \u003c/br\u003e Since Eggron Long had already mentioned this, so Edmund naturally had no choice but to admit it honestly. \u003c/br\u003e "Yes, Your Majesty, I am troubled by it." \u003c/br\u003e Not long ago, he attended the wedding of Prosecutor Villefort, and during the family gathering after the wedding, the young Valenti Miss Na actually took advantage of the opportunity for the two of them to be alone and publicly stated that she wanted to marry him... This naturally shocked him, who was unprepared. \u003c/br\u003eTo this day, the scene at that time still flashes back in his mind from time to time, leaving him with lingering fears. \u003c/br\u003eHe is not a timid person. He can kill people and set fires, and he has indeed killed many people. But facing such a young and lovely Miss Valentine, he has difficulty hardening his heart. There is also a bit of pity. \u003c/br\u003eHe knows what it feels like to lose a loved one, and he also knows that this kind of pain is really unbearable for Miss Valentine. \u003c/br\u003eHowever, if he really gave up hatred for this kind of mercy, he asked himself that he couldn't do it. \u003c/br\u003eIt is precisely because the two ideas conflict with each other that he hesitates and gets entangled in his heart, which makes him troubled. \u003c/br\u003e "You are such a rare good person!" Looking at the count's expression, Aigron couldn't help but sigh. \u003c/br\u003eThis is not that Aigron is deliberately mocking him by sending a "good guy card", but Aigron sincerely thinks so. \u003c/br\u003eIn the original work, although the Count hated his enemies so much, he did not have the desperate madness when seeking revenge. He did not even kill any of his three major enemies with his own hands. He only wanted to ruin the opponent's reputation. He even wanted to deliberately lose to his enemy's son in a duel because he didn't want to kill Mercedes' son. \u003c/br\u003eThese performances, especially when compared with the turbid world of the half century from 1789 to 1830, he can definitely be called a rare "great good man". \u003c/br\u003eThinking about it this way, under Aiglon, the count bankrupted Tanglar and was still imprisoned; and he personally killed Fernand, which is considered an "extraordinary performance". \u003c/br\u003eThis should be the influence brought by Aigron, or in other words, it is the skill that one must learn to become a politician. \u003c/br\u003eBut no matter what, in the final analysis, he is still the compassionate Edmond Dantès, and his hesitation and confusion prove his value as a person. \u003c/br\u003e "Edmund, I didn't mean to mock you, on the contrary, I admire you very much. I need a warrior who is willing to go through fire and water for me, but I don't need a monster who devours humanity. You have been doing my dirty work for me. You will do a lot of shady and dirty work for me in the next period of time, but I don't plan to use you like this all the time. You will eventually come into the house one day, and I don't want you to become a monster who can't face the sun... ..." Aigron continued, "So, your compassion just shows that I am not wrong about you. I need such a Count of Monte Cristo."\u003c/br\u003e Although Aigron said this in a vague way, it is already considered " Sincerely." \u003c/br\u003eFrom ancient times to the present, the head of the secret police will definitely do many cruel and ruthless things due to the nature of his work. These things will, on the one hand, increase people's awe of him, and on the other hand, they will make people respect him. produce disgust. \u003c/br\u003e Therefore, people who work in this industry often have no good end. They either die unexpectedly in political turmoil, or they are thrown out by their masters to calm down public anger and "take the blame". \u003c/br\u003eAnd Aigron didn't want the Count of Monte Cristo to end up like this. He wanted the Earl to slowly accumulate power and prestige, and then, more than ten years later, he would succeed the fallen elders and become the prime minister of the empire. This was partly because of the Earl's performance all along. It made him very satisfied; on the one hand, it was also to satisfy his personal taste. \u003c/br\u003e Therefore, the name of Count of Monte Cristo cannot always be linked to those dirty jobs that cannot be seen in the light, nor can he become a monster indulged in darkness and blood. He wants to enter the palace and become the prime minister, a person who shares his glory. \u003c/br\u003eSo, in Aiglon's plan, after the count completes the establishment of the secret agency and everything is on track, he will be promoted to the cabinet in a few years to serve as an important department as the minister's deputy, and then become the minister's deputy. A minister in a certain ministry slowly rose to the top and became prime minister. \u003c/br\u003eAs for this institution created by him, it will be handed over to his ambitious and enthusiastic deputy Count Morny. \u003c/br\u003eAt the same time, if you want to become the prime minister of the empire and secure the throne of prime minister, it is not enough to have your own favor. He also needs huge power and an entire interest group to protect him, so that he can sit. stable position. \u003c/br\u003eIn today's era, this means that he needs a family network composed of in-laws and old friends. Therefore, no matter whether it is the most "enlightened" Britain or the most "authoritarian" Russia, they are all ruled by aristocrats. Without the blood and relationship network of the aristocrats, they are not even qualified to touch power.

