Eagle’s Glory

Forty-seven, heart knot

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 47, Heartfelt "Being quick will never benefit you, let alone the country. I ask you to understand this."\u003c/br\u003eAigron was uncharacteristically gentle and polite. In a tone of voice, he told Edmund what he was thinking. \u003c/br\u003eAlthough he did not explicitly state that he supported this marriage proposal, his meaning was clearly revealed in his words, and with the earl's intelligence, he could naturally hear it. \u003c/br\u003eFor Aiglon, his foundation has just been established, and it can be said that there is nothing to be done. The most important thing is to maintain the stability and unity of the core leadership of the entire empire. \u003c/br\u003eAlthough Prosecutor Villefort is extremely capable, it is not a necessity for Aiglon. Even if he dies, he will die. Anyway, there are experts in the legal profession who are willing to serve as tools for him for the sake of his future. \u003c/br\u003eBut the Marquis of Noirtier is different from the Count of Monte Cristo. A senator and a new generation are all men whom he trusts and relies on very much, and their achievements are very outstanding. There are almost no substitutes. Of course, Aigron didn't want them to go to war with each other. \u003c/br\u003e Edmund knew that what His Majesty said was right. From a rational point of view, Miss Valentine de Noirtier, who had undisputed noble blood and a large inheritance as a dowry, , is definitely his most favorable marriage partner. She can bring him too many resources, even enough to help him reach the top of power in the empire and become a big shot like Prince Talleyrand. \u003c/br\u003e Moreover, His Majesty’s starting point is to consider his own interests. Considering His Majesty’s character and usual behavior, it is definitely an extremely rare honor for him to be able to put himself in his own shoes like this. \u003c/br\u003eHowever, knowing it intellectually is one thing, but whether you can accept it emotionally is another matter. \u003c/br\u003eSince taking revenge on Tanglar and Fernand, most of the hatred accumulated in his heart has been vented, and he no longer wants to pay with blood as nearly as crazy as before, but even so, It was still a bit difficult for him to accept that he and Villefort met and laughed away their grudges, and even made the other person his father-in-law. \u003c/br\u003eAs a result, reason and emotion clashed violently in his heart, making him uneasy. \u003c/br\u003eNot only has his troubles not been resolved, but now with His Majesty's hints and statements, it has become more and more troublesome for him. \u003c/br\u003e"Your Majesty, I...I don't know what to do." \u003c/br\u003eFinally, he gave Aiglon an honest answer, "I don't know if I should let this end here, and I don't know either. I don’t know whether Miss Valentine should be involved. I don’t even know if I have the ability to be a husband and father..."\u003c/br\u003e"Last point, haven't you tried it with Emily? I don't think you two are very close?" Aigron asked. \u003c/br\u003e "Your Majesty, I am not referring to that ability!" Being interrupted by Aiglon, the earl almost lost his strength and quickly defended himself, "I mean, I... my life has been because of that. I was shattered by a disaster. I lost my closest relatives, my lover, everything about me...and was forced to endure a long period of imprisonment. I suffered several mental breakdowns. After experiencing all this, I no longer I am a complete person. Anyone who marries me like this will only suffer." In fact, of course Aigron understood what Edmund meant. He just wanted to be in this tight atmosphere. Just kidding to lighten the mood. \u003c/br\u003e "You don't have to worry or feel inferior about this, Edmund." Aigron shook his head gently, and then replied leisurely, "I have a more broken family than you. You lost your father when you were 20 years old. I am only 10 years old, and I have lost my mother's love and almost everything else. Am I not suitable to be the head of the family? No, these are all excuses. You are afraid of your past, and you are also afraid of your past. Therefore, you are obsessed with your past and you deny yourself because you still feel inferior in your heart. You still can’t believe that you are no longer that insignificant little sailor!\u003c/br\u003e But in fact, everything is different. It has changed. You are already my favorite and a hero of the empire. Even if you put aside these things, just in terms of personal characteristics, you are also enthusiastic and loyal. You will be more like a husband and wife than 99% of men. Father. I don't allow you to argue with me on this point, because I have never looked at people wrongly!" Facing Aigron's overbearing compliment, Edmund was speechless. \u003c/br\u003eNot only because Aigron did not allow him to argue, but also because of Aigron's behavior all along. His Majesty was indeed "always right" in his heart. \u003c/br\u003eSince His Majesty said so, is that really the case? \u003c/br\u003eAfter the two people were relatively silent for a moment, Aigron spoke again. \u003c/br\u003e "As I just said, Edmund, you are no longer what you used to be. You are the real earl of the empire. After a famous noble family, you are no humbler than anyone else. Your morality is even better than that of most people." ! So what if Valentine is a Marquis? It is her honor to have the opportunity to marry you, and she should be grateful for this for the rest of her life!\u003c/br\u003e I gave you the title Count of Monte Cristo, and no one else It cannot be shaken, let alone questioned.

