Eagle’s Glory

Fifty, journey

The Glory of the Young Eagle text volume 50, the journey As time passes quietly, history enters the new but ordinary year of 1831. \u003c/br\u003eThe hustle and bustle of the imperial court moving into Fontainebleau has subsided, and the grand scene of the resurrected Guards military parade has returned to calm. The elegant and magnificent Fontainebleau Palace has returned to its usual silence. \u003c/br\u003eBecause the weather has been very good recently, the snow on the palace, river banks and roads is slowly melting. The snow water gathered into a trickle, and finally merged into the water flowing quietly next to the Fontainebleau Palace. In the Seine River. \u003c/br\u003eAfter the snow melts, the buds of grass can already be seen on the river bank. Although it is still in the middle of winter, from these signs, spring is already quietly approaching. \u003c/br\u003eOn this cold but sunny morning, the Marquis of Treville came to the Palace of Fontainebleau. \u003c/br\u003eToday's Marquis is wearing the military uniform of a cavalry general, neatly wearing the important medals he has won on the battlefield over the years. Although some graying has appeared on his temples due to age, his eyes are bright, his steps are strong, and his movements are full of energy and courage. \u003c/br\u003eDuring the Restoration Dynasty, the Marquis of Treville had to retire from the army because of his support for the Bonaparte family. This outfit was rarely shown to outsiders. Now, with the restoration of the Bonaparte family, Rise up, he can finally find his lost soul again. \u003c/br\u003eJust getting it back is not enough, he wants more. \u003c/br\u003e Back then, the Marquis of Treville relied on his bravery and the favor of Emperor Napoleon to steadily rise in the army. He was also sure that he would climb to the position of marshal step by step, just like the Marquis of Grouchy. \u003c/br\u003eMoreover, he was still very young at the time and fully expected to replace the aging marshals and become one of the main leaders of the army. \u003c/br\u003eHowever, he was forced to bid farewell to the army for fifteen years, and his rank and medals stayed in 1815 forever. \u003c/br\u003eWhat does this mean? \u003c/br\u003eIt means that his life has been delayed for fifteen years, and there is a gap of fifteen years in his life. \u003c/br\u003eFifteen years! How many more fifteen years are there in life? In a blink of an eye, he was already an old man in his fifties and even had grandchildren. \u003c/br\u003eFor ordinary people, the age of fifty is the age when they know their destiny. They will no longer expect any changes in this life, and they no longer believe that they can do any great things. However, the Marquis of Treville completely different. \u003c/br\u003eLike the members of the Treville family of all generations, he has an unimaginable desire for fame and power. Even at this age, he still wants to fulfill his long-cherished wish in life and reach the top of the French Army, just like Same as Marshal Sirte today. \u003c/br\u003eThis is not only for myself, but also for the family. The Treville family had been prominent in the court of Versailles for several generations, but they suffered a tragic blow from the Revolution and almost wiped out the family. Fortunately, the two brothers escaped and worked hard to re-run the family. \u003c/br\u003eEvery step he takes is to lift this family to the position it once had. He believes that this is his inherent obligation. \u003c/br\u003eIt is precisely because of this "obsession" that he is fearless and willing to sacrifice himself, not to mention his aging body. \u003c/br\u003eNow, he will use all his intelligence and courage to exchange for a further step to the young man who is loyal to him. \u003c/br\u003eHe believes that he can get it. \u003c/br\u003eUndoubtedly, many generals now want to seek "progress" by pleasing His Majesty, but the Marquis of Treville has been bravely loyal to the Bonaparte family in the past ten years, and even more so when His Majesty returns to the country to seize power. He achieved great success in the process, and he knew that his position in His Majesty's heart was definitely closer. \u003c/br\u003eHe wants to use this "closeness" to get the opportunity first. \u003c/br\u003eHe came to see His Majesty this time specifically to say goodbye to His Majesty. \u003c/br\u003eAccording to the previous plan of the monarch and his ministers, he will set off for Algiers after the New Year, where he will assist Marshal Moncey in managing the French Expeditionary Force. After reaching a tacit understanding with His Majesty, Marshal Soult will also serve him. He has prepared the adjutants and staff he needs, and now everything is ready, just waiting for him to go to North Africa for a big fight. \u003c/br\u003e In this regard, the Marquis of Treville is naturally very satisfied. \u003c/br\u003eEmperor Napoleon was galloping around in Egypt and had enough of the Turkish emperor's addiction. Although he was not qualified to stand on his own like the emperors at that time, he could at least try his best to "make contributions." \u003c/br\u003eHe doesn't care who his enemy is, whether it's Turks, Arabs or Berbers, as long as he can "lend" him some military merit. \u003c/br\u003eAs long as he has military merit, His Majesty will transfer him back to Paris, enter the center of the army, and then become a member of the top leadership of the imperial army. \u003c/br\u003eAlthough he is not as good as Marshal Soult, he is at least one of the most powerful people among the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the empire. \u003c/br\u003eAs a man, wouldn’t it be nice to have thousands of people follow an order? ! \u003c/br\u003e Full of pride, General Treville followed his attendants into the garden of Fontainebleau, and Aiglon was already standing there. \u003c/br\u003eIt is still winter, so there are not many flowers blooming in the garden, but the air is cold and fresh, and it is also interesting.