\u003c/br\u003eHowever, Edmund is lacking in this aspect. He was born a commoner and his parents died early. Although with the help of Prince Talleyrand, he has now become a marriage between an Italian aristocrat and a French aristocrat. , an "authentic" aristocrat, but "family relationships" cannot be faked. He has no powerful relatives or friends. \u003c/br\u003e Therefore, in order to make up for such a shortcoming, he needs a family, and an in-law with a noble family and powerful influence. With such an in-law as a "medium", he can stand firm in the world of aristocrats. , and finally secured his throne as Prime Minister of the Empire. \u003c/br\u003e Edmund, who has a weak desire for power and is unfamiliar with political skills, actually does not think that much about these things, but Aiglon, who wants to support him, has to think about it for him. \u003c/br\u003eThe earl must marry a noble lady, and she must come from a powerful and famous family. This is certain, so he cannot accept the notorious and weak Emily to become a regular official in any case. Not only would that make the count a joke, but it would also become an excuse for political opponents to attack the count in the future. This is absolutely not acceptable. \u003c/br\u003e Logically speaking, although nobles are a "rare group", France has never lacked famous nobles. However, once the special status of Aiglon is taken into account, the situation changes instantly. \u003c/br\u003eAiglon killed the Bourbon family and replaced them, so the old nobles surrounding the Bourbon family were either forced into exile or were purged by him in one go. A large number of people lost their seats in the House of Nobles. Even if they don't hold grudges, it will be difficult for them to do anything with their vitality severely damaged, and it will be difficult for them to be the count's help again, and it will also give them the excuse of "liaison with Bourbon". \u003c/br\u003eAs for the new nobles of the empire, their reputation, qualifications and power are not stable, so it is difficult to say how much they can help him. \u003c/br\u003eSo after thinking about it, Edmund, as his favorite, couldn't see many suitable marriage partners. \u003c/br\u003e It has to be said that the Marquis of Noirtier has a really vicious vision. He actually saw Edmund's dilemma while watching with cold eyes, and then he proposed the best solution to this "dilemma" situation. ——His granddaughter Valentine. \u003c/br\u003e Putting aside the concerns of young age, enemies, etc., looking at the basic facts, Valentine really fits the count's "pain points". \u003c/br\u003eFirst of all, the Marquis of Noirtier was born in the old aristocracy, but he became prosperous during the Revolution, and finally became an important minister of Emperor Napoleon, so he has both the "old aristocracy" and the "new aristocracy" With dual attributes, his network of contacts is extremely broad. \u003c/br\u003eAnd his personal ability is already extremely strong. In 1815, he was the chairman of the restoration organization of Emperor Napoleon, and single-handedly managed the emperor's "feat" from landing on Elba Island to returning to Paris. How many people can match him? \u003c/br\u003e Until now, the Marquis is still an indispensable senior minister under Aigron. He single-handedly manipulated Aigron's "authorization referendum" and helped Aiglon obtain the source of legitimacy he wanted most for his ascension to the throne. He is still As Aigron's representative in the House of Nobles, he sat there, allowing Aigron to pursue his own policies without any scruples. \u003c/br\u003eIf such a person is completely on Edmund's side, even if he retires or dies, his relatives and friends will definitely look high on the earl, and even actively gather around the earl to help him. \u003c/br\u003eAnd Valentine herself is also extraordinary. Villefort's "die loyal royalist" face won the favor of the old royalist nobles, and then married the only daughter of the Marquis of Saint-Meran. \u003c/br\u003eAlthough his wife has passed away now, Valentine, as the granddaughter, is regarded as the only heir by the old Marquis and his wife. The wealth and reputation of this famous noble family will naturally spread to Valentine and into the hands of her descendants. \u003c/br\u003eIn the original work, Villefort’s second wife first poisoned the Marquis and his wife, and then poisoned Valentine, in order to let Valentine legally inherit the property of the Marquis and his wife, and then Then by poisoning Valentine, the property was transferred to her own son. \u003c/br\u003eIf the order is reversed, the Marquis and his wife will definitely designate other heirs, because Villefort and Villefort's son have no blood relationship with them...\u003c/br\u003eSo, if the facts are objectively evaluated, it will It was discovered that Valentine is actually one of the best-equipped ladies to be married in France. She is rich and noble, with two ancient marquis families, several huge inheritances, and the great power of her father and ancestors... these Everything was concentrated on her young shoulders. \u003c/br\u003eIn the ancient feudal era, the king would not allow such heiresses to marry casually. Their marriages must be approved by the king, or even appointed by the king - naturally the same is true here in Aiglon. \u003c/br\u003eConsidering that Edmund's choices are extremely narrow, it can even be said that Valentine is almost the "optimal solution" for his future formation. \u003c/br\u003eOf course, the age gap is a bit big, but this is not a big problem. In the aristocratic world, marriages with such a large age gap abound, and they are not necessarily unhappy.

