Eagle’s Glory

Forty-eight, secret language

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 48, Secret Whisper Faced with Teresa's request, of course Aigron could only take the initiative to "accept the challenge". \u003c/br\u003eSo, after the night fell, he put aside his worldly affairs, opened his mind, and mustered up the courage to try to satisfy his wife. \u003c/br\u003eHe could also see that although Theresa did not obviously complain about her and Chanel's affairs, in her heart, she definitely still hoped that her husband would be more attached to her, just because she had to act like a queen. , so I couldn't say anything too explicit, so I had to take advantage of this opportunity to express my feelings tactfully. \u003c/br\u003eAlthough they are only about 20 years old now, they are already an old couple who have been married for three years and have two children. It can be said that they are extremely familiar with each other. Because of this, they have a quite tacit understanding when having sex, and they both know how to please each other. \u003c/br\u003eAfter a hearty and unsuitable "hard work" for children, the most noble bedroom in the palace finally stopped making noise and returned to calm, leaving only the couple leaning against each other. . \u003c/br\u003eTeresa’s pretty face was covered with a blush that had just passed its peak. Her hair, which was usually very finely combed, was now scattered on her temples and skin, looking lazy yet noble. Full of fascinating charm. \u003c/br\u003e However, no matter how charming it was, Aigron couldn't bear it at this time. His face was full of exhaustion after satisfaction, and he just wanted to fall asleep as soon as possible. \u003c/br\u003eBut Teresa didn't seem to want to fall into sleep so easily. She hugged her husband gently, \u003c/br\u003e "Your Highness, are you enjoying yourself?" she asked softly. \u003c/br\u003e "Enjoyed." Aigron quickly replied, "You haven't yet?" \u003c/br\u003e "If you wish..." Teresa raised her eyebrows, "Although it is already embarrassing, if necessary If you are loyal to the country, I can endure it no matter how uncomfortable it is."\u003c/br\u003e "No, let's do this for now, it's time to rest..." Although he did feel a little itchy again, after a little consideration, Aigron still took it with him Regretfully rejected Teresa. "We have to deal with state affairs tomorrow."\u003c/br\u003eAfter all, he had to deal with the long-awaited Chanel during the day, and was fiercely demanded by his wife at night. Even though he had been exercising since he was a child, it was still a bit too much at this time. \u003c/br\u003eFacing Aigron's embarrassed and guilty look, Teresa couldn't help showing a loving and funny smile. \u003c/br\u003e "It seems that His Highness's appetite is not unlimited... I thought it really couldn't be satisfied." \u003c/br\u003e After finishing speaking, she kissed Aiglon's cheek, and then He gently bit Aigron's ear. \u003c/br\u003e "How great it would be if I could make you, a bad guy, really exhausted!" \u003c/br\u003e Although he is complaining, there is immeasurable pampering hidden in this complaint. \u003c/br\u003eObviously, even though her heart was broken so many times by Aigron, Teresa still cherished her Highness as before and had no regrets. \u003c/br\u003eBut Theresa, this is not a question of my "too much energy to use up" - Eggron answered in his heart. \u003c/br\u003eIn fact, he also asked himself, why did he still want to hunt for beauty when he clearly has such a wonderful wife, as well as a maid and lover beside him? Why are kings always unable to curb their indulgent and sensual tendencies? \u003c/br\u003eFinally, he came to a conclusion. \u003c/br\u003eThis is not just a physical need, it is a desire to conquer that is difficult to control, a human evil quality of "even if I am full, I still want to eat more", a kind of "unrestricted" The "powerful one" has the instinct to greedily swallow everything. \u003c/br\u003eSo, even if Teresa tried her best to squeeze herself dry, she was destined to be unable to solve the problem in the end. \u003c/br\u003eUnless he gets rid of his arrogance of "I want it all" and "I want it, I have to get it", he will still make the same choice after all. \u003c/br\u003eOf course, this is what he would never say to Teresa. \u003c/br\u003e"Teresa, I'm sorry..." he replied in a low voice, "I did do some stupid things, and I am also reflecting on it myself."\u003c/br\u003eAs to how effective this kind of reflection is, the couple actually She knew it in her heart, but Theresa would rather let herself believe that her husband was really satisfied, because she really didn't want to face that kind of pain anymore. \u003c/br\u003e "No, it's me who should say I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so willful and embarrass His Highness." Teresa replied. \u003c/br\u003eThen, as if she had been pushed past her limit, she suddenly summoned up the last strength in her body and hugged her husband tightly, "Forgive me, I just love you too much... I know what I should do, I should just stand aside peacefully and let you do whatever you want. My obligation is to endure it all silently, just like all the queens and empresses. In fact, what you do is enough to respect me.\u003c/ br\u003eBut, if I don’t have love for you, what does the title of Queen mean to me? I act so calm and calm in front of everyone, but you should be able to see it? I am actually... really It's very uncomfortable. How could you not see it?" Faced with his wife's question, Aigron was speechless. \u003c/br\u003eBecause indeed, all the responsibility lies with him. \u003c/br\u003e "I'm sorry, Theresa." He could only make a proper apology.

