Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 283: 5 questions

?? In the outskirts, the city’s third cadre sanatorium is built on the edge of a park and shares a green area with the park. There is a low fence with iron gates in between. The old military cadres who recuperate here often pace out and leisurely Enjoy the beauty of the sunset, feed the fish, or say hello to the pigeons on the grass.

A wheelchair was slowly pushed from a distance, and the little nurse pushing the wheelchair was texting his lover with a mobile phone in one hand, not caring about the surrounding situation.

The old man sitting in a wheelchair looks like a few years ago, and his hair has fallen very little. Each one is like a silver thread, and he methodically combs it towards the back of his head, revealing a wise broad forehead, one full of gully. On his face, the traces of the years are written.

The old man was covered with a thick blanket on his knees, his eyes closed slightly, as if he was half asleep and half awake.

Outside the garden, a military jeep stopped. Lin Tao got out of the car and walked straight to the old man. He followed a guard behind him, who followed the fast-paced Lin Tao in small steps.

"Is that the old man?" Lin Tao stood in front of the old man, taking off his military cap politely.

The old man did not speak, but silently looked into the distance, but the little nurse behind him put away the mobile phone in his hand and asked, "May I ask you? We have not reached the visiting time yet, please leave!"

"You!" The guard was quiet but very powerful, he ordered, "Do you know who this is? Come with me!"

The little nurse was also a person who had worked in the military sanatorium for several years. After this reminder, she saw the flower on the other's shoulder and stuck her tongue out in fright. So she stepped on the brake of the wheelchair and followed the little guard. Stand on the side together.

Lin Tao waited for the two to walk away before asking again, "Are you that old?"

The old man was noncommittal, still looking dull, tilted his mouth and looked at the distance behind Lin Tao, his eyes slightly dull...

"Haha... I know that for everyone here, you are just an ordinary retired veteran cadre. The people of the Ministry of National Security have hidden your true identity so that you can spend your twilight years in peace. It happened that I happened to be in the Ministry of National Security. A few friends, so it’s not difficult to find you..."

Lin Tao smiled: "And according to my investigation, you are not as forgetful as you appear to be externally. My people found the game of Go you play every night on the computer in the room where you live. According to the progress of the game, Your old rank is quite high!"

"Just tell me, what do you want to ask?" Professor Naduo suddenly smiled, and the pretending sillyness in his eyes was swept away, but he didn't seem to appreciate the other party's cleverness.

"Commander He Gang has passed away..." Lin Tao said very politely, "Now, I am in charge of taking over the entire Biology Department. I know that he is only the second head of the Ultrain Laboratory, and this base was established by you. So, There are a few questions that I don't understand, please feel free to enlighten me!"

"Oh, I don't know you, but I will give you five opportunities to ask questions." Professor Naduo smiled slightly.

"Thank you, the first question I want to ask: It's just a supercomputer copied from the data of an alien civilization, but no matter how advanced it is, it is essentially the same as our computer, right?"

"Yes..." Professor Na Duo's nostalgia suddenly rose. "It is just a data storage and output device. Even if it shows the illusion of intelligence that can answer us, it does not have the ability to think and self-awareness. It just responds to our questions based on the information in the database."

"Then, the second question...Who is the knowledge contained in it and how is it stored?"

"Well, to put it simply, it is based on the light wave information received by the artificial satellites we launched in space, using some specific methods to strip the background light, reduce noise, and then decode the resources, and then enter the terminal equipment... As you know, sunlight has seven colors. You can think of it as a unique seven-digit language. The flickering frequency of each color light constitutes different information. If there is no prompt, this information hiding method is not easy. After being discovered, after transcoding, the hidden important technical information and all resource information are stored in Tianhe for easy access at any time..."

"Why do aliens hide such important information in the sunlight?"

"In fact, it is not deliberately hiding. First, in terms of efficiency, only light can spread at the fastest speed in the universe. Second, if this spread is purposeless, then in such a vast universe. , The light will also be consumed during propagation, so the possibility of being received is almost zero...

Just like you shoot an enemy with a gun, you can't close your eyes and shoot around, right?

So for them, the best way is to send the signal purposefully to the center of all planets that may produce life-stars, and then use the huge energy jet of the star itself, and then amplify and reflect this signal to all around it. On a rotating planet,

This is a very clever way. It is only possible. For millions of years, human beings have been bathed in such a sea of ​​knowledge without knowing it..."

"Then, the fourth question..." Lin Tao paused thoughtfully, then squatted down in front of Professor Nadu and stared at each other sincerely, "Will it... lie?"

Professor Naduo's body in a wheelchair shook slightly. For 30 years, since the establishment of Ultrain, this question that has been lingering in his mind was finally asked by another equally smart person.

