Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 288: The end of a piece of history

The end of a piece of history in Chapter 288 of the Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 288


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Chapter 288

Author: Miao Wen

Lin Tao sat on the ground, staring at Xu Zhe in front of him dullly, looking around innocently, staring curiously at every technician in white coat standing beside him...

Finally, he turned around and asked Xu Zhe, who was squatting in front of him: "Where is this? Have I overslept? Is it time for the cafeteria? I asked the fifth person in the dormitory to bring me meals, what about that guy?"

Xu Zhe sat on the ground with a languid butt, sighed heavily, and cursed: "It's numb, it's troublesome now!"

After the final inspection, all the computer data in the underground laboratory, including all the research data of the technicians over the past 30 years, have been deleted!

Moreover, the computer virus repeatedly read the hard disk at an incredible speed in a very short period of time, causing extensive damage to the hard disk. It also increased the voltage entering the cpu motherboard, and even the motherboard was also burned.

All this is a disaster for the entire laboratory!

All the workers' hard work over the past 30 years has disappeared in an instant!

A few young workers took off their white coats and threw them on the ground, and began to scold their mother irritably. An old technician who had been here for almost half of his life burst into tears on the spot. It was the painstaking effort of most of their lives, so nothing...

Unless you find "Naduo Notes", it is possible to restore the current working state based on the original data. Otherwise, the few technical parameters in the memory of the workers will only be a drop in the bucket.

Because many of the principles of knowledge in "Naduo Notes" are not understood by everyone, they are just copied into the computer in a way, and then handed over to the Ultrain Computer to analyze the feasibility data, and then upload the data to the three-tier ultra Summarize in your head.

During this period, it was completely computerized, and there was no manual work at all. Almost all the workers left in their minds were just a technical outline.

It’s like losing a novel. Most people who have read it can write an outline from memory, but if they lose a book, the human brain is completely powerless. The complicated data is even for them. 1 can't recall it either.

"Find!" Xu Zhe gritted his teeth and vowed, "Using all available resources, in any case, we must find out the person who destroyed the laboratory and retrieve "Nadduo Notes"!"

Although the damaged part of the Ultrain computer was repaired, it stopped working. No one could find the reason. All the technicians had been fighting for three days and three nights, but they could not start it, all disk storage areas, switches or It's the main board, which has gone through more than 30 rigorous screenings, and it can't find any problems at all. It seems to sleep forever, like a giant that can't wake up.

Lin Tao, like a patient who lost his memory after a car accident, lost all his memories from the third year of university forever... He stubbornly believed that he was still living in 1982, and he didn't even know his wife and son.

Lin Tao’s wife cried bitterly and sat for a long time in the office of Xu Zhe, commander-in-chief of the military region. All she knew was that Lin Tao’s unexplained brain disease could not be treated. The military region approved him to leave early and go home to recuperate. .

A month later, Lin Tao and his family disappeared bizarrely. Within 20 years, the military did not find any news about him. Until the blood moon descended, he came out again...

Afterwards, the military region reported everything that happened in the entire laboratory to the Military Commission. The chief Xu Zhe made a self-inspection and wrote a written inspection to the central government. , The main work direction is to recover the stolen "Naduo Notes" and all the materials.

In this way, Xingweike's work stopped, and the central government notified all investigating units directly under the city in the form of a top-secret document, fully cooperated with Xu Zhe's work, and called all available materials and personnel across the country to conduct a carpet investigation!

Fifteen urban areas and towns around Beijing conducted comprehensive personnel information statistics, and tens of thousands of workers were grouped into households to conduct door-to-door investigations on suspicious personnel movements.

In addition, both air flights and customs have adjusted the level of customs clearance review, and added more staff to check the personal belongings of all departing persons to ensure that a suspicious piece of paper cannot flow abroad.

All this was just looking for a needle in a haystack. Three months passed, and nothing was found except for the several murderers who were arrested because of this hurricane operation.

Xu Zhe was desperately gloomy overnight. He had just passed away, and almost at the same time he took over, the entire laboratory was hit by such a devastating blow. He could not shirk the blame!

Although everyone knows that he has tried his best to do everything well, but sometimes fate is just like joking with people, who is determined to contribute to the country, imitate He Gang, and do something shocking and weeping. Xu Zhe, who was in the eyes of others, instantly became an incompetent and innocent jumping clown. His dreams of the so-called family, country and the world have also become a joke. He desperately obtained the highest rights, but found that he only held one in his hand. Empty shell...

This is the most terrible thing. Once a person becomes his own enemy, he will fight forever...

Such a major work error, waiting for him, only sent to the military court for trial, military discipline will not let go of the poor!

Xu Zhe was crazy. He didn't talk to anyone. He just pulled his hair hand by hand. Soon, there was not much hair left on that mottled head. The new political commissar of the military region reported his situation to the Central Committee. The instructions were: Get treatment immediately and send it to Jingshan Psychiatric Hospital!

In this way, UU reading www. uukahnshu. The com military region changed its leadership again in a short period of time. The technical personnel in the past had nothing to do for the time being, and they were also distributed to various intelligent departments. Some were assigned a spare job, and some were directly involved in new scientific research public relations projects.

The underground palace base was left idle in this way. Due to its special location, it could not be transferred to other uses, so the superior decided to block it!

Slowly, as people who knew that period of history died one by one, no one remembered here anymore. The elevator was powered off and the guards withdrew...

The floor that used to be bright like a mirror gradually lost a thin layer of ash. For years and years, it slowly went down like that. This place has become a corner forgotten in history...

Five years later, the new leader of the military region was killed in a car accident when he was out. The new leader did not understand and care about everything that happened here in the past. After a long time, the search for "Naduo Notes" also gradually stopped. , Became a less important task attached to other criminal investigation tasks.

Time flies by, and people walk around and stay, changing batch after batch...

Shanghai Number 9 Chapter 288 The End of a History

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