Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 206: Zombie World

Hao Zhi fumbled and got up from the sofa, feeling the wound on his waist aching fiercely. The blood had bleed through the curtains, and a large area of ​​the sofa was wetted. The air was filled with the characteristic fishy and salty smell of blood. "Ωωω.qiiLα is more and more complete"

"Taste" Hao Zhi instinctively thought that that kind of smell is particularly sensitive to zombies, like a drop of blood dripping in the ocean, which will be quickly caught by a shark. He suddenly picked up the wine bottle on the table, hummingly. Pour on him, the cold western wine flowed into his clothes along the collar, and the ice made him shiver immediately. He took a breath, and the strong smell of alcohol quickly dissipated, covering the heat and heat on his body. The smell of blood.

He tried to keep his steps light as possible, slowly stepping away from the sofa, away from the blood stain he had left, and then slowly leaning against the wall and moving towards the open door of the castle.

It's near. When it's near, I'm about to walk to the doorway that shows the light outside. Hao Zhi was filled with joy. He was about to rush out, but suddenly there was a creak, and the two opposite doors suddenly closed.

It's as if there were two hands invisible, and they closed it before Hao Zhi acted.

Before Hao Zhi could figure out what was going on, from the closed door, a black shadow suddenly appeared, pressing against the ground, the size of a small pet dog. I passed my eyes and disappeared behind the piano

"What is it?" Hao Zhi committed his own fault again and became curious for no reason.

"You don't want to know" Suddenly, in the dark corner, a cold voice sounded.

"Who" Hao Zhi raised his eyes and searched the room vigilantly. From the shadow in the direction of the sound source, a dark shadow slowly appeared.

The man walked out with his back to Hao Zhi and walked into a gray light. He held a glass of red wine in his left hand, and his right hand was elegantly inserted in his pocket. He was tall and thin like a clothes rack, even though he was separated The dress also seems to be able to see the outline of the bones clearly.

His hair was black and straight, draped long on his shoulders, and slowly backed up, approached Hao Zhi, walked a few steps, stopped again, and kept a dozen steps away from him. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

And in the shadows around him, a dozen pairs of eyes appeared faintly, just hanging in the air, staring at him against the dark background.

"Don't worry too much. The people here won't hurt you, at least when they are not hungry." The person's voice was gentle and soft, which made Hao Zhi's heart relieved a lot, at least he said, here "People" don't hurt themselves.

However, Hao Zhi always felt that there was something wrong, but couldn't figure out what was wrong for a while. How did the man walk backwards?

fall back

Hao Zhi felt his scalp explode for a moment, and I squirmed, that man’s body was coming towards him, but his head was facing back.

A neck twisted 180 degrees

That only the dead can do it

Hao Zhi felt that his calf twitched unwillingly. He guessed it was right. The man had walked to the sofa in an extremely slow and graceful posture. After sitting down, he slowly leaned back. , His head seemed to be lying on the sofa and looking behind the sofa, and his long black hair was softly tilted to one side.

"Sit down." The man politely pointed to the sofa next to Hao Zhi. There was still a blood stain on it. "You can be afraid, but don't worry."

"You, who are you?" Hao Zhi's voice was a little trembling.

"Before, I was a normal person just like you. It's just a pity that everything has changed in Doomsday." He sighed, went around his head, put the wine glass on the back of his head, took a sip, and snorted. Strange laughter.

Hao Zhi hesitated and looked around. It seemed that it was impossible to escape. Since there was no danger for the time being, he simply listened to what the other party said. It seemed that there was something else in his words.

"You are zombies"

"If you want to say that, it can be regarded as a living dead person." The man smiled helplessly, unable to see the expression, only the tone of voice.

"your head"

"Oh, I committed suicide, like everyone here." He pointed his finger around the surroundings, and the figures hidden in the dark became active, and some people snarled angrily.

"At that time, in order to defeat the Blood Moon People, you released that strange potion around the world and resurrected all the corpses. Those living corpses gnawed most of the Blood Moon invaders. The war was completely won, but General Xu Zhe did not expect it. So, myoactivin not only acts on individuals, but also acts on certain viruses carried by certain cancer patients. This virus has infected a large number of normal people like me under the strengthening effect of the drug. We are using genetic drugs. Under the control of, he became bloodthirsty and became a demon, but he also had the kind of moral sense when he was a normal person, unable to accept his abnormal behavior of sucking blood, so many people chose to commit suicide in various ways."

"But I just want to **** blood and eat raw meat. If you control yourself not to eat it, why do you commit suicide" Hao Zhi muttered strangely.

"Have you seen a drug addict" the man asked.


Under the influence of physical addiction, drug addicts can kill their relatives, sell their children, and even self-injure themselves. Do you think their behavior can be controlled by themselves?


It's just a physical addiction, and this kind of thing hidden deep in genes is a biological instinct, which is a thousand times more powerful than drugs. Anyone, even an ignorant child or a pure girl When you see blood, even if it is a piece of rotten flesh in the garbage dump, you will eagerly rush to eat it. When the blood demand is met, you may understand the deep in your soul's incomprehension of your behavior at that time. And disgust

"I understand" Hao Zhi retched, expressing sadness.

Therefore, people with a basic moral bottom line, after consuming blood and corpses, will always live in spiritual self-torture all day long, cursing themselves constantly. They are monsters, beasts, and beasts inferior to pigs and dogs. At that time, suicide was the only option

"Just like many people who can't stand drugs choose to end their lives," Hao Zhi asked.

Yes, it’s a pity. If it’s that simple, it would be fine. When the **** Xu Zhe spread the potion, in order to ensure the guns and weapons against the blood moon people, he also mixed the potion with the ability girl’s self-repair. Ability do you know what it means

Hao Zhi touched the other party's words, and suddenly his eyes stared: "You mean you can't even commit suicide."

The man gave a wry smile, UU reading www.uukanshu. com let out a long lament

"Yeah, death, what a luxurious dream. Some of us take poison, some jump off the building, and some of us blast their heads with guns, but in the end they will all recover and grow back again, and the body that grows back is not As before, they can break through the mirror and reunite without leaving a trace. Many people’s reproductive bodies are already distorted like ghosts."

On the side, the creature that had just ran over from the carpet came out from behind the piano with a probe. Hao Zhi only glanced at it and almost vomited out.

That is a human head

A rotten half of the human head, although only half left by the shotgun, is still alive, and it can be clearly seen that the missing half is still trying to repair itself, and the brain fiber tissue in the wound is like a pile of squirming white. The maggots are crowded together, and under his neck, complex limbs have grown. Although it is still far away from reverting to a body, it has grown a few "feet" like tentacles, which makes it look like It's like a lone human head with a bunch of spider legs, staring around with a terrifying eye.

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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