Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 289: Time loop

?? "It's really a heavy piece of history..." Zhang sighed a little bit.

"Yes, I have lived in the nursing home for seven years, and the most work I have done is to privately establish the scientific research system of the Lanzhou Military Ministry. In the past two decades, I have devoted myself to developing the scientific research materials in the head of Professor Nadu and developing the war cat. With robots and human brain consciousness reading technology, after the blood moon came, the country handed over the burden to me again, and a series of historical opportunities pushed me to where I am now..." Xu Zhe sighed helplessly.

"In fact, you haven't changed at all, you are still the one who covets rights!" Wang Yanke smiled, "Fortunately, you like rights so much, but you don't use the rights in your hands to do bad things, just to better serve the people. , Lead us out of the quagmire!"

Xu Zhe smiled ashamed: "Who doesn't want to do a big business in his lifetime?"

"Oh, my mind is a little useless... so complicated!" Hao Zhi thought little by little with his memories, "In other words, Lin Tao pretended to be mad and foolishly pretended to be washed away, and finally escaped and found a wealthy businessman in private. Lu Fang used his funds to establish his own scientific research platform in the East China Sea. He secretly used the biotechnology that Professor Naduo gave him to develop a genetically modified artificial man project. In 2000, he created five of us, and then put us separately. Growing up in different places, waiting for our genetic changes, 19 years later, different abilities appeared in our bodies. In order to investigate where his grandfather’s brain is, the ghost followed Lin Tao’s research project and also found it. I, using the magician's ability to make me hallucinate, saw the little girl in red, and induced me to break into the underground palace base, because Lin Tao set up a zombie trap there to catch the ghost, but we happened to hit it. superior……"

"Well, it seems that all changes started from that point in time..." Wang Yanke also agreed, "but I don't understand why the ghost suddenly changed its motivation to help us? And why is it helping us to escape? After the subway, kill me?"

Everyone thought for a long time and didn't come up with any answer. In the end, Song Xiaojia said, "The ghost guy has never had a clue when he is doing things. He was abused when he was a child and his brain was broken!"

Zhang Diandian was unhappy when he heard this, and Xiaozui'er pouted: "This answer may soon appear. You can go back through history and ask him!"

"Oh? The ghost must have told you this secret before he died? What did he say?" Song Xiaojia asked.

"Ah? He...he didn't say anything!" Zhang Diandian Wen heard her ask, and his expression became tense, as if he was hiding something.

"Keep it secret with us?" Wang Yanke complained dissatisfied.

"It's not confidential, it can't be said!" Zhang smiled bitterly, "Okay, okay, quickly talk about it, what should we do next?"

As a result, the five people's eyes were refocused on Xu Zhe. The head of state seemed to have made a certain determination and waved his big hand: "The time capsule is ready, Hao Zhi, you should also go back and prepare, and plan to go against the sky tomorrow. , This will be the first time in human history to officially break the continuity of time and travel through history. The responsibility you shoulder is very important..."

It was another clear night. Everyone went back to rest. Hao Zhiben wanted to find Wang Yanke for a walk, but she said that she was tired and wanted to sleep for a while. In desperation, he had to drive an off-road vehicle by himself, from the Crystal Palace underground. I wandered out from the entrance of the city, passed through a twenty-kilometer undersea tunnel, all the way up from the east exit of Crystal City to the ground.

This is a coastal town, originally in Japan, 20 kilometers west of Nagasaki City. It is a fishing port with a very beautiful scenery called "Shimi". The town is peaceful and beautiful, clean as a paradise, the battle of the end. It was invaded by mechanical war insects and was once destroyed by war. In the past few years, the civilization has been revived, and the town has been gradually restored, restoring the peace and tranquility of the past.

The residential houses with Japanese-style plank wood spire structure along the street are scattered, and the glass competitions of each house are like clear shadows, reflecting the gentle mountains against the back of the town, and strolling on the narrow and clean streets. You can see a small family-style seafood stall just a short walk away.

The room was filled with a dazzling array of goods, and the door was hung with a sign of "Ice See Fish Fresh". The boss leaned back lazily on the counter watching a small TV. Many women at home were wearing wooden clogs kimonos and carrying delicate baskets. Walking through the stone-paved streets, they bowed politely when they saw the shop owner, and exchanged polite but enthusiastic words to each other.

The same is true among neighbors. Everything is like a modernist painting. The little red bamboo basket is like a drop of heavy paint falling on the drawing board. It points out the only bright color on the blue screen, which makes people instantly fascinated. Refreshing...

Everything here makes Hao Zhi feel comfortable. It is different from the rush of construction of the crystal city under the sea. The tranquil atmosphere here is like a bend of the lake on the side of a noisy construction site, which makes people feel slowed down, and whenever they encounter depression And when he was depressed, Hao Zhi would come here and go around a few times.

He often drove through this small town, like entering and leaving a picture album that never changed the title page. The scenery at every point was familiar to him. He was completely free of the excitement when he first discovered this place. At that time, his mood was like every first time. Like tourists who set foot in Japan, they sigh for the country's cleanliness, courtesy, tranquility, and the close distance between people, and there is not even a single extra leaf on the road.

Wang Yanke also likes it very much. More than half of the two people’s love relationship is in this small town, picking up a bag of fruit, buying some dishes, or eating something in the small shop on the roadside, if life can be. It would be fine forever to stay at ease like this, Hao Zhi thought with emotion.

Tomorrow, I will embark on a road that no one else has ever walked. The future is unpredictable. What makes him even more troublesome is that this is a real road of no return. What will change will be everything he is experiencing now. He had no idea whether he was prepared for this kind of mentality.

"Ah! Mouse! What are you doing here?" An unexpected exclamation came from behind. Hao Zhi felt familiar. It is not surprising that in such a quiet town, only Song Xiao would still be so bluffing. Jiao.

However, what surprised him was that Song Xiaojia was actually wearing a light blue kimono, with long curly hair curled up, showing a long and white neck. If he didn't speak, he would really blend in with everything here. Perfect, like a dazzling stroke in that ink painting.

"It's you," Hao Zhi greeted with **** together, and couldn't help but laugh again, "You really look like a Japanese woman in this dress..."

"Do you believe it or not that I can run you to death in a kimono? Can you speak human words?" Song Xiaojia feigned annoyance.

"Haha, sister, I'm kidding! Why are you here?"

"It's and Lele said something is wrong, didn't they find you?" Song Xiaojia said halfway, and suddenly realized something and shut up, "Are you supposed to go back? ?"

"Oh... hehe, Koko is going to bed, I'm fine by myself, come out and go around!"

"I don't know what Ke Ke thinks, I will approve of you taking this trip!" Song Xiaojia grumbled.

"What do you mean?" Hao Zhi didn't hear the point of what she said for a while.

"If you go back in time and prevent Lin Tao from handing over the human genetic code map to Tianhe Computer, then the Blood Moon will not invade the earth. However, if Lin Tao did not make that mistake, how could he be expelled from the army? He did not escape. How can you find Lu Fang when you leave the army? If they don’t meet each other, how can they carry out a genetic modification program for humanoids? Without this plan, you and I would not be born... Then we will all be gone! It’s not! Go back and commit suicide?"

Hao Zhi looked up and thought for a while. It seemed to be such a truth, but if he was not even born before, who did he go back to prevent Lin Tao from making a mistake? No one stops him, he will still continue everything behind, and he will still appear. This is really an unclear circle...

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