Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 251: Jungle ghost

The jungle surrounding the surroundings is dense and towering. At night, countless vines become active, greedily adsorbing the tropical humid ocean monsoon. As soon as the monsoon grows wildly, the sound of small animals running across the forest is rustling. Occasionally there will be the sad and distant wailing of birds on the mountain.

It’s extremely hot and humid here. At around ten o’clock in the evening, a light mist like a veil will gradually rise from between the woods. The milky white mist drifts away in a trance and flows on the ground, causing the air to be mixed in an instant. There is some slight moisture in it, I don't know if it is an illusion or reality, and the mist seems to have a faint fragrance, a hint of sweetness

The girls stretched their necks hard and looked hard in Hao Zhizhi's direction. After looking for a long time, they didn't find anything wrong.

"You look dazzling, but it's just some fog." Song Xiaojia curled his lips and looked at Hao Zhi, "I think you think that a woman can be regarded as a woman if she wants to be crazy, or a woman in a red dress, why don't she regard it as a yellow robe? So old-fashioned haha"

"Where is it?" Hao Zhi was robbed of white by her, his face flushed with shame, he also began to wonder if he had misread it in a flash, "maybe the shape of the fog just looks like a woman."

"Then you have just eaten, if you are hungry, the shape of the fog might be like a potato" Song Xiaojia laughed and continued to tease him.

Everyone laughed, and Hao Zhi was even more embarrassed. He simply turned his head and sat ignoring Song Xiaojia. Song Xiaojia took out the big piece of jackal from his schoolbag and washed it with water and put it on the wooden stick. It's cooked. On such a hot day, the raw meat is too easy to rot, and it can last for one and a half days after it is cooked.

After being silent for a while, Song Xiaojia began to hum and sing: "Little boy, sit on the door, crying for a wife."

"You have enough Jiajia" Hao Zhi turned around flushed with anger, shouted at her, Lelehe fell to the ground with a little laugh, and Wang Yanke hurriedly pulled him to persuade him.

"Hey, haven't you talked to the savior like this" Song Xiaojia beat him haha.

"Well, do you believe it or not, I don't care" Hao Zhi stood up angrily and walked towards the woods angrily. "Ωωω.qiiLα Dedication"

"Why are you going? It's dangerous over there"

"You need to take care of the pee." Hao Zhi picked up a piece of wood from the bonfire, held the torch into the grass, and hid it behind the tree.

"Did he just urinate just now? Boy, frequent urination is not good" Song Xiaojia tore off a piece of jackal nonchalantly, and ate it deliciously.

"He's angry, it's okay, I'll coax him, you, don't always bully others, Hao Zhi has a strong self-esteem" Wang Yanke showed goddess-like thoughtfulness and gentleness, patted his clothes and stood up and chased after him. .

Hao Zhisan turned twice and turned to the woods a little further away from the bonfire, but he did not dare to go deeper, for fear that he would encounter giant blind jackals again. That thing is the master of dinner at night, and he has a hundred catties of meat on his own. It's not enough to stuff your teeth.

If he is usually joking, he would not be so angry, but in front of Wang Yanke, it made him particularly embarrassed.

"It would be nice if the girls in the world were like Wang Yanke" Hao Zhi thought in a daze. "They are gentle, considerate, and smart, and they are beautiful. Although they have changed the ghost appearance of the blood moon people, they are better than that. Wicked lady strong"

I was thinking, suddenly smelled a peculiar fragrance, so familiar, he remembered that the day when he first met her, he took her by the hand and ran all the way out of the school. At that time, there was a king left in his hand. Yan Ke’s smell seems to be this scent too, someone told him that it’s a girl’s body scent

"Are you still angry" Sure enough, a gentle voice floated from behind the tree, lingering, seeming to be true.