\u003c/br\u003e "It's okay, Your Highness... Every time you show me a little apology, I will forgive you, and this time is of course no exception. Whether it is Agnes or Chanel, they are at least not bad, they They know the rules and they will not try to divide what I have, so I tolerate them as if you have found some toys for yourself...you can play with toys if you like, because your highness, you have the right to do so ! As long as your heart is still here."\u003c/br\u003e After expressing what was in her heart in a brief burst, Teresa quickly regained her normal self, and she gently touched Agron's chest. , and then smiled gently at Xiang, "Now, Your Highness, I just want you to hold me tight, hold me tight without leaving any space, just hold me tight like you did on your wedding night."\u003c/br\u003e To this At this point, Aigron was very happy to be satisfied. He immediately raised his hand and held Teresa tightly in his arms. The two of them were close to each other again, without any gap. \u003c/br\u003e "Your Highness, you should be able to see that my body has recovered." Teresa closed her eyes and enjoyed the aftertaste between husband and wife, while murmuring in a low voice, "However, I think our third It’s best to delay the birth of a child for a year or two. The affairs of the palace are complicated now. I hope to get rid of the pain of pregnancy temporarily. During this time, we can help you handle various affairs together... What do you think?"\u003c/br\u003eThis The contraceptive methods in that era were relatively crude, and as a queen, she could not decide whether to become pregnant or give birth alone, so she specifically sought Aigron's opinion. \u003c/br\u003eAnd Aigron didn't particularly care about this. He didn't have such a serious obsession with "spreading branches and leaves". Anyway, he already had an heir. For him, the next child would come sooner or later. Not that important. Besides, Teresa only wanted to "rest" for a year or two. Considering her previous birth frequency of "two children in three years", this was completely appropriate and natural. \u003c/br\u003e "I also think it is a bit too fast to prepare for the third one now. You have just given birth to Funina, and your body still needs to recover?" Aigron immediately agreed with Theresa's opinion. "Then let's talk about it later. Let's pay attention during this period."\u003c/br\u003eAfter obtaining Agron's consent, Teresa nodded lightly, "Your Highness, I once made a great wish to serve you." I have always regarded this promise as a sacred oath to create a prosperous family and have faithfully fulfilled it. Relying on God's blessing, I successfully realized part of my wish, but the union between us is not just for It’s just about having children... Even if it’s not for the children, we can still fulfill our obligations as husband and wife for the sake of love, so you can’t be lazy!” Facing his wife’s request, Agron couldn’t help laughing. coming. \u003c/br\u003e "Of course, Your Majesty the Queen, I will do my best to fulfill my sacred obligations!" \u003c/br\u003e After receiving Aigron's guarantee, Theresa felt even more satisfied. After having a hearty sexual intercourse, and after venting some of the black mud accumulated in her heart by complaining just now, she felt extremely comfortable at this moment, and she was finally captured by tiredness. \u003c/br\u003eAlthough the current situation is not perfect and has various shortcomings, it is generally satisfactory to her. If life can continue like this, for her, although it is not as good as the best fantasies of girlhood, it It can be regarded as an acceptable "happiness". \u003c/br\u003eThe secret words in the boudoir between husband and wife will never reach the ears of a third person. For her, this is the only way she can vent. After all, in front of everyone else, she is the queen. , is the princess of the Habsburg family, the supreme being of the empire; only here can she be Theresa, the girl who was once full of expectations and mustered up the courage to realize her dream. \u003c/br\u003eIn order to achieve it, she did pay a lot, but she also gained too much. Although there are shortcomings, isn't everything good now? \u003c/br\u003e I hope the pain, resentment and humiliation can end here, and you should be satisfied... She looked at her husband who was close at hand. \u003c/br\u003eThen, with the best expectations, she hugged her husband tightly, and then the couple fell into a deep sleep together. \u003c/br\u003e====================================\u003c/br\u003eIn a new morning, Mrs. Mercedes de Morcerf, who was staying in the palace, received a rather surprising news - Her Majesty Queen Theresa wanted to summon her. \u003c/br\u003eNo wonder she was so stunned, because since her husband died, she has been living in the palace and has become a complete little transparent. The two majesties have never thought of her, and the outside world has never mentioned her. She, the once-prominent Morsef family, became no one cared about. \u003c/br\u003eSince His Majesty doesn’t care about him, he will naturally observe his words and actions, and he will obviously neglect him - it’s not that there will be any problems with her daily life, but that she will not be invited to any event. No one ever tried to talk to her or become friends with her. \u003c/br\u003eAlthough many ladies would not be able to bear this kind of neglected treatment, Mercedes was indifferent by nature and did not mind it. \u003c/br\u003eMoreover, after learning what her husband Fernand had done, she was deeply ashamed and was not willing to appear in front of everyone again with the title of "Countess Morcerf". Instead, she was happy to be Forget.