I hope this title can be passed down among your descendants. You will be with the Empire. You deserve this honor! "\u003c/br\u003e Facing His Majesty's praise, Edmund was moved and a little dumbfounded. He found that unknowingly, the topic seemed to have changed from "Do you want to accept the conditions and marry Valentine?" It became "Who are you submitting to when you marry Valentine", as if this marriage has become a tacit fact.\u003c/br\u003eYour Majesty does have amazing eloquence, and he was unknowingly attracted by him. Under control... the Earl thought to himself.\u003c/br\u003e He found that he could no longer continue the discussion with His Majesty, otherwise he would have to discuss when to set the wedding date in ten minutes... and he was not mentally ready to accept it. All this.\u003c/br\u003e "Your Majesty, I understand what you mean...I am very grateful that you value me so much. "Edmund bowed and saluted Aigron solemnly, "I will remember every word you say and consider it seriously. However, I ask you to give me a little more room to calmly think about what I should do. Which choice do you think is okay? "\u003c/br\u003eFaced with Edmund's pleading, Aiglon stopped continuing his persuasion work.\u003c/br\u003e He knew very well that if he gave an order now, the count must agree to the Marquis of Noirtier's proposal to marry Valentine, Edmund will definitely accept the order without hesitation, no matter how dissatisfied he is, he will accept it, and will do his best to make this marriage a happy one - but not as much as As a last resort, he did not want to give orders because he was unwilling to use his own will to forcibly distort the other person's life.\u003c/br\u003eAlthough from an objective point of view, he had changed Edmund's life, at least he did not let Edmund After twisting their own bottom lines, the two of them are moving forward together towards the same goal. Now, the two of them are already kings and ministers, but Aigron still hopes to make the earl his friend, rather than his slave who can give orders at will. .\u003c/br\u003eThis is not only for Edmund's good, but also for his own good. Being an emperor is destined to be lonely. If you can have one or two "friends", at least the life will not be so boring.\u003c/br\u003e "Of course you do." It can also be considered that it is not time for a showdown, and Valentine is still young. So, he nodded slightly, "Make a good decision. The past cannot be changed, but we can work hard to create a future full of beauty and hope... The prime minister of the empire cannot live in the port of Marseille forever." On a small merchant ship, he has to devote all his energy to the future of the country, and he should overcome the obstacles that need to be overcome. "\u003c/br\u003eAfter finishing speaking, Aiglon took the initiative to extend his hand to Edmund, and then the monarch and his minister shook hands as usual, cordially like friends, and then the earl said goodbye and left.\u003c/br\u003eWith full arms After the anxious and entangled Earl left, Aigron left the business for the whole day and returned to his and Theresa's palace to rest for a while.\u003c/br\u003e Seeing Aigron's expression, Theresa immediately guessed , her husband seemed to be worried. Considering that her husband was meeting the Count of Monte Cristo just now, she suddenly had some bad guesses in her heart.\u003c/br\u003e "Your Highness, did the Count report bad news to you? "\u003c/br\u003e "That's not the case. "Aigron immediately shook his head, denying the other party's question.\u003c/br\u003e Of course he would not be stupid enough to repeat the folk joke in front of Teresa that just made him 'outraged'.\u003c/br\u003e "Facts Everything is fine. The count's report conveys to me a very optimistic mood. At least at this moment, the citizens of Paris are still very supportive of us. The real trouble lies with the earl. "\u003c/br\u003e "Huh? What happened? Teresa felt a little puzzled, "Then the loyal and capable Edmund, what problems can there be?" ”\u003c/br\u003eSo, under his wife’s questioning, Aigron told Teresa all the things he had just discussed with the count.\u003c/br\u003e Teresa listened quietly, and gradually Understood all the circumstances.\u003c/br\u003e In fact, she already knew most of the inside story - she knew Edmund's true life experience, and also knew his tragic past, and even Edmund was involved in killing Fernand. At that time, she was also present.\u003c/br\u003eAnd she also agreed with Aigron's proposal to the Marquis of Noirtier.\u003c/br\u003eIf this grudge lasted for fifteen years, the two families would be The solution was solved by tying the knot, and the count became the political heir of the Marquis of Noirtier and then the prime minister of the empire. In her opinion, it was an ideal solution.\u003c/br\u003e "So, who is the count now? What's the idea? Judging from your expression, I'm afraid he didn't agree immediately, right? "Teresa asked again.\u003c/br\u003e "That's true, but he didn't refuse forcefully. I guess he didn't know what choice he should make. For him, he had tasted enough of the sweet joy brought by revenge, but he seemed a little unhappy to stop there. "Aiglon concluded truthfully.\u003c/br\u003e Teresa frowned slightly again, thought for a moment, and then she chuckled.\u003c/br\u003e "I'm afraid it's not just a matter of hatred, Your Highness, you are probably I missed someone, a very important person. "\u003c/br\u003e "Who? "Aiglon asked immediately.\u003c/br\u003e "It's his former fiancée, Mrs. Mercedes. "Teresa replied.\u003c/br\u003eThat's right!\u003c/br\u003eAigron suddenly understood.

