Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 401: Leaked virus

?War spawns technology, and chaos creates civilization.

Hao Zhi time friend

The induction curtain opens automatically when the owner's command is heard. The first sunlight in the morning shines into the room on time. The crystal floor reflects the exquisite European pattern, reflecting a beautiful symmetrical pattern on the high ceiling, and the high ceiling of the bedroom. Above is a hand-painted oil painting, among the billowing clouds, eighteen little angels are chasing and playing with bows and arrows.

Wang Yanke stretched lazily on the round bed with a diameter of 2.5 meters, and when he turned over, the dark purple silk sheet slipped from the bed and fell to the ground. The floor of the bedroom was soft and white. The thick carpet, step on it, like stepping in the clouds.

She was ashamed and naked, and she lazily picked up the silk pajamas from the sofa and put it on. The blood-red color made her white skin appear as transparent as jade and brightened up.

Pulled his hair, said softly, bathroom

Ding, the bathroom lights are on. In the corner of the spacious bathroom, there is a fully transparent bathtub. The hot and cold water automatically starts to pour from the bottom of the bathtub. The water surface quickly fills up, and a slight heat rises.

But she was not eager to walk in, but slapped her hands. After the snow-white wall flashed on the west side, images began to appear gradually. The screen divided into eight and five vertical and horizontal lines jumped out, playing the whole world. The news and what the headlines of various media are saying are all at a glance.

Immediately, her gaze stayed on one of the morning news, and the intelligent sensor system noticed the change in the owner's line of sight, and took the initiative to triple that style.

"The National Academy of Sciences announced the launch of a new space engine imitation plan. It plans to fully break through the technical problems of sky fighters in the next five years, and strive to complete the basic construction of the near-Earth air-space team within ten years. At the same time, Professor Naduo said that the surface of the new moon has been transformed. Putting it on the agenda, in the next three years, partial closed planting of earth plants will be fully started, and open planting will be developed within ten years. There is still a long way to go to complete the improvement of the atmosphere on the surface of the crescent moon."

Humph, good job

Wang Yanke sneered, not knowing whether it was irony or encouragement, and then the entertainment page jumped out. The headline featured a photo of Hao Zhi's first officer, with a huge question mark, followed by a big bold headline:

The earth hero Hao Zhi has hidden himself since the success of the Yinyue Project, and his whereabouts have become a mystery

You fool, don’t you like to be famous?

Wang Yanke pursed her mouth and murmured, waved her hand to turn off the news, a piece of light music slowly flowed out, and she turned and walked into the bathroom

When she walked out of the door of her room, she looked like a different one, with tight-fitting overalls and a large white coat, with a magnetic stripe card pinned to her chest, and her long straight hair pulled back, making her appear shrewd and capable. With both hands in his pockets, black high-heeled leather boots hit the ground with a tight pace.

There are crowds in the hallway outside, and there are obviously two worlds inside and outside the door, one warm and comfortable, the other cold and busy

The place where she lives is where she works. Lu Fang originally prepared a luxurious villa for her in this city, but she refused. In order to save time on the way back and forth, besides, she doesn’t like seeing zombies all over the city. , Playing crazy day and night.

After the end of the war, Xu Zhe and Lin Tao, in order to save the zombie tribe, once developed a drug to restore their normal human metabolism. Half of the zombie tribe chose to return to the state of normal people, but half of them were reluctant to give up being strong. His vitality and eternal youth, choose to continue to be a zombie.

Apart from the fact that once they are hungry, everyone dares to eat, there is nothing wrong with it. What's more, you can also use the inhibitory drugs invented by Lu Fang to control the novelty. As long as one pill a day, you can avoid the devilishness and even your own hands. Lose.

The rest is good, never need to sleep, never feel tired, and the metabolism that is always maintained at a very high level allows them to feel youthful forever, without worrying about the threat of death and disease, can be a day Play around for 24 hours and enjoy life crazily.

In fact, there was a similar method on the earth before. It was just drugs that could not quench thirst by drinking poison. Now this situation is very similar. If drug use can make the body stronger and stronger without worrying about the threat of death, then, the whole world It is estimated that people will suck.

So what? It's nothing more than not eating normal food anymore. You can live well with animal blood, and there is no moral judgment. The difference is nothing more than eating their meat in the past, now drinking blood, and eating cooked food in the past. Right now, just drink raw

Therefore, it is called the "Biochemical City", also called the zombie paradise.

Lu Fang built dozens of large-scale animal breeding bases on the outskirts of the city, supplying food for the entire city. All people exchanged different labor for blood. This has allowed Lu Fang's wealth to double and increase in five years.

And at the center of the Biochemical City is the research institute where Wang Yanke is located. It is the core of this world, and Wang Yanke is the core of the core.

"Oh, so early" walked into the laboratory, a few young people who were doing tissue biopsy immediately straightened up to say hello, Wang Yanke smiled and nodded, beckoning everyone to continue.

A white man with short hair and golden hair, with his tousled hair, got out from under the messy table in the laboratory with a cigarette in his mouth. When he saw Wang Yanke coming over, he quickly hid the cigarette behind him.

"Chan, this is not the central area, it's okay." Wang Yanke leaned down, carefully looked at the biological slices in the petri dish, and said softly, "How is the state of nerve repair the same as I expected?"

"Almost" the white scientist held the cigarette and did not smoke, while pointing his finger at the printed report, "Although the specific reason for the inhibitor exceeding the limit has not been found, the progress has been a little slower, and this round of experiments may have failed again. "

"What about Tianyin's calculation data?" Wang Yanke straightened up and asked.

"Gene decoding speed is too slow, it's time for Tianyin's calculation program"

"Follow what I said, don't upgrade Tianyin's calculation program too quickly, otherwise, there will be trouble, come on." Wang Yanke smiled, turned and walked towards the central area of ​​the laboratory, where it is fully enclosed and sterile. The studio is spotlessly clean.

"Oh my God" just as she left, a few little boys gathered around and whispered to the white engineer with the big nose, "The supervisor is wearing red underwear today. When she bent over, we all saw how beautiful "

"What do you stupid boys think? Be careful boss hears that you are more anxious to go to work than to the bathroom, just for this."

"Nonsense, my goddess"

"That is, I am willing to work under the hands of such a beautiful woman and be exhausted in this laboratory."

"The smartest person in the world, do you know that if the Yinyue Project weren't for our director to make the final decision, the guys in the land country would be over."

Several young men were talking about it, UU read with an idiotic expression.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, hurry up and load the virus cultivation data into the computer. There is still a lot of work to do today." The white man raised his chin and pointed at the workbench with his hooked nose. A group of boys cheered. Each immersed in their heads and started their own work attentively

The white man closed his mind and glanced in the direction where Wang Yanke disappeared. Then he stepped on the ground, slid to the computer while sitting on the work chair, opened a program and looked at it, suddenly his eyes widened: "Weird today. How did the virus sample crack so badly"

On the other side, a young experimenter is entering a password to open the stainless steel door of the virus laboratory.


The white man suddenly screamed like crazy, and at the same time rushed to stop the experimenter. However, it was too late, and the door of the virus laboratory opened a crack.


A weird green smoke came out along the crack of the door


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