Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 402: Tragic nightmare

The director of the "Kuanmen" Biochemical Center, the white man with a big nose had his eyes flushed, and his hiss almost exhausted the breath in his lungs, frightening the boys behind him to rush towards the protective safety gate.

The young experimenter who first touched the door hesitated for half a second, then opened the door and rushed out, turned around, closed the 15 cm thick stainless steel protective door, and quickly turned the safety on the door. The gate is manually opened and closed to lock the gate

Across the thick glass of the door, people inside who still have time to escape desperately pulled the doorknob, but they could no longer open the door of life. They jumped and screamed at the man outside, crying like crazy. Begging him to open the door, he clung to the steel doorknob with both hands in astonishment, hesitating, hesitating again and again

Soon, the green smoke began to diffuse in the biochemical laboratory. The faint green mist dissipated in the air, but everyone felt fear. The white director had rushed to the glass cabinet by the wall and grabbed A gas mask was put on his face, and the remaining ones were quickly taken away.

The director wearing a gas mask again turned on the computer in a hurry, called out a first-level virus protection program, and issued the alarm level to "most critical"

"Hurry up and ventilate," the laboratory director shouted through the gas mask. A laboratory worker ran to the wall and smashed the big red alarm button on the wall with his elbow.

Soon, on the top of the laboratory, the circular wind tunnel began to work, and the four huge exhaust fans rotated to drain the air in the laboratory in the shortest time.

With the strong updraft, some people's hair floated up.

"Quick, the third step" the white director commanded hoarsely, the third protective procedure was opened, and the intertwined fire-fighting water pipes on the roof were activated, and the diluted disinfectant poured everyone into a mess like rain.

We did everything that was supposed to be done. Everyone was standing there in a daze wearing gas masks, not knowing what to do for a while, looking at each other through the two round black hole-like eye masks in the gas masking area, a trace of fear arose in their hearts.

They know what they are researching, and they also know that this kind of protection may only make up for it, but in their hearts they still hope that there will be a little more chance of survival.

Slowly, the exhaust fan stopped, the indoor ventilation was completed, and the spraying of the disinfectant stopped, leaving only ticking bits of scattered residue, dripping into knee-deep water.

"We're fine, it's great, hahahaha, it's so thrilling" a young boy suddenly laughed.

Everyone seemed to feel a kind of comfort in his words immediately, and they gave each other high-five for good luck, God bless

"Ah" a person suddenly strangled his throat, and his eyes popped out like a throat tube was pinched by an unfamiliar hand, and then everyone in the laboratory had severe breathing difficulties.

They ripped off the gas masks frantically and tore their clothes to pieces. The huge torture of the itchy and itchy delivery forced them to scratch every inch of their skin. Some people poured it into the disinfectant, and the skin was corroded by the disinfectant. Immediately there was a large amount of redness and swelling

In a blink of an eye, the laboratory that was still active just now became a **** on earth. The power-off protection program was turned on. Only a red warning light was left whistling and spinning, alternately refreshing the painful and desperate expressions on people's faces, and some people ran desperately. When he got to the door, he hit the metal protective door with his head, and his head broke and his skull broke.

"Alert alert the Ministry of Biochemistry and Biochemistry virus leaks, please withdraw from the experimental area alert, alert" the cold and ruthless female voice announced this message in the air without emotion.

The doors of a dozen laboratories on the periphery opened. Thousands of laboratory employees swarmed out like a hospital after get off work, and Zhang Huang rushed towards the door of the laboratory building in confusion.

When the crowd rushed to the gate, it was discovered that the electronic sensor had already locked several exits, and no one could leave.

So someone removed the metal chair on the side for rest, smashed the door like crazy, the light sound knocked everyone's eardrums, there was a woman's sharp crying, and a sour smell in the air was permeating.

The sun is still shining outside, and people walking on the street not far away are not aware of anything at all. The design of this laboratory building is absolutely closed. Once there is any accident, even the sound cannot be heard.

When "Lu Fang" Thunder God burst in from outside, Lu Fang was sitting comfortably on his sofa and sipping a cup of coffee.

"Quickly, there was a virus leak in the laboratory building, and all the physical firewalls were activated, and everyone in it was locked out," Raytheon shouted loudly.

Lu Fang shivered, the coffee cup fell on the crystal floor of the office and smashed. He also hurriedly touched the crutches and stood up: "Coco, is she in there?"

"Nonsense, she lives in it" Thor angrily complained, "I told you that it's not safe there. If something happens, I won't be able to run away."

"Go, go fast" Lu Fang almost dragged a cane in a trot, and completely lost his usual steadfast appearance. He rushed out the door while talking, his stiff body barely matched the movements of his body.

At the monitoring center outside the laboratory building, Lu Fang and Raytheon called up real-time monitoring images. The hundreds of cameras in the laboratory building monitored the movements of every corner, and they were clearly visible here.

All the people fell to the ground, like a battlefield with corpses all over the field after a battle.

"Center, look at the center" Thor's voice urged anxiously, with an extremely anxious look in his eyes.

Lu Fang glanced at him sideways and called out the picture silently. In the light gray-green smoke, all the people in the biochemical department laboratory were also dead. The corpse floated horizontally on the water more than half a meter deep in a strange shape.

Looking inside, the materials laboratory is empty, no one only some cold equipment and 3D printers are still working alone.

This laboratory building is a circular structure with dozens of branches on the outer edge, which are responsible for some experimental work of collecting data. The middle level is the biochemical department. Due to the need for confidentiality, each layered employee cannot communicate with each other. When moving around, the space between the various departments is relatively closed.

The next ring is the new material experimental area, which is an important area in charge of Wang Yanke, and the center of the entire experimental building is the Tianyin Super Brain Laboratory, where Wang Yanke established his own super brain. The brain is used to summarize and calculate experimental data.

At this moment, there are only two people left in the central laboratory, Wang Yanke and a senior engineer at Tianyin computer maintenance, an engineering man with glasses, and a freckled guy. Because he works with a mouse all the year round, his right hand has five fingers. It was pinched together unconsciously, so everyone gave it a nickname called mouse.

"We should go and see what's going on outside, maybe" Wang Yanke suggested cautiously.

The mouse lay on the window of the closed door and glanced out, shook his head, and died. I don’t know what the source of the leak was. We can’t take risks. Wait, wait for the rescue team to come.


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