\u003c/br\u003eIndeed, Aigron was too concerned about weighing the pros and cons, but he forgot that for the earl, interests were not what he valued most. \u003c/br\u003eHe felt guilty and extremely sorry for Mrs. Mercedes, whom he had missed but could never reunite with, even though Mercedes had already married his enemy and even gave birth to a child. Subconsciously, there is still a lingering attachment, which is why I am so painfully entangled with marriage. \u003c/br\u003eThis is indeed like the Earl's style. \u003c/br\u003e "Teresa, it has to be you..." Aigron couldn't help but praise. "Then what do you think we should do?"\u003c/br\u003e "Since the crux of the problem is here, it is actually easy to solve. As long as Mrs. Mercedes stands in front of the earl and tells her to let go of the past together. Everything, and then let him find his own future, wouldn't it be good?" Teresa replied casually, "Mrs. Mercedes happens to be here too. Let's make things clear. I believe she will do it for the earl. And persuaded him to let it go." Speaking of this, Aigron remembered that after Edmund killed Fernand, Mercedes, mother and son were suddenly nowhere to be found. In order to show his care for the "heroes", Aigron kept their mother and son in the palace. \u003c/br\u003eAt that time, although Mrs. Mercedes lost her husband, she still retained the title of "Countess Morcerf" in name, and she was still the number one figure in the court. At the same time, she relied on With the pension provided by Aiglon, at least the mother and son can live on. \u003c/br\u003eHowever, the situation is completely different now... Just before Aigron came to the throne, the Count and Villefort presided over the trial of Marshal Marmont, and then dumped a lot of blame on Feier, who was the adjutant of the Marshal at the time. Fernand suddenly became a disgusting traitor. \u003c/br\u003eAt this time, his bad deeds of pretending to be a member of the Morseff family were also exposed, so he became a big black spot. \u003c/br\u003eIn short, Fernan, who is now dead, is almost in disrepute. Although Aigron has not officially ordered to remove his title of earl, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net But the wall fell and everyone pushed him. All social relationships are ruined. \u003c/br\u003eThis naturally means that the situation of mother and son is even more difficult. \u003c/br\u003e However, Aiglon had so many things to be busy with before, so he naturally did not care about the unknown Mrs. Mercedes in the palace, and did not think of her at all. \u003c/br\u003e Come to think of it, her life was actually quite difficult and desolate during this period. \u003c/br\u003e "So, we have to ask her to come forward to resolve the knot... Then will she come forward?" Aigron asked. \u003c/br\u003e "Then leave it to me. I believe Madam will be willing to let the Earl come out of the shadows. After all, they still cherish each other." Teresa nodded lightly. \u003c/br\u003e "Okay, then I'll leave it to you, Theresa." Seeing Theresa volunteering, Aigron was naturally so happy. "Thank you."\u003c/br\u003e "We are already married, so why should we thank you?" Teresa replied with a smile, "If you want to thank you, please work harder tonight..."\u003c/br\u003eTeresa Sha's voice suddenly became extremely gentle and charming, so much so that Aiglon's heart beat wildly. \u003c/br\u003e "Or is it that Chanel has made you unable to move?" Before Egron could reply, Teresa asked again with a smile. \u003c/br\u003e "How could it be!" Aigron suddenly felt his face getting hot, "I still... and there are more!" \u003c/br\u003e A touch of jealousy, just right wrapped in gentle flirting, Theresa was not She would hate Chanel, but she was unwilling to accept less from her husband. \u003c/br\u003e\u003c/br\u003e

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