Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 252: Jade Faced Flying Ape

Hao Zhi was drooling dumbly, his eyes turned back blindly, but Wang Yanke who was standing in front of him was scared to wake up in an instant.

Isn't she the one who has been flirting with me just now?

Just a second ago, she was still in her arms, like a shy kitten, how could she ran behind her in an instant. If the real Wang Yanke was standing behind her, then she was in her arms.

His consciousness instantly regained his senses, and the misty white mist around him gradually dispersed. Slowly, he felt that the "Wang Yanke" in his arms had started to grow hair.

It's all mixed, like a fluffy toy, and like wild weeds

Hallucination monster

His half-slow brain finally realized the danger. The mouth that had been groping around his neck just now, with wet red lips, Hao Zhi dodged back like an electric shock, and the big mouth that was already grinning snapped a bit. After a moment of emptiness, what dangled in front of me was two white lights, those were two sharp fangs.

Hao Zhi sat down with a sound of "Mom", and withdrew with his hands and feet together for two or three steps before he could see that the torch was shining in front of him. A humanoid animal slowly stood up, with hands and feet, standing upright, with a bright red body. His hair is only less than 1.5 meters tall, and his arms are very long. Even if he stands upright, his hands are already hanging down below his knees and are about to touch the ground.

In the darkness, a pair of Xiaodou eyes were staring at the two people in front of him maliciously. Its lipless mouth grinned slightly, and its two pointed fangs lay outside, as if to blame Hao Zhi. If you don’t move, I’ll just bite into a blood vessel

Is an orangutan

However, it is different from ordinary orangutans or baboons. Its appearance is closer to humans. It has flat features and no prominent kisses. Except for the fangs, there is not much hair on the face, and even the hairline is very clear. , It’s just so ugly, the skin on the whole face is sagging and wrinkled, the corners of the eyebrows are drooping, there is no nasal bone, there are only two black round holes on the mouth, and he is gasping for breath.

Before Lin Tao debugged for a long time, he finally intercepted the communication channels on the collars of a few people, and just caught up, so he shouted into the microphone: "Hao Zhi, Ke Ke, this kind of animal is called the jade-faced flying ape, its biggest feature The facial skin is very loose, but it has muscles that can twitch and twist freely. Therefore, it can be easily distorted. It can imitate the appearance of various animals to confuse prey. However, its glands can exude a kind of courtship. Scent, but generally only effective for males"

Wang Yanke nodded and watched the jade-faced flying ape's muscles move and dislocation on the screen. From very close to himself, he changed back to a wrinkled monkey, and suddenly asked: "What is its IQ?"

"Higher than the average primate, of course, it can only reach the intelligence level of an average human 8-year-old child, but this is also very good."

8-year-old Koko slapped the word, how eccentric and weird 8-year-old children are. Sometimes they are more cunning and willful than adults.

Hao Zhi retreated to Wang Yanke's feet in three steps and two steps. Ke Ke quickly reached out and pulled Hao Zhi up: "I just rushed you, but in a blink of an eye you don't know where you went, how did you get into such a deep forest? It makes me so worried. By the way, what were you doing just now, it seems to be very forgotten."

"I found an orangutan monster so I fought with it. Didn't you see it, we fell and fell vigorously" Hao Zhi stammered and explained, then picked up a branch from the ground and waved it at the guy. And, "Go away, don't go and hit you again"

The orangutan evaded backwards "howlly", and when he moved, he showed monkey nature, with his hands propped forward, his shoulders raised, and his ears scratched. Hao Zhi shouted, grabbing a stone and smashing it at the guy. The dwarf orangutan ran away in shock, slammed around, grabbed the branch, swung a few times, and disappeared into the dark jungle.

Hao Zhi retrieved the torch, patted his heart, and said to Wang Yanke in fear: "Hurry up, go back to the camp, I always feel weird here."

Wang Yanke did not answer, but smiled and walked up, but suddenly Liu eyebrows were erected, and he raised his hand and slapped Hao Zhi.

"Yeah, why hit me?" Hao Zhi wailed, covering his face

"I just couldn't find you, so I used my ability to listen to your thinking and see which direction you are in, what were you thinking about just now?

"I" Hao Zhi's face flushed, and Wang Yanke overheard all the dreamlike experience just now, and he was even more ashamed, and he didn't know how to explain it.

"I know, you don't need to explain it." Wang Yanke sighed lightly. "You didn't find that after the jade-faced flying ape escaped, the fragrance here is gone."

Hao Zhi seemed to be catching a straw: "Yes, yes, I just smelled a scent, and then I didn't know anything."

"Isn't Lin Tao said that there is a certain kind of gland on the orangutan, which can secrete a hallucinogenic odor. There are similar examples in nature. The female odor of the other species is used to attract prey. Generally this kind of gonad The secreted taste is only useful to male animals, because only male animals have this urgent courtship impulse and are more likely to be confused."

"No wonder, why didn't you guys see that woman? I just smelled the smell and had hallucinations in my feelings."

"No matter what, you have to be careful and don't be confused anymore. Next time, I won't save you." Wang Yanke's face blushed slightly, "Make you beautiful."

" ah" Hao Zhigan laughed twice, not daring to answer.

Suddenly, Wang Yanke groaned again, and for a while, he asked in a low voice, "You still miss the way I was before, right?"

"Ah, there's no such thing, it's pretty good now, it's good" Hao Zhi lied quickly.

"I understand, or else, I won't risk everything to get my body back. That's the gift I always wanted to give you." Wang Yanke stammered and finished his confession, turning around to speed up the pace. Quickly slipped away.

"Gift" Hao Zhi stared blankly for a long time before he understood the meaning of Wang Yanke's words. In an instant, a burst of heat surged from his chest, his heart beating fast, and he hurried to catch up.

The two walked back one after the other, and quickly walked to the edge of the forest. Suddenly, there was a commotion in the jungle behind them, and the leaves clashed. Wang Yanke reacted quickly and instantly heard the canopy. There is something, knowing that this place shouldn't stay for long, pull up Hao Zhi without looking back, and run quickly

...(Earth Destruction Plan../34/34735/)--(Earth Destruction Plan

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