Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 223: Night 1

Everyone didn’t bring a cell phone, and didn’t know what time it was now. Except for the silver-white beach, the surrounding area was dark. The sea not far in the depth had blended with the sky. The sky full of stars was lit up, and the huge Milky Way stretched across it. Everything is magnificent in the sky, but a few people are not in the mood to enjoy the night view. After all, they are not here for a holiday. They have no food and no accommodation. In the distant jungle, there are nightbirds making terrible squawks, making people scream on their backs. Chills, creepy

"Let's go, let's go, finish the task early" Jia Jia stroked his sleeves, ready to go.

"No, let's talk about it after the first night" Ke Ke blocked, "Lu Fang put this collar around our neck not only for restraint, but also to monitor us. Moreover, this countdown must be purposeful. Under this kind of timing environment, psychological anxiety will gradually arise, and thus we will make uncool judgments. This is also a very strong interference for us. What we have to do now is not to start, but to rest in such a dark night. Are you sure Is it a good idea to walk into that dark forest?"

Little by little curiously looked at the collar in her hand. Only she hadn't put it on. Lu Fang's voice urged again: "If you don't wear the last five numbers, the others will be dead."

He whispered a little bit, urging a ghost, and then put the collar on with a click. On the collars of several people, a small electronic screen lit up a series of numbers at the same time: 48:59:59 seconds, the countdown officially started

"It's over, I'm locked up now, and I'm in a dilemma." Jia Jia simply sat down on the spot cross-legged, digging and washing the sand with his toes.

"Why stay overnight? I don't even have a place to sleep." Little did not worry about this, she looked around and complained angrily.

"Only on the beach first, it will be very cold in the second half of the night. We have to light a fire to get through." Ke Ke walked west along the beach and saw a natural scene between the two large rocks. The ramp formed can be climbed up, and he said to Jia Jia, "Did you see there is a pine tree over there? Pine branches and pine oil are very flammable. You can pick up some pine branches to make a fire."

"No problem, leave it to me." Jia Jia took off the big red sports shirt and tied it around her waist. She only wore a white T-shirt, which looked flexible and capable. She moved her hands and feet to prepare to climb up. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

"Bring a little bit," Ke Ke said.

"Why do you take her?" Jia Jia pouted, "I'll be back when I go, it's nothing."

"I'm afraid of the dark" and even expressed a little protest, "I don't want to go there"

"It's so late, who knows what's over there. The hearing judgment of the sound is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people. It can help you alert."

So the two packed up and climbed up the **** to find the pine branches, leaving Keke and Hao Zhilele behind, boringly drawing circles on the beach with their feet.

"Actually, it's good too." Lele smiled suddenly, making everyone inexplicable.

"It's all so miserable. You can still laugh. You really have you. What's so great about this?" Hao Zhi stretched out dissatisfiedly, "I don't know if I can get out of here alive in two days."

"Well, you also know that my family is actually not a wealthy family. My parents, oh, maybe we should be the adoptive parents. After all, we are not their biological parents, right? They are all honest and diligent farmers. I am the family. The boss and two younger sisters, I understand their pressure. Since the fourth grade of elementary school, I have an ideal. I want to see the sea, but they don’t have the money to take me out to travel. Therefore, it’s the first time for me today. It’s really magnificent and beautiful to see such a wide sea."

"If these things hadn't happened, maybe we would still be lying on the table at home at this time and writing the unfinished homework" Hao Zhi also laughed.

"Yes, there is such a beautiful starry sky. At night in Beijing, you can't see the stars at all. Only here can you see so many stars. This is the real starry sky." Ke Ke also looked up and exclaimed.

"So I said, this is fine. I hope that one day I can travel all over the world and see so many beautiful scenery that others can't see. What a wonderful thing that should be." Lele folded his hands together, like Saying like a wish.

"You are really a warm person" Ke Ke stretched out his hand and patted Lele's shoulder, "I can't imagine that you can make us feel so warm in this kind of desperate situation, Lele, you are really extraordinary."

"Ha, stop talking about this, Hao Zhi, what's your ideal?"

"Let's not talk about it." Hao Zhi rubbed the sand in his heart and watched them slip off little by little, like his own unstoppable ideal, which is simply unrealistic.

"Talk about it, Lele said it anyway"

"I just thought that if I have a home, I will be scolded by my mother even if I go home late. I will be beaten by my dad if I fail to take the exam. I hope someone will remind me if I don’t take a bath for a few days. If my clothes are dirty, I can throw them on the floor. Before I go to bed, there is a person who can listen to me saying good night, mother she can kiss my face." Hao Zhi suddenly remembered the dream of marrying Ke Ke, although he never told her, but he has been working for this dream. Working hard, he wiped the corners of his eyes and forced to pretend to be indifferent, "In fact, they are all very ridiculous ideas. We are all orphans, but I was sent to the orphanage by accident."

Both Keke and Lele were silent. On the one hand, for Hao Zhi’s bitter ideals, on the other hand, they suddenly thought of their mother and their foster home. All the happiness they had was an illusion. That's it, uncovering the truth of life experience turned out to be just a by-product of a scientific experiment, which is somewhat unacceptable to everyone.

"Coco, you, you have read so many books, have such a clever mind, you must have a great ideal, do you want to be a scientist?" Hao Zhi turned to ask Coco.

"Haha, no, I'm ashamed. The purpose of my study is not to be a scientist. Moreover, the world is like this. What can I do to be a scientist?" Keke smiled, "However, after experiencing this , I am really interested in one thing"

"What's the matter?" Lele asked.

"Remember Sequoia Wise Man, the virtual old man named Eke, he said that there is an ultimate truth in the universe" Ke Ke scratched his nose, "Is it unrealistic how many advanced civilizations have not been explored for hundreds of thousands of years? I’m very curious about the secret to what it will be.”

"Ha, this is nothing wrong" Hao Zhi laughed, "Wait when I get my body back, I will take you to the end of the universe to take a look."

"Maybe he really can" Lele also smiled.

"Of course, not only that, when the time comes, I will find a planet full of gold, take more points back, and distribute them to all of you. Everyone will be rich. When the time comes, what you want to eat and what to eat" Hao Zhi Seriously.

"You said't regret it" Lele stretched out her little finger, and Ke Ke also seriously followed her. Mouse pulled the hook with the two of them.

"They weren't short of money" Kokohaha smiled and answered.

"Who is not short of money?" A voice came from a distance, and the three people quickly turned their heads and jumped in shock. Dian Dian was leaping over from the ramp, and behind, followed by a huge shadow, like It was a monster who followed her closely, and took a closer look, my God, it was Jia Jia, she was picking up some pine branches, she was carrying a pine tree back.

The pine tree that was more than ten meters long was kicked off by her foot, and then came back after being dragged. This lazy guy

"Are you planning to celebrate Christmas?" Lele circled the big pine tree twice, "This is going to burn, I guess you can see the fire on the other side of the Pacific."

That’s not a problem. The most important thing is that we can’t raise fire with our mouths. Hao Zhi touched her body. He didn’t even have a lighter.

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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