Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 284: Disappearing bullet

?? "The little beggar who appeared when Professor Duo died was the ghost afterwards, right?" Lele recalled the scene when the ghost recounted his own life, and not only sighed, "He is also a poor child!"

"If the professor doesn't die, maybe the ghost won't become what it was afterwards, full of hatred for everything! Except, for our Jiajia..." Zhang looked at the atmosphere a little dull, so he laughed.

Only Wang Yanke and Song Xiaojia did not speak. Song Xiaojia was sorry for the ghost. She had a somewhat special feeling for this man, but she couldn't tell what it was. In fact, it could be said that he died in her own hands. .

And Wang Yanke, after a long silence, slowly said his concern: "Do you know that there are two things that Professor Duo said?"

Xu Zhe shook his head: "This is also a question that I haven't figured out for more than 20 years. As a human prophet, what the many professors said at the last moment must be very important. However, neither Lin Tao nor I have guessed. The answer to this question may be a mystery that will never be solved."

"Oh..." Wang Yanke's conversation suddenly turned, "You sent someone to kill that many professors?"

Xu Zhe was shocked, this girl is really quick in thinking, so she can see through it so easily...

"Yes, do you still remember the last words that Commander He Gang said in my ear before he died? He explained two things. First, wash away Lin Tao's memory. This person is too impulsive and curious. Regardless of the consequences, it is not suitable for contact with so many state secrets. The second is to kill that many, take his brain, and study the knowledge in it!"

"Sure enough, for the sake of profit, it is the cruelty of politics to kill the former comrades-in-arms and companions!" Wang Yanke said indifferently.

"There is no way. Professor Naduo, who was already suffering from cancer at that time, died and refused to tell what he knew the ultimate way to prolong human life. If he dies, he will bring these secrets to the grave forever. This will be the motherland and the people. It is a huge loss, and we have no way... and once this generation of outstanding people dies and we want history to give us the next one, we don’t know how many years it will take! The only way is to take it out while his brain is still alive. When people die, they no longer have personal emotions and political positions. We only extract the knowledge from them..."

"Did you succeed?" Wang Yanke asked with a sneer.

"Half succeeded, Professor Naduo didn't know how to shield the part of bioengineering in his memory. Perhaps he forced himself to forget it. However, we found the technology of biomechanical synthesis, which is also all the later war cats. The key to research and development is that the technology to create advanced robots like Xiaoice that can carry human consciousness was also acquired by Professor Naduo."

"Well, whether the past was right or wrong, what happened later? Did you wash out Lin Tao's memory?" Hao Zhi didn't care about this, so he wanted to hear the story and asked anxiously.


Lin Tao returned to the military area compound with great contemplation. People from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade took away the body of the professor for an autopsy. The guards did not track down the mysterious gunman, nor even caught the opponent's shadow.

An old man in a rare age should have no enemies. The motive of the killer is unknown. The identity of the killer is even more suspicious. A person who has worked in a state secret agency for so many years is protected by top secret. Except for a very small number of insiders, it is impossible for outsiders to know the true identity and appearance of the many professors. Even Lin Tao used almost all of his network to find out.

That is to say, someone in the military area has betrayed!

Only after the bullet's ballistic test results come out, see if the bullet belongs to the army. It is impossible for ordinary criminals to obtain the sniper weapon that is accurate to the micron level.

Suddenly, Lin Tao changed his mind: Could this be done by Xu Zhe?

He speculated for a while, and then leaned on his sofa and massaged his temples. It should not have been Xu Zhe. He and Professor Naduo had never met, and they were colleagues in terms of time. Their interests should be shared. , It is impossible and unlikely to involve the motive of killing...

There have been too many things recently, Lin Tao felt very tired, so he fell asleep deeply on the sofa, and a lot of messy dreams drifted past his eyes between half asleep and half awake. Suddenly, an emergency phone ring awakened him. : "Report to the political commissar, the results of Professor Naduo's autopsy have come out..."

"Oh?" Lin Tao immediately woke up, wiped his face with his hand and asked, "Where is the bullet?"

The other party hesitated for a while, and then replied in a very uncertain voice: "No bullets!"

"What?" Lin Tao stood up. The distance between the killer and Professor Naduo at the time was not too far. If it were an ultra-long-range sniper rifle, it was indeed possible for the bullet to fly out through the body.

"What about the vicinity of the incident, have you searched the range of the ballistic trajectory direction?"

"In fact, the bullet did not penetrate the body because the backrest of the wheelchair blocked it. The backrest was covered with a thick wooden board and covered with sponge and leather. So the bullet did not penetrate the back of the chair. The strength just happened to be shot into Professor Duo's body, the bullet did not penetrate, but stayed in the body!"

"How can you not find it?" Lin Tao did not understand.

"We conducted a very detailed search in Professor Naduo's body, and indeed there were no warheads left. However, we found that some blood had abnormal coagulation. That is to say, the blood of the human body is warm and only after a certain period of time. It will freeze until the temperature is cooled down, and the blood near Professor Na Duo’s wound is clotting much faster than normal..."