Hao Zhi hurriedly raised the torch to illuminate the pitch-black forest grass. With the orange-red light jumping, Wang Yanke smiled sweetly and walked from behind the tree, leaning on the trunk with his hands back, and tilting his head to face. Hao Zhi blinked

No, not the current Wang Yanke, but the first Wang Yanke in memory

"I have a breast-loving ancestor, so beautiful" Hao Zhi could see for a moment. In the red flame, Wang Yanke's tender face was flushed, and he felt his heart melted when he saw it.

By the way, Wang Yanke can affect the brain waves of others, and let others see what she wants the other person to see. It must be this private meeting. She used her ability to comfort herself. It must be Hao Zhi foolishly. Thinking a little in a daze.

"Actually, don't be angry with Jia Jia. She is that kind of person. She doesn't stop her talking to anyone, especially if she gets soaked up among boys, she's used to it."

"Well, I know, how can a manly man know her in general" Hao Zhi smiled indifferently.

"Are you afraid that I will be angry?" Wang Yanke was silent for a while, and suddenly asked.

Hao Zhi was taken aback and didn't know how to answer this ambiguous question: "It might be a little bit."

"You like me" Wang Yanke flicked the long hair on her shoulders, and the straight strands of black, waterfall-like hair slipped from between her fingers, and a fascinating fragrance puffed her nose.

Hao Zhi swallowed, feeling his throat dry, and an inexplicable sense of ambiguity gradually rose in the conversation between the two. His intuition told him: Wang Yanke does not hate himself.

After all, he is the only boy on this island where birds don’t lay eggs.

"Tonight, it's hot" Wang Yanke looked at the outside of the forest, wondering if he was talking to himself, making Hao Zhi stupid.

After a long pause, he took the courage to say: "It's just a little hot"

"Help me take off the cover," Wang Yanke bit her lip and said to Hao Zhi affectionately.

"Ah, that's good." Hao Zhi's brain was completely blank. He stuck the torch on a branch next to him, and his hand outstretched shaking with excitement, and slowly fumbled to Wang Yanke's collar. "With a sound, the first button snapped away playfully

"There's more." Wang Yanke did not look up, her face flushed with the flames, and she was shy and lovely.

"Yeah, I know" Hao Zhi didn't dare to speak any more, for fear that the loud voice would frighten the other party, so he quietly stretched out his hand and looked for the second button.

The second button is on the top of the collarbone. After gently unfastening it, Wang Yanke's white neck is exposed, soft and slender, blue blood vessels concealed under the white skin, and a small chest cavity is sunken in the middle of the collarbone. There were thin shoulders on both sides, and the smooth skin reflected the dazzling light, which made Hao Zhi's eyes dazed.

He couldn't hold back anymore, and eagerly reached out to unfasten the third button. The button was slightly bulged out, just above the chest, and the upper half of the whole outer cover was stripped to the back. Only the inside of Wang Yanke Wearing a beige sling, his slender figure stands upright with a small, full youth, hidden under the soft shirt, extremely tender.

She was shy and timid in Hao Zhi's gaze, with her little tiger teeth biting one side of her lips, and an angry expression that beat Hao Zhi's chest with an annoyed expression: "Hate, why are you in a hurry? It hurts others."

I haven’t finished Hao Zhi has embraced her in his arms and hugged her tightly. After all, he has no experience and doesn’t know where to start. He just hugs her tightly. , Feeling Wang Yanke’s smooth forehead sliding against her chest, she also began to lose control of herself, raised her head, her wet lips pressed against her, and she kissed Hao Zhi’s neck indignantly and gently touched it. Coming and touching, a little bit of kisses were printed on the skin coolly, the kisses made Hao Zhi scorching hot and breathing heavy

"Hao Zhi, what are you doing?"

What Hao Zhi was instantly awakened by a scream behind him, he was startled, he was finished, he was seen by Jia Jia, so he quickly looked back, it didn’t matter, he almost frightened his soul out

Just five steps away from him, stood another Wang Yanke

That is the real Wang Yanke, that Wang Yanke who has become a blood moon man

Then, who is this in my arms

...(Earth Destruction Plan../34/34735/)--(Earth Destruction Plan

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