Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 205: Old castle attacked

"Stand up" the voice of the man was peaceful, but with unquestionable threats.

Helpless, Hao Zhi threw the ak aside in his hand, slowly turned his back to him, and stood up with his hands raised.

"What a big man," the man murmured, kicked Hao Zhi's leg, kicked him to his knees again, and threw him over with two sets of handcuffs. "

Hao Zhi beat a drum in his heart, calculating how he could escape, while handcuffing Xingdust and Wang Yanke with his handcuffs, while turning his eyes around and looking around, the two mercenary-like men on the opposite side had already smiled calmly and walked away. He came over, took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, and looked at Hao Zhi and the others who had been arrested triumphantly.

"Oh, I said, brother, we are also from Earth." Hao Zhi wanted to explain to the other party, but he severely chiseled his head with the **** of the rifle, so painful that he didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Hemp, now I know that you pretend to be earthlings. Wasn’t it very cheating when you invaded the earth aggressively? Then pretend to see me." One of the guys lifted his heavy military boots and kicked Hao Zhi fiercely. "Grass Muddy, I was killed when I didn’t even see your shadows in a squadron at the time, forcing me to pretend to be dead and escaped. "

Hao Zhi hugged his head to avoid the attacks that rained down, and he cursed his mother. What a mess was that he didn't unite with them at the beginning. He fought his life to defend the earth, but in the end he became innocent. The opposing side of the masses is unjustified by these unjustified injustices.

"Come on, hit it twice and get out of your anger. If it's really broken, it won't be worth the money." The white-faced soldier on the side went up to hold him, and the guy angrily kicked Hao Zhi on the waist again. Stand aside bitterly. "Ωωω.qiiLα Dedication"

The guy who followed also pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his body and threw it to Hao Zhi: "If you understand people, handcuff yourself to avoid trouble for our brothers."

Hao Zhi nodded, straightened up slowly, bent over and lowered his head, taking care of the handcuffs in his hands little by little, but his eyes were secretly peeking to the sides. There was the broad grass in front of him, uncovered. No block, it is estimated that he can be killed by a single shot in two steps, but behind him is the open door of the castle, which is dark and gloomy.

Suddenly, when the three people relaxed their vigilance, Hao Zhi suddenly jumped up and carried the soldiers next to him on his shoulders. Then, in a moment, the other two had stumbled and rushed into the castle gate not far away. At that moment, the sound of gunfire sounded. Hao Zhi heard the bullet swish past his ears, and slammed forward. He had gotten into the shadow in the porch, and then rolled to the side. The gunfire was also abrupt. end

"Huhu" Hao Zhi was panting worriedly, pressing one hand on his beating heart, and listening vigilantly to the movement outside the door, will the other party chase him?

After waiting for a while, they didn’t hear any major actions. The three seemed to be discussing something at the door. They were far apart, and their voices were faint. It seemed that one person insisted on coming in to catch him, while the other shouted angrily. , I'm crazy I won't go

After a while, it seemed that a few left with Ke Ke and Stardust. Hao Zhi was initially worried about Ke Ke, but then he remembered that Kuiba said that those hunters who caught the blood moon were also sold to Lu Fang, and he was here. The main purpose of the trip is to find Lu Fang. The direction and goal are the same, but there is no need to rush to save them first. The guy kicks himself a few more feet and the other person is not happy, and it is estimated that Koko will not be embarrassed for the time being.

Follow it first, let's talk about the opportunity

As soon as he relaxed, Hao Zhi felt the pain. After a touch of his hand, he realized that a bullet had made a big hole in his left waist eye, ripped off a piece of flesh, and bleeding gurglingly.

"It's hell, these people are really playing." Hao Zhi cursed, staggering to the window sill of the hall, holding his wound, and using the light from the window, he found a wine cabinet with many unnamed foreign wines.

He tore off a long blue velvet curtain with his teeth, then bit open a bottle of wine, and poured it on the wound. The high-purity spirits disinfected well, but the pain was so painful that he did not pass out. , Then shivered and pinched the wound with his hands, tied the curtains on it again, tightened, pressed one hand, and slowly squatted down against the wall

The light outside the window shone diagonally into the dark hall, casting a round spot on the ground. Inside the castle, it was extremely cold. In the dead silence, only Hao Zhi's heavy breathing was heard. He looked left and right helplessly. I went to a European-style wooden chest of drawers, and my ugly face was reflected on the glass door

"Hemp, what did I do in my previous life? How could I be so unlucky in this life?" Hao Zhi beat his head helplessly, "I knew I didn't want to save the world and let your ungrateful grandsons die. It's good"

The lobby on the first floor of this ancient castle is very luxuriously decorated, with a five-meter-wide Persian handmade carpet in the middle, a piano in the corner, a fireplace in the northwest corner, and a set not far from Hao Zhi. The three-for-two European-style sofa, it can be seen that this place must be the home of a certain nobleman in the Middle Ages, and the decorations are classic and elegant everywhere.

In the middle of the hall is the staircase going to the second floor. It faces upwards, curved in an arc, and extends up like a musical note. On the walls, there are many portrait oil paintings of people hanging.

Hao Zhi squinted his eyes and looked at the gray everything in front of him, like an attic on a rainy day. He couldn't see anything except the huge shadow. He didn't bother to look for the power switch. He simply walked over and sat down heavily. on the sofa

"Strange, but just inside and outside this door, why wouldn't that guy refuse to chase in?" Hao Zhi thought about and fell asleep deeply.


A thought crashed into his head. Hao Zhi was frightened in a cold sweat, and sat up from the sofa like a nervous reflex. Yes, those zombies don’t go out during the day and are afraid of light, so they hide in the house.

This is also the main reason why all the private houses and farms along this road, although optimistic on the surface, are vacant.

Hao Zhi tried his best to stare at everything in the dark around him. It was already afternoon outside, and the light coming in through the window had obviously dimmed.

Guru Guru

"Who" Hao Zhi bounced off the sofa like an electric shock, looked nervously left and right, it was so dim, everything in the room was only an outline, the shadow was covered in front of his eyes like the palm of death, the voice was so clear The earth appeared in my ears, but for a moment it seemed so far away, like hiding in a corner of this room, staring at myself maliciously

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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