\u003c/br\u003eUnfortunately, things in the world are often unsatisfactory. The more she wants to be forgotten, the more fate will not let her go. \u003c/br\u003eNot long ago, she heard rumors in the court. During the trial of Marshal Marmont, Count Fernand de Morcerf was considered to be deeply involved in his treason, even treason. One of the masterminds of the conspiracy. \u003c/br\u003eIf this was the Bourbon dynasty, no one would have cared about his betrayal of the empire, but now that times have changed, the situation is completely different. After the Bonaparte family restored the empire, Fernand's original betrayal became very glaring. \u003c/br\u003eThe wall fell and everyone pushed, and soon, negative news about Fernand spread everywhere, especially his "close colleagues" who tried to discredit Fernand at all costs. \u003c/br\u003eThis is also easy to understand. As close colleagues and allies of Marshal Marmont, many of these people were involved in various conspiracies to betray the empire. Now after the collapse of Marshal Marmont, they cannot help but feel that Also worried. To avoid being liquidated, they have a huge incentive to clear themselves. \u003c/br\u003eAt this time, the dead Fernand is the best target, because the dead cannot defend themselves. Everyone is trying to put their sins on Fernand, and finally let him He became a heinous villain, as if he had done all the bad things in the world. \u003c/br\u003eIn such a public opinion environment, the situation of Mercedes, who had been ignored by others, became even more difficult. Although no one insulted and reprimanded her in person, the neglect and contempt of those around her were almost ignored. cover up. \u003c/br\u003eMercedes herself doesn’t mind this too much, UU reading www. uukanshu. nettBut when she thought that her growing son would also suffer from this, she was naturally heartbroken. \u003c/br\u003eBut, as a weak woman, what can she do about all this? She could only pray to God every day, hoping that her fate would change. \u003c/br\u003eNow, a turning point seems to have come, but Mercedes still doesn't quite understand what she can do. \u003c/br\u003eHowever, no matter what, she cannot disobey Her Majesty the Queen's order. \u003c/br\u003eSo, under the guidance of the female attendant, she came to Theresa, and then saluted Theresa most respectfully. \u003c/br\u003e "Your Majesty the Queen, I am honored to be summoned by you." \u003c/br\u003e "Mrs. Mercedes, I am also very happy to see you again." Theresa nodded gently to her, Then he responded to her in a rather sympathetic tone, "I'm sorry for everything you have experienced recently. As an innocent person, it is really unfair that you have to bear so much blame."\u003c/br\u003e Faced with Her Majesty the Queen's sympathy, Mercedes felt sour in her heart, but she still forced herself to remain calm and appear calm. \u003c/br\u003e "Thank you for your sympathy, Your Majesty, but I deserve it, because I am Fernand's wife, and I deserve his retribution." \u003c/br\u003e "But this retribution should not last for you life, let alone the life of your son." Teresa took over the words, "Madam, I came to you just to find a way to resolve all the grudges from back then... In other words, so do I. I’m here to ask for your help.”\u003c/br\u003e\u003c/br\u003e

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