"According to Xingweike's monitoring and calculation of Ultrain all the time, it is only a terminal output device for internal data, that is to say, it does not have thinking and self-awareness-it will not lie!"

"I noticed what you said, but Xingweike's opinion..."

"Hehe, you are very keen, my personal opinion is not important..." Professor Duo smiled, and the two of them looked at each other, and suddenly each smiled. Lin Tao nodded, this is the answer he guessed. It was basically the same. He straightened up and paid a standard military salute to Professor Naduo to show his infinite admiration for this predecessor.

In terms of feeling, Xu Zhe is more like He Gang, who is good at power and politics, while Lin Tao is closer to that. As someone said, similar people have the same temperament and will naturally attract each other. Divide into groups, and gather things together.

"You have one more question, don't you plan to ask?" Naduo also very keenly felt the intelligence and sensitivity of the young man in front of him, and when he was young, it really seemed like... So You Ran had something to him. Closeness.

"This question involves your personal position, and you can choose not to answer: In the notes you left with the institute, why have so many bioengineering materials been revised?" Lin Tao asked politely.

Professor Naduo smiled: "Even if I don't modify it, they can't complete the research. The so-called modification is just to give them an illusion, or... a beautiful fantasy. I imagine that they can complete the experiment as long as they get the correct data. Is it not good to be able to extend the life span of human beings to infinity and have a good dream?"

"You mean... you don't even know how to prolong the lifespan of human beings. This genetic code problem is unsolvable?" Lin Tao thoughtfully looked at the wrinkles on Professor Nadu's face. Indeed, if If a person has mastered the secret recipe for a thousand years of life, how can he wait for his life to wither in this wheelchair?

"Or, there is another possibility-you think that humans should not extend their lifespan, and you have to die with this secret!" Lin Tao asked tentatively.

Professor Naduo shook his head and smiled strangely. He was noncommittal, beckoning the nurse to come and push himself back.

Lin Tao watched Professor Duo leave, and sunlight shot from the old man’s ears, making the back look so ethereal and unreal...

Suddenly, he thought of something and asked loudly: "Why does the alien civilization help us?"

Professor Naduo's voice came from a distance: "You have asked five questions..."

Lin Tao flattened his mouth angrily, regretting that he should put this question first. It seemed that he had made a mistake. He turned around, facing the setting sun, greeted the guard, let's go...

At this moment when he turned around, suddenly, a dazzling reflection in the grass in the distance came into his eyes. After all, Lin Tao had been in the army, and he had also been engaged in army weapon research and development for several years. In an instant, he realized based on experience. , The size and intensity of that reflection, is a sight!

And I happened to be on this reflective trajectory with Professor Naduo!

"Get down!" Lin Tao yelled, and could only throw the guard down nearby. Almost at the same time, two muffled "pops" swept through his ears.

Lin Tao took out the May 4th pistol from his waist, and while tumbling, he aimed at the direction where the gunfire sounded and shot back. The flash did not shine again. Instead, a figure of a person rolled from the grass, like a civet cat. Disappeared behind the low brick wall.

"Catch up with him!" Lin Tao commanded, and the guard leaped forward, then bounced up, chasing him in that direction in a zigzag route like a rabbit.

These guards are all first-level special forces selected by Wanli in the army. They have agile marksmanship, and ten or eight ordinary people can't get close to them at all.

But Lin Tao turned his head and ran to the old man's side, but everything was too late...

The shot was shot very accurately. Lin Tao estimated the distance from the flower bed to here. It was at least 150 meters. The bullet came from the gap between the arm and waist of the female It penetrates directly through Professor Nadu's heart. The interval between the first shot and the second shot is less than half a second, and the distance between the two shots is less than half a centimeter, and the shooting position is still a strong backlight that ordinary snipers would never choose. Area!

Lin Tao held Professor Duo who fell on the ground in his arms. The blood in his chest was pouring out like spring water. Professor Duo also spouted a lot of blood from his mouth and nose. Lin Tao knew that it was too late, it was really late...

Professor Na Duo raised his hand, grabbed Lin Tao's skirt with his last bit of strength, and said with difficulty: "...There are two...two..."

"What? What are two?" Lin Tao instinctively felt that it was an extremely important sentence, but that many voices were already very faint, and the second half of the sentence he wanted to say was drowned by the blood gushing from his throat. Behind the two people, a dirty, disabled little beggar was crawling over with difficulty, hugged the old people, and began to sob and cry...

Lin Tao didn't care about this. His thoughts were tightly entangled by the last words of Professor Duo, like a mess of hair, two? What are two?

He held a small memory tightly in his hand, which was stuffed by Professor Nadu from his arms secretly at the last moment. Although he didn't know what was inside, he knew that this thing was extremely important!

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