Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-one, face-to-face teaching opportunities

Chapter 632 248, face-to-face training

After visiting Marshal Soult, Edmond Dantès took the marshal's adjutant Major Mippe alone from the small town of Ales and quietly crossed the border and arrived in Switzerland.

After several days of trekking, the two of them arrived at the beautiful town of Feldkirch.

Naturally he wanted to ask to see his benefactor. However, Edmund ran directly from Ioannina to France, so he had never been here before, so it was naturally impossible for him to know the detailed location of his benefactor.

He already had a solution to this problem. He took the major to visit the villa belonging to Queen Ortense located on the mountainside.

Although it was their first meeting, the queen immediately received him warmly upon hearing his self-registered number and intention, left him in the living room, and asked him to wait patiently.

A few hours later, a tall figure appeared in the living room.

Of course Edmund knew the other person - that was Andre Davout, the captain of His Majesty's personal guard.

"Edmund, long time no see!" As soon as he saw Edmund, Andre greeted him loudly.

"Long time no see, Andre." Edmund responded enthusiastically.

The two have a very good relationship. They were friends in times of need when they were in Greece. They both admire each other's character and character very much. Because of this, Andre was also very enthusiastic and direct when he saw Edmund. Hugged him in welcome.

After the hug, Andre looked at his friend carefully.

"It seems that you are very happy in Paris!" Then he came to the same conclusion as Marshal Soult, "Even your skin has become a lot whiter. Could it be that you took the opportunity to enjoy it?"

"How impossible!" Edmund shook his head in embarrassment, "I always keep His Majesty's mission in mind and will never slack off."

"Okay, friend, why is it like this?" Seeing him being so incapable of joking, Andre couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Even if you are really there having fun, no one will say anything about you, it's not easy. Once you go there, it would be a wasted life if you don’t enjoy it.”

After he finished joking, he returned to seriousness, "By the way, have you brought them?"

"He has been brought here. Her Majesty the Queen has arranged for him to rest in another room." Edmund quickly replied.

"Okay - let's go there together, His Majesty is waiting!" Andre nodded approvingly, looking very pleased that Edmund had completed the task so successfully.

Then, Edmund brought Andre to the major. After a brief greeting and introducing each other's identities, the three people left the queen's villa together.

They boarded a simple carriage, and then the carriage bumped along the gravel road in the countryside, passing through woods and streams, and finally arrived at an inconspicuous farm.

Andre then took them out of the carriage, and then he looked at Major Mipe.

"Mr. Major, His Majesty is here."

Major Mipe instinctively looked at the simple houses around him, then at the dense woods around him, and then sighed, "It's really aggrieved to live in this secluded place." ….

"If you want to achieve great things, how can you do it without a little grievance?" Andre replied with a smile.

Then, he asked the other party, "Your Majesty has something to deal with right now. He will solemnly receive you later. I think you don't mind?"

"It's an honor for me to visit him. He is the master here. I can arrange whatever he wants. I don't mind." Of course, the major knew what he was interested in and immediately agreed.

Andre called a guard, pointed to the major, and said, "Take this distinguished guest to the guest room to rest."

The guard responded and then left with the major.

Then, Andre looked at Edmund who stayed behind.

"Earl, please come with me. His Majesty is waiting for you in the study."

Edmund naturally knew that His Majesty would definitely have to explain to him before meeting the Major, so he was not surprised at all.

He followed Andre obediently, then bypassed the guard post, entered the house, and finally came to the study.

Andre watched him enter the door and stayed outside without coming in, so the monarch and his minister were the only two people in the study at this time.

Just as Andre said, after receiving the news that Edmund and his party had arrived, Aiglon was already waiting here.

In the earl's view, His Majesty's appearance has not changed much compared to the last time the two of them said goodbye. However, perhaps because he has become a father, he seems to have a much more stable temperament and a few more temperaments. Unfathomable majesty.

When he saw Aigron, the man who changed his destiny, Edmund felt a long-lost excitement in his heart. He stood at attention like a soldier, then bowed and saluted Aigron, "Long live your Majesty! I'm here to see you." Yes. Please allow me to extend my belated blessing to you for the birth of His Royal Highness François!"

"Long time no see, Edmund. Thank you for your blessing." Compared to the count's excitement, Aigron seemed much calmer. He smiled and looked at Edmund, whom he had not seen for several months, with interest.

"Well, it seems like you've been enjoying yourself lately - which reassures me."

Uh...why does everyone say that? Is it so obvious? Edmund groaned inwardly.

But on the surface, he could only smile awkwardly, "I'm happy for the continuous progress of your career, Your Majesty."

"This loyalty really touches me." Aigron nodded, "I also thank you for your unremitting efforts in my career. Every step of my progress is inseparable from your efforts, just like today. .”

After finishing the scene, Aigron went directly to the topic, "You have personally visited Prince Talleyrand and Marshal Soult. I received your report before, but it was a little brief after all. Now tell me the specific situation. .”

Edmund was mentally prepared for this problem, so he used his memory to retell almost every detail and every conversation he had when he visited these two "elders" to Agron as a way of understanding. Benefactor's Reference.

Aigron listened quietly without interrupting. It was not until Edmund finished speaking that he sneered. ….

"These two old guys... they set things up for me one by one!"

Of course Aigron was unhappy. Both Talleyrand and Soult deliberately acted indifferent to Edmund and regarded themselves as old-timers. This made the arrogant Aigron unbearable.

However, he also knows that since it is a transaction, there will naturally be a stage of asking for a higher price. These two old guys invariably showed arrogant and rude attitudes in order to show their independence and ask for a higher price from themselves. .

