Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1003: Occupy Griffon Canyon

"We haven't made the preparations for the Hanhai Kingdom yet? How long will it take."

Luo Jia said first: "We can attack the Vast Sea Kingdom right now, as long as they don’t have any major accidents, they are definitely not our opponents. It’s just that there are many murlocs in the eastern waters, and the murlocs belonging to the empire are fighting. They are fighting. It is expected that it will take some time to resolve."

No way, the empire didn't want to keep these murlocs, so they let the murlocs fight each other.

The murlocs are dead and clean, which is good for both the Empire and Du You. As for the shore of the Vast Sea Kingdom, it has nothing to do with them. They really have no interest in the impact of these murloc deaths on the vast sea kingdom.

Saria's mood is obviously much better: "Just wait until the end of this month or the beginning of next month. Our ship preparations are still a little insufficient and need to be remodeled according to the new arms. By the end of this month, it should be possible to complete the remodeling."

Du You nodded slightly: "Very well. This period of time is just right to stabilize the coastline. At the beginning of next month, we will have the second batch of Tier 5 arms, and by that time these giants will also have evolved. By then, our bargaining chips will be even greater. too much."

After thinking for a while, Du You said, "So in the next period of time, there should be nothing wrong with us."

Saria immediately shook her head: "No, there is one more thing. Griffon Canyon is completely covered by our territory. I plan to take Griffon Canyon down. Those griffins can not only train the Griffin units in the territory, but also train some ordinary lions. The Eagle unit is not recognized by the territory, but it can be used, and there are more."

Griffon Canyon? Du You's eyes lit up, as if he had forgotten this place.

"So have you figured out the power of Griffon Canyon." This is what worries Du You the most.

"It has been investigated clearly. We found that there are only three Griffin Kings in Griffon Canyon that are Tier 5, and the others are Tier 4. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you can let the lord get more benefits."

Du You was very satisfied with this. He was really a good subordinate, thinking about himself everywhere. After thinking about it, Du You realized that his mind was a bit crooked, so he quickly coughed to get himself back to normal. The influence of this dragon bloodline is really getting bigger and bigger.

This time he conquered the seaside and hunted down a large number of Tier 4 murlocs, although they were all semi-finished products, they wouldn't give him any good things. But this batch of semi-finished products brought a lot of crystal coins to itself.

Du You did some calculations, and found that his current crystal coins had no problem when he reached the next level until he reached level 39. It's just that Du You is not in a hurry to upgrade. It is better to accumulate more coins at this level first.

"In this case, let's attack." Du You ordered, and his forces were immediately transferred.

The fighting inside one's own territory, it is impossible for the outside world to find anything special.

On this day, the battle in Griffon Canyon suddenly broke out. A group of Gryphon riders and a large number of soldiers poured into Griffon Canyon, and when they saw the griffon, they began to slaughter and capture wildly. The calm of Griffon Canyon for many years has been completely broken.

"They have appeared." Suddenly, there was a loud voice in the distance, and the three Griffin Kings flew out with a terrifying aura. All three are Tier 5, which is the existence they are exploring.

It is precisely because of these three Tier 5 Griffin Kings that Griffin Canyon will always exist, otherwise it would have been occupied by the Empire. Now, it happened to be cheaper for myself, this is a big meal delivered to my door.

Du You and the two sisters frantically hunted Tier 4 Griffins. For Tier 5, Du You was not an opponent at all, but he didn't need him to deal with it. When the Griffin appeared, the Tier 5 arms that had been hidden around it had already taken action.

A spatial barrier instantly bound a Griffin King in place. Then a space blade cut a Griffin King in half. In an instant, several knights riding red lizards suddenly flew up and bombarded the last Griffin King wildly. In the end, the desperate Griffin King slightly injured a knight, and the Griffin King was killed.

Du You didn't dare to step forward in this kind of battle, because he knew that he would finish the game if he was not careful. The benefits are endless, but Du You is absolutely unwilling to go up and desperately under the circumstances.

With this time, it would be better to hunt more Tier 4 Griffins. In the end, there was only one Griffin King, unable to recover. Although he kept screaming, he could only watch himself being killed.

The other Tier 5 arms have been dispersed, completely enclosing the entire Griffin Canyon, and suppressing these Griffins with their own aura.

The whole battle lasted for a whole day, and then the Griffins were dispersed. It took three days to finally clean up the entire Griffin Canyon. Not all griffins are killed, at most two-thirds of adult griffins are killed.

The remaining third and the young griffins are kept, controlled by the wind king griffins in the territory.

At this time, in the Griffin Canyon, all Griffins above Tier 4 were killed, and those with Tier 3 and above could only be surrendered. Facing the superior, these griffins dare not make random times.

"Great. The harvest this time is really great. With so many griffin eggs, the griffins definitely can't hatch. Take out all the extra. Then you can hand it over to Li Minglu for him to deal with. We will definitely be able to Make a lot of money."

The highest grade griffon eggs even topaz coins can be sold. There are also those few Tier 5 griffon eggs, once aquamarine coins are sold, there is no problem. With such a big gain, this action is worth it.

Salia nodded slightly, in fact, Salia had already begun preparations before Du You confessed.

"Those griffin corpses, all the materials on their bodies are cleaned out, and if they are valuable, they will be certified and sent to the earth. If they are not valuable, they will be sold in this world. I think the empire should like this batch of goods very much. "

Saria continued to record, and did not take the initiative to make any comments.

In the end, Du You said: "In the future, this place will be where we cultivate griffins. In the future, there will be more griffins. Maybe we can sell them directly to the major forces, but we have to control them." Du humorously thought.

After a long time, Saria finally spoke: "Lord Lord, maybe we can upgrade the Griffon Lair. Then I can have a second Tier 5 unit building." This time, they got it by destroying Griffon Canyon. The most needed material.

There is no way to build other units, but the griffon lair has reached the advanced requirements.

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