Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 224: Last happiness

"I've learned it in elementary school textbooks, drill wood to make fire," Ke Ke said to Jia Jia, "first break some branches to build a bonfire, and then divide the trunk into sections to serve as the main firewood."

"Okay" Jia Jia agreed, and started to break the long pine branches. Everyone helped build a large firewood pile. The main part of the tree was left. Jia Jia Sheng was bare-handed and broke the thin wood of the barrel into it. With the firewood sticks, Lele carefully scraped the pine oil from the bark, then gathered it together and wiped it on half of the trunk.

Ke Ke found a pine branch with a thick wrist, and then directed Jia Jia to cut out a long fusiform groove on the cut surface of the half of the trunk, pour the pine oil into it, and said to her, start grinding, the sooner the better Okay, it’s getting hot, the heat has gathered to a certain point, and the fire will rise.

"Look at me" Jiajia's strength is just when there is nowhere to do it. At this moment, her well-performing character burst out again, holding the pine branch with both hands, like holding a big pencil, before and after. Then quickly write a word in the tree slot.

Several people watched innocently as Song Xiaojia’s movements were getting faster and faster, so fast that he could almost see the residual phases. It seemed as if countless hands were rubbing the tree trunk back and forth like electricity. In less than a minute, thick black smoke began to come out

"Stop" Ke Ke gave an order, then carefully leaned over, pouted, and blew carefully twice, a flame lit up, she carefully blocked it with her hand, and pointed to Jia Jia: "Do you still wear the clothes?"

Jia Jia immediately understood, and hurriedly took off the sportswear tied around his waist, pulled out long strips of flannel, and surrounded the fire. The clothes soaked in pine oil burned, and the fire became bigger and bigger. He lifted it up and threw it into the firewood pile. It wasn't too big, but a fire that soared to the sky lit up, illuminating everyone's excited faces.

"Oh" there was a burst of cheers, and several people jumped up, holding hands in excitement.

So everyone sat down around the side of the fire, and Jia Jia suddenly remembered what I just asked, that one of you already has money.

"We didn't talk about money, we talked about ideals," Hao Zhi replied. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

"I want to say I want to say, I have a lot of ideals, I want to be the world's number one model, and I want to marry a super handsome Prince Charming, I want" Little Dian opened the chatterbox again, everyone said that they were speechless. They all smiled and watched their nerves get nervous.

"Don't you have any reliable ideals, such as not eating all the good things in the world" Lele asked her with a smile.

"This" nodded and thought for a while, "Yes, when I change this broken voice and return to my super good voice, I will be a singer and then tour the world."

"You are touring all over the world, who would dare to listen to you howling, you must vomit blood, haha, what about you Jiajia" Hao Zhi turned around and asked her.

Jia Jia flattened his mouth: "I don't have any ideals."

"You are not honest" Lele laughed, "You told me when we first met, you want to be the boss of the world and the goddess of everyone, right?"

"I mean everyone should listen to me and worship me. When will they say they are going to be a goddess" Jia Jia was broken by Lele, and she fought back embarrassedly.

"Then you have achieved it, I heard people say that all members of the Dawn Organization now treat you as a god," Hao Zhi carefully looked at Jia Jia's face, "You really have the potential to be a goddess."

"Really" Song Xiaojia was a little embarrassed to be praised, but pouted a little bit jealously.

"Of course it is. Look at it. Except for a little bit rude, a little bit barbaric, a little bit of a female man, and a little more than seventy to eighty operations, you are also a very gentle girl."

"Give me the shit." Song Xiaojia was about to hit Hao Zhi, scared him to shrink his neck, and slammed backwards, sitting on a hard object, making his **** hurt, and shouting.

"What?" Hao Zhi rubbed his **** and looked back. It was the two big boxes left by Xu Zhe.

"I almost forgot about this stuff, let's see what good things General Xu brought us" Hao Zhi called, and everyone hurriedly gathered around.

Jiajia is still very strong. She lifted the box easily. The box was huge. It was made of military supplies, metal texture, and camouflage color. She spread the box on the ground and suddenly lifted the lid.

"God" nodded and called out.

It turned out to be a box full of snacks and some camouflage uniforms of just the right size. They seemed to be tailor-made for a few of them. Then go down and open the heap of snacks. Hidden in the bottom of the box, there are a few people’s babies. It's been a long time since the steel swords have been seen. Since the end of the war, they have stayed in the base. Xu Zhe guessed that a few people would leave after taking their bodies back, so they were reserved for walking in the rivers and lakes for self-defense.

"It seems that Old Xu is really thoughtful," Ke Ke said to Hao Zhi with a sigh.

"No matter what, you have strength only when you're full." Song Xiaojia gave full play to the true qualities of a female man, grabbed a bag of potato chips, tore it open and grabbed it in his mouth, and then grabbed a drink.

"You have eaten too much, Jia Jia, how can you eat us like this for two days" bit by bit complained to beat Jia Jia's hand, not letting her **** the things in the territory that she had drawn out.

"As long as I do the most work, so I should also eat the largest portion." Jia Jia stuffed a mouthful of food, spouted the residue of potato chips vaguely, and argued a little bit.

"Then you have to save some, you eat like this, and it won't be there before dawn" A little bit painfully hugged his own things, but there was no time to free his hands to eat.

"If I don't eat it, I'll starve to death before dawn" Jia Jia smiled triumphantly, and tore open a bag of biscuits and chewed.

"Let her eat, the energy consumed by Jiajia is much greater than that of the few of us, so the appetite will be very amazing. If she does not eat enough food, she will not be able to store enough energy in the muscles, and there is no way to use it. Such a terrifying power, after all, she is the most secure person among us. We will have to rely on her power to reach the laboratory in the next two days. Turn off the detonation switch.” Ke Ke took the snack in front of her Also pushed in front of Jia Jia.

Lele also handed her own food to Jia Jia, smiling while watching her eat.

"By the way, is your body okay, has the toxins in the blood been cleared?" Koko realized that Lele had already returned to normal, and asked quickly.

"Not yet, my body has no problem fighting general damage, but it becomes very difficult for the ability of the same ability ~ The toxin of rattletail is very regenerative, and it has been fighting against my blood. In order to prevent it from spreading, my blood is now all solidified. I rely on my skin to breathe. I hope I can find a spare body smoothly this time, so I don’t have to suffer this sin again."

"Unexpectedly, a gentle girl like you is also a monster." Kokohaha smiled and admired, everyone also laughed, a relaxed and happy atmosphere filled with the warmth of a bonfire, since the blood moon era, Everyone is exhausted, busy surviving and fighting. It seems that it has not been a long time to get together, playing so comfortably, and after all, they are just a bunch of ten-year-old children in their adolescence.

Talking and laughing, everyone quickly ate, and after a day of tossing, they all felt sleepy. Wang Yanke asked everyone to sleep first and watched by himself: "Everyone has been tortured for a day, hurry up and regain our strength. We are about to set off. We don’t know what unknown things are greeted by this strange island. Everyone must make all preparations. I will stand guard and wait for the shift to rest."

Watching everyone fall asleep deeply, Ke Ke hugged her knees and started to be in a daze by herself. Two days, two days in the future, what else will happen?

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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