\u003c/br\u003ePrecisely because Aigron had a good impression of the Marquis of Treville for his long-standing loyalty, he did not choose to just receive the Marquis in a courtesy manner in the audience hall, but chose to receive him in a more open and casual garden. . \u003c/br\u003eAigron watched the Marquis, who was dressed in military uniform and decorated with medals, striding towards him. After the two people met, the Marquis stood still, and then saluted Aigron loudly. \u003c/br\u003e"Long live your Majesty!"\u003c/br\u003e"As soon as I see what you are like now, I have no doubt that you can make great achievements, my respected general."\u003c/br\u003eAigron nodded gently to the other party. , and then said with a smile. \u003c/br\u003eHe really admires the Marquis of Treville. \u003c/br\u003eIt’s not because the other party comes from an old aristocracy, but because he is not only brave, but also lacks political acumen. He is indeed a rare talent. \u003c/br\u003eNow, most of the army is controlled by those marshals. Aigron just chooses to control the Guards himself. However, this is by no means a situation that Aigron is willing to see all the time. He hopes to use people who are closer and more trustworthy. To gradually replace the old commanders in charge of the army. \u003c/br\u003eHowever, the army is the country's most important ruling tool and the most basic source of its power. It cannot move around casually, which is tantamount to cutting off its own limbs. So he must be cautious in achieving his goals. \u003c/br\u003eThe confidant soldiers surrounding Aigron now are either members of the Knights of Fontainebleau or his Guards officers. Although they are loyal, they are generally young and seriously lack experience and qualifications. Reaching a high position will only make the soldiers' morale flutter and everyone will be dissatisfied, so he only plans to let them slowly gain experience at the grassroots level, and then improve them step by step as time goes by. \u003c/br\u003eBut the Marquis of Treville is a "special case" among them. \u003c/br\u003e He was originally a general during the empire, and had always had a reputation for being brave and fearless. In Aigron's view, he was most suitable to make the transition as the "Mesozoic Era" before his cronies grew up. \u003c/br\u003eWith Marquis Treville’s strong qualifications and long-standing reputation, as long as he makes some achievements in North Africa, he can legitimately promote him to marshal, and then let him enter the army center as his agent. , when he slowly grows old and retires in a few years or more, the people around Aigron will also grow up, and they will be able to take over at that time. \u003c/br\u003eFor Aigron, this is naturally the most ideal situation. He can try to achieve "unification within the army" and completely concentrate the command power in his own hands without causing any trouble in the army. \u003c/br\u003eSince the Marquis of Treville is so important in his plan, he is of course willing to show him due respect and kindness. \u003c/br\u003e "Your Majesty, please rest assured. I will do my best to never live up to your expectations." Facing Aigron's smile, Marquis Treville confidently made a promise, "As long as I am here , not even a mouse in Algeria dares to jump!"\u003c/br\u003e "I have no doubt that you have the courage and ability, General." Aigron nodded, but soon changed the subject, " However, the situation there is quite complex and volatile. If we insist on high pressure, everyone will become our enemy. I am not afraid of that happening, but I hope that we can use as few resources as possible to achieve our goal. goal. You are not just a reckless man, I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts... General, I think you must know better than me that a successful general must not only be able to engage in military affairs, but also be able to engage in politics. ."\u003c/br\u003eAlthough Aigron's words seemed a bit confusing, Marquis Treville fully understood what he meant. \u003c/br\u003eAlthough he has been idle at home for more than ten years, he has never forgotten his ambition for a moment, so he has been paying attention to the current situation and watching for opportunities. \u003c/br\u003eSince Napoleon’s empire was completely destroyed by the anti-French alliance in 1815, the Vienna System has become the criterion for the balance of power among European powers. \u003c/br\u003eOne of the purposes of the establishment of this system is to strictly guard against France and do not want to see any expansion of France in Europe. Although France later joined the Holy Alliance through diplomatic operations, the essence has not changed. \u003c/br\u003eSo, in order to realize their ambitions as a great power, and at the same time to satisfy the soldiers' strong ambitions to make contributions and get promoted and get rich, the Bourbon family set their sights on Algeria, which is across the Mediterranean. \u003c/br\u003eAlgeria was still nominally a Turkish territory at this time, and was ruled by the "Germany" appointed by the Turkish Sultan. \u003c/br\u003eBut in fact, since the 18th century, the once huge Ottoman Turkish Empire has prospered and declined, and has entered its twilight years. The central government's ability to control local governments has seriously declined. \u003c/br\u003eDuring this process of decline, the phenomenon of "vassalization" began to occur in various parts of Turkey. The governors of various places were still vassals to the Sultan in name only, but in fact the power of appointment and dismissal was no longer in the hands of the Sultan. \u003c/br\u003eAs for Algeria, because the sky is high and the Sudan is far away, this phenomenon of vassalization is particularly serious. \u003c/br\u003eOf the 30 "Dei" who ruled Algeria from 1671 to 1818, 14 came to power by killing their predecessors in rebellions or coups. Within Algeria, it has also become a mess, with the rulers of each province acting like separate armies. The ruling group headed by Dey only has influence in the coastal area of ​​Algiers, and the vast interior is actually in a semi-independent state, divided by tribes.