\u003c/br\u003eNot to mention anything else, his father, Emperor Napoleon, was 22 years older than his mother, Queen Louisa, when he married her; and his maternal grandfather, His Majesty Emperor Franz, married his fourth queen. At that time, she was 24 years older than the queen...\u003c/br\u003eFor the men with power, what does this mean? \u003c/br\u003e Precisely because he thought of all these aspects for Edmund, when Aiglon heard the Marquis of Noirtier's initiative to let Edmund marry Valentine to resolve the feud between the two families, he was shocked at first, but then he also Weighed it secretly. \u003c/br\u003eAnd the result of his weighing is everything mentioned above. \u003c/br\u003eOf course, even so, he did not intend to force Edmund to accept his will. He just wanted to spread everything out and let the earl make his own decision. \u003c/br\u003eAlthough Edmund does not know much about politics, he is not a fool, and he has been with His Majesty for so long, and he also knows his Majesty to whom he is loyal. \u003c/br\u003e Therefore, while observing words and expressions, he has discovered Aigron's attitude tendencies. \u003c/br\u003eHis mood suddenly became extremely complicated. \u003c/br\u003eIt’s not anger or helplessness, but an indescribable feeling. \u003c/br\u003eIn the midst of the chaos, he expects someone to make a decision for him, but facing the consequences of the decision, he will be a little uneasy. \u003c/br\u003e "Your Majesty... do you want me to agree to the Marquis?" Edmund asked tremblingly. \u003c/br\u003e "It doesn't matter what I hope, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Edmund." Compared to Edmund's hesitation, Aigron seemed much more determined, "I said, I will never force anything." You make a decision. If you want to continue to insist, of course I support you. However, after all, the Marquis of Noirtier is an old minister who has been loyal to our father and son for two generations. He is loyal and has outstanding achievements. I must accept it both emotionally and rationally. Give him the respect he deserves, so I will say a few nice words for him, but it’s up to you whether you listen or not." Over the past few years, Aigron has long been accustomed to the feeling of giving orders to the people around him, and now he faces Edmund was uncharacteristically friendly, as friendly as a friend, even a little confidant. \u003c/br\u003e "I know that you feel uncomfortable, and you are right not to want hatred to turn into a transaction. However, there are many transactions in the world, and even every day we live, we are weighing, making choices, and making decisions. Each decision we like or dislike. No one asks you to give up your past grudges. The Marquis just wants to give you enough compensation in exchange for you sparing his son's life. As far as I'm concerned, all the efforts he has made , is indeed very sincere... Moreover, Villefort will pay a sufficient price, and no one will ask you to treat him well." After saying this, Aigron changed his tone again. , "In addition, Edmund, you are no longer the lonely prodigal son. You are the pillar of the country and my minister. Moreover, you will become more and more important in the future. I hope you understand that your private affairs are not only It is only your own business, but the empire's business. You will stand on the highest stage, and you must prepare for it now. Being quick will never benefit you, let alone the country. .I ask you to understand this."\u003c/br\u003e\u003c/br\u003e

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