Because he understood this, he could only curse a few words in private and act as if nothing happened.

"These two gentlemen are indeed very arrogant." Because he knew that Aigron was unhappy, Edmund also spoke cautiously, "However, since they are willing to contact you, it proves that they are indeed quite sincere... I think , it will be more beneficial to our cause if you show some tolerance to them."

"Don't worry, I will never be emotional." Aigron made a gesture. "If we complain, we will just talk in private. In front of them, I will only be respectful. They won't be able to show off for long anyway, so why should I talk to them?" They are angry..."

Aigron, Talleyrand and Soult are almost half a century apart in age. The elderly have a natural contempt for young boys, not to mention those of them who have dominated the power stage for decades. Big shot? It's weird if you don't have any arrogance.

But since they are needed, he can only endure it for the time being. How to get along with him in the future is a matter for the future. He can win them over to his side first.

Seeing that Aiglon was relieved, Edmund was relieved.

Then, he took out a few envelopes from his arms and handed them to Aiglon, "This is a personal letter from Prince Talleyrand to you."

Aigron took the envelopes and opened them one by one in front of Edmund.

He had already received Talleyrand's letter from Talleyrand's disciple, the French ambassador to Istanbul, Count Telewin, but at that time it was only the initial contact between the two parties, and Talleyrand only wrote some empty words. It has no informational value.

But this time, Talleyrand's letter contained a lot more practical content than the empty words before.

On the one hand, he asked about the specific details of his diplomatic compromise concept with Britain and his thoughts on diplomacy with other countries.

On the other hand, he was also testing whether his sincerity in rewarding him as prime minister was true - simply put, he wanted to have Aigron's own written guarantee as a "credential" for cooperation.

There were other miscellaneous questions, as well as condescending preaching from the elderly, and even some "warnings" about relying on one's elders. These were not very important, and Aigron just ignored them.

Regarding the two most important core issues, Aigron himself was well-prepared, but he was not ready to write immediately. Anyway, there was still time, allowing him to slowly think about how to reply to the letter, and then asked Edmund to take it back to Talleyrand. The prince looked over.

After reading the letter, Aigron put it away again and threw it on the desk. Then he looked at Edmund again, "Edmund, you did a good job. I must say that you really worked hard to complete my work." The task assigned to you.”….

Although Aigron's tone was very plain, Edmund felt sweet after hearing it. After all, his efforts were recognized by his benefactor.

At this moment, Aigron changed the topic again, "However, we have to work harder next - your task will be even more difficult than before."

Edmund immediately became serious and listened respectfully to His Majesty's instructions.

"Since these two old foxes are ready to make a move at this time, it naturally means that they have come to the conclusion after watching the situation - the rule of the Bourbon family will not last long. This is of course great news for us, but there are still The bad news is that someone is also spying on what I want. Not only do I want to overthrow Bourbon, I also have to guard against Orleans—" Aigron looked at his favorite, and then continued seriously, " The Wang family is worthy of being feared, but they are even more worthy of being feared! They are also deliberately trying to seize the throne, and their pace is too long ahead of mine, so sooner or later I have to have a showdown with them... Only in this way can I decide who owns the royal power."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I think so too." Edmund nodded with deep understanding, "I can feel that they are also moving around, and they have already attracted many people."

"Fortunately, their reputation is too bad, and no one likes them, so what they have now attracted are just some small people - the decisive weight is still outside the balance!" It seems to be comforting the other party, and also seems to be comforting. Aigron cheered up, "As long as these two old guys are on my side, the three of us can fight 300!"

Having said this, Aigron's frown relaxed.

He is now a gambler, and precisely because he is a gambler, he calmly evaluates his chips and analyzes the situation on the field at this time.

He knows what his biggest enemy is now - the time difference of "absence".

Throughout the ages, the most important thing for any political changes or even coups is time. Whoever controls the palace or the capital first will control the center of the country, and then have the huge potential mobilization power of the state machine - especially in a city like Paris in France. This is even more true in a dominant system.

Looking at the original historical line, every time there was a revolution in Paris in the 19th century, dynasties would change at every turn.

Although Aiglon has his own supporters and agents, he is still alone. Once chaos occurs, Paris will almost certainly fall into the hands of his opponents quickly, and at that time he will have to face the influence of the state machinery. Go against your own reality.

This is a huge disadvantage, but it is not hopeless.

He can and must use a two-pronged approach to resolve this adverse situation.

On the one hand, he won over the highly prestigious Marshal Soult and others and asked them to stand up for him. As long as the bureaucratic machine and the army choose to hesitate and "neutral" in confusion, then Aigron will not have to face a life crisis. He could get into France and get a chance to race again.

On the other hand, he will repeatedly emphasize the "people's rights" card he has played, emphasizing that the people will determine the country's future, effectively dividing political opponents into a small group of elements in Paris, and winning the support of people in Paris and everywhere - The Bonaparte family is willing to give generously to universal suffrage, to give property, to give all good slogans, in any case, it can now write a bad check.

After a two-pronged approach, as long as his political opponents cannot mobilize the state machinery to oppose him, then all his previous disadvantages will be wiped out, and then he can compete with his opponents on an equal footing in France - and he believes , under the same conditions, he has the ability to deal with his opponents.

He has already thought about the whole idea and is implementing it in an orderly manner. He believes that it will eventually become a reality.

Aigron and Edmund discussed for a while, and after a long time, they ended the topic.

At this time, Edmund finally found some slack.

"Your Majesty, I have something else I want to report to you." He was slightly embarrassed and nervous, but he still mustered up the courage, "It's about my own personal matters."

"Please tell me." Aigron was a little confused, but still nodded.

(End of this chapter).


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