\u003c/br\u003eWhile Turkey was prosperous and declining, European countries were rising at an unprecedented speed. Through the development of science and technology, the national power of the great powers became stronger day by day, and then they began to conquer the world. \u003c/br\u003eFrom this time on, the "Turkish Heritage Partition Feast" began in full swing. \u003c/br\u003eThe Caucasus, Bessarabia, Egypt, Transylvania, Greece... pieces of land that were once conquered by the Turks were divided by the ruthless claws of European countries. \u003c/br\u003eGoing further, it even triggered the First World War - the disputes after the independence of the Balkan countries, Austria's annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which were essentially part of the battle for Turkish heritage. \u003c/br\u003eFrance is naturally not willing to lag behind in this "feast". \u003c/br\u003eAfter temporarily giving up their expansion plans on the European continent, the Bourbon family set their sights on Algeria. \u003c/br\u003eAnd at this time, it found a "perfect" excuse. \u003c/br\u003eDuring the Revolution and Napoleon, France purchased a large amount of food from Algeria due to domestic and military needs. Due to France's tight military expenditures in successive years of war, it naturally did not have so much money to pay, so France owed Algeria a large sum of money. A debt. According to statistics, by 1815, the total amount owed reached 13.8 million francs. \u003c/br\u003eAfter the collapse of Napoleon's empire, Algerian Dey Hussein repeatedly raised the issue of debt repayment to the successor Bourbon France, but how could the Bourbon royal family recognize this debt? Naturally, they have been defaulting on repayment. \u003c/br\u003eNot only did they default on repayment, the Royal Bourbon family also used this debt dispute as an excuse to actively provoke Dey in Algeria and also proposed "suzerainty" over some tribes. \u003c/br\u003eFaced with such unreasonable demands, Algeria's rulers were naturally furious. \u003c/br\u003eOn April 29, 1827, Dey Hussein of Algeria met with French Consul de Waal in Algiers. During the meeting, Hussein asked De Waal why the French government had not responded to the debt issue. De Waal replied arrogantly: "Our government will not give you the documents, which means that your request is invalid." De Waal's arrogant attitude made Hussein very angry, and he ordered De Waal to leave immediately , but De Waal ignored it. So, the angry Hussein hit Dewaal in the face with a fan. This is the so-called "slapping incident". The Bourbon family finally got this coveted "opportunity". \u003c/br\u003eSo the French government issued a note, believing that this was a serious insult to France, dispatched a naval fleet to Algiers, demanding an apology from Hussein, and ordered a reply within 24 hours. France's request was sternly rejected by Hussein. As a result, France severed diplomatic relations with Algeria and began to blockade Algerian ports. \u003c/br\u003eIt was from this time that France's war of conquest of Algeria officially began. \u003c/br\u003eNow, the Bourbon family has disappeared from the French political stage, but the war they started has been inherited by Aiglon with great enthusiasm. \u003c/br\u003eLike the Bourbon family, he also needs a place to vent the vigorous energy of the French people and gain prestige for himself. \u003c/br\u003eIn fact, Emperor Napoleon himself had considered conquering Algeria. He sent people to inspect the Algerian coast, drew military maps, and formulated a military action plan. Assuming that he is not destroyed, then his next conquest should be here...\u003c/br\u003e\u003c/br\u003e

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