Lin Tao's eyes widened, and he muttered to himself: "Ice bomb!"

"Yes, the current guess is that the bullets used by the opponent are made of dry ice!"

"Impossible!" Lin Tao said, "That's just nonsense in the movie. In real life, the quality and density of ice cannot be made into a bullet at all. It is too light, even if it can be launched, it cannot be fatal to the target. Hurt! Have you ever seen anyone killed in a snowball fight?"

Indeed, Lin Tao once studied this kind of future conceptual weapons because of his interest when he was studying in the military school. Later, he found that ice bullets were impossible in reality-the density of lead used to make bullets was 11.34 grams. \/Cubic centimeter, while the density of ice is only 0.9 grams/cubic centimeter, the density of dry ice is 1.5 grams/cubic centimeter. Obviously, a bullet made of ice reaches the mass of a normal bullet, and its volume is 12.6 times larger than a normal bullet, and dry ice is also 7.56 times larger than a normal bullet under the same conditions.

It’s like a pound of iron is only a half-fist-sized ball, but a pound of down can make four down jackets. With the same quality, the volume is much larger. You can kill people with an iron ball, but you can’t use a down jacket. People smashed to death.

And, you still have to have such a big gun or cannon that can fire such "giant" bullets... If it is that troublesome, it's better to find an ice lump and throw it downstairs to kill the opponent.

The other end of the phone confirmed his statement, and then the technician slowly spoke: "The other party's purpose is obviously not to kill that many professors..."

"Two shots hit the heart, didn't you want to kill him?" Lin Tao was taken aback.

"The two shots were very precise, they didn't hit the heart at all, but they just shot in by wiping the edge of the heart..."

"What? Professor Duo is still alive?"

"No, he is dead..."

Lin Tao was bewildered when he heard it, do you want to kill or not to kill? Why is it so complicated?

"Don’t worry, listen to my explanation. As you know, ice is too light as a bullet and can’t hurt people. Therefore, the other party cleverly mixes water and mercury evenly, and then freezes it into The shape of the bullet... and the density of mercury is greater than that of lead. Even if the mercury content in a bullet is only half, the weight is enough to be used as a bullet and kill the target..."

"Then why did the other party avoid the heart specifically?"

"I think the main purpose of the other party is, first, not to leave bullets as evidence, because ice will melt into water, and once the ice melts, the remaining mercury will be absorbed by the human body, even the unabsorbed part will be It quickly evaporates into the air, so when we dissect the corpse, we won’t find any traces of bullets...Secondly, the other party’s purpose is not to kill Professor Naduo on the spot. His hidden purpose is to use mercury. Poisoning killed him, that is, a relatively slow death..."

"You mean Professor Nadu was not dead at the time, but just fainted?"

"Yes, the real time of death should be on the way to the hospital. In fact, if the doctor is delivered in time, we have a way to give first aid. However, suddenly a group of people gathering inexplicably appeared on the road. Because of the traffic jam, the ambulance was delayed for a while, and when it was delivered, it already had serious symptoms of poisoning. We really can't do anything about it..."

"Why is it so coincidental that the crowd blocked the way? The area where the sanatorium is built is not crowded normally? Wait, in order to slow down the death, the time difference..." Lin Tao rationalized his thoughts, that is, the other party did not want to be at that time. What could be the main purpose of killing Professor Nadu, leaving him a little time? By the way, is it to ask the last "two" secret from the professors?

So, the person who can ask the last sentence must be in that ambulance! Thinking of this, Lin Tao immediately ordered: "Immediately organize the police to control all the people who have been in contact with that many professors, and there must be no leakage!"

"Yes!" The call on the other side hung up, and Lin Tao collapsed on the sofa with a forehead in a lawsuit, recalling the words that many professors said at the last moment in his mind: "Two...Yes. two……"

Are there two killers? One One hidden in the ambulance?

Or is there two in his notebook? What was in the memory he had handed over to him on his deathbed?

Lin Tao was thinking about it, and suddenly heard the lock on the door rang slightly!

It was already 11:30 midnight, and the surroundings of the military district family compound were extremely quiet. Unless they had special work to do, most of these professional soldiers maintained good sleep habits, because their son was away from high school when he was going to study. It's far away, so Lin Tao's wife and son live with his father-in-law on the other side of the city. Who will come at this time?

Out of a soldier's instinctive reaction, Lin Tao had a foreboding that something was wrong. He knew that the more violent the reaction was at this time, the more he would immediately expose his position. The curtains were drawn, and people outside could not see the room at all.

gun! The holster and cover were thrown on the shoe cabinet when he entered the door. Lin Tao was ten steps away from the gate. He stood up as lightly as possible, took his feet out of the slippers, held his breath and walked towards him. Walk past the door...

And over there, the inner lock handle of the anti-theft door is leaning little by little, leaning, making a slight click...

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